nora aw,
How are you?..

totally free but sorry cant make it..i am down with flu since last week..last nite my fever went back up whole body so weak..
ride cab to my mum plc..waste $...if not can ride bus...

me o ok la.. occasionally hit by lazy bug only

take care of that flu.. now macam mcm sakit, my mom say musim mangga is musim sakit..
but i see mangga everywhere all the time
hi thankz...
now i letting myself sweat..
nope not working still..still not in the mood to look for 1..dont know why..
how are you?...
how your job so far?
nora aw,
oh....if the mango in season..season sick..i see..yup now EVERYWHERE can see mango
Thank you..the rest of the sick can handle..only the wanna bang my head on the wall..
<font color="000000">Elle
I am good, Alhamdullilah..

It has been sold to one of the mommies here. Now room still under maintenance..LOL!!

Me too down with flu..tomorrow got plan with galfrens, hopefully wld b better..donno whr to chill out yet..sigh..

Deal done!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">slynn,
nak pay in msian currency or what is the exchange rate?
the long sleeve tu for kids or adults?</font>
Nora - RM96
Mas - RM96
Lynn - RM74
Lynzi - RM148
Ju - RM118

Exchange rate - i will only noe AFTER i wire the money via Western Union
<font color="ff0000">Nottygal

Think you kena attacked by seeing the house is it??

Selamat nari every hr ku deposit my cash....

Kena attacked but no cash involved and i dah hit 1k SISTERS

oh....bagus bagus business
<font color="ff0000">Ok Mommies, I nak LO...

Nari work eh??
Kalua nak balik together gather at CThall sms me k

Bye semua...chao chincao
<font color="aa00aa">slynn,
ok on top of my shirt sets, i nak order 5 Upin handphone straps and another 5 of Ipin handphone straps.
shipping berapa eh?</font>
<font color="119911">hi..
smua mesti tgh rest2 kan..

anywa6 abt planning
pat NAw quote
"my sis lagi 1st on 14 sept
2nd on 4 sept following yr"
terasa sungguh beta hehe coz my boy 14 july 2004, girl 04 july 2005 hehe..

maju tul biz Upin &amp; ipin awak ye, semoga berjaya..

klah i nak go BERAK..</font>
Hi mummies, There is not much pics tat i took haha agaknye busy makan lol

San, so sad i think not my luck the rate was super low u noe $100 is 710,000RP

Overall, my experience not bad, the massage was satisfying for $20
But i would love to come back to shop with all of u so do plan la..
Nora r
So next time Kalau I pegi dgn u kira u Dah experienced la...

Now I got a problem. according to the tracking system singpost attempted to deliver my registered mail. But biasalah no one bukak pintu so they left the delivery card. Now I can't find the delivery card. U think I can go collect with the tracking no.? anyone ever encounter?
<font color="aa00aa">morning mummies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nora aw,
i just experienced that last week.
boleh urut dada dgn my mil cos she yg terbuang the delivery card.
furthermore, she was at hm when the postman came and she saw but she said..mak takut nak buka pintu..muka dia tak kenal..sighhhhhhhhh
i tot nak go collect from post office just using the tracking no but then lum sempat nak go there, post office sent another delivery letter to the house.
u can also go to singpost website, qoute the article no. and u get the option of then re-delivering item again to your house on the next working day.
as long as u got the no., u cna go collect even though u have lost the letter.

nora r,
wah looks like fun short trip!
i pun nak go batam!!!!!!!!!!
saper nak organise ni??
next month nak tak?

<font color="119911">morning.. morning

i ever been to that rest too i tink its e std place they will brg ppl if they took up the package lunch i guess.. bleh tahan kan makanan dia.. so overall u HAPPY &amp; ENJOY?

yup u can either call them or go there straight with the number at least u ada number dia hehe.. skit hari smua i terhilang ah kau duduk ah situ tg dorang rombak dgn muka bingit.. </font>
