*teringat nyonya2 & apek2 @ NTUC Club... sumer lagu joget LineDance*

<font color="000000">Slynn
dah bagus linedance..skali 'dia' lion dance?? *slaps forehead*</font>
<font color="119911">lina
skg pun masih ada ah bt not dat frequent as in e 80's

2 last i saw was
at ABC nya tpt makan tu, dgr bunyi chain kena drag sekali turun ah kau, takut aku.. muka dah lah buruk semakin buruk &amp; gerun.. dgn e benda yg tercacak2 dgn jelingan matanya
terpaksa kelam kabut bawa anak2 pi tpt lain..

bt yg ni cam nothing ah cuma they jalan sepjgn of e bukit panjang ring rd? baju itam &amp; baju putih dgn pisau dicucuk2 with alot of ppl flwg them</font>
<font color="119911">lina
yes i tink tu yg back then now tak nampak camtu tp nampak byk suka jalan keliling tp i tink yg ku nampak ni smua tgh nak halau e bad evils ah..
tp kan mmg seram kan tgk dorangnya menurun tu..</font>

i never see before, but my hb cakap his old house tingkat bawah ade buat ni
so they always hear the sebat sebat

huh.. u mean they jalan in public???
link yg nshah tepek tadi....

ada nie ah... ---> BMW 320i Convertible

nie aku mesti sewa! dahtu kol 3pagi, drive bogel!

kalau bedsheet....i like the bear....tapi nanti my hub tak berkenan...the LV yg 1st one also not bad....

it comes with the comforter?

aku tau bile kau nak buat keje tu

bile newspaper the next day report banyak keta keta lain yg tersasar and rollover padahal take angin takde ribut
just told hubby.... aku nak sewa convertible tu.
passenger kena bogel oso, den diri, joget2....

he said, "Waklu!"
hahahhaha..... coz dia passenger, aku driver!!
<font color="119911">NAw
yg i ckp tu yes they do in public tp kan cam certain area je ah.. e distance cam abt 5-10km they cant walk jauh sgt coz i tink takut budak2 takut nanti</font>

aku tak pakai baju spiderman lah...
kau ni.. nanti org semuer nak tengok aku pakai baju spiderman
but look like ladybug.. hhehe
banyak lagi aku nak tambah pasal drive bogel...
tapi takleh!

mesti jaga nama baik dia.... dia pun ada maruah &amp; harga diri... dosa besar nanti! *tsk tsk tsk*
mak aii!! abes dlm gambar sumer gambar comforter/comforter cover....
mepekz ahhh....

Den i'll just stick to Aussino jer ah
<font color="aa00aa">halo halo..
baru back from lunch.
even though bring bekal we always lunch pat staff lounge so can gossip n watch tv..hahaha.. saper nak tau citer pasal roza tu lagi???

ni citer apa pasal comforter semua?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">ooh..jadi taboo lak eh sebut nama.
ada ramai orang nama tu pe..even my sis pun nama singkatan dia tu jugak..hehe</font>
memanglah ramai orang nama sama...
but kalau dah sampai gossip, blah blah....
mesti sikit sebanyak orang tu bleh tangkap....
bear in mind this is a public forum...
kan nampak sangat!!!!

if u dun mind kena SUE, go ahead....
but we mind!
we tak se-loaded u to pay lawyers fees...
<font color="119911">lina
apa kata angkat keta tu &amp; park ah senang kan haha jgn marah *sbb camni ah aku tak pass2 lagi*</font>

pasal ni aku tak leh contribute pasal aku trial and error..

but nowadays some multi storey carpark soo mengarut

kalau ambik lot yg tepi keta dah masuk pintu tak leh bukak.. ade wall/pillar.. duh...
org yg design carpart tu tak drive gak yer
<font color="ff6000">Ok ladies..
LO for now. Wanna head to the apartment with my boss. Gonna be busy.
Enjoy your day and happy wknds!</font>
worst case scenario...i alik my hub n kids...then i gi carpak tingkat 5 then i agak2...hahahah...

orang nampak i kan...tersipu2...tgk i keluar masok tu lot...

kalau dah tak sabar...i parking perempuan
<font color="0000ff">Yuhuuuu
cerita apa ni.. sensasi nya nari nya topic..!!

tak payah update aku, aku dah go thru tau e archive. hehee

kau jual cadar, antar email kat dorang semua.. tapi tak forward kat aku ehh... </font>
