wavy2 to shahlynn,notty,mamaliz,lynzi,lina,mas,dan yg lain2...

wati..dun worry i be there by early mrg to do the u ade my hp juz ring me up bila nak sampai..

kwn2 ckp pasal deco ni i nak luahkan ape yg terpendam selama i plan my boy party,for those yg dpt card u peeps mesti nampak ade 1 gurl yg dgn rizqikan,dat is my sil yg i used to gaduh punya anak..since kita da ok..and since laki dier pun keje skarang on off..kita hb n i lan join her in for the bday bash..tapi prob nye ok 1st ly i tak mengungkit nmembangkit pasal duit,i told her kita sponsor semuer...tapi sendiri nak ingatla..bantu2 la i dl seg tak mostly i buat sendiri,hubby tolong2 skit..still i rasa i yg buat sendiri..dari cars to kids games n prizes..deco..semua la..dier setakat tau nak suruh masak ni la..masak tu la...tu je la..tapi bkn dier masak its my pil yg cook,i geram..ikutkan hati nak share dgn hb,tapi kalau hb da bukak ulut...slamat la katanye...mesti i simpan sendiri..n seniri y teruk..adui...ape ak buat ni..sakit kepala ku ni..
<font color="aa00aa">shash,
hi gerl!

eh..bday rizqi tak jemput pun..sampai hati..
bday bila share its like that gerl.
either u pendam sendiri n try to tolerate or u kena cakap baik2 to her yourself or tell your hubby.
i know both can be hard but its up to u on which one u think u can handle better.</font>
{mudah mudahan kita semua kat sini pun can take a leaf out of your book.}

you're kidding me!
awak lebih romantik dari kita perrr.....

i still keeping your glasses leh...
still want?
<font color="aa00aa">mira,
there are many words in malay for mother.
we have ibu, emak or mak, bonda or ibunda.
just like in english we have mother, ma, mummy, mama, etc.</font>

might not be able to make it to the party...hubby nak ajak i pi lomen lomen sebelum posa kat sorry eh girl..but if lets say tak jadi pi..i will go to ur party!!

ni my POV jer, jgn ade yg tersinggung kalau berlainan pendapat or etc (must cover dhey)

since u dah cakap u tanggung everything
so crite yer macam ni lah
tak semuer orang ade common sense
ade orang ade common sense but tak pakai, simpan

I doa kan u have a great party

In the words of lina, jangan ingat ape ape

look at the big picture, its a day to celebrate ur boy
kalau dah hu ha and jadi kesusahan dah tak baik lah

again, i hope i dun offend anyone
<font color="aa00aa">shahlynn,
need i remind u that i tak spontan macam u and hubby..half day je nak quickie..hehehe..
jgn kecil hati eh..gurau2 je..

but seriously, i think u gerls are more expressive and romantic with your hubbies.
i ni tak sangat ler...</font>
{need i remind u that i tak spontan macam u and hubby..half day je nak quickie}
i believe i'm not the only one lah....
*jengkit2 chui lina*

{jgn kecil hati eh..gurau2 je.. }
i nak kecik hati?
hiak hiak hiak
I'm 32, not 14years old....
there's more to life den nak majok2...
lynzi..mane u menghilang,mcm mane i nak jemput i tak tau nak cari u pat mane,cum pass me ur add dgn pantas ku post hte last invitation,mcm tau2 je..and by the way u kenal rebacca,she frm smh,i'm werkin for her tau,she mention bout u,hehehwat a small world..hope u can cum k,its this sat..alah nanti i post u can see the venue semuer la,k..

mamaliz...takpe its la awak lomen2 lol

nora..thanks beb..sebab tu la ..susah so paling baik skarang i pendam n tahan sakitnye,..n hope for the best for d party,n really hope all the guest havin fun...
{but seriously, i think u gerls are more expressive and romantic with your hubbies.
i ni tak sangat ler...}

iyerlah tu....
u yg paling slalu hubby call suruh amik cuti...
surprise to go batam lah, etc...

i nie, JB pun tidak....
(maklumlah... nak bayar fees anak asyik terbegek, apatah lagi gi hols!)
<font color="aa00aa">shash,
busy with work lah.
yup yup..becky tu my fren..dari time confinement..lagipun we lived so near.
dulu selalu beli diapers and those pills to increase milk and share with her.
eh..masih sempat ke u nak post?
takde u sms me 93804733.

ler..jgnlah cakap macam tu.
dulu hubby not like that.
nak cakap i love you pun susah but he has learn and still learning.
time baru2 ada faiq our relationship many quarrels and arguments.
lagipun that time hubby was still building up his sideline and frustrated with his current post.
now alhamdulillah, things are better.</font>
So far my hubby memang rajin buat kerja rumah. Dia punyer territory is vacuuming , mopping, scrubbing the living room, kitchen and toilet.. Hehehe.. Yang lain aku buat.

Shash, kesian you. Tapi memang gitu lah, kita merancang Tuhan yg menentu kan.

I sokong kata Nora. Ada orang pandai amik hati orang lain, ada yg tak tahu malu.. LOL*

Lynzi, everybody is not romantic as you think.. Kat sini yg selalu horny is Liz and Shahlynn and Mas dgn tikar mengkuang.. hahaha...

*CABOTZ* Bye ladies.. got to go..
so its me to take a leaf from your book lah...

kata ada errands to run?
apa2 pun, set ah!

tadi i ngecek hubby!
nak gi BPP...
in 1hour, $50 habis! mampos!!!
i agree wif nora...
tak sumer ada common sense...

be happy, have fun on dat day, aite...
untung rizqi dapat mom like u...
"bye bye i nak alik...tak leh lambat...kewajipan dah menunggu...hihiihhiih"

*check calendar*
niari bukan hari khamis kan???
<font color="aa00aa">wati,
yelah kita kat sini blaja from more sensitive to hubby's needs..hehehe.

shahlynn nak date nora kat ctrpoint besok?
half day lagi ke?

today dah 3 times i mandi.
tak tau kenapa macam panas sangat..dah dua botol air sejuk pun kena teguk..
padahal all the way im at home..ishkkk</font>
<font color="aa00aa">nora,
i pun ingat today malam jumaat bila lina dgn cepat cakap dia nak cabot..ada kewajipan..
terus tgk calendar kat comp..masih hari rabu lah..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">ok gerls..have a great nite ahead!

i pun nak jalan kewajipan..gotta make dinner.
besok dah back to work..sungguh lemau...</font>

<font color="119911">morning
smua lagi jalankan kewajipan?

success ku dpt buat e macaroni goreng cuma i tink i kisar tak hancur sgt so nampak cam ada "daging" bedek &amp; telur berlambak hehe still can improvised lah insyallah</font>
