
semalam i did drive pass expo, seb baik tak masuk the carpark dulu

huh.. memang tarak bende.. ade penguin books warehouse sale tho
but thats not what i'm looking for


That's so disgusting. Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi.

Wah, you cuti eh? So how did you spend yr 2 days?
I'll be on leave on Monday & Tuesday, coz my parents are off to KL for a short holiday.

That's nice of yr hubby

i took a break for the past 2 days

just do mundane stuff, send izzat to school
go breakfast
jalan jalan in tampines

then yesterday i went to see gynae
thats abt it

sekejap 2 days over already.. nevermind weekend coming.. yipeee
sometimes a short break to do mundane stuff is good! kalau tak, macam robot ah, go thru the same motion daily.

so you getting ready for #2?
All the best

Semalam i hantar my colleague gi kk sebab dia dah contractions nak bersalin. bila nurse tu tengok kita, dia tanya "which one" yang nak give birth :p

hehehheh ... nurse pon kanchiong tengok dua preggy ladies

yup it was a good break, plus get to catch up with my boy
smalldreams....hahahahah 'which one'

ya sometimes we just need to take a break...kalau tak jadik macam mummy yg dia hate motherhood life (i lost the was posted here in SMH)

some mommies i think kena lebih teruk dari her....
tapikan isn't it the parts n parcels of being a mommy....pengorbanan
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Morning Morning..!!!</font>

wahhh feeling good after 2days resting at home.. especially when today is friday...!!!

bestnya ur hb, planned for the short hols.. u gi genting kan? stay which hotel?? takde pics?
btw ur kids kena tinggal ehh, kesiannyaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. hehehee

pssttt planning for nx one ke???</font>
that's nice. I tengah kumpul activities ni, to occupy Adam time I maternity leave. Semalam malam when I tersedar from sleep, I tengok dia sleeping, tengok jendol dia, pipi dia..rasa cam, eh, still baby-ish but he has grown so much too...!

Ya lor. Jadi ibu memang lah kena berkorban. It's easy to become jaded!

You free later? I am free, if you want to meet up for a quick lunch at Novena / Toa Payoh

You pun cam Nora jugak! Eh kenapa korang tak amik cuti hari ni sekali eh? Suka nah datang kerja on Friday ke? hehehe!
<font color="0000ff">Smalldream
i'm on MC for these 2days ler.. takkan nak mintak doc extend another day kan..

nak use own leave sayang lah.. i need to save my AL for this coming shut down period.. ;-(</font> boss cuti....lagipon i set sot sikit...dun want to spread the virus...
*bila eh boleh jumpa...tak lama lagik u dah on maternity leave*
Kalau untuk berehat OK per. Hehe.

Part tu I tak paham, kenapa your co suruh pakai your own AL. Tapi dah bertahun2 pun gitu kan.
Alamak! Lina Kalau berhingus, i guess we have to KIV. My resistance is weak lah lately. Haiz.... kalau ada jodoh, jumpa lah kita (hehe bobal makcik2 seh)
<font color="0000ff">Smalldream
memang dari day 1 i just this coy, they had this tradition..
tapi dulu only 4days starting from 25dec-1Jan, kita ikut US..

tahun 07, they extend our shut down period for 2wks.. reason cut cost.. till now </font>
<font color="0000ff">Nora
nari masuk ofis look2 see2 je ehh.. tak yah buat keje ehh.. bestnya..!! hehehe

today friday, ingat masuk leh relax2.. keje byk sey! boring ahh klu byk keje on friday..!!!</font>
hahaha....yeaHHH...VERY THE RINGAN!! easier lah for me kalau shift pagi...if not kena bun up hair then nak kena keep it hair ni plak degil slalu ada jer terkeluar...

nak masuk salon, pikir punya pikir but i love it..!!!!
hello, hello!
waah, tdy macam rancak sikit (don't want to speak too soon, tho!)

lina, i thought only my aunties aje yg pakai the term "makcik quarters".
but actually the term is "makcik squatters".
its not very PC, heh...
athlete *waves*

i did, yeas it was interesting

i was telling hb, if it was me.. i wldnt give them nice nice furniture with so much fabric

must give leather more lasak
also dunno if pple in the house can mainain it

to think there were other adults living there too rite
the girl 15 and she got aunts and uncles staying there also
yup, a total of 6 pple staying in the house.
and you're right, dunno if they can maintain the house.
and they spent $23,000 on the reno.
cldn't help but think that they could've put the $$ to other better ways of helping the family?
makcik squatters - are we talking abt the mat kotai era here??

kesian aku sorang berbual kat sini

k i gg for lunch with client

nanti after lunch i continue kasi CPR kat sini k
athlete *ade orgni baik aku berbual dulu*

beto betol .. i think all it needed was some effort to throw out the rubbish

kalau org tua ajer i can understand the "hoarder syndrome"
heh, i was telling my hb, that he's got the "hoarder syndrome".
now, all my stuff dah unpack, left his stuff, which consist of 4 boxes of crap!
and they're taking up space in what is to be my boy's room.
and such an eyesore, cos i want to move my boy's cot in there and have him sleep on his own asap!
even he's saying that mpst prob boleh buang.
i cakap, tunggu apa lagi, buang sudah!
athlete oh squatters eh...hihihihi

tadi lunch at AMK terkebil2 tengok PC...berat mate walaupon tadi dapat short nap...

now browsing the spree thread....
weather perfect for sleeping, hehe...
anything exciting at spree threads?

mana nora?
kata nak buat cpr kat sini...
Ehh.. here i am

baru balik lunch lah tadi hujan lebat

yg enoumar bar kat spree tu cam interesting eh
but i takot ah pakai part muke
eversince i kena allergy reactions kemarin
but its sooooo tempting


so u send ur boy to ur mom's place and fetch him rite after work?
yup. gd thing is working hours are flexible.
so tak rushing sangat.
but im quite naughty, like tdy, i was actually done by 1pm, but i told my mum i'll pick him up around 4 plus.
i'm always hoping to catch a nap, but always get distracted by something on tv!
starhub cable is eevil...
but then again i'm an addict.

yup the Eumora bar cam bagus eh...n anther 1 is phyto fiber....

so far i cume beli make-up brushes...tapi make-up tarak...

few more hours.....then hello kids n hub

besok nak masak asam rebus....

i cume nak apply the dab-dab teknik belajar time make-up class
<font color="0000ff">Lina
kau tarak makep, tapi beli brushes..
u nak training makep pakai apa?? pakai tepung ehh?? LOL</font>
aku nak try pakai foundation using the brush lah....

dab dab dab dab dab dab...

jgn laki aku mengamok apsal lambat sangat hihiih
<font color="0000ff">Lina
ohhh ada lah makep jugak tu.. hehe

ahh, nak training kan.. kau kena siap 2 jam sebelum nak kluar..
klu nora, notty..hmmmm aku rasa 3jam sebelum nak kluar agaknya.. LOL</font>

i tried the liquid foundation with brush teknik
best ah..
i like the effect lepas tu dab dab with 2 way cake

takde lah makan mase sangat
but i dun do it daily la
just special occasion jer

now still belum try falsies

saw the plastic sepit sepit thingy to pasang falsies was $12.90 .. eh mahal eh
yes tv is eevill.. but i cant live without it

it says alot abt me
when my boy can hum along to the theme song of "Friends"

morning i kasi cpr skir pagi2 buta ni ehh....waiting for cab now to send me to work..ngantuk betuk...nasib baik abis kol 12 hari ni....*yawnz*
