Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

I am new here. My baby is 6mths old. She is now on TBM. I plan to introduce her formula milk soon.
Any mummies here buy the formula milk from Msia?

Hi all,
I got one pack of unopened Pampers Comfort M size 58pcs. Selling at $10. NTUC retail price is $12.60. Anyone interested? I can deliver to yr place.
hi mummies

my hb also works on weekends. so i'm always out with my 10mth old to meet up with my gfs if theyre free. but most of my gfs are still not married, the married ones are pregnant and having bad MS so if we dont go out, will be bored at home. i stare at my baby, she stare at me

are there gatherings for yishun mummies? would love to join if time permits! i'm staying near st 21, near ytss & esso
linda, fau,
sometimes, my hubby works on weekends as well, and holidays too. i don't even know where to bring my baby to for a start. a sling is a good idea, but i have yet to use it coz i am not sure if my baby is big enough to sit in there for long. i will have to look for a light stroller soon.
morning toby!

when Dahlia was smaller i used the bjorn, but now if i use it my back and shoulders will break!
we have the quinny buzz but i was too much of a hassle for me to use alone. sometimes i have to think twice/thrice/four times(!) if i want to bring the stroller out alone with her.

hb got me the Graco Citisport from takashimaya. super lightweight and can be opened/closed with one hand. very happy, i even cured my escalastrollerphobia with it hehe.
ya me too my hubby gotta work during wkend at times, yet still i am too lazy to bring my DD out esp all the crowded shopping malls.

agreed wz fau its better to carry a lightweight stroller when we are bringing kids out alone. Sorry not being braggy but i really spent more than a thousand $$ buying strollers and realise it's not suitable for my use. I ended up selling some and left with 2 in the store room and using a old combi lightweight pram given by my mum's friend. I think that we should invest on one declinable stroller and one lightweight stroller when they are older.
Wow, seem like alot of mummies here are home alone with the kids on weekends. Mabbi we can arrange a swimming session for the tiny tots.

LOL... Dun stare stare lar. There are many things u can do with ur lil one. I used to bring my gal 'shopping' with me. In a sling or pram, she can watch the world or snooze while i can enjoy myself. Now u only have 1, its still quite sinang. Do go out more often. But if u the homely type, den I am sure u will find things to do at home.

A sling is good til 24months. But i usually start using a stroller ard 12 months coz too heavy liaoz. :p
I have 3 tots and it is troublesome lugging all of them out. But I find them poor thing to stay indoors 24/7. So I juz grin and bear. And i find its quality time for us coz its juz me and them.

The latest fav place is the Zoo. We signed up the membership and so we go there every month. (More worth the membership.. kekeke)

Wah.... u buy those US strollers huh?? I always dream of those but rather spend the $$ on myself. :p (Me bad mummy)

re: strollers
I got a cheap one which allows 160-170 degrees of decline (Not 100% flat lar) which lasted through 2 kids. For the bb, i bought any cheap stroller at KP under S$50 which serves me well too.
The bicycle shop at Chong Pang sells a similar one at ard S$45 lidat. Its a simple stroller, nobrand but can recline and is light. I got 3-4 wdlands friend dat bought and likes it.

No... i think i bought 4 or 5 strollers that added up more than a thousand, thou very tempted to buy those sofficated ones dont think i ve the courage to do tat, my hubby ll kill me... hahaha... luckily i manage to sell those unwanted strollers to get back some of the cost. Now i tell my friends with bb to select one tat suits them dont be like me, with the money i spent can buy one really good stroller liao... i still look at strollers at the malls, dunno leh just ve the craze over it but of course just see see only.
Yishun Mummies,
If swimming is next week, than i gota give it a miss as will be away till next weekend. Meanwhile if you mummies are organising the swimming for little ones, have fun
hi mummies
trying to work from home so feel guilty if i look at forum haha

anyway i used to be crazy about strollers hubby would complain about how many strollers i need and i always stared at other ppl's strollers to see what it's like haha...i even bought a backpack stroller! but never even open the box and sold settled on umbrella stroller, v. light and useful for quick trips but cannot recline...and one capella stroller that can recline and pretty cheap too at 100 plus

now with 2 kids, i have to carry the baby while i play with #1 so more interested in carriers and still a bit headache as what carrier to use...recently bought a ergo....v. highly reviewed and recommended and it is more comfortable than my snugli carrier but it's sooo hot
ok ladies, i'm back!
remember our swimming trip together?? we mentioned something about going to SAFRA Yishun. Is anyone still interested? i guess we are talking about weekdays here for SAHM? To avoid the crowds during weekend. Sorry WM!

Pls reply if interested so that i can cordinate =)

Let's make it tentatively on Wed 23/Jul, 4pm.

give me a five... hahah... ve u tot of getting a twin stroller or those roller fix on stroller so the elder ones can stand on it...

ll love to join u gals but since my dd ve waterplay every wk i think is enough for her. if you gals got hi tea gathering near by count me in.
i'm interested in the swim but right now down with a cold so not sure if by wed, will be fully recovered...of cos dun want to be near your precious kids when i am sick

twin strollers too big for our small small stores and walkways i think....i've heard of those strollers where the elder ones can stand but have never seen one v. interested though....where got sell huh?? or how does it look like??

where does your girl go for waterplay??

got to feeding time!
Lucky u dat u manage to sell them off. I cheapo, so even the most expansive stroller i got is under S$100. :p
I am more active at March 2007 thread, there are some mummies dat bought strollers dat cost S$500-700... I call them bb mercedes.. LOL...

Hi Tea?? there is meh in Yishun??

Have fun at the pool!
Tks Linda.
Adeline, we have to see hows the weather too. seems rainy these few days. and also can wait for u to get better and then join us =)

Btw ladies,
i'm thinking of enroling my ger into a social play class (8M-18M) at GUGIFTED. Located at United Square. The programme is Gifted Babes, 1.5hrs per session, 2-3 times a week.

3x/wk (M W F) $396/mth

2x/wk (T TH) $280/mth

** Payments are to be made termly (8wks). so if we sign up for this class, we have to commit for 8 weeks.

So anyone want to join in as well? I'll be taking up the 2x/wk, every Tue & Thur, for the 1600-1730hr slot. Anyone interested in signing up together?

Here's the link to GUGIFTED.

those front and back ll be easier i think, its longer but the width is like a single stroller. my hubby's friend bought one, he said its pretty easier to manuver... they can flatten the seat back to form a little bassinet. I am not too sure wats that call think it can only attach to umbrella stroller eg maccleren. can try mothercare or yourlittleones...its like a board with wheels attach to the stroller, my friend says its abit troublesome as she need to dismantle everytime when keeping the stroller and she cant use the escalator too. its not like preperego p3. where it has 2 plastic pad fix above the rear wheels.

my dd ll ve water play at safra pool every thur..

you r right... my sis says i m crazy...haha... now i keep telling my friend to choose wisely. i love p3 should just buy tat and 4get abt the rest. No high tea in yishun la but we can meet up to drink tea or coffee.... i went to this hk style rest at sembawang cottage, realise their food is quite nice price reasonable they ve dim sum too.
i agree that one should really look around before commiting to a stroller. i bought the safety 1st travel system.. being a new mum, i thought the stroller looks nice and all but forget to see if it really works for me. anyways, this current stroller that i have is abit too warm for my baby since it is summer. i will get a cheap umbrella stroller soon, one that is easy to fold up and light. my baby is still small so i have to get one that supports his back.

zazan, where is this sembawang cottage? near yishun? i love dim sum !! i don't mind meeting up for tea or coffee next month.

linda, wow you have 3 kids, not easy to manage when going out, eh? i have one and i have already so tired. my baby had a cough last week, gosh, it was so tiring for me coz i have to get up so many times in the night to check on him. so your kids enjoy going to the zoo every month?

fau, as for the baby sling, my baby gets irritated if he sits in the sling for too long. so now i am looking for other ways to carry him in with.
Sembawang Cottage?? U mean at old sembwang road where the drive in mac is isit??

They like the waterplay area most. I tink they are getg bored of seeing the same animals... LOL..
Heyz mommies,

i've got a Similac Step 2 milk powder which i wan to let go FOC, but the expiry date is on 2008/08-29. Anyone interested? If not it'll have end up in the bin soon.

I wanted to get a bumbo seat a few mths back but was told that it's up to 10kg (got to check). But I know if u have a chubby bb den not very worth buying since only can use for a while.

My bb also 6mth old and he almost 9kg liao.
littleorbit, hubby juz make a deal with the seller, buying 2nd hand one.
wow...yr baby good size hor. Mine one 7.8kg.
yen, oh the feb mummies din post on the thread. but they told me they wanna sell off lor.

my bb saem as littlorbit, cant sit on bumbo liao. he also comign to 6mths next week.

It's ok la, better than buy a brand new one rite. Can leave for ur next bb too..

Mine too heavy liao.. Train by him now muscle muscle liao.. haha
elmo, thks.

tongtong, littleorbit,
Hubby collected the seat liao. Managed to keep my gal seated well when I feed her. Babies being babies, she wouldn't want to sit in it for long! But I am happy that she can sit there for 20mins. hahaa
thanks for the stroller info...makes me real interested to scout it out hehe

the safra pool water play sounds interesting and I would love to put my girl in some class. only prob is her nap time is from 2 plus to 5 plus so dun really want to mess ard that

sembawang cottage
i live v. near that great to meet there hehe so if anyone interested count me in
adeline loo

ya me too feel like sending my gal to some enrichment or drawing class but she need to nap in the afternoon so pretty difficult.
ladies, i've enrolled my ger into the Growing up Gifted program - Gifted Babes (8m-18m). Starting her class from 12 aug onwards every tue n thur. Hope it'll be fun for her!

brought her to swimming today again. probably the 5th time.. she's really getting very comfortable in water with just the arm floats. I reali like it when she goes swimming, coz she'll have a very good sleep after that.

how are you all and your babes?
AM Back from my tiring trip

am interested GUG! But you mentioned 8-18mths ah mine hor already 22month leh so which class will he be attending? Just read yr thread being wanting to enrol him to some classes and saw yr posting..
jovan's mum,

i enrolled her into one of the programmes based on her age. There are many other programme available also for different age group. You can go to their website to check it out.

i bring her to 2 places, either Yishun swimming complex or SAFRA Yishun. I prefer SAFRA coz got hot water bath. U interested? We can always go together.
elmo, how old is your bb? i intersted to bring bb to swim too but he is only 6 mths old. not sure whether the water is warm or cold?
tong tong,
water is warm in the evening especially if it's a hot day. so i usually bring my ger (10mths old) ard 4pm plus to the pool. so by time she's all soaked up ard 5pm, i bring her to bath and it'll still be daylight after we come out.

i usually go wif my sister, coz 1 person can't handle if u bathe ur kid there. otherwise can always bring bby home to bathe.

tong tong,
water is warm in the evening especially if it's a hot day. so i usually bring my ger (10mths old) ard 4pm plus to the pool. so by time she's all soaked up ard 5pm, i bring her to bath and it'll still be daylight after we come out.

i usually go wif my sister, coz 1 person can't handle if u bathe ur kid there. otherwise can always bring bby home to bathe.

i went once to the OCC playarea. It's ok, pretty small but good enough to keep a toddler occupied. How old is your kid?? Plus point is that it's v. cheap, $6 per hour if i remember correctly. Bad thing is that it is quite quiet. We went on Saturday morning but only two other much older kids there

the play area is ideal for kids at what age? I've just joined the SAHM club and am wondering where to bring my 11mth out.
let me describe that place a little. it has a big climbing structure with tunnels and steps and a ball pit inside, suitable only for older kids cos the climbing quite siong. There are about 3 small kid size cottages/houses, v. popular if your kid is into imaginary play now. There are i think 2 small rocking plastic horses. That's about all there is there. Hope my memory serves me correctly

Quiet is GOOD!! I rather dat den crowded.
The 6.5 yr old and 4 yr old will be playing. The youngest will stay at home. :p

From the sounds of it, it is quite small compared to the Explorer at Pasir Ris. But if its not crowded and its so much more convenient, i tink i will bring the kids there.

