<font color="119911">san
taklah coz i was rushing for time ah babe, coz if i were to wait for e bus to pusing &amp; picked me by then it wld be abt 12.50 or 12.55pm already coz i was at e bus stop at 12.35pm.. as i had lunch at off tak balik dgn my collgs ah.. so had to take cab to rush.. hmm bt i tink e clr cam a bit terang ah for me. or mayb haha ku kiasu pakai DMU on top of my MAC?</font>
Yes Nora. Just to take more medicines. Cos ubat dah running low. Takut kena attach lagi, ubat takder.. So must stock up a lot.

Brain Scan was ok, except for some small veins that is due to stress. Nothing major on the other blood vessels. Doctor told me to relax and dun think too much.

But i guess i know the problem. My bedrooms have clutters. I need to de-clutter, so my mind is at ease.
<font color="ff6000">*slaps forehead*
Apa kena pulak dgn u pakai DMU abv ur MAC?
Kang jadi wayang pekji tau!</font>
<font color="119911">san
haha kawanmu kan GILA? hehe sal ku ghairah nak tgk e result haha takpe jap lagi ku pi bersihkan muka &amp; reapply DMU balik haha</font>
<font color="0000ff">San
si nshahi ni dia dah tak sabar nak try tu DMU..

kesoh sey si nshahi ni.. LOL

ehh tadi asal kau tiba2 je hilang eh.. aku pun lost sey kat farmtown </font>
<font color="119911">lynn
haha gue kan mmg camtu.. tak sabar on anything yg baru beli hehe...

entah i cari u, bt u were not there so i pun kuar ah</font>

worth tau $26 only

then kalau kau tak suke kasi anaqi brush and water a bit dah boleh buat kaler kaler

tak rugi gerl

tu mask masih belum pakai, sayang u.. nanti tunggu posa
usually posa my skin sure terok bec lack water and SLEEP

Me tgk make up sampai pening le tak tahu mana nak pilih he he...
Me cari yg complete set ada lip liner,blushes &amp; eye shadow
<font color="000000">Tania
beli lah..i think for that complete set, would prefer matte one..tak suka shiny2..heheh

Super77 just replied me, 28 Neutral and Blushers palettes are already sold out and will not be bringing in anytime soon.
<font color="119911">san
lol tak da keja eh aku? me tgh bercucuk tanam tak tau? tak leh pakai make up bbyk nanti CAIR tau, panas pat kebun</font>
<font color="000000">Tania

78V1 classic (mostly gold)
78V2 more silver/grey/black highlighters.

Depending whether u like more gold or silver highlighters.

Fyi, both have mixed matte and shimmer eye shadows/highlighters.</font>
<font color="000000">Tania
hehehe..yeah! i love it so much, can play around with the colors..

don fgt to buy eye make up remover...apply..remove..apply..remove..hehehehe</font>
<font color="0077aa">
Alo semua! masih awake ke dah tido?

Finally i have some time to surf the net a bit. Adam dah bobok. Jut got back from airport &amp; tampines mall. Ingat nak get a new phone coz my old one dah rosak2... tapi sayang nak part with the $$$. Last2 adam yang dapat a new train...

Re : make up
jeles seh tengok orang pandai berhias. I'm so not a make up person. I don't even know where i dah letak my eyeliner. Hilang.

Mdm wati
Good to know things are good with you. I agree, try de-cluttering yr bedroom. You akan rasa lebih nyaman. My rumah ni pun banyak sekali clutter. Esp adam's toys. But i try to not have so many things in the bedroom. Kasi kepala otak rilek sikit...hehehe...</font>
Notty ..

Raya ni le make up habis habisan...u pun apa kurangnya lawak ha ha...


Cuba le make up tk cuba mana tahu

Okie le semua me gg home chat tmr BYE.....
I was reading the archives abt the safety harness for kids. My sis got 1 for her 16-mth old girl. I was thinking of getting one for Ayuni, just in case i need it eg. when I go out with my 2 kids alone. If I have Aisha in sling and Ayuni walking, the harness would be good in case she let go of my hand and run off. Think its the same as what mamaliz described. My niece's nyer is bear hugging the back with a pocket for the leash. Without the leash attached its like a softtoy bag.

We tried it out on Ayuni for an shopping outing when my sis left it at my home. Actually, my hubby quite like the harness idea since last time though he does make fun of it (abt it being similar to dog leash). It is tiring chasing after an active boy. Sometimes, kids can do things that we do not have time to react to. Plus, u can't possibly be Flash fast enuff to run to him and stop certain things from happening. With the harness at least he knows how far he can go from u and at the same time gives him the freedom to walk around. I mean, u dunt need to tug at it everytime, only when necessary.
<font color="119911">morning
smua lagi tido kah?

ur hub in SMRT kan? if i need to complain abt LRT u tanyakan camne bleh? </font>
morning babes!!!takde time nak chat banyak..almaklumlah nak kena rush to the expo..just saw you all talking abt makeup wshop..if you want, can organise one only for SMH mums also..lagi fun kan!and kecoh, i'm sure!hehe...anything PM me at Fb or sms me k..,miss u babes..lama tak join in..dah lost track of updates..btw, tks for the support mummies!
Selamat Pagi sumer.... baru minum hot chrysanthemum tea and 1 pc of epok-epok sardine.
Burp* Syukur Alhamdulilah.

Im thinking of going to Singapore Expo tonite ah. See see look look. Nak survey2 pelamin... LOL* Tak lah.. nak survey ayat2 gantungan.

Smalldreams, yes.. de-clutter will ease my mind. Rumah i nak buat simple giler ah.. tak nak byk barang.. But my hubby on the other hand, konon2 nak jadi collector... Dia collect benda unique like coke lah, toys lah.. i memang tak minat. Dia berangan nak beli display unit nak letak harta-karun dia.. Then i ask, kalau berabok, you gie kemas eh... Member boring jer..

Tapi nasib, my hubby tak simpan ikan.. i rasa kalau rumah i ada tank ikan, confirm berkeladak.. hehehe
sekarang tank ikan dah canggih...ade self-cleaning....

baca Sunday Times?....some p-ple collect 'things' then buat cam 'muzeum display'...tapi nak maintain dia...terima kasih ajerlah....
Fish tank... sigh....

semalam pi leng kee C&amp;C sebelah tu ade jual furniture

so cute bed budak budak, shape keta and bus etc
Lina, shhh.. mintak2 my hubby wont ever get to find out about the tank or the muzium display. Simplicity is better.
