<font color="0000ff">today i skip lunch.. need to settle my werk asap.. lepas tu nak balik..

boss just msn me.. suruh balik!</font>

Erhem Mas..
Cepat dah place order kat Super77!!
I masih so fickle..

Anyone can advise DMU punya eyeshadow base in liquid form ke cream form and how much again?

Dont know why now in mood to try dolling myself up..jap lagi nak collect fake eyelash kat paris..mcm excited!!
<font color="119911">hi all, dah mamam?

DMU's lipgloss a'ah soo nice seh smlm try tp tkpe ah masa tak mengizinkan utk browse lama, will order thru their webbie, since smlm dah try their clrs hehe</font>
h<font color="119911">i aishah
welcome on board
pls intro urself
married? kids? how many? how old? stay where? work where? work as wat? hobby? hehe
anymore? anybody wanna add?</font>
hi nshah, am pregnant with my first child which is due on 30 Aug am staying at central area near kkh..working at macpherson.
hobby for now is eating a lot.. hehehe

Here we hv a lot of lovely mommies n even grandma...hihihi

Mira, has 5 kids...

tak der experience pon kena belajar coz dah anak sendiri...hihihi

so u r giving birth at which hospital...?
<font color="0000ff">Hi Aishah
Welcome welcome..!!

over kau ehh.. tanya mcm2, takut org tu nanti.. hehehe

ahhh dah lapar pulak..!! arrgggggggg tau tadi gi bawah beli roti...</font>
<font color="000000">Lina *toink*

aku tak work arr...anak aku ada E-learning Day..pagi2 dah buat retail therapy..hehhehe</font>
<font color="0000ff">Quote **notty,
oh e-learning,ibu dia e-shopping.....**

anak dia e-learning.. maknya e-shopping.. jadi tak buang masa.. LOL

btw i'm still at ofis lah, lagi jap going off.. </font>
<font color="000000">Lynn
tak e-shopping,at 10am aku dah kat Tampines One Cold Storage beli ingredients for Bulla Chicken. Then, off to Tampines Mall shopping..hehhehe..

By the time aku balik anak aku dah habis assignments..tinggal aku kasi dorang kerja je skrg..LOL!

Happy Banget nari..oven dah baik..nak bake2 kejap lagi...arini will b having, Rendang Ayam Kampong and sushi.

Hi Aishah T, welcome to the club. Me 29, mother to Maya, age 21 mth. Full time werking mum in Tuas area. Staying at Jurong West.
<font color="0000ff">Logging Off now..


Enjoy ur weekend..!!</font>
<font color="119911">lynn
hehehe alah takpe ah ku start kan lah dulu, since korang smua takda tadi kan.. tp hehe ni aisyah senyap je dah lari kot?

aisyah O aisyah.. where r u? oh 1st time mum eh? bestnya nak dekat eh.. dah prep smua? mesti gembira kan 1st time parents to be..

as for me im 29yrs old, marries with 2kids age 4yrs- girl, 5yrs-boy.. staying at bp working at changi.. hobby pun suka makan.. tp tak preggy tp org ttp ingat preggy sbb buncit memanjang</font>
Good Afternoon, Ladies.

Welcome, aishah.
I am mother of 5 that Lina mention. work at Gateway and live in Woodlands.

Becuase of headaching, on leave this morning. And because of the dept gathering, die die also have to come back to office...cause they prepare Halal food for me this Paiseh if don't turn up...
Lina, aku baru nak pergi lepas kerja lah. Belum bau lagi kway teow tu... Hehehehe...

Poor thing Mira... still must go back office. But then never mind lah. Friday liao...
Lina, Wati.
"sign" not choose. Tonight will be a long night because they going to KTV to sign..don't know my head can take it or not...
Luckily tomorrow saturday.
Ya lor...that why I want to prevent the relationship become more sour thats why die die also must husband make noise also...

Some more they want me to sing...I'm try to escape.. mainly because I cannot sing..."sign"

u sing dondang sayang

pulau pandan jauh ke tengah
gunung baik bercabang tiag
hancur badan di kandung tanah
budi baik di kenang juga

little nyonya so popular mah..
they sure like dondang sayang

if go ktv i also siam.. dun like
Nshah, met up with doctor. Gave me more sleeping pills. Heehe... Tu jer.. Dia suruh i take note of my migraine pattern. Lagi 3 bulan pergi lagi.
Hoefully the food is least can eat.

Ny then too late liao...I need it tonite...hihihi..

since you are sending the ear plug to me...then you sing record and sent to me also lah...hihihi..
