terbaca kak liz nye post... terpaksa jawab salam if nt berdosa... wakakakaka...

tk..adik niari off... sat pun off... yahoo!! yabedobedo!! :D

<font color="119911">sher
hmm entah yg ku nampak lah eh.. hehe ada booth baju2 mmg berlambak.. tp harga smua to me seh.., ada kedai langsir, kedai carpet, kedai ayat, kedai jelita jual gelang2 &amp; butang2 baju kurun lelaki &amp; brooches.. tu je yg ku nampak.. hehehe ah e popcorn mmg sedap seh.. takpe mayb can return besok if hub ku suka hehe
n biasa ah ada booth DMU, naz anggun is there</font>
<font color="ff6000">Sher,
It's the name of the lipgloss. I like!
And yes...there's ayat, carpet, baju, curtain, furnitures, popcorns (i must make a trip to buy), tudung/anak tudung by EYE.FOR.IMAGE, DMU, brooches, pillows etc...

Mata I rambang tadi...hihihi...</font>

abis tadi diam ajer kat sini...terpaksa threat sikit....kekekekek..menjadi jugak~

chinese calligraphy...

interested but donnoe can make it or not...macam macam nak buat this weekend...haiz...

popcorn tu the cawangan nak bukak kat ION the basement....i like cheese but i tink the cheese tak cukup gitu flavour dia...
choc very nice....but i still go for the cheese lah..pasal gigi gue takleh angkat the sweet stuff too much...sakit~
<font color="119911">liz
cheese dia cam ada lemau skit ah... i still like skit hari orange juliusnya cheese power seh i can jus eat that berhari2 seh masa preggy bt too bad cant be found anymore
afternoon semua,

my mother baru keluar pegi Expo.
i suruh tengok if got nice food to buy.
rasa macam nak makan mee pedas-pedas, soto, ke tomyam ke...

maybe dat one they make day simpan braper hari tak...
i loveeeeeeee org juliusnya! Karmelkorn popcorns...dulu time skolah i keje pt kat sana...learn how to make the n delicious! hahahah


kalau sedap...sangguppppppp....kekekekeke
Popcorn ? On the spot dia buat ker, kita kena buat sendiri ? Hubby aku giler popsorn.... I also love caramel and butterscotch !!

Yes.. Finally after months of looking for ayat2, now it's here... Yahoo...!

Baju kurung for raya ada tak ?

kalau i nak makan mee pedas pedas..i carik mee kuah mamak kat chong pang! hehehehe....pedasss n sedap ...makan pon berpeluh hubby yg tak suka pon bole suka...they put tulang also kat dalam....
Liz, kat mana Chong Pang ?

Anyway, eh, mcm tak sabar nak pergi Expo. Nak tunggu Sunday mcm lama gitu.. hehehe
Chong pang kat Yishun sana..
Dulu tinggal woodlands selalu temankan my mum gi Chongpang..Now its history.

Ya la baby baru baik betta stayhm.

Mana hilang? Lama nah..ingatkan truly affected!
i miss the popcorn yg kat cinema...kita order jer they splash wif many many butter syrup....alway asked for more butter...sedapppppppppppppppppp
totally affected...ishhhh So not me....
hahahaha tak kuasa tau....

I kan will only be totally affected kalau sikit ari tu tak dapat the 120 pallette
I so in luf wiz it....BUT am wondering napa ada kaler yg....hmmm macam highlighter2 tu....dat part I tak tahu macam mana nak gayakan....

<font color="119911">sher
tulah asal lain eh or semacam je e cheesenya? tak syiok seh.. coz i tgt mmg nak amik smua 3 pack sekali bila kena yg cheese total turn off seh terus combine dgn my collg je</font>
<font color="0000ff">Btw i just came back from my checkup this morning.. and received good and bad news!

dont neo whether i shd be hapi or sad.. sigh</font>
just to share, not much interesting news tdy...

Thu, Aug 13, 2009
my paper
What Asian men can do to make marriage work

ONE in three marriages breaks up in our country and the problem seems set to deteriorate further.

Many of my friends have thrown in the towel and are on their own now, wallowing in the aftermath of their marital woes.

I’ve been told that keeping a marriage going is like running a marathon: You have to put in a lot of effort to maintain the relationship and, just like in a marathon, many feel like giving up once it gets too tiring and painful to carry on.

Of course, I also have friends who have perfect marriages.

These couples respect each other’s views and rarely quarrel despite their differences.

After reading many self-help books on marriage, I realised mthat very few of such books examine the topic from an Asian perspective, even though there are obvious differences between Western and Asian couples.

For example, Asian men tend to keep their marital problems to themselves, in contrast to their Western counterparts.

This is why many Asian husbands fail to seek counselling when their marriages start breaking apart.

Men, when given a choice, would not want to disclose their problems to a stranger.

They find it humiliating to do so and some would rather end the marriage than seek help to save it.

Despite being married for 16 years, I still constantly look for ways to enhance my marriage. I accept that mine is not a perfect marriage and can never be.

In my case, I had a difficult time accepting the changes my wife wrought five years into our marriage. She became ambitious and career minded – very different from the easy-going woman I knew before our marriage.

It took me many years to finally accept that she is, in fact, more intelligent and capable than me. That’s quite a blow to the male ego, and a bitter pill indeed for many Asian husbands to swallow!

Couples can build stronger bonds only when they do things that they both enjoy.

Unfortunately, this is easier said than done, and young couples have an especially hard time as they are sandwiched between the twin obligations of looking after ageing parents and caring for their own kids.

Unlike Westerners, we Asians are taught from young not to argue with our parents, and this has harmed our ability to communicate openly with our loved ones.

Too often, couples put up with a lot of misgivings before they start talking with one another, by which time, it’s usually too late to save the marriage.

So, it is not surprising that young people are beginning to view marriage with disdain and to put it off indefinitely.

My wife and I have survived many rough patches in our marriage.

Career changes and children have driven deep wedges
into our relationship. But we’ve worked through the problems and, so far, we are moving along just fine.

I hope my experience will serve to remind others that it takes two hands to clap. No marriage is perfect but, with hard work, it can always work. -Mr Gilbert Goh
Yg colour bercapuk2 tu eh? Like orange with splashes of red/green like that? I pun tak tahu cam ne nak pakai..
Ala sapu and selet jer

Whats the news? Share2 la..
<font color="0000ff">as I mention b4, I had menses prob for the last 2 mth. And I had to go for scan on my day 3 of this mth menses.

Since last mth till now i’m having bleeding spotting which sometime confuse me whether it spotting or menses.

Today I went for scan and result shown it early pregnancy so I had to take urine and blood test and confirm it positive..

good news I’m preggy. But bad news is I still having menses/spotting which doc say usually the chances is 50-50% of miscarriage.

So now I was given 3days MC complete bed rest at home.. and come back tis sat for another blood test </font>
Look at the bright side. Not all spotting end up with miscarriage.
At this point u must not be so stress. Relax and a complete bed rest a must.
Alhamdullilah... Hmm.. Lynn, dun worry. Macam my friend. But alhamdullilah, now she is in the 5th mth.. healthy.

Eh, dun be so shock. My fren mum, was having menses as per normal when she was preggy tau. dia pun tak tahu yg dia preggy sampai perut besar.
<font color="119911">lynn
yup like sher ckp u shld b happy &amp; congrats girl tp tk bleh stress tau at this pt.. must take care babe..</font>
i always believe in...If it's meant to be...then it's meant to be....&amp; If it's yurs...not matter wat it will b yurs....Relax gal.......Dun tink too much nanti memudaratkan diri
yup2 agree...I ada menses when I was preggy....n when I say menses, It's those normal menses......and it last macam normal menses cycle - 5-6 days.....
