<font color="ff0000">Mamaliz

Kat Pahang ada PC tapi tak de internet ler...tu yg buat i winduuuuu kat korang semua nanti...

me tak de contact no for the flea market

HOT?!!!!! kakakakakaka.....i ni doraemon.....a fat sex obsessed woman! onli for my dear hubby....
<font color="119911">liz
alah apa hang nak malu..

tanyakan ur fren bleh? or ur cuz? i nak book advance ah</font>
<font color="119911">chique
insyallah u can.. becom hot lah like mamaliz hehe
im a mum of 2 also.. a boy at 4yrs, girl at 3yrs im 29 this yr..</font>

like dat one ahhh? aiyoh....words ahhh kids can catch up soon enuf....kakakakaka...

for me i just manja ngan dia....baring with my head on his with his hair....mengepit lah tu....then will tell kids to sleep early...kakakaka.....
shahlynn like this...kekekekeke

pahang? worrr...jauh noh!!! bawak balik chincalok ehhh.....ada ke tak eh...kat situ?? kekekeke
<font color="ff0000">Liz
Cincalok tak de pong kat sana....

Besok MIL masak nasi jangung, ayam masak merah, salada telor n ayam kampung goreng....yum yum yum
Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............Ommmmmmmmm....." wish myself good luck. hope the maid is good. I think her endgish should "telok" fail two time... nearer sent her back if she fail the third time. Luckily she manage to pass on the3rd time "exam"..if not I don't know how long have to wait...
ohhhh...takder chincalok eh....asal pulak aku kempunan cincalok ni....kekekekeke

ayam masak merah...slurp~...campak kat sini skit....kekekekeke


insyaallah u will get a suitable one ....just be patient k....u want to scold onli ahhh...u go "Ommm..........." hehehehehehe

wahh best nyerr what a feast.. i just cannot get away from food! i saw someone talking about Fish n Co. im already salivating.. mcm mana nak lose all the pregnancy weight?! struggling sehh.. hehee..
Hahaha.. ah ah lah.. Ghique plak.. ehhehe
belo siak aku ni...

Chique, my daughter born on the 15th Oct 07.. Dah 14 mths dah.. your son 16th Oct 08. Dekat seh.. hehehe

Teacher seh... Pasir Ris eh... mak kau jauh seh

Aku juga kering kat Jurong.
wati.....aper seh seh seh ni.....kakakakak


i pon suka chincalok...lagi lagi kalau makan kerang rebus celup chincalok ngan sambal belacan~

hmmm...macam nak makan kat newton ah malam ni....
<font color="ff0000">Tu lah bila sampai Pahang je....tak tau nak ngaaap dulu hehehe

Tak pe makan je ape nak makan....nanti leh turun jugak weight tu
Liz, Dan....
i will just say, "i bertanduk lah..."
if my boy pick that up, kita peng story ah...
say, "ahhh... kalau noti, nanti keluar tanduk"

and ouh, has any of ur kid caught u both nekkid?
Mine, once...
Mika asked, why mama tak pakai baju?
i said, "nie ayah la! mama nak mandi, ayah tak kasi!"
Chique, to make you feel better.. I'm still with my alone weight and pregnancy weight.. Can't be bothered to lose more weight... maklum lah. Born with big bones... Keturunan... (Padahal bleh kurus.. malas jer)

Chique, must relax.. take things slowly.. Nanti kena depression plak..
<font color="ff0000">Liz

Newton eh....windu makan kat sana...dah lama tak pekena kailan oyster sauce, flying saucer bakar, kerang rebus...dll

ur right... most of the time, i have a love-hate relationship with my students, especially with my form class, which is a super difficult class.. but at the end of the day, i kinda still love the job and surprisingly, its the kids who will make me smile.. this year i taught 3 sec 4 classes and 1 sec 2 class..
if u lose weight now, den u pregnant lagi, buat penat jer!
my theory is, takper... biar naik... janji hepi..
nanti i dah close factory, baru i shed off the weight &amp; maintain sampai tua! (kalau bole la)
Shahlynn.. how old is Mika at that time ? Hehehe
Kekek siak kalau anak nampak parents bogel.. hehee.

For now, Maya baru 14mth, so kita selalu mandi bertiga...

as u all know i ni kan "nudist" kakakaka....i walk ard the, its norm for sarah n hilmi to see me like that lorr....but of cos lah i will soon have to rid of this habit...hilmi getting bigger liao.....

ikan pari bakar..........yummmmmm.........

dulu sarah small also aku mandi bertiga....wen she k1 ajer dah she cant see her dad oready in bday suit liao...dah is my turn...kekadang i mandi ngan hilmi...soon will stop wen he 4/5....
bonding lahhhh....kekeke
ok per.. mandi dgn baby dgn hubby.. kata family bonding..

dulu i selalu bully secondary teacher tapi teacher still loves me.. cos i nie cheeky monkey. hahaha.. yg jahat aku, yg rajin aku, yg team-leader aku, yg jadi spy principal pun aku...
ahhhhh...kan Dan dah mengaku~~~kakakakakaka

tapi skarang most of the time hilmi prefer to shower with the kakak.....pasal both play with sabun.....chet...air bil aku pon naik....!!!

me n hubby dapat privacy skit bila mandi....hehehe....i sabun u , u sabun me.....lomantik!
Mika was 3, i think....

eh, kita slalu mandi bertiga tau...
yes, family bonding...

skali, one day, mika pi bukak criter dahhhh....
dia suah criter ngan nenek dia, auntie dia, tok dia, "mika taknak mandi kat rumah nenek... mika nak mandi kat rumah mika ngan mama &amp; ayah..."
mama &amp; ayah slalu mandi sama2, tau nek! tak pakai baju ah!!
*slaps forehead*
hehehe... Mamaliz the LOVE GURU.. sentiasa keep the love strong in her relationship. phee weet!!

Dan dah nyani ah...
<font color="ff6000">Chiquee,

I'm 24, mother of 2 boys age 1 and 3 years old.
Dah lama jadi cher kat Loyang Sec and stay in Paris Ris?</font>
Hehehe.. Shahlynn.. mampos seh.. malu lah korang eh.. hehehe

ok ok.. nanti aku take note on the age.. i think anak ku pun mesti kaki sharing.

biasa ahhh.....budak budak slalu oops out those private stuff! aku pon dah kena braper kali ngan si sarah that moment cam nak cekik jer leher dia....kakakakakaka


we're in love keep the love going on~~~~woooohooooo...sooner or later bila dah kecut dah tak laku.....kekekekeke
<font color="119911">i love to mandi with my kids bt MIL &amp; hub selalu tak kasi esp with my boy.. tp ku tak kisah ku mandi gak.. coz malas nak mandi dgn bapanya..
tp tu ah si boy tu lau adik ada suka mandi dgn adik dia.. dpt main shooting2, main sabun, main spray2 hehe liz sama ah naik bill air aku noh

khakha kena story sama org plak.. hehe kids.. they r soo innocent kan</font>
Nshah, i think dorang takut anak2 kau tgk kau punyer big boobs..

Chique, btw si Nshah nie Pamela Anderson punyer adik beradik.

San.. Paris ader kat singapore eh ? hehehe
i kerja, so Mika spent most of his time @ Nenek's.. so biasa ah, datang dia punyer peramah, macam2 citer kluar!
so from den, sumer tahu kita mandi sama2!
bukan tu ajer... Dia pernah lepas cakap,
"Ah, Ayah Mika punyer chinchin besar ah!"
Malooo sak!

My parents, ILs tak kisah... biasalah, couple mah!
<font color="119911">wati
apa siak? pepandai je seh si wati ni sejak bila ku jadi pamela anderson? hehe siol ko.. tp if i hv e body like her hey i dont mind tau.. ni badan cam teletubbies or penguin dgn tetek besar.. pamela apa seh.. POMELO ada ah hahahahha</font>
<font color="ff6000">Wati,
Chett! Typo lah..maklumlah...tak sabar nk balik. Ngantok you!

Chiquee, should be Pasir Ris...*giggles*</font>

wati, shahlynn..

actually i tak stress sngt.. tapi org2 buat i stress! lagi my mum when she kata 15 days dah regain back her figure.. aiyoh.. tak ke stress bile mak sendiri kasi stress.. but asalkan my hubby tak kasi stress sudah la eh.. heheeee..


heheee kat paris i da tinggal almost 14 yrs.. but teaching baru nak masuk 3 yrs..


wowww.. kalau gitu senang la mintak autograph pamela anderson eh..
