I pun tak suka gi melekit..pernah cuaca mendung kita pergi dah sampai, panas terik sekali..terus masuk balik dlm kereta and drove off!

Kau tak keja eh nak suruh aku hantar makanan?? Kau post aku dah keluar and ni dah balik pon!
" panas terik sekali..terus masuk balik dlm kereta and drove off! "

kwang kwang zoo...say hi\lambai then go back hiihihih
<font color="0077aa">letak Shimmers &amp; Nora dlm satu bakul &amp; letak 1 corner kat polar bear enclosure where it's cool and make up takkan melt</font>
<font color="0000ff">Yuuhuuuuuuuuuu

aik alih2 je semua senyap..!!
<font color="0000ff">lina
yg lain mana.. semua counting down nak balik ke.. hehehe

*another 30min to go..* hiak hiak hiak</font>
Meeting ah just now

Today just Monday..
U all read abt the ren ci hospital monk tu
wow.. bmw belik boleh lupe, hugo boss lain, thenhis "personal asst" so untung ah
can spend spend spend on his credit card
<font color="ff6000">Hari ini sungguh sunyi.

BRB. Wana eat cake bought by my boss who just came back from Dublin. =)</font>
"U all read abt the ren ci hospital monk tu "

dah malas nak baca....kasi pinjam 50K pon boleh lupa eh...his 'PA' dapat macam2
<font color="0000ff">ren ci hospital monk
tak followup lah case dia ni.. malas.. hehe

nak gi shopping ke kat taka tu..?

**packing packing**</font>
i am just amazed by how much $$ dia ade and all his assets
ade properties overseas etc

tapi dia "lupe" having all these things
kalau sekarang jadi PA dia hamprak..kalau dulu...mesti shiok...sebab ape kite beli ...semua dia lupe hiihiihiih
<font color="ff6000">Ladies,
Not me but I need to get at least $100 of TAKA vouchers hopefully by today to give to my boss. Her b'day was last Friday. Im hoping to give it to her by tomorrow morning.

Anyone can help me purchase?
Malam after movie I collect ker..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Quote **u sure of your hero plan this Friday??
jgn nanti asik asik tengok tepon jer....**

plz ehh, hp silent mode or off plz.. hahaha

distracting je nanti org nak makan and shopping... LOL</font>
<font color="0000ff">Lina
oppssss.. mana lah aku tau, setahun berapa kali je aku jejak orchard tu.. hehehe

klu gitu, kita lunch together lah.. dinner nanti decide later..</font>

kau divert kat aku

then hero kau tanyer mane kau

aku cakap, takde, dia tak join kite. ak tau mane dia

tu kira aku tak cakap bohong bec memang kau takde dgn aku per...
tadi time lunch ...i saw news fr. channelnewsasia...yg a newborn is infected with h1n1 n they r looking if this is a mother to unborn child transmission...

so take care all.....

bye bye....

Selamat Pagi Semua...

Btw check with u all selalu nya sambal ikan bilis ble simpan till how long?

Need opinion if 1 small tub how much will u charge for the sambal ikan bilis?

