Selamat Hari Raya!!! Maaf zahir dan batin. My son totally knock out by 9pm. So got a bit of quiet time for myself now.

Perut macam nak meletup. Itu pun I don't eat at every house. how's everyone's visiting?

Maaf zahir & batin...oh my, penat tak terhingga... still got so many many places to visit....
Mademoiselle : perut ni dah mintak ampun... bot the slim n lift from voguemama, konon nak kasi slim, haiz... makan macam nak rak... slim ke mana perut ke mana.. kekeke]

Inilah gelagat raya eh...

salams semua mummies...
dah lama tak bersembang kat sini, cuma jenguk jenguk jerrr...heheheh...hope u all had a great celebration and more to come...selamat hari raya!
hi all mummies!

selamat hari raya!

i would like to know if any of you know any organisations yang boleh collect my one box of baju kurung + one box of tudung which i intend to donate. i spring-cleaned my wardrobe and am so shocked by the pile of bajukurung that's wasting valuable space.
the last time i cleared out all my baju kurung (had abt 2 bags full), i drove straight down to the Children's Home (can't remember the name, it's near Eunos area) and gave them the clothes directly. I am very small-sized, so all my baju kurung can fit girls ard 10-14yrs old.

then the next time hubby and i cleared our wardrobe abt 2yrs ago, we had abt 12 bags full of clothes so we dropped them off at the Jamiyah Headquarters (in Geylang Lor 12) & left it to them to distribute the clothes accordingly to all their homes.

You can also drop off your clothes at the Pertapis Head Office (in Joo Chiat Complex) or the Pertapis Centre for Women & Children (42 Surin Ave).

fyi, most of these organisations do not have the resources to collect the donated items from your home, so it would be great if you can drop them off directly.

thanks for the info. yup. if i have the capabilities, i'd go to the orphanage myself to drop them off.

but i have heard of organisations that can pick up clothes and junk from your home. they'll then either sell these off to the karangguni or if they can be refurbished, they'll sell it off to second hand stores.

i'm looking for such organisations.

so, if you happen to come across anyone that can do pick-ups, do tell me. if i happen to find them myself, i'll keep everyone informed.
samat raya smua.. wkd is cmg.. so apa lagi.. serang ah rumah2 org lagi..
hehe maaf zahir batin eh.. if ada terkasar bahasa pat sini or menyinggung sesapa..
(*tiup sarang labah-labah*, sapu-sapu abuk kat forum ni) hai...tak de orang ke? Kata Hari Raya, kuk tak de orange jenguk pun...
heh heh funny la u ic.

i pun wondering mane semua pegi...
anyway, banyak jalan raye???
i macam enjin belum start, maklum la kite ade org tua kat rumah, so my side belum jalan lagi, bec nak bawak my mum then she got visitor so tak bole keluar. so far go hb side aje. maybe will go to my side of the family this sunday.

jln raye ni kan, yg pat paling tak sanggup is the pakai baju, kalau pakai baju yg comfortable my mom cakap tak "festive" la, pakai baju hari raye, hai panas la, tersngkut sana tersangkut sini.. then kite dgn baby hai sangat la mencabar rase ye..
mummies n ibu ibu~!!!
hehehehehe....maaf nak tumpang bertanya skit....takder olang yang nak buat bp for amosco ke??? i tertunggu tunggu peluang nak order from amosco, ingat nak order eclairs for my boy n girlnya party.....saper saper tahu atau yang planning to open a bp for it????
atau maybe can i buy directly from them???? infos~ anyone?
hi nora aw,
Tak banyak jalan raya lah. pasal keluarga i dah jalan tanpa i. Tak pe lah. anak i dapat collect duit raya. I cuma dapat balik hari raya ketiga. hari raya untuk i kat kapal terbang..(*hai...)

You punya baju raya dengar betul-betulnye special sei... i tiap-tiap tahun, sama..baju kurung atau baju kebaya. Takde apa-apa special lah. Tapi, i rasa sekarang kan dah ada anak, i nak buat seluar lah... lebih senang.

you can order direct to AMOSCO - Tel: 67493988
They do delivery for order above $100. Or you can self-collect @ their office at Tannery.. kan dekat kat AMK where you staying, rite.. :p

1 carton MiniCakes - $79 (42pcsx4 boxes = 168 pcs)
1 carton Eclairs - $44 (12pcsx12packs - 144pcs)

Hope that helps

baju raya aper yg you buat?? since got kids, I avoid baju yg got lotsa of sequins or yg too elaborate.. which I normally went for... there's goes my glamor time.. hehehee... coz takut tersangkut or scratch my bb when carrying him...

this yr my baju, malam raya baru jadi... kancheong I dibuat nyer tailor yg I sent kat Tg Katong tu..
Lucky jadi senonoh..

Anyway raya nak dekat habis.. this saturday is my turn to call all my family members to swing by my plc... so now busy sprucing up the 'lil haven..
eh.. ade org kat sini!!!

baju tak le special, kerane ade anak ni i actually tailor baju macam punjabi suit with pants. material i use kain saree, bec my mom cakap must ade embroidery ke, kilat kilat ke, if not tak festive la... memang selau pun i use kain saree but bec dah banyak baggage ni.. macam rimas pulak.

i bought a transparent top with light sequins from tanjong katong complex for $60 halal i tell you .. pakai spaghetti strap pakai pants da boleh jalan raye... selesa lagi.. thought of gg this saturday to buy somemore...
thank you n tima kasih banyak banyak...tannery kat amk ehh....aisey i dunno man~ hehehehe...i tak pandai sangat nama road ni..nanti i tanya my hubby...
aper lagi order lahhh...kan sis RMS dah kasi no. tu~.....yehhhh~!!!!

sori my mistake... hehehe... confuse Tannery ngan Tagore which is near kat AMK...

AMOSCO kat Tannery Lane dekat MacPherson.... I'm collecting my Samosa & Eclairs tomorrow for my Saturday function..
btw... any kind mummies yg can guide me to resize pics so that I could post kat this forum...

any software that require to do this magic

U pakai Microsoft Picture Manager kalau ada MS Office. Then u edit via 'Resize'

I usually resize to 300 x 400. Fits nice in the forum. Hope this helps!

Anyways, hope that terlambat but selamat hari raya! Hope everyone here is well
Hi, hows everyone? Just dropping by....

Da lama tak masok forum. Maklom la.. mak buyong.
Ada sikit malas. Ari2 makan tido je.
Now da in my 32 weeks.
Ade sesape yg pregnant lagi tak? :p
you preggie?!!?! Eh, congrats eh!! Ini dah anak ke berapa ni??! Eh, ni mesti excited...32 weeks.
Apa-apa craving you ada so far?
wah...tak lama lagi lah to zu, been trying for another bb maseh lum ada ah.....agaknya lum rezeki.ada org kata 2nd senang sangkut but for me tak sangkut sangkut pun....
dah lamer menghilang...biaser's adam....when u due???
anyway nak return ur cd me ur no ok...cos i lost ur number la.....thanks....
hai all selamet menutup raya. nearly 1 mth pass i dah lama tak masuk hehehe byk cerita n congrats to dinut and Zu. hmm hope everything goes well to both mommy.
<blink><font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Heloo mak mak semua!!</font></font></blink>

wah wah... byk nye malay mum eh.. da lame tak masok.. makin byk eh!! tak sangke!!!!

thread nie pon da tak aktif.. old timer seme da hilang.. lol.. termasok aku..
ic, nie baru 2nd one la... byk2 takot tak terjaga. :p me takde craving sgt la tp makin nasi je byk. bab tu bdn pon meletup letup.

junaine, slalu gitu. makin u nak makin susah nk dapat. hehe.. enjoy the process lagi baik :p

ryatie, me due in dec 26th. tak lama la tu. Adam okie. tp semakin nakal. da pandai talk back balik. dia pun blom skola. so slalu kite 2 branak je la pat rmh. nanti i pm u my no okie.

dinut, u baru ke? anak 1st? wah! skali u meletup 1st jan la.. best eh.. new year dpt member baru dlm famili.

watie!!!!!!! ko jd shadow aku ke? aku post baru la ko menjelma! ape ko buat skrg? masih keje lagi ke da jd SAHM balik?
hi mummies semua~~~
rindu pulak post kat sini...tapi tak tau nak citer aper ehhh....hehehehe...
ahhhh...i post gambar donut i mamam lahh...sedap jugak , baru try first time at this shop kat plaza sing~....beli 12 abis in less than a day~

anyways...juz nak say hello pada ibu ibu di sini~
Setahu i, sauce macam gitu, ada yang mirik-mirik brand Woh hup.

Missy donut ok ah? I tahu ada tempat jual donut dia taruk "pork / lard used in donuts". Yang i nampak ada sign macam gitu kat takashimaya basement food area. I rasa itu pun sama juga yang kat basement Raffles City.

Gembira lah.. bulan depan dah nak beranak. Tahun depan 3 bulan tak kerja. Heheh..

and one of her handsome heroes was also in one of the pics with her...
btw he is one of the many heroes i've already "chopped" for my dd eh...

ok i give 1 more BIG clue - cantik lah the kitchen!!! your mom must be so happy with the results!!!
i think i'm considered new here heehee discovered this forum n thread around the time i found out i was pregnant back in april ke may gitu...
EDD kite samelah...26 dec,it's my first anak...
1st jan wld be good,can be my wedding anniversary gift also heehee me got married on 1st jan.
tapi tak naklah meletup after EDD...very sian olredi being pregnant :D
ic, me SAHM la. Ari2 tak keje. Jaga anak 24/7 tak abis!

Lani, sape tu???? Org pat sini mane ade pakai real name? Kalo S, cume satu je. Sharena. Tapi anak dia gal. :p How r u? Da pindah rmh baru?

Dinut, anak first? Congrats! Bole pulak same EDD! hehe... Mana u jumpe gynae? Skali same jgk!
there is 1 more person here pakai real name start with S lah. give you BIG BIG hint laa...ada 4 anak, 1 pair of twin boys....

btw, i am fine. gonna get keys to my flat on 23rd nov, then gonna start reno. aiming to move in by end of Jan. now busy packing up our stuff, and trying to sell our tampines flat. and also getting quotations from renovators. pocket also gonna be po-kai soon...haiz...
Lani, ya la.. Lupe la pat dia. hehe.. Shasha dah..
Dia pon da lame tak masok forum. Mcm biskot Chipsmore. U kalo da chooped her hero, Adam berkenan plak dgn her youngest dd, Sarah. Kip playing with her. Mcm geram gaknye tgk her dd. :p Pasal plak dia pat newspaper?

Lani, kan da nak end yr.. This yr economy good so dapat la fat bonus. U pray hard je si Osama tak buat hal. kekeke...
hello allz~~~

missy donut ok jugak..sekejap dah chipsmore cookies..hehehe..n yes yg kat bawah taka tu memang ada lard..they gd enuf to put it down on notice..
bawah raffles place nya is donut factory n my auntie actually went to comfirm with them if it contains any of dat n they cfm it doesnt..
sekarang my family pon ngah crazed wif donut, tak abis2 makan donut jerr....
hello mummies

since zu dah tanya siapa2 lagi pregnant, kita pon nak sekaki lah.....

Now i abt 9 to 10weeks
Insyaallah EDD id June 2008

Missy Donut???? favorite
Best! Laki you boleh support. I tanya laki i kalau ada chance lagi tak i boleh jadi SAHM. Dia tengok muka i dgn satu macam.. tak payah cakap apa-apa lah.. dah tahu dah maknanya..

I tahu, ada satu masa, orang semua craze portuguese tarts, dah tu, vanilla cream puffs, dah tu, roti kopi..sekarang donuts pulak... macam-macam lah! Kenapa tak de orang crave chendol ke? ice-kacang ke? Hahahhaha

Siapa boleh tolong i ni? I betul-betul penat kerja. jadi, badan letih lah. Siapa boleh kasi recomend part-time pembantu? I ni tak suka kalau lantai dan tandas i kotor..maklumlah.. lagi-lagi anak i ni ada eczema.
ic, i tengah crave cendol pat pasar geylang nie.

Laki bole support tp single income takle best mcm dual income. Bole spend and spend and spend je. Kena ade budgeting every mth. The only tg hb dun mind spend and spend is food! Typical Singaporean!

Danryan, congrats! This yr 2nd ke 3rd child?

Hai mummies semua. Ramai juga malay mummies di sini, ye.

Hi Alya, for ur info, I had sent all my 3 kids to apple tree since i find their curriculum very structured. From my first to my third, they hv learnt the same basic (even by different teachers), of course with some improvements over the years. Also, at any time, you can always check with mothers who send their children to Apple Tree of another location just to find out that their children are learing the same thing that particular week.
