Everyone is feeling the same - its so quiet because most people are on long leave
<font color="119911">wati
pernah tp not at their main outlet though..
i tried buying from their small branch at bukit panjang plaza.. nice, cheap harga mmg memadai

however ada dgr neg comment abt their main branch at AMK sana e grassroots club ke apa entah..</font>
<font color="119911">FISH MANHATTAN in Sg ni halal ke tak eh?
coz skg i tink da ada 2 outlets.. PS &amp; Whitesands, Pasir Ris..

wati bt beza Fish &amp; Co &amp; Naked Fish.. Fish &amp; Co lagi 10 x sedap</font>
<font color="ff6000">Wati,
I ever went once.
Usually we either go Fish &amp; Co or Manhattan Fish...

Morning Naqi!</font>
Morning Mas,

You balik pukul berapa semalam?

"craving for their seafood platter" - pagi2 you dah kasi kita telan ayer liur

I love that and everything else - how nice if can get to eat right now tengah sejuk betul kat office ni!!
Ok ok... nampaknya the review for THE NAKED FISH SHOPPE is not so good.

Dan, it's at AMK Grassroot Club.

So Fish &amp; Co is the best choice... ok ok...

Kalau you suka the bony parts should try the "fish collar" (I think that's what they call it - a big piece of bone but with lots of flesh - sedappppp)- *telan ayer liur lagi*
<font color="119911">naqi..
tak baik lah.. seafood platter haizz yummy.. ku dahlah tak leh kuar makan apa entah lagi nak pass by sana noh.. ish..
yes at whitesand ada... it took over that cavana area.. kecik seh nampak cam sempit.. i saw it last wed wen i went makan &amp; jejalan kejap there ehhe

tulah fish &amp; co still e best lah so dah book hotel?</font>
I prefer Manhattan Fish den Fish &amp; CO...
Lurve the flaming lobster...

tapi, if order lobster, and plus plus, for 3pax, dah sampai 100bux! ggrgrrr!!!!
takleh selalu
<font color="ff6000">Ladies,
Anyone have contacts selling Maclaren stroller which is still in good working condition?</font>
<font color="ff6000">Naqi,
I did tapi mcm takde gitu....naik kero mata I dibuatnya...Kalau ada, it's been sold or reserved.</font>
Fish Collar.. ok ok... insyallah i will try that.

Which branch is less crowded and spacious. I ada about 9 people and a baby...
Huh niari schedule pack...

1) 1pm jumpa SMH mummies
2) antar bibik to Western Union dia nak remit money
3) nak drop by my mum's place b4 going to M'sia
4) need to buy Anaqi's Organic Pasta...

What's your hp no. eh - if I cannot make it on time then most probably I will see you all after the lunch at Eastpoint (agak nya I will bring Fayaa because her mum is working)
Enjoy yur weekend ladies/mummiess....Jgn chat panjang2 eh nanti nak kena baca archieves panjang sangat....

Enjoy yurself...n may u have a smooth n save journey to n fro ...

Anybody using Avent bottles and dont mind used ones - we have 2 pcs of the 270ml and 1 pc of the smaller one plus some used teats (all are used but in fairly good condition)?
