mak oii lina..

cam nak haus kulit jari jari aku pi google kau yer leaked sex tape

ruper yer tarak

hah .. tepi tepi semuer si mas nak lalu

kau dah terlalu banyak sangat sepit kuih tart

ni hot news dhey last week

keluar newpaper

but dun put her name here

cukup lah all the exposure she's got

altho i dun pity her
alah nama dia pon dimentioned in cyber space....

gd morning all.....

athelete...dia ade main cerita anak metropolitan....

nora u type my name lina eh? i pakai nama samaran --> lullaby.....hahahhahha
morning morning

padan lah aku gogle lina tak dapat aper aper

lullaby ruper yer... why that name.. kau asik ngatok eh

ah nanti u dah bangun tido u sms me... mcm real jer aku nie..
Pagi semua!

Let's see apa fate thread ni hari ni
lets list down activities for the coming long weekend

- swimming (altho must check operating hrs)
- kite flying
- marina barrage/ kite flying
- bus/mrt rides
- science center??? (buat ape eh there)
- explorer kids (also must check operating hrs)
- sg flyer (i've never been there)
- piknik

what else what else.....
yo nora!

eh my mom kerja kat town seh this month. she got a temp assignment. since i on maternity, i let my mom work lah... jadi lah aku huru hara time afternoon naptime for both kids..hehehe...

since i tengah cuti ni, long weekend ke apa ke, cam sama je. I'd love to go kite flying. mana nak beli kites eh? I saw some kat kedai SKP In simei tapi cam tak cantik sangat.

eh kalau nak gi swimming, come over my place lah! dekat je. swimming pool tu pun sentiasa kosong. i wonder where budak2 semua pergi.

ishk ishk..i cant imagine the agony that girl is going thru. never ever film any sex acts! Heran aku.
for me, i definitely prefer activities yang tak pakai $$ punye. sg flyer, science ctr explorer kids all pakai $$ lah. adam ada explorer kids membership, cuma dah berzaman tak pergi. dulu i used to climb up the play area with him. best!

nak buy kite at kite flying area along the road from masjid istighfar ade

its those ppl selling from the back of their car/van

u come abt 5opm during weekends mest ade

many many patterns

if u know the kite flying area in sengkang ie along sengkang sport complex

also have those pple selling

they sell together with the benang and the roller thing for the benang

alhamdullilah.. that is indeed good news

hopefully he will feel better


lame tak nampak

how is it now residing in sembawang?
pukul berape keluar rumah to go to work?
that's great news. am sure your mom is so relieved!

My dad bawak teksi and last week, sampai pukul 7 pm pun tak balik2...we were so worried already coz he left his HP at home. I cant imagine the anxiety you're going through...

My mom suka kerja main2...haha..when I only had adam, i worked from home on some days, and she worked when i was at home.

I guess she'd appreciate earning her own $ lah, and having some "me time" outside the home. but then again she has always had a lot of "me times" since i always take the kids back when i'm not working, even when i'm on leave.

Eh? Nanti i check out the kites. orang melayu jual eh? For some reason, i prefer to support business orang melayu. hehe..even the tokens for aifah's cukur rambut, we bot from a malay business... :p alamak, sekali kena panggil dgn gahmen eh...bobal cam ni...
okie ladies, i nak pergi amik adam kat skool.
nanti jumpa si naufal sekali hehe..
will gendong aifah along too..coz i didn't pump milk to leave her at home.
haiz, dah jadi cam indo helper aku ni...

my and hb pun tak tau main kite

but we were at the barrage and a kind pakcik lend us his kite

tak susah sangat lah...

i bought from sengkang, its from apek

not sure yg kat pasir ris yer
<font color="ff6000">Nora,
Been very busy cos am doing 3 heads job.
No longer having an asst.

Residing in the northern is waaaaaaay so lemau cos am so used to eastern. Trying to adapt tho. I hv to be out abt 2 hrs early everyday. Lengit!</font>
Heya moms,

Reporting from new house =)
Now connected already. Waiting for Starhub cable tv next. Installation tmw. Tapi masih berselerak.

That's good news for you. Hope your dad gets better.
pagi Cikgu DAn.....


ooiiitt... early yer ... take bus ke or train?
i know ipun dah born and bred in eastern

pi CCK ke juorng ke rase lain...
*waves at betty*

dapat jugak u pindah by CNY

infact my neighbor also baru move in last weekend

yg tak best they have 2 dogs

and the house opposite also got 2 dogs
so now the dogs tengah "salam perkenalan" stage .. bising...
Terima kasih datin Nora....
sambil jalan tunduk...
Carik spot depan aircon.coz panas...

wah pandai u ikut fengshui eh...pindah b4 CNY
<font color="ff6000">Nora,
Naik train lerrr. Takkan naik bus. They're still implenting wtr to opt transportation for all cos we have staggered timings. Perbualan dari tahun lepas masih blom dpt di-finalised. =(

Apa nak buat. Dah rezeki ku disini. Dulu office kat Market St and we hv to shift to eastern due to expansion.

Anyway, it's a good start bt of cos i'm looking arnd for eastern houses too. If e price's reasonable, we might want to grab. Nt in a hurry.

And my prnts hv been making their way to our hse once-twice a week. Rasa serba-salah pun ada cos we only drv up to their plc like once a week if there's no plan.

It's nice to know you've shifted in your own abode. Mesti bestkan?</font>

food... haiyah mestilah, jakon u dulu time banquet baru bukak


hopefully u naik train dapat duduk, kalau tak lemah lutut u

now pty prices not worth it la
Thanks fr all yr kind thoughts re my dad.
We're all so relieved now...

Speaking abt jalan jauh, my new office is at braddell area. Not sure how long to get there by public transport.

congrats on yr new place!

<font color="119911">wah nari thread rancak eh.. dah lama tak alive camni.. smua free ke nari? hehe ke calling2 members suruh masuk?

anyway athlete, glad to hear e good news abt ur dad</font>
