Any comments on Montessori for Children

Not sure if this thread is alive

bananarama: If you google on montessori method, You will uderstand the philosphy a bit.

The method of montessori is good, however the teachers/ directress play the important role.

How you gauge whether the school is suitable
1. Teacher ratio
2. Environment
3. Condition od materials
4. Your Intereaction with the class teacher

Hope this helps

If you are interested will send you more articles to read.

I have enrolled my boy to Greentree Montessori at Sembawang Shopping centre since Jun 2012 when he was 18 mths old at that time.

He was doing well at the beginning. Today, I've received call from my hubby saying that the teacher asked his father to bring my boy home because he was crying in the school. He wants me to check with the school what happened.

So I called. The person in-charge explained to me that the teacher is new and she will talk to her. I was very disappointed actually. The teacher was new indeed but was teaching my boy for few weeks already. If my boy is crying, is it the responsibility of the teachers to let them adapt instead of asking him to go home. Anyway, there are only 2 or 3 children at the playgroup.

I'm thinking whether to withdraw him from the school.
Hi mummies,

Any parent who put their childs in MMI Montessori at Blk 750 Woodlands?

Any comments?

Thank you!
I'm a mother of 3 young girls and I qualified as a Montessori teacher in London. If you have any questions about montessori, you can call me 98283771 or email me at [email protected].

hope that helps,
