time izzat kat Iman 148....ada certain day diorang ada water play tak??

I read da memo pasted @ anaqi comm book yest...Every thur diorang suruh pakai swim wear

tak pulak

tak pernah dapat memo for water play

new activity agak yer

or they usually do it in the afternoon so izzat tak participate
speaking of pple not giving up seats to preggy, i ingat that time, it came out in the papers.
this guys was quoted saying something like, "why shld i give up my seat to a preggy lady? its not medically proven that a pregnant lady cannot stand for a period of time."
what a moron!
nora, tak lah they do it like ard 9+...last week diorang da test out....tu baju uniform basak...n the gugu put the wet clothes kat dalam plastic
oh.. so come to sch already wear baju 'imming

no izzat tarak that arrangement

kalau izzat pakai baju 'imming.. worr.. sexy worr
but not really tau mas

some guys soo mcp and tarak otak

my hb got a colig who didnt know which outlet babies come out from

for the longest time he thot its the *s*hole...

i pri sch i thot org datang rumah kite and kasi baby

tadahhhh .. thats how babies come from .. hahahhah

LUNCH!!! its nasik ayam black pepper today.. yeehaaa
hallo hallo...

tadi i baru makan nasi sambal goreng, mintak tambah rendang daging its $3 xtra..mak oi~~ dah $6 total.....dah kempunan punya pasal terima ajerlahh..feeling makan lauk raya..heheh....
walaikumsalam liz,

Dan u can book via SAP portal...pat rumah pon leh book....

i pergi on sun
but on fri dah kena collect...
hantar on wed....

that time i gi jurong bird hub tak ikut sama...but i bawak my hub punye work pass....dorang mintak
hmmmm...guys yg tak kasi seat...shld be caught n made to wear 10 kg of rice pack tied to their stomach.....for at least 6 mths!....

i pernah gi Jurong Bird Park tapi dah lama lah...

but recently baru gi Zoo used Cip nye 50% tickets...
now zoo dah best lah at the pool for the kids
back from lunch.. yum yum ...


mahal yer mintak lauk lebih add $3

so its just like makan hidang kira lauk separate.. ish ish ..
I went to teh zoo two weekends ago

masok at 10.30 keluar 6.30

tu pun tak habis visit semuer sedare and sahabat handai

BUT the waterplay area is a big No No for me

tak kuasa nak deal with extracting my boy out of there
<font color="119911">wah NAw im impressed u pi zoo hehe yelah u kan segan dgn mr Sun hehe..

anyway tadi masa tg bus nak alik opis, dlm byk2 org pat Q tu, burung chose aku utk diberakkan seh.. ish nasib sikit on my cardigan haiz.. burung.. burung.. (ni petanda bagus ke tak eh? hehe)</font>
Wah, semua dah lunch?
Baru sampai rumah my mother.
Bibik masak ikan kicap.
Waiting fr my hb to come bk to eat together.
But perut dah lapar!!

Zu, how do u celebrate cny?
Visit yr ILs?

pi zoo then last sat pi airshow ..... gelap aku nie sekarang

terpaksa pakai bedak yg gelap sikit if not i look kelabu

mr sun tu sukerrr sekali dgn aku

i think its a good sign la kena bird shit

but personally i no experiance la
<font color="119911">NAw
wow u pi airshow lagi? awesome.. hehe ku tak sanggup seh nak pi tpt tu terpanas sgt thus i gave alot of xcuses sampailah over pung haha

tulah tak tau bagus ke tak ni..
pernah gak sblm ni kena berak dek si burung 2 kali seh n in btwn kena kencing lagi.. ah tul nya cam nak rembat seh tu burung.. dlm byk2 org pat pasar tu aku yg kena berak &amp; kencing dia? ish..</font>

so terrible the sun

the walking
the q-ing

balik right ankle swollen

darah up up up cam tu jet fighter jugak
lady lulu

bagus jugak tu

org ingat kau tourist from middle east

bukak burqa .. BOOMZZZ

air bawak lebih k

mineral water small bottle $2

others 500ml $3.00

i think by sunday shd be

they are paying rental for prime retail space

plus org dapat duit ang pow nak belanje ... heheheh

there's always monday and tuesday . the thot makes me smile
remember the days makcik makcik jual airbatu dlm plastic yg panjang and ikat getah at the end

ade color color and oso bubur kacang

nice hor ...


eh teringat seh dulu my friend punya mother, tinggal tingkat dua at the block opposite my pri sch, jual those things. 20 sen je. those were the days...

sekarang kalau jual gitu, kena saman dgn nea agaknye
