Talking abt all this bubur, terasa sangat nak makan! My house ni, the hubby tak favorite makan bubur. Must be the culture lah. So if I masak bubur, I shiok sendiri. Tak fun gitu! Tmr go my parents, request my mum masak

Eh, Zu kan EDD 26/12...asal you tertanya? Possible jugak...wait I SMS her...I let you know
You how, wt the baby & Farah...dah walking yet?

Ya I thot Zu EDD is 26th Dec..takkan dia dah 'meletop' siang??

Ckp pasal buburkan..tadi I went to the place RMS recommended(Ayer Rajah) to try their bubur..Personally I feel Taman Sentosa is better..but then again back to one's preference.

How are u?? Long time tak dgr berita..or is it me yg dah lama menghilang...your Fantastic 4 doin great? the twins in school already?
Me blom pop la. Still here!
Like i mention to sasha, actuallt next week kena c-sect! Cos of low placenta. Prob is i feel okie! Boleh jalan mcm biasa lagi. Ru bawak Adam pi zoo. Baby pun okie. Ade ke patut dia suruh i pi c-sect?! Dah la tu ckp my uri ke bawah. I suruh my aunty rase dia kate doc merepek. Amacam nie?! haha.. So gg to tell the gynae i nak normal birth. :p
I think we both dah lama!

My kids: biasalah...the twins started sch which is quite a load off me in the mornings but the youngest have become very clingy de members nak layan dia quite teruk jugak! she very demanding although easy going...

Lately for some reason, me feel so tired out! I need a holiday...get out of this country for a bit....How are you!

Great! Maybe now you can get advice frm the mummies here....i support your decision in having normal birth. If your gynae really trying to fit you in her schedule, then she is selfish lah...very very selfish. Fancy being a woman!

But what will you do if she die-die insist to C-sect on Fri?
I rasa I lagi lama menghilang dari u!
So ur twins in daily playgroup ke u hantar dorang terus to CC(7-7pm)?? Kalau daily pg now its holiday season, I suppose they'll be at home to entertain the at least 'detach' abit frm u..
Talking about holidays...hmm TELL ME ABT IT!!! Kalau given the chance..I would also like to getaway for awhile..phew!!
I'm oklah still surviving with lil monster at home. hari2 ngadap muka each other mana I pergi dia membontot!!

Better get a 2nd opinion..I think Gynae kat Thomson ni suka main 'kerat' jer by giving lame excuses sometimes.. In my case,(also in Thomson), he claimed my baby not growing much at 37 weeks weighing ard 2.++kg jer tau and he suggested as usual 'C' la!! Being the 1st time parentskan so kanchong la..followed his advised scheduled for C Sect at 38wks whc was abt 4 days later tau..To our surprised, my son came out weighing 3.47kg! We were wondering eh hw come within that short period of time his wgt can jump so much..frm there I knew it wasnt the baby's wgt made the issue,it was the doc's own decision to 'force' me to decide on C..On another note..initially I takut to go thru normal birth tapi nak try tapi tak diizinkan..ape lagi..went into depressionla aku!!!
ehhh shermin
ur story mcm familiar gitu. My girl pun didn't grow much since 34 wks.. weighed abt 2kg. Furthermore, after my urine test, I kena Grp B strep-bacterial infection kat vaginal terpaksa c sect at 37 weeks. Dah takut my doter tak grow, i pun hari2 togok HL milk. Bila keluar, nasib baik she weighed 2.6kg. Kalau tk, kena hibernate kwn kita! Tapi itu pun kena masuk ICU pasal dia breathless...

Semalam I suruh makcik urut and she said my perut dah masuk 5 bulan masih tak nampak lagi..then she feel my tummy and said my baby will be a bit small..nampaknya kena togok HL milk lah. Thgis time round mcm pemalas nk mkn ubat and minum susu and soya milk...tak macam first one. SUme relak aje! hb pun asyik complain..

Baby ok. Thurs nanti detailed scan. InsyaAllah all will be fine. Farah still not walking yet. Kaki asyik terjinjit aje tapi crawling superfast and likes to merembat je. She loves to talk too. Calls everyone 'jie jie' - sister in Mandarin cos she always calls the neighbours' children (at my mil's) that. Ur Sarah dah pandai apa?
We should all go out again lah and catch up!

just insist for normal if u feel fine..yalah gynae mana tk nk duit lebih kan? But just remember that it's at ur own risk lah..
hi ibu-ibu,
I tak tahu afghanistan ada jual bubur putih sei!! I tahu kat mukmin, ada jual bubur ayam. Bubur ayam dia best pasal pedas. Dia taruk kuah soto.

Bila i beranak anak no.1, dok i ni encourage normal birth. Jadi, dia selalu beri peransang untuk i lah. Tak de encourage c-sect kecuali kalau memang tak boleh normal birth baru dia suruh c-sect.
My kids are in CC so thats why lah, sch holiday pun si Saarah got no members...lucky I met few mummies & we formed playgroup. Keep both me & her (and hubby) sane!

Hehe, tell me abt it...Saarah is like a shadow that doesnt go away. Kat mana I, kat situ jugak lah dia! Now lagi teruk, she wld pull my hand so that I wld follow her to where or what she wants to do.

Ya up again soon. Kat mana tapi? Lets arrange lah...that time yg holiday tu, we didnt arrange anything as planned.

Si Saarah ni, dah pandai turun naik katil. Climbing everywhere. She started walking at 10mths...mak oi...penat layan kan dia! Now her mulut pun membebel...singing Happy Birthday & Twinkle Twinkle...(tk accurate lah but the tune is there). She is always up to smthg...rummaging thru my drawers etc.

Alah, tak lama si Farah will be walking lah. Wld be fun for you then
You planning normal birth or will just do C-sect this time arnd?

Alhamdullilah, all my pregnancies my gynae never push for C-sect. Except for my 2nd twin lah...tu pun emergency punya pasal & I was so stoned frm the drugs, I pun ikutkan ajelah. Tapi whichever way you choose, I think at the end of the day, its the health & safety of our child (& ourself) that really matters lah.
Hi, i tadi pi gynae. Then told her abt my decision. She insist that placenta masih low so kena c-sect. Bila i bilang tat i wana wait, then dia started telling me abt the dangers. blah.. blah.. blah. Kalo tak percaya tgk gynae lain la. Then dia pun ade cakap dia bukan the sort of gynae yg suke c-sect tak tentu pasal. Macam pakai reverse psychology gitu. So maybe this Wed, hb and i nak pi ask another gynae for 2nd opinion. Ade tak recommendation utk gynae lain?

Hb pun tak convinced dgn dia nye excuse. Ye lah, Adam dulu pun low placenta tp alhamdulillah, towards end of term better. So bab tu la kite tak convinced. Lagi satu, kalo low placenta org kate pat peranakan tu rase sakit. Tym Adam ade la sakit tp now takde rase. My sis pun sama. Tapi doc kate actualy takde rase. Haiz!!! Leceh la...
I ingat nak SMS you ask abt your gynae visit but takut too late to be bothering you pulak.

Pandai ajelah your gynae ni to make up such excuses. Kalau betul betul your placenta low & you & baby are in danger & she is GENUINELY worried, asal tak on the spot admit you & do C-sect. Ish, I benci lah dealing wt people like this! Make you feel so umcomfortable je.

Kesian you, mesti damn stress kan...take a deep breath & smile. Take comfort in knowing that your instinct cant be wrong! After all, its your body & you shd know if smthg is wrong. I think we mothers are born wt this gut feeling (bless us all!). Although abt the pain tu, I tak sure pulak. Maybe depends on a whole lot of stuff...our body type, position of baby etc etc...

My gynae is Dr Benjamin Tham kat KK. He has always been very open & honest wt me but the same, also respects opinions or decisions made during my pregnancies. Easy to talk to & very gentle.

You need anything: help advice what not, you just SMS me ok my dear.
sasha, yup. very worried tak le tido. Ntah betul ntah tidak dia cakap. Spend the whole nite reading abt this. Byk artikel yg i bace kate kalo uri u rendah, like mine, normally will experience bleeeding. Tp for me, alhamdulillah. Takde plak. Then kalo betul i ade prob nie, knape dia tak suruh i refrain from havin sex eh. Artikel pun ade kate it will endanger the baby. Mcm dia ckp semlm, dia tak le buat VE for me cos takot terkena placenta. Mcm contradicting kan. I mean, during sex pun ade penetration, tp takde pun bleeding.

Now tak tau la.. Macam mane. Kalo ade sesiape nak kasi feeedback, i appreciate v much. Cos pikir2, buat ape plak gynae ni nak tipu eh. Ape yg dia dpt? Bingit manzzz!
zu, for mine me went to ultrasound and yes they saw mine uri kebawah meaning tempat keluar baby to block. dorang say to me but gynae say to me. bila me kat labour ward...they scan again tapi uri to dah tak block tempat beranak again... so i give normal birth. before that gynae tak ckp pun i should give birth c-sect. 1 week before me masuk labour memang me kena bleeding and kena warded for 1 days after that ask me to go back home. The next week i give birth not to worry ah i think uri nie bole merayap rayap ah...maybe bila you want to give birth uri dah tak block tempat baby keluar. nie what i experience for my first son
hi ibu-ibu
I harap i boleh tumpang sekaki di sini.

It's quite some time since I last mengandung dan sekarang I sedang mengandung 9 minggu. My gynae dah tak terima kes baru. Ada teman syorkan Dr Benjamin Tham. Is he good?

ibu-ibu yang lain
Ada sesiapa tahu di mana kita boleh beli nasi itik yang halal?
hi mummies,

cakap pasal prima deli, ada sapa2 terkena dat disease? my whole fam abt 30 including babies semua infected.
my bday pulak tu... jemput orang tapi...beri penyakit.

kalau ada anyone infected pse tell me wat u gonna do.

terima kasih mummies
True what you said..ada gynae nak main hentam kerja cepat n duit lebih jer..kalau C,besides the money, they get to clear a patient faster.

Bila fikir2 balik eh, mcm geram gitu tau tak dpt feel the labour pain but at the end of it,am glad my son was ok.

So how abt ur 2nd ni? Are you trying on normal birth? How is your gynae now,is she good? Mine last time during my 1st comsultation with him, he already talked about C section to me tau..and I think he encourage it pasal there were many article abt C sect hung all over his personal clinic in Sembawang..and many of his patients came back with a scar. So that explains..
Insyaallah if I decide to conceive I would like a different gynae altho I cant deny he is a very gd doc apart frm his 'gila' kerat patients..

U better get a 2nd opinion. Like Sasha ckp afterall ur own instinct will tell you what is rite to do.. So hang on babe!!

How do you form the playgroup? ard your place? How fun!!! I wish I have something like that ard my area here..hmm so bila nak meet up lagi eh?

Thanks for informing us..However I am interested more in the viewers comment instead..
An argue topic To use a toilet paper or to wash with water n soap is cleaner??

Sorry cant help u in thtla pasal I tak tahu makan itik..mcm lebih hamis gitukan..
thanks 4 yr concern
adults dah ok, got it since last mon.
except 4 my 1 n half year son n 7 mths nephew masih down wth it but recovering.

dats why i nak cari geng senasib dgn i...
Hi ibu ibu semua

Saya org baru di ruangan ini. Im looking for a job kalau2 diantara ibu ibu pat sini ade kerja kosong in yr company atau di mana2 sahaja boleh lah email saya di [email protected]. I prefer admin job and im available on second week of January next yr. Thks
if u want to try my gynae pat tmc..dr adelina wong. she's v gd. I'm sure she'll gv u her honest opinion.

Bcos my 2nd preg ni tak sampai 2 yrs, i terpaksa dikerat lagi. In fact, my scar timbul lah so I asked my gynae how and she said she'll cut it away and use a special type of plaster. Usually she said after 6 -1 yr shouldn't have any scar.

kesian u..hope the youngsters will be fine!

i pun tak tahu bila and mana kita blh pegi...Saarah cepat dah pandai jln ehhh? Dia start crawling at hw many mths? Farah still jinjit. My mum kata pasal my hb suka tickle her feet, that's y jinjit...tapi pasal bukak drawers and cupboards memang dah rajin!
Poor you! Must feel so teruk...

Welcome! Dr Tham is very gentle, very friendly & bubbly. Honest & open to your ideas & opinions. He also took the initiative to remember all my kids names.

A very easy going doctor to chat with abt anything & everything. You can go in wt a list of 100 questions & he will answer each & every question with patience.

Random ppl frm the Internet. Some are friends, some are ppl I meet on the! We ake turns hosting at each others places or we meet outside.

We can meet up for picnic at the botanic gardens lah.Or if its a small grp, I dont mind hosting. You working these holidays?

Si Saarah tu at 6mths dah crawling, by 10mths walking. Farah in walker or not? Yours & mine, sama kaki lah tu...kaki mengemas! Penat I tell you...
Hope they recover fast..budak2 kalau sakit so pitiful eh..mothers can be very tiring too!!

Your scar develop keloids? Normally aft the 2ndkan pgkan usually gynae will cut. In some cases, I heard gynae uses steroid to stop it frm developing but I do not know if it is a practise here.. your keloids bad? I wonder hw it looks like pasal I dont have any on mine.
I heard its the way you sit after the operation tapi not sure hw true is it eh..

Kalau jadi the gathering..let me knowla..I pun nak join..tapi must have ur twins ard so my monster wont feel left out nanti..kalau kat ur place(toa payoh?) ok not so far..kalau botanics garden...WOW!!! Dont knw if I could make my way there tak..
nt working lah.. til the last week of dec.

time hujan2 ni botanic gardens ok ke? mana tahu lecak ke, pokok tumbang ke...heeheehee
Morning mummies

Thank you. Hai nampak2 kempunanlah i. Tak tahulah, tak semena-mena nak rasa nasi itik... mana nak cari?

Thank you for the info. Lega sikit selepas dengar 1st hand info dari mummy yg pernah jumpa Dr Tham.

How is ur son n nephew? Are they better now? Btw, is it u in today's Berita Harian abt Prima Deli's issue?
Oi over you ni...takkan lah sampai pokok tumbang! Ya lah, now ni kan so called 'monsoon' season so kalau we arrange outdoors then hv to play by ear lah.

How abt gather at my plc but like I said, tak leh accomodate so much lah. My plc ni not so big...

How, nak join tak gathering?

No worries. If you nak set appt wt him, try to get the 1st 2 morning appts...dont need to wait long.
hi mummies.. dah lama tak masuk sini pasal hehe tak tau apa nak write..

anyway mummyish.. ciannya u kena? reramai plak tu.. so do u still have e receipt or proof of the purchase? if u do, keep ok.. jgn buang once they dah bukak, u go to e franchise & file a complaint or kalau tak pun u call up MOM n tanya wat reimbursement u can get.. n tell them u have e proof.. n u want to b covered for ur medical bills for all ur family yg kena tu.. jgn kasi chance..
e owner byk duit ah leh cover smua.. so jgn takut.. u have ur rights to earn back.. coz u beli kek pun duit u pe. pi doc lagi..u try lah.. apa2 bilang kita camne eh
Like u n Sharena ckp..monsoon season ni nak outdoor a bit lecehlah..Kalau ada few boys I can join la..My son ni kalau takde members nanti very sticky to me.

Sesiapa lagi ada anak bujang..joinlah..but if its at Sasha's hse, limited vacancies jer k..

Lama tak nmpk kat sini??Sometimes Im like u too..baca jer tapi got nothing to add..About your suggestion tu, I nvr really thought abt it sey..ada betulnya apa u ckp tu eh..They have to compensate those who are affected.

So Mummyish
tryla mana tahukan..afterall that your family been thru, is it rite to get compensation.
hi shimmers.. sorry eh sbb dah lama tak masuk sini.. sampai dah lupa ur nick hehehe..

tulah selalu masuk gak tp cam tak ada hot topic ah so tak comment ah.. dah makan smua?
mummyish ok sm info for u from the ST.
u can call MOH 18002254122 or AVA 18002262250

hehe sorry dah bukan MOM bt MOH khekhe..
Update on Zu:
She safely delivered baby Sara yesterday at abt 5PM plus via C-sect. Sara weighed 2.65kg at birth.

I just came back from visiting her, both her & baby are doing well. She shd be discharged together wt Sara on Mon.

I shall open up my place for playgroup on Wed at 2PM. Those yg nak join, PM me so I can provide you my add.

Have a good weekend semua!
if you happen to be reading this, CONGRATS!!!! adam mesti soooo happy to get his little adik!

wow, now this thread got 3 girls with the name Sarah eh? you all copycat me lah! hee...but i have to say it's a really beautiful name for a little muslim girl, so i can fully understand why we all chose that name for our little girls.

tapi i noticed all different spelling lah! Mine is Sarah, sasha's is Saarah, and yours is Sara.
Ya...inspired by you lah! But the name is just too sweet to resist...

Zu kata Adam yg pilih nama for his sis. Cute kan! She sais semalam Adam nangis cause he thought both Zu & baby dah boleh balik...kesian dia...rindu mama dia lah....

How are you? So sunyi...busy moving ke??
Oh Congrats to Zu!!

So c-sect jugak lah eh dia? Did she actually go for 2nd opinion abt her condition tu?

My best fren pun namakan anak dia nUR sARAH. Actually I dari that time intend to put Sarah if 2nd one is a girl but since it's a boy...
congrats for the new addition..C-sect juga akhirnya eh..Dah jadi abg Adam sekarang! Hope all's well and take good care of your self for fast recovery ya!!

Wed bila? 12th?
I will let u know if I'm coming tak k.

Anyone goin to Sasha's hse for the playdates?
She did go to see doc for 2nd opinion & he confirmed abt the low placenta & advised her to go for the C-sect.

Ya Wed the 12th.
hi semua,
thanks for yr concern yang mencurah-curah 2.
terharu i

i dah email them, they say next wk baru they will start to collect all proofs 4 reimbursement.
hai....tunggu aje lah.. jangan tak jadi.

yang in d paper bukan me. lain case..
yes i can understand, the name is too sweet to resist.

yes me now VERY busy. don't even have time to login everyday. house started reno already, so whatever free time i have gotta liaise with the designer, go to the flat to meet with aircon guy, electrician, plumber, etc. then every weekend going out buying fixtures, furniture, etc, and busy calculating our budget!! on top of that whatever time i have at home still must spend time with sarah, and also find time to do packing and throwing out stuff. luckily got my maid ard to help, so it's not so bad.

it seems now sarah is the "in" name for muslim baby girls lah. i also like the name leyla (you know the song by eric clapton) but we decided it may be too difficult for hubby's relatives to pronounce it! haha!

last time i remember SEMUA orang named their baby girls nadia!! i remember dulu pun i really berkenan the name nadia (i was a BIG fan of nadia comaneci, the romanian gymnast), but by the time i got married i realised the name was very common already.
salamz mummies...!!
lama i tak muncul kat sini...seen al he postings n terasa nak join in lagik..hehehehehe,
lani jangan girl pon sarah tau~! tapi hers is sarah nur maya...hehehehe, i pon terasa nak namakan the 2nd one if girl layla/leyla...tapi dapat boy, alhamdulillah jugak lahhh...
see u peeps around k...
salam mummies semua,

gd morning.....apa khabar semua... congrate zu... rest well.. sini yr gerl nama sarah... sweet name..meaning dia apa eh?
Congrats!!! So cute, baby girl.

Hai..i kerja lah. Don't think will be able to join in.

Mesti you sibuk dengan rumah. Dan mesti stress kan! I bet, mesti you tak sabar nak pindah. Macam orang kata, "Get over and done with it".
Guess I cant join mum's coming over tomorrow bringing lil terror I have to change my plans daa..btw,who's coming huh? If you could postpone to some other day,inform eh..
Its ok. Havent heard from Sharena or any others either. I'm still having it though cause will be having other friends over anyways

Next time maybe, also weekends might be better for those who work
hi mummies,
i am helping my gf look for malay & indian ladies for a pharmacutical product photo shoot.
Fees is $480 for 1 day shoot on 19th Jan08. no experience needed.

1 malay woman, late 40 early 50.
1 malay woman, 30-35 years old,
1 indian woman, 25-35,

for those interested , pls pm me n i will provide more details. i do need a recent picture of yrself.

sorry if this info is of no interest to u.
wahhhh..sounds good lehhh...but im malay 27 don want ahh??? hehehehe....480 for a day wahhhh!!! syiok man! hehehehe
hi ep(ethel) hehe im 28 tak leh fall into malay so can i fall into indian? haha since my race is pakistani & my BC is indian.. can or not?
anyway gd noon smua.. dah mamam? me lum lagi lapar amat ni.. tgh tg my recep come back to the counter then ill go inside my room & makan.. dah beli chap chai so makan tu jelah..
oh ye lupa.. kirim salam pada zu eh if anybody gg to visit her..

to mummyish takpe ah tg je.. btr than nothing kan.. coz me n my hub believed that they SHLD compensate back
do give it a shot.. u can try for both malay n indian. i hv a few chinese trying for the malay cos they very dark.. its doesnt matter..
age does not matter la.. jus give it a shot.. gd $. i also tried.. they really say i too old
i think below 30 shld be me if interested i will email u details.

hi semua!

exciting and good money for just a day.

kalau u nk try let me knw boleh kita try sama2. Oh alamak lup athat i'm preggie so tak leh ah ...(right ep?)

sorry didn't get back to you.. i tak sempat to inform u that i'll be in krabi for hol. We came back thurs at 1am.

Farah was really a challenge in the plane! Sigh.. nak crawl lah, turun naik kerusi lah, bila tak dpt apa dia nk, dia melalak! Dah lah tu flight was in the night!! Bet everyone was cursing but who cares!
