Mrg sweet mummies...
Mrg shout out to shahlynn,notty,lina yh& betty,wah menu breakfast semuer best2 ehk,lagi2 notty soft chocolate nut kek,amboi u make me drool babe,......

lina u nak clean up the whole apt ke???
kalau nk i can help,hehehehe.....i mmg da suka buat cleanin up,da mmg keje seharian,hehehe
*waves soldalam bunga2 @ Shash*
hai hai hai!

mana pergi? senyap jer...

bukan lina nak clean up... dia memang dah ada maid...
but san yg nak cleaner...
pi scroll up sana!
<font color="000000">Nshah, Lina,
thanks eh for your fren told me 168, nasib baik aku tanya korang dulu..


hi sweetie!hehehe...the choc kek sedap! baru belajar kek nie last Sat..turn out soft and moisture...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">notty,
asal hang nak datang woodlands ni?
nak jumpa kitorang semua kat sini ke?

izzat very perceptive eh.
OOOooooo....kak shahlynn sowie...i tak read up la...panjang sgt takut by the time i baca baby pun bgn ,da tak sempat nak bersembang...biasala kak,i jaga baby sendiri,dgn uruskan umah tak dpt nak chattin,lagi2 rizqi tgh active takde chance nak pegagng lappy...miz the all the chattin with u peeps...
<font color="119911">gal
both bleh sampai ke wdlands gak tp yg turn me off e Q for 969 berpusing2 cam snake.. while for 168 ah nasib ah if ada tpt duduk from the library area tu.. if u malas nak turun int can take 168 ah..

168 double deck
969 transit yg bus panjang</font>
<font color="000000">Rasa-rasanye...i will get migraine attack lah today...semacam je nie..dah nyut nyut..

and oso my kelengkang sakit lagi..donno why lah..</font>
<font color="119911">lynzi
san bz ah bt shes on msn can chat there lah..

pi email or msn san skg k.. she need to discuss dgn u'kal je i dont hv ur number if not dah sms to san</font>
welcome notty....

shash...san ah not me....san if dun mind an expensive 'helper'...she is charging $1000...

Given 2 scenarios

Gaji besar but tak hapi...everyday dragging to go to work...but kerja senang ah

Gaji jauh lebih kecil but lebih mencabar but its a different environment....

Which 1 will u choose?
{969 transit yg bus panjang}

*betolkan glasses ala cikgu Bedah*
repeat after me....
B.E.N.D.Y. B.U.S

bus panjang is called bendy bus
<font color="ff6000">Morning Ladies...

Sorry eh. Been busy this whole week + my asst is on sick leave today. Afternoon need to go to the apartment again etc.

Lynzi / Shash,
Wassup bebey...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">nshah,
i lum upload msn ah kat sini.
can u tell san the movie tix for transformers that she wanted to watch are with me.
the movie is on 26.</font>
<font color="119911">Slynn
hehe ok cikgu Slynn bendy bus sorry i nvr use dat term selalu call it bus panjang haha</font>
notty,yummy takpe i imagine jer..notty can i haf ur contact,u can leave inbox msg in fb....pasal i nk buat rizqi !st bday but its in aug..i n hubby da start plannin,pasal tau2 je la,sedara2 yg kerek semue kan mesti look down in every occasion dat our family make,so i nk plan btol2..u all r invited tunggu je k i send d invitation,notty i nak tanya,khairudin tu ur fren eh,yg dlm fb yg send comments ckp mama..heheh wat a small world his hubby nye couzzie hubby...

nshah ...ok roger...
<font color="119911">lina
hmm susah ku nak jawab coz im gg thru e same situation still pikiring &amp; considering tak habis hehe</font>
aku choose
No. 1 - coz nak raise money to be Nora's neighbour.
and money can buy everything!

No. 2 pun aku consider...
- sebab hari2 gi work happy... tapi end of the mth tak happy, sebab "nie jer dapat? kerja nak mampos, nie jer? duit susu anak aku dah braper sak????"

At the end of the day, its about prioritizing...
tepuk dada tanya selera...(tepuk tetz kasi signal)
sometimes, some things have to give.
its about sacrificing today for a better tomoro.
BUT at the same time, u still want to savour today coz tomoro may never come.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

tepuk dada tanya selera<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

aku tak leh tepuk selera coz selera aku slalu cakap "niari macam nak makan seafood platter fm Fish &amp; co
kau pi tanya Lina...
apsal dianyer kelengkang 'bleh tahan'....

kelengkang sakit is one thing...
kelengkang melecet is another....
hiak hiak hiak
"At the end of the day, its about prioritizing...
tepuk dada tanya selera...(tepuk tetz kasi signal)
sometimes, some things have to give.
its about sacrificing today for a better tomoro.
BUT at the same time, u still want to savour today coz tomoro may never come"

chewah actually can im doing this...."u still want to savour today coz tomoro may never come"

but can bila aku do the kids lak seldom see hub too...

money is damn good here BUT hati aku berat ah ...i cant set to have a firm decision...
kau dah try MFM? Manhattan Fish Market?
i find MFM is much much better den Fish &amp; CO.
more so now MFM dah halal...

Kalau kau pergi MFM, sure kau TERorder lobster platter instead... SURE kau nyer bill kena $70++
Good morning kengkawan !!!

Had a terrible bus ride ! Aku baru habis complain to Boon Lay Intchg and the fill-up online feedback form. Hmph!

kau biar real.. dulu aku kelekang sakit time preggy

maybe kau naik motor ade manyak punyer manjer tak???
<font color="ff6000">
*close face*
Thank you so much babe!
How do I collect e tickets from you btw?
Weekend? Postage?</font>
San..okies..will wait for ur call,or msg,any time..

amboi naqi..
kalau hair2 tepuk dada n tanya ur selera i blh broke sey...hehehe

N bout the quest tadi lina...
i agree with shahlynn..100% agree..hehehe
<font color="000000">Lynzi
ah'ah nak jumpa korang..heehee..

thanks hun!

chett! entah knape lah...its not dat i did vigorous movements per..

My no 98569751 - Thanks kerana sudi jemput kita..
That Khai..i knew him in Year 1995, time and galfrens ikot his budak motor, Tarantula..he's a joker and fun to be with..</font>

I am a shallow person, I'd go for money....

Option one is my choice and is what I am doing now.

Personally I think its too idealistic to be happy at your workplace and love what you do and feel great abt it

Only segelintir of us can enjoy that.

I take it as my scarifice ... at least the pay off is there

Kalau i takde tanggungan of course i can do whatever i like to my whims and fancy

Mrg wati..
wat telah happen babe?????

Nora..ya me too time pregg me pun ada rasa mcm tu,so horrible n terrible..hehehe...

N frens...any suggestion where i can do rizqi 1st bday ,utk quite a number of peeps...i da lame la tak celebrate bday mcm ni,apelagi this is my boy 1st bday,i dun wanna menunjuk2 sgt n i tak nak kekurangan sgt,i wanna make it out frm my crib..any haf an idea?
