Best laki you! Kalau i SAHM, hai, jangan harap lah nak belanja kat makanan pun! Yang lain jangan cakap lah. Budget betul! I nak makan itu ke ini ke, hb i kata jangan banyak sewel. kesian i tau.. I masih ingat, bila i ngandung dulu anak 1, i teringin nak makan kway teow chilli dari Ooh la la restaurant yang kat upper changi road (yang ada tent putih kat luar, dalam, air-con. hb i tak nak belikan i...
sedih tau, $3.50 packet kway teow pun tak nak belikan i.

Tapi sekarang i kerja, hahahah..kalau hb i tak nak beli, i beli sendiri lah dan makan sendiri!
i tengah ngandung anak no.2
Itu hari teringin nak makan roti prata, i beli sendiri! gitu dapat makan. Macam puaskan nafsu. Wahahaha.

Hallloooo Semua...

Alahai mcm dah lama gitu tak masuk sini..wonder the old timer still remember me tak...

Yg baru2 tu salam perkenalan buat semua..

Yg old timer..Lani,Zu,Mamaliz,Sharena,Kak Boo,Ic, Mademoiselle,sasha,watie,RMS,nora..n others yg tak sempat nak type ni..hohoiiii lama tak jumpa!!! hmmm I guess Ive missed so many stories ..ada yg expecting too..Congrats mummies!

So can someone fill me on whats the latest? Nak scroll punyalah terlalu banyak!! Any outings so far?
Shermin, welcome back! I pun baru 'balik' forum. Da lama menghilang. Hows yr boy? Masih attend Shichida class lagi?

Ic, u pun preggie ke??? Da brape bulan?? Best la yr boy dapat adik. Boy ke gal this tym?
My hb tu lain bole scrimp and save tp dia kate pat makanan tak bole. Cakap ape je nak makan, dia adakan. hahaahaha... Macam mane badan tak naik!
you are expecting #2???? wow, what a surprise!!! i remember you telling me that it will be a long time before you will have #2 due to childcare concerns. hee...anyway, CONGRATS!! so will you be returning to SAHM-hood again once #2 is born? or taking no-pay leave/extended maternity leave to take care of bb? or have you decided on alternative childcare arrangements?

so how far along are you in your pregnancy? is arshad happy to be getting an adik?

looks like practically all the moms here have (or going to have) more than 1 kid. seems like i am the only one with just 1 kid eh??
Hey Lani..
u are not alone..Im having just 1 too at least for this moment..Still holding on with my plan..I believe you too right? So how, dah pindah to Bishan already? Btw..Sasha in the papers that day, whats the story?

Zu so surprise that u remember that he attends SM..Yes he still does..and Im drained already in preparing the materials at home..
And how abt u?? Hows Adam seeing ur 'bloated' tummy? Is he all set for the new addition?? Btw, are u expecting gal ke boy this time round?

IC/ Sharena
Read that both of u pun tgh PG? How far along now? expectin boy ke gal? boom la this forum..

Still masak memasak ke..I remember u always posted pictures of your food for the day..always buat my aliur meleleh u knw!!
yes you are right. i am not planning for #2, at least not for some time lah.

belum pindah lagi. will be getting the keys on 27th nov, then straightaway start reno. hopefully can be completed by end Jan then can move in.

we just sold our tampines flat 3 days ago on friday! our agent brought only 1 potential buyer for viewing last week, and they made an offer. so fri they came again (with the whole clan lah! so funny!! but my dd suka! she thought all her relatives/friends came to visit her! haha!) for 2nd viewing, and we negotiated back & forth, so we finally agreed on a selling price of $27K above valuation, and we signed the OTP that night. hubby & i are so happy - at least that's 1 less thing to worry about, and now we can focus on our new place.

oh, sasha was in the papers because her mum's kitchen was featured in the makeover special lah. her mom won the free makeover from Ikea, so sasha was "posing" in both pics lah, the 1st is in the old kitchen and the 2nd is in the new kitchen. hee...
zu,my gynae is Patricia Sim at Mt E...yours is Caroline Khi from TMC kan? i attended a talk by her before...seemed very soft spoken doc.
2nd baby usually faster...maybe you'll pop soon heehee
zu, shimmers, lani,
apa lah! kau orang ni semua kan cheong sei! Mana lah i tahu anak lelaki ke perempuan. Belum tahu lagi.

bila you beranak ah? You beranak kat hospital mana? Minggu ni, you mengidam apa? I macam nak makan Pizza lah. hahahhaha..macam-macam lah i.
hello kawan kawan

towards the year end ni i busy sikit la

you masih first trimester is it? exciting eh..i dulu takde mengidam. makan semua tak sedap tapi i makan ice cream magnum every nite, tu aje yg i rase sedap.

mane pegi huh meghilang begitu lama

this donut thing kan i tak catch sangat la the hype, maybe bec i dun like sweet things.

you all watch chef celebrity tak kat suria. i happen to watch last week, tak sangka eh kat singapore banyak professional chef melayu... kat mane dorang masak ah.. and some of them look delicious too...ahem.. i dun mean the dishes u know..

hello to all the new mommies too
oh you baru 1st trimester ah? hee...

memang s'pore banyak budding chef melayu! my brother is one of them. he graduated from Shatec june last yr. then started working at Brussels Sprouts Restaurant (owned by Emmanuel Strombart) at Robertson Walk. he's been working there for 1yr already, and end of this year Emmanuel Strombart is opening a new French Restaurant somewhere in Bukit Timah, and my bro will be moved to that restaurant.

memang my bro's interest is in European and fine dining cuisine, so he's really happy working there.

Wah! I'm so excited the 'old-timers' are back!!

You pun kat TMC? I'm now 18 wks preggie. My gynae kat TMC is Adelina Wong. I changed from the first gynae for fun cos I've heard a lot about Adelina too.

Last week gi scan...dah nampak lah tapi nk confirm next mth during the detailed scan.
Zu, u expecting boy or girl? Dah choose nama?

My first trimester was horrible! Muntah2 the whole day... it was so diff from my first preg. Now dah better. Alhamdulillah this time round my weight tk naik mendadak sgt like my first. At the moment I hv gained 3kg. Mintak2 maintain weight gain to the avg.

Good for you! 27k cash lah u dpt eh? Bonus lumayan tu but u'll need it for reno for the new house i bet?

Halal tak missy donuts tu? My hb pantang pasal benda2 gini lah.
Selling at above valuation not easy now..Good for u leh!!..but then again like Sharena its for the new house..

Ah ah eh rasa pun mcm lama menghilang..tak gi manalah.sibuk dgn my lil terror. He's getting bigger and I thought budak makin besar makin senang eh, ni tidak!! Makin nak kena monitor dia every now n thenla adalah!Kalau tak, mcm2 dia 'experiment' dgn barang kat rumah ni, tak boleh leka langsung! So hw r u?

So dah tahu gender baby? Share la, Farah getting a sis or bro ni?? I'm so excited with org punya pregnancyla..hmm I miss my own sometimes..but no way I'm goin thru another one so soon..heheh.. so sibuk2 meriahkan dgn org punya pun ok lah..hahhaa
sharena, shermin,
although we sold at $27K above value, but all that has to go back into our CPF accounts lah, cannot take to use for reno. cause whatever we get from the sale of the house, 1st has to go to pay off outstanding HDB mortgage, then next will have to go back into both CPF accounts (including any accrued interests). ONLY after that. if have balance, then we can take. but of course no balance lah, cause this tampines flat also we bought it at resale 8yrs ago for $330K.

the finances hubby & i have been doing these few days very headache ah. cause we have to renovate the whole Bishan flat (it's old), and considering the size (144sq.metres) it's gonna cost a bomb! already all the quotations we got the figures are in the $50K range!! and that still does not include aircon, electrician, plumbing, buying of fixtures, appliances & furnishings.

add to that we also have to pay our agent's commissions (almost $11K), and from Dec onwards (for approx 4mths) we have to service 2 mortgages, until the transaction for our tampines flat is completed and the sales proceeds is credited back into our CPF accounts.

looks like from this mth onwards hubby & i really have to live frugally, no more spending on unnecessary things. luckily the sch fees for my dd for next semester dah bayar. and my maid's contract gonna expire very soon too, so at the end of Jan she is going back and we are not going to have maid anymore. hee...
shimmers. adam still hanging out pat rumah. I tak jadi nak antar dia pi sch yet next year cos cnt find a suitable arrangement cos of the new baby. Takkan nak terlari2. :p Penat seh. At the moment, dia masih lg dgn swimming class dia. Maybe next mh dia attend Chinese playgrp.

Adam nampak okay with the bloated tummy. Kadang dia stroke and say dia sayang adik dia. Kalo i ckp adk kicking my tummy, nanti dia suruh adik dia behave.
I rase dia sungguh smitten by anak Sasha smp dia panggil baby dia adik Sara. Maybe i just use that name. Cos he's been calling her tat and saying gdnite to her by that name.

dinut, yup. Its Caroline Khi. Cos clinic dia every Mon pat my place. Very convenient tak yah pegi jauh2.

ic, my due date 26th Dec. Boxing Day! I praying dia pop siang cos da penat. Seems that the tummy is bigger also. So mlm2 nak tido susah. Delivering in TMC this tym. How abt u? I tadi mengidam Fish Head Curry. Nak pi Samy's pat Dempsey jauh sgt so make do the la with one nearby.

Sharena, i pun tukar gynae. Tp more for convenience. Tak tau plak pat bawah nie ade gynae. Senang tak yah pi jauh2. Lagi2 dgn si Adam nie. Cnt imagine pi chk up dgn dia sorang. MAne nak kejar dia dgn perot besar nie. :p
zu...where's the clinic? i thought caroline khi kat TMC time preggy feels like swapping gynae,heard good stuffs abt her.

mummies...nak tanya sikit,anyone gave birth at mount e before? can share how much you spent?
i tak tahu kat cck area ada female gynae... boleh i tumpang sekaki..Yg i tahu dekat dgn interchange tu ada male gynae from tmc jugak but heard from my fren dia tak bagus sgt. Chk kelam kabut and not thorough maybe pasal ramai org.

So I assume u're having a baby girl lah eh?

Mine may be the opposite...*hint* *hint*
Dinut/sharena, actually i pun tak tau ade gynae pat situ. Its at the Teck Whye market here. Dat tym i bot folic acid from her mum then she recommend la anak dia. She operates from her mom clinic on Monday evenings. Republic Clinic tak salah. Sharena i tink u tau la since yr PILs stay pat sini.

Personally i prefer female gynae. Since ade satu pat sini, anytg je la. Yup, this tym round its a gal. Sharena, congrats to u! U pun dpt sepasang. Da bole tutup factory dah. :p
Oi you all,
Wah, mentang-mentang I dah lama tk masuk the forum, gossip pulak...

Spy spy spy, nampak jugak my face in the papers. Tak sangka you recognise! Ya lah, I entered the contest for my mum. Alhamdullilah rezeki dia, dapat dapur baru. Happy my father! Hari-hari clean the kitchen.

(By the way, they made me younger in that article by 3 yrs. Jgn terkejut hah!)

U feeling better?

Hehe, dah dapat energy balik?
Guess now you just menghitung hari eh, tunngu nak 'pop'. I can imagine must be so difficult sangat esp to sleep + Adam running arnd etc.

Bila dah 'pop' tu, jgn lupa SMS tau...I boleh visit...dekat lah kata kan to my plc.

You baru 18wks?? Macam dah lama gitu since I read that you were preggie! U dah prepare Farah for it? Like talk to her abt the baby etc??

To the rest of the preggie mommies,
CONGRATS & hope you all have a smooth pregnancy!

PS: Any of you have Facebook? I know our dear Lani does
memang every morning my routine is to have my cuppa & read the papers, and my eyes always open very BIG-BIG one! of course can recognise you lah! looks the same what! and the other pic got your hero sitting there next to you, how can i not recognise pulak?

alhamdullilah your mom won. i can just imagine how happy your parents must be! i'm sure my parents will also be the same, hari-hari kemas & bersihkan dapur! haha!

btw, what age did they say you were? i can't remember lah! memang ST always get ppl's ages wrong lah. a few wks back there was a pic of my hubby's colleagues. one of the Senior Lecturers, they put his age down as 23 (he is actually 32)! terbalik pulak!! when i read it i was like "what?? how can a lecturer be so young, only 23?? at that age guys in s'pore have not even graduated from uni yet!"
Hi all!

To all the expecting Mommies, Congrats!! Macam nak join the boat!!


My previous gynae is Adelina Wong. She's from KK before she went private. Very good gynae, very calm throughout.

Pening dibuatnya when I read all the cash transactions that you have to go through. Nvm lah, i think it's worth it. Bishan is a nice place to live in. I used to work around there. Nice quiet environment. And J8 is quite happening now!


Is Adam very gentle with your tummy? Does he like jump on you at times? Amaar is so active now, maybe I'll wait till he's 3 before having another one

I am giving away a collapsible baby cot. Its the multi coloured type. Rarely used bec its the one in my room and we have stored it away for a while. Will give mattress too if I can find it.

PM me if interested.

Many more things to clear cume takde time nak sort out.
i tak tukar lah. i anak pertama beranak kat KKH. i rasa i tak nak tukar. Malas. Lagipun, gynae i ok. I pun lebih selesa dengan doktor perempuan. You fikir lah, dia orang ni kena cucuk tempat lubang tu.. kalau doktor lelaki, hai.. paisehnya.

jangan cakap lah! i pun. you tahu, i lagi parah. Kena belayar abih tu muntah-muntah. Yah Allah! Bila i kat US, menangis tau! Kat kapal-terbang, lepas makan, masuk tandas, keluar semua! eh, seksa lah... apa makan pun semua keluar.

Oh you tahu NTUC sekarang tengah ada sale untuk magnum!! Beli satu dapat satu percuma!! Woohoo! I mesti nak beli!

Donuts tak halal lah. Kedai-kedai donut mana ada halal. Cuma ada yang tak ada babi atau minyak babi lah. Tapi, laki i ni pantang kalau makan-makanan macam gini. Jadi i pun tak berani nak beli lah.

Bila nak pelawa kat rumah baru awak ni?
Sasha, bukan dapat ebergy balik. Tapi tak berani nak take nap petang. Kalo tak nanti malam terpusing2 on the bed tak le tido. Memang tengah tunngu dia pop je. Barang2 sume da prepare.

mademoiselle, Adam quite gentle. He'll stroke gently macam takut terpukul adik dia. I ingat pun nak tunggu smp 3tahun actually tp kena include the pregnancy period by the tym baby pop will be 4YO. Takot gap besar sgt then nothing in common for them. Susah plak nak layan.

ic, i tukar pon sebab convenient la. Then hb pon da tuka keje. Takde subsidy lagi kalo pi govt hospital. Then he also cnt imagine entire off day spend at the hospital. Berejam2 tunggu giliran then jumpe doc less than 10mins. Thats y he suggested that i change. Actually i lagi prefer my old gynae.
Neway, the hb pays i pun tak nk ckp byk. Asal gynae pompuan sudahlah.

thank you eh. semalam da pegi ntuc beli magnum. kat carpark i da makan satu pun, before i even drive off. so worth it la buy 1 get 1 free.
zu...this is my 3rd pregnancy...and the last hehehe....hopefully gerl pulak....but no morning sickness or muntah2....only pitam in the train on the way to work kalau tak dapat far dah 2 kali nak pitam...cold sweat berpeluh satu badan...dah terhoyong-hayang baru ada orang nak kasi duduk....maklum lah baru 11 wks lum nampak lagi perut tu....
hehe..cepat you beli! Tonight i nak suruh laki i pergi ntuc belikan untuk i. Hehe.. Manfaatkan?

biasalah tu.. lagi-lagi kalau mrt penuh. Dan macam-macam bau. Yang bangla lain, yang orang pakai minyak wangi lain.. yang orang bawa makanan lain..boleh pengsan! Itu pasal bila i ngandung, walaupun dengan laki i membebel (i buat bodoh), i naik teksi aje! Mana-mana sekarang naik teksi! far my pregnancy i tak suka naik taxi...boleh di kira brapa kali je...

i tak tau lah bila 1st trimester mesti nak pitam kat dlm train especially pagi je kalau tak dapat sit..kalau 1st trimester dah over baru ok no more pitam2...
Danryan, me tym 1st trimester pun like dat. Tak muntah. Cume kekadang pening and nak pitam2. Then blood test keluar seems that i lack of iron la. So telan la iron tablets ari2. Dat tym i pi pasar with my boy suddenly broke out in cold sweat. Maybe panas and crowded. Nasib baik my ILs ard, kalo tak dunno how.
salams semua mummies~~~

aisey~ panjang lebar ni thread sampai lemas jap nak baca semua...
yg tanya asal i tak post gambar makan...hehehe..have not been cooking much especially since my oven wentb "KABOOM!" on me n my anak pulak sakit sakit....
regarding the donuts u have to ask the staffs there lahh..kalau was was better not...
cakap pasal tempat makan halal ni kan, this is a list of food outlets yang i wonder why they dun want to go halal.... and if they go halal... kecik tapak tangan, big dulang i will tadahkan...

1. subway
2. pasta mania
3. cafe cartel
4. MOS burger (since org rave sangat abt it)
5. fish and co (i know its just fish but wld like to see a certificate)
6. lemongrass

ade lagi la.. nanti i pikir

that time masa old change kee nak go halal... excited ye i Tuhan aje yg tau.. hahahhahah
Talking abt food, nie topic lama i nak bukak balik.
Ade tak sesape tau HALAL certified tinggkat caterer beside yg dua tu. KCK and De Mansion.
Cos i called them up and dorang kat tak deliver to my side, CCK la.
Dengar jugak 'suara' u at last!

time my 1st trimester pun rasa mcm lambat je over. All because of the muntah2. Mine cuma nausea all day, takde pitam or pening2. Nasib baik! Even then banyak mc...hehehe

Ckp pasal gynae, my hb yg insist to take up a female gynae. My perception has always been that male gynae more gentle.. but so far both have been good.

U book 4 bedded or 2 bedded kat TMC? Last time I book 4 bedded but was upgraded to 2 bedded cos they were renovating. Best jugak! Now I think dah tak lah.. I'm thinking of taking the 4 bedded je. Rasa mcm tak worth pulak bayar mahal2 just for a brief stay. Lagipun ada kwn. Just that takut their guests ramai so bising nanti.

Last Fri, I gi Batam for the weekend. Saw this donut and coffee cafe. Apa lagi! Serbu lah. But share makan dua types dgn my hb dah muak. We bought a dozen (my hb punyalah tamak, excited agaknya) so balance kena angkut balik ke sg since at that time we were waiting for ferry back home. So my craving for donut is beres!

u ckp pasal magnum, i dah imagine. Sedap gitu!
sharena, my gynae told us to book 4bedded cos according to her, they only got a few 4bedded. So kalo da full, will auto upgrade u to 2bedded. Without the extra charges. So i just follow la.
ibu2...anyone know where can i buy teow chew porridge yg halal....??can masak sendiri but lain rasa pulak nanti

kangkong belacan
ikan bilis
telor asin
masak kangkong belacan, senang lah! ni kan masakkan melayu. ikan bilis, goreng aje. telor asin, belikat NTUC lah. Caipoh, pun boleh beli kat NTUC. Teochew bubur putih biasa makan dengan lauk. Teochew bubur cair sikit..bukan macam cantonese congee. Jadi taruk aje air lebih! Senang lah masak!

there's one plc where you can get a taste of good halal teochew porridge. Ayer Rajah hawker ctr.. @ Westcoast

The owner Indian muslim. They serve the porridge with the stuffs you listed above.. even got featured in Vasantham channel.. My DH crazy about their porridge. Mintak ampun sedap... hahahaa
if u stay in the east can try afghanistan. there's a stall selling porrige.
but they call it bubur nyonya its got all the ingredients you mentioned only takde kangkong je.
sue....i know kat JB Taman sentosa ada byk gerai jual bubur during supper time....dulu masih bujang boleh lah kluar masuk JB....memang sedap2 bubur kat situ....dah told my hubby yg i nak makan kat sana on his day off....tapi bila eh???hehehe

RMS/nora...thanks will try there also it at Westcoast hawker ctr....dat area i tak familiar sgt
Do u know the name or the number of the shop tak?..nak cari jugak..Bila nak makan teochew porridge je kena pergi Taman Sentosa,nak try pulak at the one you mentioned tu...

I didnt know Afganistan ada teochew porridge!! Sedap tak?
oklah Nora..mlm ni boleh cuba..thot of trying yg kat Ayer Rajah tu but dont know if mlm ard 8+pm masih buka tak?

Anyone tahu the place yg RMS mentioned tu tak? Where exactly and whats the operating hrs like?
jauh ye nak pegi ayer rajah???

you know, I've never been to this Taman Sentosa place. Ade orang boleh kasi directions if i come from woodlands?
U lagi jauh nak ke Taman sentosa tu!! I ni kalau directions in JB ada lembab sikit..I dont know their road name so susah nak kasi directions..tahu2 sampai jer la Taman Sentosa..all I can say the stall is the 'pacak2' type on the roadside..Sorry daa

Nampaknya kita dua orang jer lat sini..mana yg lain?? Can help out??
Malaysian Customs... --> city sq, follow the normal way going towards holiday plz,head on straight instead of turnin left den keep rite, turn rite on the following traffik lite. go straight do not collect $200 untill 7-11.

alternative solution, Adams Korner along Serangoon Rd aft boon keng mrt towards macpherson.

hope this help..
Welcome aboard dear! How many kids, tinggal mana? Cerita la...Kebelakangan ni I wonder where are all the other mummies ni sunyi jer.

Mcm main monopoly la..Anyway thanks..Should be a great help for Nora..
