Any gynea to recommend for VBAC (vaginal birth after C-Section)



I'm expecting my 2nd child.
During my first pregnancy, I went through emergency c-section, at TMC

This round, I hope to go through normally delivery.
My gynea does not support VBAC. She suggest that I switch to government hospital if I want to go for VBAC.

Any mummies to share your experience and recommendation?

Thank you!

Hi mummy,

I am also expecting 2nd & hoping to do vbac this time rnd. My last appt with gynae she explained the pros n cons n made me sign tt i understood what she said as i said if all goes to plan i want a natural delivery.

She didnt discourage nor encourage me to go for csect, so i suppose shes ok with it? Im at kkh tho. I am also wondering if anyone out there had a successful vbac before tt can share their experience.
I had a successful vbac with Dr LC Cheng at TMC. Dr Paul Tseng also from TMC is also the goto doc for vbac deliveries.
Dear mommies,

I am a vbac mom and I believe there is just not enough support of vbac in sg.

As a result, I have set up this site hoping to collect such stories.

Do check out this site documenting successful vbacs in Singapore.

Hopefully you can find the courage to seek a vbac supportive gynae and get the birth that you want!
Dear Yin,
I hv an emergency c-section during my pregnancy 3 yrs ago. I am due in coming may n gynae gives me the option of natural birth but with cons tt will affect the bb. Definitely, I'm pro to natural than c-section. What is yr gynae name? I m thinking if I shld seek 2nd opinion, considering I m near Edd. Tks.

Where can I find risks associated with vbac?
Juz the rite place! My ist was C sect and my 2nd one due SOON..i was hoping for natural birth but seems like DR not so encouraging telling me of the risk and urge me to take c sect several times..maybe that is for my own good but somehow i just feel that C sect if safer for them, more hassle-free and earn more.
No more time for 2nd opinion and all i could do is pray tat it ll be a smooth one. If ended up emergency c sect then no choice, at least i have tried. Pray that nothing bad will happen.....

My first born n second was 21 mths apart. First c-section, 2nd vbac. Wanted vbac for 2nd cos I want to continue to continue to carry/hug my first born. Dr not v encouraging initially but I went ahead n not regrets. I recovered so much faster as compared to c-section.
Hi, I had emergency c-sect in 2010 and successful VBAC in 2012. My gynea in KKH. She did not discourage me at all when I told her I wan VBAC. She did a v brief explaination on the risk and gave me a pamphlet to read myself. I can tell u that the more I read the more I become scare. But I know its her duty to let me know.

I still went on and had a successful VBAC. The feeling was amazing. And the love for the baby immediataly came to me. Cos after my 1st c-sect, I still ask myself, bb out aldy?? Is this the bb tats in me and now in my hubby arms? And I still continue to tok to my tummy tat nite. Faint rite!

After VBAC, I immediately have the sense that bb is out and I love him and my #1 v much and more now.
Opps, I'm having c sec too.How is the pain? Will the fist wound tear?that is wat all gynae say to me .. second one definitely c sec.. but I want natural for the second one
if you want natural birth for your 2nd one i suggest you approach a gynae who will at least let you try. i am trying for a vbac. after much research on the net i decided to switch gynae. of course, it also depends on whether you are suitable for vbac and how badly you want it...
So happy to chance upon this thread, I'm C sect for first time, this time my Gynae at tpy Dr James suggest me to go natural I'm excited to try he is very supportive, will u go for it ?
I support VBAC as the post recovery is def faster and the bonding with your baby is very miraculous. I just delivered my second successfully naturally last month. My first was emergency c-sect. You may like to consider Prof John Tee at KKH. I see him at The Private Suite. He is very experienced and knows exactly what to do. N his stitching skills is also excellent. The pain is really minimal n I become very mobile the very night after I delivered. Good luck n jia you.
Hi ladies, my first was c-sect too in 2010 and I want to try vbac. My gynae said no epidural & definitely no induce. Did u all succeed without epidural too? Can share your experience? Thx
Miracle82, ur medical team track ur fetal heartbeat to monitor the labour process is it? Mind sharing how heavy was ur bb, which week did u deliver & how long was the labour duration? Thx
I managed to deliver naturally wout epi for my 3rd child, after 2 csect. Changed to Dr Paul Tseng @ TMC for this 3rd pregnancy. Highly recommended!
Hi i am pregnant again 6months after giving birth to my 1st through c-sec. Do you think vbac is advisable since my period of recovery is so short?
I delivered my 2nd son, through VBAC with Dr Gordon Lim from Gleneagles Hospital. He is a very patient and experienced gynaecologist. My recovery time after my first born is about 2 years, therefore I'm okay for VBAC. For "houseoflove", it may be good for you to seek the advice from a doctor regarding whether to do VBAC despite a short recovery period. All the best!

Now going for number 3! :)
