<font color="000000">Morning mommies..

last saturday..saw a fight in town..the victim was hub's cousin. Was so kancheong and shivered seeing the blood dripped from his face..nak telefon pon menggigil, forgot how to drive , cant even remember which is left or right..the only thing in my mind was to take him away quickly..</font>
<font color="119911">morning all

so naufal dah better?

dah meninggal? inalillah.. yup it was a shocking news.. last wk i got to noe from sujimy's facebook she was in hospital, critical condition.. tetatu je ni dia nak pergi.. life is soo unpredictable kan..semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat</font>
<font color="0000ff">Morning Notty, nshahi

he on med not jab..

alhamdullilah, he getting better now

kenapa kena pukul? kul berapa kat town tu.. takde public member tolong ke?</font>
Good Morning Gerls

alhamdullilah naufal getting better

i hope i never get to go thru that kind of expericance

yasmin ahmad
if u google her, there's some pretty interesting news abt her past

Berita Minggu tulis that its terrible some pple cakap she dah pass away
Sunday Times wrote she passed away at 11.25pm saturday nite

looks like someone in BM not doing their job

*shakes head*
<font color="000000">Smalldreams,
oh kita keluar..jln2 berdua..wanted to hv a drink so we stopped sumwhr near Tg Pagar. By the time arrived thr, saw him bled profusely fm the head, meja terbalik dan kerusi berkecai..he was alone. So hub ride his bike home and I drove him back coz he insisted not to report to police.</font>
*baru balik drp Tg Pagar dgn fingerprint brush*

Ouh, kira u jumpa dia aje dia tengah sorang2 eh? Gosh, ada lah tu sebab kenapa dia tak mo report police. Just hope his injuries weren't serious. He should count his blessings that you happened to be there.

Yang playground kat T2 tu was temporary aje lah...
Semalam I bawak adam gi Kids Kampong.
<font color="000000">Nora
durian sedap nye...we enjoyed them while watching football last nite..

mane punya tu??
bukan 4 for $200 rite..hehehe</font>
sapa makan durian satu bijik $50??!

Tu lah, I saw someone blogging abt it, tapi it was only temporary lah. Sorry to get yr hopes high.
<font color="ff6000">Morning Lovelies...

Woke up super early today to send Harith to school and had Ya Kun breakfast with husband at T3... =)</font>

the durian kecik kan
and i think not so manis bec i makan ok
some sooo manis i tak tahan

hb pi belik with fil kat tembeling rd

semalm i pi airport i was looking at the signs also

time dora ade temporary bouncy castles at T3

semalm care bears making the rounds
tapi izzat tak minat care bears la
actually carebears were oldskool even for me too, let alone izzat! I could not really relate to that. ormaybe i just wasnt a cartoon person dulu. Preferred to play around...hehe...

btw, can i ask if you mummies pantang pergi zoo etc bila time mengandung?
<font color="000000">Nora
nice..walaupon kecik tapi rasa sedap and isi byk..dah lama tak kopek doyan..hehehe
slalu beli kan dah siap dlm styrofoam..

there was once..we and inlaws mkn pat Four Seasons at Still Road at 2 in the morning. Hub tersalah, it showed per kg $20, he mistook it for $20 each so he took 4 and was asked to pay $200 for em..hahahaha! Lesson learnt!!</font>
i tak pergi coz zoo memang not my fav place that time hiiih...

cume i selalu dgr...orang mengandung n even her hub ...'mulut' nak kena jaga....
notty..fuhh..kalau i mesti i semput,yg recently happen in my neighbourhood is budak ahbeng,2 big lorries attack arnd 10 budak,1 kena rodok dgn bamboo stick,1 kena slice pat perut,ish dorang ni berani betul,i cant imagine kalau i tgh jln tempat kejadian dgn rizqi,choy...apela akan terjadi...

the worst thing is when someone tak bersalah is caught in between or in the case of mistaken identity....
lina..tu la...ever seen b4,budak yg tak salah tu kena teruk...mati plak tu...ya allah i ni kalau nampak this kinda thing i gerun,takut semcm..i pernah berdiri pat luar club muhammad sultan talkin to my fren wen 1 van stop n stab the guy on my the other side,ish abis my baju putih bertukar menjadi merah,i sampai pengsan,then ppl tot i yg kena stab,hahahahah..
mornin' ladies,
nak bilang you all, yesterday we had a "visitor" datang nak jual apa lagi ah.
at our place in tampines
it was arnd pm 5 plus.
i was in the kitchen, the rest of family in the bedrms
i heard org beri salam.
but i tak keluar. ask the bibik to go see.
bibik cakap she said "jgn takut, mahu beli?"
bibik cakap, "nggak, saya tak takut, tapi tak punya wang"
then she left, and i heard the same voice saying "excuse me, excuse," presumably at some chinese neighbour's house.
according to bibik, she was in her 40s, dressed in pant, long blouse and tudung.

it was more surreal than scary, cos me and my mother was just reading the articla kat BM.

til now, i'm thinking, why would anyone do this sort of thing when they know sekarang tgh kecoh abt this?

since then, i bilang my mother, doors closed at all time please.
Talking about durians..My SIL, when she was pregnant I think she bought 1 durian cost $75..I dgr punyalah terperanjat!!
I hairan la bila org craving during pregnancy, apa rasa eh? I bila pg, no vomiting and no craving.
How? Are u buying the palette?

U know, I terus takde chance langsung to go back Expo aft that Friday..Kena ban, sebab bila hantar barang jer, I pun lesap into the crowd,my dad memekak!
I tahu I kirim you la!!!
how are u, long time no chat!
anyway, remember i wanted to pass u some stuff?
sorry, but dah expire lah so i threw away...

anyway, i rasa she was just a regular seller lah, maybe nak take advantage of the situation, jadi orang takut just beli aje...
<font color="ff6000">HI Sher...
How do I order your kuih tart?

Hope you're feeling much better this week.

Your boy dah sihat I suppose... =)</font>
Ya! Im supposed to take it frm you sampai u dah beranak pun!! Its ok luck

Anyway, hw ve you been? Baby ok?

Can email me your orders..

And to all who wants to order my kuih tart for this year raya, please email to [email protected]

I pun ingat nak opt for regd mail la.
ya lar....takut nanti postman letak kat dalam letterbox semua berkecai....yur house sentiasa ada orang kan?? better opt for reg mail
Rumah u pun selalu ada org kan? So betta to opt regd as well..kalau takde, u can send to my address. I receive kan on ur behalf pun boleh..

Can! U email me, rumah u n mine bukannya jauh pun..
<font color="0000ff">Yuuhuuuuu
aik u all semua tak kluar lunch ke??

helooo sher
lamanya tak nampak u kat sini... amboi semangat ehh u and naqi beli palette..!!

kau pun dah terikut ikut minah2 makeup ni semua..LOL
btw dat workshop apa cerita, senyap je??

Naufal is getting better now..
tak ah me tak kuar lunch, jap lagi nak balik....

i jus cant concentrate ah at work, still sore.. so need sm personal time off.. bt terpaksa bedekkan co my girl sakit, else camne ku nak balik, mmg so berat to come to work today bt hmmm.. takpelah hope ill b btr later c ya *winks}
Rumah I memang sentiasa ada orang ...bibik n ds kat rumah....i tot rumah u yg jarang ada orang ..kalau u nak can dlv to my place....
