Any comments on Montessori for Children


Active Member
Any mummies send their kids to Montessori for Children? Would like to have some comments.

My son is currently at a Montessori Childcare Ctr. Their teachers r well qualified and they have a full range of apparatus to teach Maths, language and daily chores eg ironing, mopping etc. A good programme I must say as his lang and counting ability is better than most kids of his age.
Fees are not cheap but it's value for $.
Hi Cutie mum,
Can I know which Montessori Childcare ctr is your son in?

I am worried that if i send my son to Montessori school, will he have problems adapting to the mainstream education in P1?
I know some parents have this worries about adapting to the mainstream education. But I think by then they are older they should be able to adapt.
I think currently they are still too young to be in a classroom style. It's difficult for the teacher to know whether your child is able to catch up in class.
My son is also in a Montessori CC, at least I know that he has a one-to-one attention from his teacher(s) which I think it's important for this young age.
It's Character Montessori. I also worry abt him catching up with P1 cos he has no homework so far. But I know he's in good hands which is impt 4 his young age.
Hi mommies
Any one hear of Greentree Montessori in Thomson? Hope to hear some feedback as this one seems the only one nesr my home.
Hi Wendy,
Which montessori is your son attending? How much do you pay for it?

Hi Wei Lin,
I'm also considering the Montessori Sch at Newton. Just went to check up Montessori for Children this morning. Guess what? If you want the morning session, you have to register 18mths in advance. That means I have to register now when my son is only 13months.
Purin: What's yr comment on the sch at Newton?
Ya, it's placement for 1.5 yrs. To me, afternoon is fine.
How do you find the environment & teachers? Need to wear uniform?
I hv recently registered my daughter for their childcare services, location at MMI SK and she'll be going in after she turns 18 months in this July...

Part of the reasons I chose them was bcos of the new school premise, all things are new and clean - better hygiene I hope, and also the classrooms are non air conditioned which I felt is better. I visited the school twice, seen the teachers once and I think they are okay, well at least for now!

Hv heard the good and bads on MMI, and I am hoping for the best..
Yep Weilin, this july!

And I am having mixed feelings now, don't know how we'll cope lor... Also not quite near my place tho it is in SK estate, am still figuring out on the bus routes!

So for playgroup, ur maid wil help bring and pick little A from school?
Purin: Guess our children may be in the same class since we will be enrolling at abt the same time, if I feel comfortable with the sch after the visit.
Hi Mommies, the one u mentioned above near newton, is it Halifax Montessori?
Has anyone been to Morning Dew Montessori?
Anyone noe of any Montessori in AMK? Thanks.
Hi Cutie mum, thanks for the info, but CM only provides childcare only, dun have the enrichment class. I am looking for their once a week parent-toddler class for enrichment. Any other montessori in AMK?
Hi Wei Lin,
The one that you are visiting is called "Montessori School"? Where is it located?
I'm thinking of taking a look at a few others before I decide. In "Montessori for Children". What I dislike is the air-con environment. Kids of various age groups are place together in the same room. Not sure if this is the same for other montessoris.

Hi Gen,
The one you mentioned is "Montessori For Children" right? Yes, quite ex. School fees is $400 plus per month and if not wrong, must pay school building fund of $100plus.

Hi Sally,
The one that I'm talking about is "Montessori For Children". The name very misleading right?
Purin: Which one did you visit? The one I am visiting will be "Montessori for Children", it's beside Etonhouse at Newton/Novena.
Is it the same one? Hahaha... I am confused.
llynn: I like the Learning Vision at Gentle Road. Nice & clean environment. Big playground, big music room. I have my feedback of this centre in my blog. If you are interested, I can PM u my blog link.
cyan: guess it's natural to be excited. kekeke.... think we are more excited than our kiddos.
u intend to put T there full or half day?
Hi Wei Lin,
Yes, yes. That's the one I went. Are you full time SAHM looking after your kid? I'm one for the moment.

Are you looking at any others? How old is your kid now?
Hi Cyan,

THe MMI that I am looking at is also in Sengkang. Haha, I too like the school new environment and all things being new. Din know that the place is non-airconditioned. That is good as I think will be better than recycled air. U already registered your kid to start in July06? Me still thinking when is the best age to start my girl. Looks like both my child n urs already the same age. R u enrolling her for full or half day? I too have concerns of how to send her there as it is quite a distance from my house too....

True, we are more excited den our kiddos! Hee! I hv registered T for full day, cos the fees differ by $25 only - if i remember correctly, and I am somehow stuck in b/w the AM and PM session if I go for the half day care.

The teacher was telling me dat the main academic classes are in the AM, whilst PM, are the enrichment classes like storytelling, speech and drama etc. So i will be sending T in at 9am, and pick her ard 4-430pm...
Hi hsee,

Ya, I hv recently sent in the forms for my girl to do a 2 wks trial in July, enrolled her for the full day care. She'd turn 18 months in June, wat about urs?
Cyan: Tat's a great plan u have for T. I thought of sending her to childcare but I'm worried abt the 'getting sick frequently" syndrome in child care centres. Sigh* Headache over this issue for the past mth.
Purin: I am a FTWM. U r staying ard Novena area?
So far, I've been to Learning Vision at Gentle Rd, Pat's Sch hse, Edu_Place Montessori (at my neighbourhood) & Cambridge Novena.

Though Pat's sch house gives me a gd impression, fees r too steep. Right now, I have registered my gal for learning vision for Mar07 intake next yr. Still thinking if I should send her to Montessori for children instead. Any other recommendations in Novena area? I emailed Little Woods Montessori at Gentle Rd too. But yet to receive their reply.
Cyan: So u r not sending T to GUG liao? I thought of dropping my gal from GUG.... as the lessons go by, I feel it's a waste of $. Sigh* The singing session wans't as lively as kindermusik & my gal doesn't seem interested in zoo phonics. When I brought her to edu_place montessori, at my neighbourhood, she immediately struggled and wanted me to let her crawl. She crawled beside this jie jie who was playing with the blocks (think it's some montessori block thingy) and watched in amazement. Hahaha...
Hi Cyan,

My girl also turn 18 mths in Jun :) May I know the charges like for the 2 wks trial? THanks. Both of them may be classmates if I sign her up too :)

Hi Wei Lin,

Me too having headaches for past weeks deciding where to send my gal......sigh sigh
Wei Lin

Haha...actually me osso start tinking when she is 12 mths n till now still have not make up my mind.......guess u r right....2 many choices tat dunno which to pick...hahaha
Hi Purin,

I'm a SAHM too. Where do you stay? Can you tell me more on "Montessori For Children" as I might put my girl there. Do they teach chinese? I'm actually considering between Montessori For Children & MMI (Kee Sun). I know
the MMI Thomson branch is very but not sure abt the Kee Sun branch. My email is [email protected]
Hi wei lin,

me very lazy, so far only been to LV at gentle road. I like the place too, like wat you said, clean, big playgroup etc. i have also registered for my girl. thought of putting her half day when she turns 2 yrs. actually if it is non-aircon would be best.

btw where is edu_place montessori ? i am also looking for childcare/enrichment near novena, thomson area.
llynn: I will copy n paste my comments from my blog on LV here:
Personally, I find the Learning Vision syllabus pretty good. They help to develop a child on the whole. The curriculum for toddlers focuses on interactive learning, providing opportunities for sensorial and kinesthetic exploration of hands-on materials.
The reasons why I chose Learning Vision:

1. I like bungalow or semi-detached type of centre.
Learning Vision @ Gentle Road has the following extra facilities:
A small pool for water playing, a garden (with no flowers, only flat grass) with swing for play, a big area where the kids can play those kiddy cars. And since it is a house, it just feel more cosy (when I first go in, I like it immediately... just like a BIG home for the kids). And the whole place is fenced up, so it will be safer, no stranger peeping around.

2. Teachers are caring and the kids are happy.
When we visited this school, one class was having their craft lesson, the other was having their music lesson.

3. Fees are reasonable, according to what the school is offering.
Some centres charge very cheap. Well, I won't consider them because you pay for what you get. The full-day programme fee is $550 (after deducting $150 subsidy) per month.

4. I don't need a Montessori school.
The main thing about Montessori is that they let the kids play some educational materials on their own, to train them to learn how to solve things themselves. However, not all the 10 hrs per day is all Montessori approach. Perhaps, 1 hour is for doing this kind of "special activities". The rest of the time is just like a normal non-montessori kind of approach. Montessori's school fees are much more expensive.

5. The place is clean & tidy.
The toys and teaching materials are kept neatly on shelves. When I first stepped in, it leaves me a good impression.

6. Location
Though it is not a "within walking distance" school, its one of the nearest school. Its quite accessible.

7. Ratio is 1 teacher:8 children.
Quite an acceptable ratio to me.
Funny: How old is yr bb? I am going to visit montessori for children on 19th june 1pm, interested to join?

the edu_place is above hdb balestier office. quite old n not well-maintained place. but the directress is gd. the nearest montessori playgrp to me.
weilin: tot u workign? How u send her? The one u send her to is it CC or only few hours?

i feel that montesorri is gd for younger children from 18 mths to 4 to 5 yrs. after tat 5 n 6 yrs i prefer normal CC to catch up witht he mianstream. I am a teacher and i will not wan to risk my child not catching up when they turn Pri 1. There is a Greentree montesori at the sch i am teaching but the price is steep. For outsiders 18 mth is $1000plus b4 subsidy. Subsidy is only $150... for staff it is $830 after subsidy. Reasonable?
