eh kira flawless blusher n lipstik eh...jadi kita kena bawak foundation,powder sendiri eh??...

hmm aku da tersampuk ke>>,,,banyak betul nak tanya..

i think naz wont mind la pakai DMU things

but its also good to bring what u have so she can advise suitable or not

aku pi workshop semuer barang barang aku bawak

face cleanser yang wipes bring also
Lynn, sounds interesting eh the make up class. But the place is so far from me actually. I went once to try out her products and had her made me up for the Air Supply concert. She made my skin look super flawless.
<font color="0000ff">Naqi
kau PM naz, plus aku sekali ehh.. how the payment ehh? kena bayar dulu kan.. anything nanti kau sms aku k

jom ahh join.. when u said, she made ur skin look super flawless.. aku pulak yg excited.. hehe

apa2 lagi kena bawak?? </font>
Lynn, dalam FB, album The night I have been waiting for tu ada gambar muka I kat Tang Tea Hse. After the whole concert, muka tetap fresh. Takde touch up touch up.
<font color="000000">Lynn
I think for those yg pakai tudung kalau pegi the Tudung Workshop mmg worth least u cld apply what u hv learnt.

If you want to learn make up only, I suggest u join the Flawless base Makeup Workshop...

But if you think, you need more attention because you really dont know how to make up, then take up the 1 to 1 personal workshop. Some people nak voice out segan kan..jadi 1 to 1 u'll hv Naz by urself.. </font>
"After the whole concert, muka tetap fresh. Takde touch up touch up."

jeles ah akak....

i very kiasu... nak belajar tak boleh malu per
selagi selagan i bawak

but esentials are clenser wipes, moisturiser and sunscreen
normal wet wipes and tissues will come in handy
hair clips or hair band, but korang pakai tudung shdnt be a problem

i think naz will also send email on what u gals shd bring

enjoy the experiance
<font color="0000ff">Betty
skg jugak aku gi tgk ur pic at FB.. hehehe

i just want to learn basic je dulu.. klu yg 1 to 1 tu pun bagus jugak.. tapi aku segan ah nak gi sorang.. sebab tu cari members.

like i said, i try out tis one first.. klu selesa more to come.. hehehe</font>
<font color="000000">Lynn
u go gerl!!

I pon nak tanya Naz if she has mekap with hairstyling 1 to 1 personal workshop..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Just called hb.. told him, my schedule is blocked on 1 aug from 3-5 cos nak attend makeup workshop..

he said "skg ni mcm2 activities u ada ehh, first mthly gathering lah lepas tu nak BW lah, ni makeup workshop pulak.. nx apa pulak nanti..!!"

kwang kwang kwang.. membebel pulak laki aku ni.. LOL</font>
<font color="119911">lynn
hahaha tulah membebel plak dia.. ckp dgn dia smuanya i buat utk u lah darl hehe</font>
hallo hallo....*ngah mamam tuna melt toast*

wahhh...pi make up class worrrrrrr......u ladeis shud organize a spree...hehehe...all the mummies here n a few kenalans then get naz to conduct a class for us...cfm tak segan silu kita nak bertanya...heheh
Aku pun kalau apa2 selalu minta permission.. And my hubby's reply will be...

"Pergilah sayang... kesian you penat kerja.. go and enjoy yourself with your forum friends.."

My reply will be.. "Thank you sayang.. Nanti malam i reward you....wink* wink*"

Tu ler.. nasib baik aku pun selalu "ON".. Lol

Hehehe...any tips to do home facial remedy ? Muka i DAMN Oily.... sigh*
Wah semangat semua eh nak raya, beli make up, beli footglide takut kaki melecet pakai kasut baru nanti..ada sampai take up make up class lagi!!
<font color="000000">Nshah
dah mamam..

just applied leave tmrw, coz both my younger ones need not go school due to E-learning Day. They will have to access sch portal @home..</font>
<font color="000000">Sher
dah 2 tahun they practice this for P1 to P5 students only..

120 colours palette
u da order lom fm Super77. Cheap tau for $26, I bought fm Multiply for $30 and dlvy $6. Lama seh nak sampai. Super77 ada ready stock lagi..</font>
<font color="0000ff">senyap je..

sempat kau beli DMU's foundation during lunch ehh.. ramai org sana?

E-learning Day ~ u mean every student will have their own pc/notebook? how it werked ehh?

<font color="119911">gal
tulah i heard abt that Elearning too.. dat dae my collg took 2days off to do it at home for his son's school.. tp she said stress &amp; rushing hehe coz e timing really cam school timing &amp; break only 1hr hehe so dia nak masak smua kelam kabut

went to expo fair tadi, aduh byk baju ku berkenan tp apa kan daya lum gaji.. dpt beli foundation dari DMU je heheberkenan dgn baju2 butterfly hehe</font>
<font color="119911">lynn
hehe a'ah sempat u.. pi tumpang collg car, then balik ingat nak naik bus, duh bus tu stop lain tpt ku kena tgl terus naik cab ah ok ah.. coz i tak nak buang masa &amp; nak makan my own bekal, nasi, sup ayam &amp; sayur brocolli
ramai noh.. by e time i nak alik peh ramai makcik2 n pakcik2 hehe</font>
Notty, kira aku amik time off ler.. hehehe
Anyway, boss takder, so should not be a problem.

Nshah, ada apa kat expo tu ? Baju murah2 ker mahal? And then ada jual ayat2 tak ?
<font color="000000">nshah
is it?? mine just a day aje..

lucky i ada desktop and they can log in their sch portal individually at the same time. But my sons dah biasa log in internet, so dont really need me to monitor. The session only last fm 2-3 hours last year, not sure abt this year. I saja take leave so any extra time available , I will give them personal tuition, so the day will not go wasted.

The students will need to log in school portal using school ID, students birth certificate# and password. They will have to complete all the assignments given within a stipulated time.</font>
<font color="119911">wati
ada macam2 ah.. ada makanan, ada bridal, ada make over, ada baju ah byk lagi which i nvr go &amp; menjelajah.. coz i came specially utk naz's booth je hehe.. shld hv ayat2 ah go &amp; c ah if u can dear.. ttg murah or mahal me not sure, tgk byk berkenan tp tak bleh tanya, pantang hehe

ah tulah entah y for his school 2days n session from morning till 2pm seh.. same like school timing..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Notty
ohh, ingatkan ikut mcm sch timing gitu.. every lesson will thru E-portal..

suka lah budak2 ehh.. learning from home, berapa jam je kan..

but eh, if we have 2/3 kids.. but only 1 pc at home.. susah jugak.. hhmmmm

mcm2 skool ni skg.. very e advance.. </font>
<font color="000000">Nshah
aku tak main lah farmtown...tu SL pon tak..balik nnt kalau log in SL have to slap Dan..amanah tu..hehhee

last year, when i have 1 pc, my sons have to take turns doing their assignment. That prompt me to get a laptop. Other than the E-learning day, they often have hmwk on weekdays..and need to check emails and do projects..pdhal baru P1 &amp; P2..</font>
<font color="0000ff">P1, P2.. dah ada email and project.. stress sey..!

bukan budak2 tau stress.. mak2 yg stress.. hehehe</font>
<font color="ff6000"> back from Expo.

Belum ramai sangat when I reached there BUT ada 1 makcik tiba-tiba collapsed tadi. Kesian sey but alhmdllh, she recovered aft 10 minutes.

Ada jual ayat-ayat but price wise, not to sure.

Beli make up smpi balik naik cab?
U pon! Engrossed eh tgk make ups DMU?
So, now u noe the colours already?</font>
<font color="000000">Nora
lasting...but i apply eyeshadow base first, baru senang melekat and blend well

B4 that i just apply without the base mcm tak even gitu (tak melekat) abis berterabur pat bwh mata..</font>
