<font color="0000ff">HI back from lunch..

tadi makan chicken chop.. now kekenyangan.. later a meeting.. confirm ngantuk..!</font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Gerlssss

San kirim salam kat u all semua.. she not working today and yesterday.. she said she missed u gerls... hehehhe

Raiyan deman.. now she kat KKH</font>
i baru alik lunch tapi nak kena cont. work....walaupon tgh zzzzz *join lynn*

nie ari kena transfer machine n i hope it does not prolong coz TODAY IS MY DAY...hihiihiih
Pasal barber-
dulu Adam kecik2i ajak pi barber, tapi he scream and shout! so i gunting rambut dia... sampai la tu satu ari, tgh gunting pakai shaver, dia tak tu diam so i byk la tompok2.. apalagi, i trus shave har kasi botak licin.. dat time he was oni 2yo!! then cos of dat dia takmo pi swim class... dia kata takut org tgk... alkisah nya after dat, he rather pi barber then i shave!!
<font color="0000ff">Shahlynn

my order:

Tshirt and short for both I &amp; U (one set each)
Qty: 2 sets
Size: XL
Price: RM37 each set

<font color="119911">lina
malam afdhal babe..

wow chicken chop yummy.. ku tahan je kelaparan gue till kul 3pm nanti makn je at ehub

khakha.. bagus gak anak hang tau malu.. anak gue tak kisah org potong camne janji bukan pi kedai..
wah nak pi ikea? shopping?</font>
<font color="119911">baju upin &amp; ipin
lau kebykkan anak2 u all kai XL hai.. nampaknya no size lah for irfan? Slynn, mika ada size ke?</font>
last week pi ikea cuci mata.. then tis week shopping la bende2 sikit... :p pasal kene wait til 3pm ru makan? posa setengah hari?
<font color="000000">Hello Zu

rajin nye u...

so sleepy...just finish reading paper, lelaki melayu 33yo yg meninggal accident tu...kesian tgk his twins holding his pic...</font>
cakap ajer SAHM... tapi susah ler nk dok rmh!
buntot mcm ade pin tau! haha..
pat luar kan masa tu cepa berlalu
<font color="119911">zu
chet apa seh posa stg hari hehe lau tul ku posa stg hari, malu noh dah tua bangka hehehe..
taklah ada makan at ehub nanti by 3pm while main bowling, makanan dah diserve so ngap je ah

paper mana?</font>
<font color="119911">lynn
ehub, downtown east

oh u amik XL gak? i nak beli takut apa tau, takut dua beradik tu bergaduh.. coz if irfan mayb muat ah bt singkat bt for asiknya confirm tak muat, kang merebut baju tu terus jadi hulk adiknya
<font color="119911">lynn
lau nak tau ehub tulah tpt fav gal bawa anak2 dia wkly on fridays kan gal?
n this is my 1st time jejak tu tpt aft its being renovated seh.. confirm jakun aku</font>
<font color="000000">Lynn,
I’m sure u dah pergi lah….

Yg ada bowling alley, building baru tu under NTUC tu, yg banyk tempat makan tu, yg ada Cadbury ferris wheel tu….
Apalah. Da type panjang2 skali tk le post aiseyman.

Brg lain ble order tk?
Any way 2 get the measurements for the tshirts?takot 2 big 4 my boylah.thanks

Bestnye g bowling.

Bestnye dpt mkn per. .i suke . Alhamdulilah rezki beb jgn ditolak. .

Sedih i baca news report pasal accident tu. .
<font color="000000">Nshah
pandai awak ehh, just bcoz i went thr once aft meeting u..LOL!

This is the nearest plc to brg my kids for some activities..Kid's Explorer or Bowling can make them happy..</font>
U asyik mkn sandwich jer.confirm nk lose weight. At least u ble mkn mcm 2.
I tkde nasi,resah gelisah 1 pun badan da makin 'muscular' post pregnancy weight pun blum lose lagi. Tambah lagi i ambik depo-injection for family planning,makin terbukalah selera i. .how do i lose the xtra weight?sigh
I do not have the measurements of the tees...
So, order only if are comfortable, cos there's no return, no refund....

The cons of buying online - its a risk. A gamble you have to take upon urself.
i wana order cupcake for boy bday...
dia nak buat pat skola so i tot cupcake easier to eat kan. sorang satu.
anyone ble rekomen tak? TIA
<font color="000000">Zu

If not wrong that depo injection to be taken once every 3mths kan...i dulu ambik, ia menggemukakan i stop psl my siblings dah sound why I gemok sangat, but yg best i tak uzur pon..tu yg besttttt!!</font>
<font color="119911">gal
ah tulah e injection tu naik weight lagi cam makin rabak seh.. tp mine every mth je dah tak tahan sakitnya &amp; kancheongnya of not hvg period..</font>
takmo la YAY!! ape guna aku YAY!! laki aku takde ler. wkend and PH dia MESTI nak keje..
tapi takpe, shlynn da date aku!! kan slynn kan? kan? kan?
<font color="000000">Zu
U stay ?If CCK, my godmother is there..she is superb in it will be very convenient for you..she buat for wedding cupcakes all and her cakes is nice...some ppl buat harapkan topping je cantik, tapi kek nye rasa hancur ce..</font>

Ah ah lah.i gemok semcm tau.bila duduk,perot berlapis2. Memang best tk uzur tapi i got spotting of the time. .kadang2 sampai 20 days in a row.lebih rela i uzur kalo mcm 2. Coz ligation is the only solution 4 me tapi i tknklah.coz i canot hav another child. .Anyway skrg u ambik planning by pill ke?
