Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

you have two older kids who can play girl is only one person so thot it would be nice for her to get some social interaction

but i think this place is v. good for your kids

Am gg tomr. Praying for no crowd and good weather.

Hey! Next time can gather the yishun kids together. Lidat will have company.
good idea! like dat not so boring haha

am anxious to catch the live telecast of the table tennis match tonight!!! have been following most of the matches, v. exciting!!
Went to the OCC play system. Its quite alright but smells kinda oily coz they do cooking within the same space. When I left, i smell like a hawker centre. LOL...

There was a bday party when we went, so there was 10+ kids, no bad. Got company.

I attempted to climb all over. But i tink i fat, so have a hard time climbing ard. The kids seem to have lil trouble though.

Overall is value for $$ compare to Explorer at Pasir Ris. (unless u go on non peak where its S$10+ for whole day of play) The yishun mummies can consider this play for a gathering for 3 yrs old and up.
hey yishun mummies...

Juz get to know this active eh..

I am staying in Yishun, blk 836, hv a 21st mth son.. looking for a plyagroup for him to interact.
Went Totsland, it's a letdown

quite unhygiene

waste my $ i am withdrawing him..
linda, hahaha ... yes yes... agree with wat u mention abt the smell of food on our body aft we left.

i climb all the way up, damn its so tiring... i took the spiral slide down, didnt expect the speed to be so fast got abrasion on my hand... sob... so painful... gotta be real careful, tell the kids to fold their arms when sliding down.
oh our son quite close age gap mine 22months..have also been on waiting list for littleskoolhouse @ occ have you tried appletree? thought of letting my son go for trial till LSH open playgroup in jan09
ya smell like 'hawker ' cos they do those deep fried food inside that enclose area mah! If i have free entry on sunday i let you mummies know hor than we all can bring our kids and gather there
Hey jovan mum,

no leh, i thinkin of LSH oso, i like the open concept, but thinking of the distance i afraid it's tedious for FIL to bring him there.
i am looking for those within close promixity

i gg to look at talentplus this fri , see hw is it, anyway i planning for my boy to play oni, nt really to learn yet.
But i am looking out where to send him to, abt 2.5yo, then proceed w nursery when he turn 3..
where are u stayg ?

can u tell me more abt the plygroup? i never able to get the line for LSH

always to voice mail
sorry, cant help coz my kids dun attend cc so i dun keep a lookout.

I tink kids will not have much problem with the slides coz they are lighter and smaller. Adults are bulkier so we will keanna the 'walls' more.
Act, i was quite paiseh to 'play'. But when i saw the maids joing the kids, i aso join. LOL...

jovan mum,
Free entry!! Wow, dat would be great!
there's always a long wait list on lsh, i ve tried to enrol my dd last yr but no vacancy. i really got piss off with the management, i call and check the status a couple of times, they say ll get back to me but nvr once bothered to call back. In the end i realise that they lost my wait list detail. unless u drive or u gotta get ur child to take sch bus. Now i place my dd at safra eager beaver half day care. you can call and check the beaver lodge too, they ve 1.5hr playgroup.

hahaha ya think u r right as i nvr hear the kids complain.
thanks all dear mummy for the precious info..

btw do u all do mit ups one another ?

Btw, finally got throughout Edufarm, I have looked at their website, looked quite good

I reserved a place for the Startots PLaygroup in Jan 09 .

Meanwhile, they are enrolling students for new class for startots phonic (weekly class) but gotta wait for more students to start.
I called this no at OCC 6759 0393 agreed that the number is so diff to get thru. Now am on waiting list for next yr playgroup. Basically to let him interact with his peers and get him exposed to more things rather than staying at home. I stay at CHong Pang

Haha ya free entry for the entire day normally on sunday cos hubby has golf so the white card is free like a day OCC part got a few can organise and use the ticket for entry to swim or at okidsport lor

heard that EB also very diff to get in always full!! The 1.5hrs think also full liao think same as LSH open for 09 nia wor..
zazan, jovan mum,
Ur children are in playgroups now?? Wad are the activities in playgroup?? My youngest is a 2007 bb. Am considering enrolling her for playgroup next yr coz she will be lonely with the elder kids in Pri and K1.

Wad are the advantages or progress u observe??
hey jovan mum, juz saw u asked abt the appletree, yup called up, oso for jan09 next yr.
I think i hv asked so far only talentplus can take it student anytime now
My son not in any playgroup yet. But am planning to send him to one cos i want to expose him to school first and to learn more things rather than stay at home to throw tantrum..*sigh* am only interested in a few school than get to realise want to send also difficult, all will tell you 06 got to enrol only for 09 nia...

Its free mah, since got tickets to become '1day member' haha else their white card hor waste leh..sometimes only me, my boy and helper goes to Okidsport to play nia so wasted. Since if mummies are interested than can go together mah..

can ask you where is Talentplus located? If really no choice than i will opt to go for GUG trial and see if he likes or not..but the distance haiz far lor United Square...
Hi again

Talentplus is located at Nee Soon SOuth CC. But pls don expect the lil ones to learn anytin, it's merely socialising.
Coz i send my son to Totsland (above ABC supermarket) learnt nothing, but it's fine coz i juz wan him to socialise there, but the thing is the hyigene wasnt good hence I pulled him out forfeit the fee tat i paid.
I am gg down to visit hw the class is conducted this fri at talentplus. look at the class , hw the teacher handle kids n hw the classmates are like.
if ok i placing him for the next mth.Else he looked so bored everyday stay at home.

I went for GUG weekend trial b4.. class is quite fun, but v crowded maybe coz of weekend, parent are supposed to acc kids. Course a bit ex, i think abt $25 per lesson, n venue is too tiring for me, hence i dropped the town option out.
Jovan mum, shannen,
If u hv the time and $$, GUG and JG are good and fun. I hv mummy frens who go there now with their 16months old and its enjoyable.
If u juz wan physical fun, kindermusik and mygym (woodlands!) are good.

Hmm.... There are limited cc ard my area.. Only 1 i can tink of is Averbel near the mrt.. the rest are too far for me liaoz...
my dd in EB half day care, they learn phonics, art n craft, chinese and water play at the pool. She's not taking the chinese class as its in the afternoon.

my dd got so addicted to tv so it better to send her to sch then watching tv at home.

shannen linda jovanmum
GUG is good but think of the distance and $$$... i dont think i got the patience to travel so far.
hello mummies..

FYI, Little Skool House got vacancy for 1pm to 4pm playgroup. I am nt keen at it coz it clashes w my boy's naps.

Call up n ask if u gals are keen
hihi all,

just saw this active thread =)

my boy is currently 3mth n 6days and i stay at yishun ave 4~

will be going back to wk on 1st oct *as i took NPL aft ML* boohoo~~~ sure miss my boy alot when i go back to i dread having to go back to wk n hopeing can find part time job or hm based job...
jovan'smum / lindaseah,
hey, remember me anot? used to be active in this thread. remember babycutie & gang? keke.

anyway, my girl is with GUG now. i hv just registered her and tis sun is her 2nd lesson. GUG is one of the enrichment courses i still can afford. keke. actually, i wanted to bring her to kindermusik also but the distance is too far; all the way to orchard then all the way to tanglin. (wait rain lagi jialat). unless i bring her to woodlands civic but they dun hv weekend classes there.

my boy is with bjg though (bukit batok). OCC branch closed le. haiz. but after tis term, i dun tink i will continue cos the fees are getting more & more expensive. i decided to enrol him in either zoophonics (thomson branch) or i can read (chong pang).
EB sounds comprehensive! Will consider next yr when the eldest enters P1. Thanks!

Hihi! Welcome! I stay at Blk 154.

Hello! Hello! Long time no see! I also only pop in here recently after a yrs of hiatus.

Wah... u veri gut lat lei... I only started the 6 yo on phonics and chinese lessons to prepare for P1. :p
hai all mummies..i am new here..would like to join you girls for this forum..i am staying yishun blk 255, have a daughter abt 26 months..would like to join your girls gathering, chatting, and play mate for my daugther..
i heard from one of the parent saying she dont need to send her dd to extra enrichment class as their prog is well cover to prepare them to P1.

hello welcome

me too lazy to travel all the way to gug...
<font color="0000ff">linda</font>,
i only want to bring them for more exposure la. its ok if they dun catch much. then if they are really interested in the lessons conducted, then i will enrol them for 1 term. if good, then i continue. (provided i can afford the fees) :p i always bring them to attend the trial class first de. sending my son to zoophonics is becos his sch dun teach so bo pian. "i can read" is becos he quite poor in his english language so hope the class can help to increase his english usage; spoken &amp; written. actually GUG also offers class in "Early Reading &amp; Writing" so i also headache. me kiasu :p

<font color="119911">zazan</font>,
GUG ok la...still quite near to yishun ma..keke abt 7 stops nia...novena mrt. easier than gg all the way to kindermusik.
hey ladies... fyi..

i went visting the schools today..

went Talentplus . Edufarm (but nt open), Eager Beaver and Little Skool HOuse... All seem not bad...

U tokking abt EB?? Yar, heard lotsa good things abt them. But my neighbour still sent her 2 boys for chinese lessons although they are at EB cc. Mabbi she KS. Kekeke.....

Unfortunately for me, the elder 2 was cared for by maid and has no enrichment wadsoever. (me bad mummy. :p) So now i am working hard at 'hugging buddhas leg'. LOL... Mabbi for the bb, i will enrol something for her next yr juz to get her started.

Kekekee... compared to me, u are a good mummy. I din bother at all til my frens who started her kid on P1 this yr complain to me how 'everyone else' is already so ADVANCE in class dat she regret no sending her kid to MORE enrichment! LOL..

But languages enrichments are good. At least if the child knows the language, he will understand the classes better.

So u made ur decision oredi?? *kaypoh*
Of course remember and also hor miss you leh..michelle, bb cutie and many more wonder where they go or buzy with work and kids... U send yr gal to GUG ah am thinking of also but lots of excuse i am giving hold me back leh haiz..

talking about advance, i got a friend her son too 'advance' le cos whatever teacher teach in P1 he already knew all the ans to the question and bascially the school is not up to his standard cos the son over advance *LOL*

Than have you decided on which school? Of all LSH, EB school are opening next year 09 for our toddler right *sianz*

Hi airy ;)
aloha everyone,
happen to chance upon this thread hehe..
currently staying at chong pang
got a 22mth ger ger.. Sept gonna have another one

wave hello to jOvAn'smuM (estben) &amp; shannen (virgoinvenus)

i'm enrolling my ger to apple tree at 108 chong pang next yr.. any feedback abt apple tree?
wahahahaha.... i tink the poor kid will be bored in class. One of the thing dat i worry abt as well. If the child is always 1 step ahead, the child might lose interest in school. Hmmm......

Not juz the safra, near to Chong Zheng as well right?

WAh... so u get to benefit the enhanced parenthood package..
<font color="aa00aa">WAVE to ZUOER</font>
Envy &amp; Congrats to you for being 2nd time mummy..yr princess will have a didi or meimei?

ya lor my friend also headache cos her son know so many things that his peers do not know.. as she enrol him to phonics lah, enrichment classes etc..
shannen, which talentplus u visit? near chong pang?? my girl thr b4..maybe she too young(shd be youngest) and air con easi get experience is the toilet also not clean,nobody clean the toilet leh
zuo er..congrats..

all mummies, sounds like good leh eager beaver..i m tinking enrol my girl bit inconvenient lor..unless take sch bus..but too young leh..

currently she at neighboourhood childcare..half day..just let her socialise lor..btr than at home..

Btw, what is GUG? i know JG is at orchard is quite good but expensive
jOvAn'smuM (estben),

is meimei
i like haha
mil kp hoping is didi but too bad is meimei hehe

Airy (airy2310),

btw, talentplus near chong pang is at which blk de? cos that time i went to 1 at chong pang also
also c the toilet not clean then i have second thoughts..
as long as baby is healthy gender is secondary forever same mindset must have didi de *sianz* but who cares *LOL* we cannot choose B/G de ma.. rest well and take care hor
zuo er..i think talentplus chongpang is at 126??(if i not wrong) cos only 1 talentplus girl there 5 months but think only 3 months school 2 months sick..i dun think got ppl clean the toilet leh..haha....nw at neighbourhood childcare non air con btr..stil got sick bt seldom sick liao..

wow u have mei2...act i like girl also but old ppl always want didi lor..haha i stil dnt have 2nd...v tough as nobody take care for alone leh..siong...maybe wait she slightly bigger..then i have to start all over bo bian leh...maybe better lor that time..
hello all.. n hey zuo-er

The talentPlus i talking abt is in Nee Soon SOuth CC, i stay ard this area.. I went visit, the teachers are not bad, they check the kids quite thoroughly b4 entering the class. The environment look clean but ya i din visit the toilet.. but not need for my boy la..he oni 21st mth, i lazy din toilet train him yet..heee so on diapers not a prob

other schools all can oni start in Jan 09 ... so i taking Talentplus first... then find a sch for his Nursery lo..

Eager Beaver 's teacher is good.. Teacher Penny..
LSH, i like the open environment.. but the lady in charge , Phyills. looked a bit stern to me..hee..scare...
then edufarm not open de .. i went blk 858 de.
btw, eager beaver n LSH , u can get school bus de.. of coz u gotta pay, there will be a uncle looking aft them while in the bus.
Btw there will be another LSH at Sembawang area..

oh ya congrat Zuoer for #2... i oso think it's time for me to hv #2...hehehe

yah as long as healthy i'm fine with boy or ger..
yeah, thanks

hmm not sure cos i nv go take note of their name if i dun haf good impression.. if is 126 then last time my uncle put his son there..
my mum told me that they dun let the kids go use toilet de lor!! dunoe why but ask him to bear with it... which is like so wat... how can ask kids to 'ren'
but now they changed him to another childcare think better &amp; he also enjoyed his stay at the new childcare... ask the parents dun bring him back so early

for me 2nd is unplanned de.. planning to go holiday trip in sept.. end up holiday trip is in TMC haha... actually now siong a bit better than later.. my 1st &amp; 2nd age diff is 2yrs so i think still ok.. now i shifted in with my mum so sometimes mum can help out a bit but she also working..


jia you wor hehe..
