Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

Ivy, gosh, did'nt know tat. Confirm with him the next visit, esp the admin/misc fees thingy.. is he ur gynae for the past pregnacies too??

efg, I see, tink if Doc feel I need to induce then I will do it, dowan to do it b4 due date. If overdue then bo bian....Is it a must to do the strep b test, dun even noe if I did the test ald or nt.
Efg: Nope, cos of his good comments abt him, that's y I chose him & also his clinic (CCK) is near my place..never knew he's like that...

Before I seen him, my gynae was Adrain Tan at TMC, very good n he's my gynae for my eldest & second son..But becos his package & doc fees is much more expensive le (previously he was with KK),that's y I drop him..
firipy, hmm.. Usually strep b test will be done from 36 wks onwards.. Do u rmb paying $40 plus for any test in his clinic? Think beta to play safe n go for e test as it may cause severe infection to newborns. If u r found positive with strep b, he will put on drip during delivery.

Ivy, actually he's not tat bad.. He has always advised mtbs to deliver in public hospitals if they encounter any complications before delivery in order for mtbs to save $$. Maybe its e recep tat convey e msg wrongly. He really has a large vol of patients now compared to e yr 2004 when i gv birth to my 2nd kid then. Why not u try calling other thomson women gynaes' clinic n enquire abt their professional fees for 5th child.
Hi mummies,
I see some discussion here abt overdue BB and induction. My boy was born late Mar 09 and also overdue. I wasn't keen on induction and wanted to wait as I read its ok to overdue by up to 2 wks, but Dr A said "there is no advantage in being overdue". So I checked in TMC 1 day after my EDD as I was also getting abit worried...True enough, he was right. My BB has already poopoo inside me cos when he broke my water bag, he said its slightly greenish. Lucky my boy didn't eat any of the meconium, else will have complications. So mummies out there, even if scan and heartbeat all ok, doesn't mean all is well cos BB poopoo u can't see until u break water bag
Hi mummies,

Do u have pay for the Strep B test? If yes, how much is it?

I'm 37 wks, but Dr A didn't mentioned anything about this ley
m2five, r u asking abt dr a's professional fees? U can check with his clinic's staff.

Kitty99, u can do ur strep b test on ur next visit but must remind him hor. Strep b test is not included in e package n it costs $40 plus if i rmb clearly.
Strep B test is not included and usually he won't initiate it. I did ask him about it. Then he mentioned that I could do it when I am 36wks which is like this/next week.

Did anyone of u experience rashes/itchy skin during pregnancy? I went to Doc A and show him my "scars" left behind from all the scratching. He gave me cream to apply but it didnt help at all! It is really very bad compared to my last pregnancy..
hi ahxue, yes i did have rashes till nw my bb almost 4mth also delivered by Dr Adrian , my rashes still left scars behind..

my rashes was develop during 2nd trimester
all Dr A can prescribe is calamine lotion which is of no use at all... in e end my rashes bcom v bad n he told me to go national skin centre...

btw my rashes was due to allergic to certain content in palmers' cocoa butter stretchmark cream.

den in e end i went to Mount Elizabeth to see dermatologist n onli prescribed 2 small bttle o lotion (same size as those cough mixture bttle given by dr A) n i end up paying $350 including consultation n med.

but it really worth as my itch stopped aft applying n recovered within a few days.

den my itchy hand try applyin palmer cocoa butter in my third trimester when i see lots o stretchmark appearing. in e end , end up w servere rashes n went back to mount E and spent another $350 there.
morning everyone....long time no check in here....wonders if any still remembers me HAHAHA

pls do not apply that cocoa butter anymore, i oso kana the rash n the best part is i finished almost 1tube then the rash kicks in.....i was like scratching away in my dreams lor...lucky for mi i oni applied at nite that's y my rash wasn't that bad

the admin charges is abt that price...i was shocked when i received my bills....he wasn't even here for more then 5mins on the 2nd day plus baby's PD charges oso abt this price
but all these charges incurred oni when u admit come asking u to pay in cash? paisey...u sporean?
hi all, havent been here for long time! Same batch as suika and piyobaby

to some of ur mummies' concerns:
yes woody wont initiate us to do Strep B unless we asked him. I asked him and did but in the end, emerg c-sec

Talking abt induction and overdue babies.. i rem correctly dr A wanted me to wait for bb to initiate.. as it was getting very near my edd and bb showed no sign of coming out. Visits to him became very freq and in the end i was asked to admit in tmc as amniotic fluid was getting too low for baby's good.. so i think he knows wats he doing bah..

taking wt, bp, yes he doesnt check for me every visit.. so i check myself lor when i get there..

well abt mummies not comfy with dr A style, yes i think his patients ahve been increasing by lots! waiting time is also v long, guess thats y hes qte chopchop type... if really not comfy w him, maybe can consider alt gynae? ultimately we must feel safe and confident in the gynae

as far as i rem, hes qte generous with giving MC :p

REally ah! Admin charges that high!

I have to pay cash cos mine is the 5th baby thus cannot use medisave lo...
unless spouses combined medisave total $15k...

The receptionist tat time already started to ask me to pay for the full Doc fees when I gg for my next appt which is this Fri...

Think gg to change gynae lo,doc scared I no money pay like tat....
hi mummies... juz a pc of advice to all mummies on e strep b test... pls do e test as itz always beta to be safe than sorry... u wun be able to imagine e mental stress to ur family... cos tatz wat happened to my bb who's still in KKH...

I gave birth on 22nd Nov under Dr A at Mt A when my bb was wk37+ (inducement)... everything was fine n i gave birth at 4pm tat day... but when my frenz n relatives came to visit mi, they weren't able to see my bb as e PD find her body temp too low n later at nite e PD noticed she had difficulty breathing... my husb told mi abt bb's condition only after my frenz n relatives left at 10+pm n i broke down when he said bb had tube n glucose drip on her... i tried to take things ez n asked husb go baq home to rest 1st n i tried to rest as much as i could...

but at 4+am 2 nurses came to draw my blood for some cross blood test for bb n at 7+am e PD n a nurse came over to my ward to notify mi bb was sent to KKH ICU... (My husb rec'd call from Mt A's PD at 2+am to let him noe bb is suspected of severe lung infection n had to admit KK immediately n he had to rush there)...

In e end, we asked for early discharge n 23rd Nov 6pm i was discharged n we headed to KK immediately... when we reached e icu... i immediately broke down... u wun be able to imagine e bb u juz gave birth which was kicking n crying is suddenly motionless with 3/4 big machines n monitors beside her... n having her hands legs n mouth with lots of pipes n tubes... poor bb oso had to go thru alot of tests n xrays n scans...

My bb was in e icu for 7 days n mi n husb has been running in n out of KKH to see her when i was doing my confinement... luckily my bb's condition had improved n she moved to e normal ward on e 8th day... but e normal ward is a 6 bedded room where bb shares it with CHILDREN which is very noisy n u can see many children having cough n flu there which makes u uncomfortable oso... but we had no choice as she had to be on medication via drip for 21days b4 she can be discharged...

From my understanding on my bb's condition, itz due to e strep b infection... i gota noe abt this test only on wk37 which i tot i might not be in time to do e test bcos on wk37 dr said bb has low amniotic fluid n has to induce during e wkend if e fluid is low on e following checkup (2days later)... n i kept blaming myself for causing my bb to suffer so much... so a pc of advice to all mummies, pls do e test n u will nv regret it... we were actually pretty unhappy with Dr A over this incident as he kept telling us tat bb's lung infection is cos lungs were not developed in e womb n such... but to us, we understand from other frenz tat their gynaes make em do e strep b test at wk 36/7... n he has nv advise on it b4 which causes such a serious complications...

N for ur info, e 1day ICU at Mt A cost 3k+ n estimated bill at KKH will be 10+k... so dun save little $ for e test for such a big sum oso...

Here's an article i found tat u might wana read on 1 of e case tat happened on strep b where e bb was killed by this virus...
Hi all, am going to tmc this sat to induce my bb, cos bb is nt growing after the check ytd....for a week le, nvr grow or only grew 50g, did dopple scan 2 weeks ago n all was gd, dunno y bb still dun grow.... I took steriods jab by Dr A to strengthen bb's lungs n also did my strep b.....
Hi mummies,
i am reading thru the comments for Dr Adrian. I am worried as not sure if i hv made the right decision to choose him as my gynae. I have asked him about my terrible backache and asked him to prescribe cream to soothe my back but his reply was "you can used any medicine that suits experience backache for your C1 also right" and he asked me if i wan to take panadol(it sounded to me that his clinic do not have backache cream!). I just wonder if it is true that i can used any backache cream/take any medicine for my backache? I recalled my previous gynae did mention not all medicine are suitable/safe to take during pregnancy.

I have been with Adrian for both my pregnancy at sengkang clinic.
And nw, happen that my sis is preggy her no.1 & i recommend her to adrian since i found adrian ok. but she is at the cck clinic.

I have just found out that if she pay normal consultation fee, when she decide to sign up for the package the next visit, the amount paid will not be able to offset from the package price. Is this true for cck clinic?

Becoz for sk clinic, we can offset the amount from the package one.

I tought both clinic should have the same practise? Anyone can advise if you are cck MTB wif Adrian.
Hi PigletBee,

Maybe Adrian think that the cream is not suitable to be apply on during preggy term. Hence, he just prescribe you panadol.


My 2nd bb oso induce one. On 3rd oct'09. I have no-show at all and bb is onli 3 days away from full-term. Hence, he suggested to me to induce since my bb is almost to 4Kg liao. Too big to move in my womb anymore.
I admitted around 9pm. He came at 9+pm and burst my waterbag. He say i should be delivering ard 1-2am. But my contraction start in very fast and i deliver by 11.30pm liao.

So dun worry.All will be fine..Good luck..FYI, i oso induce on sat one..Keke

U r at the sk or cck clinic? I found sk clinic way of working and cck way is totally different. And cck nurses are not as friendly as sk nurses.
twinky, u oso going to induce on this sat??? I know fr another thread that he got a c-sec on same day too....alamak, he purposely schedule all of us on the same day mah? Wonder if he can handle us or nt lei....

y u need to induce this sat, cos bb is big oso ah?

I m very scared lei.....
I m going in tonight to be induced too. Edd is next fri but doc A is afraid that bb may b too big for my frame. Had some spotting this morning n felt cramp like contractions since last night. its nt regular though.

twinky, your delivery is so fast. burst waterbag at 9+ n less than 3 hrs u give birth. Me going to be admitted at 10.30pm.

No. I already deliver liao. i deliver on 3/10. My bb now 2mth+ old liao.
But the funny thing is when i visit him for my regular check-up tt day, he ask me to admit and induce the next day. But he actually forgotten abt it until he saw me at TMC. he ask" oh, i ask you to come induce ah". **Faint**

My ger birth wt is 4kg. Very big. I have excessive blood lost and was put on drip for an hour at the labour ward b4 being wheel to bed.

Ah Xue,

Ya lo. My 1st one delivered with 6hours from waterbag burst. And this 2nd one lagi fast. She was born on the mooncake festival. She cant wait to come out coz she wanna celebrate with us. Haha.

Did you inform adrian you have spotting? Better sms him or cal him and check. Coz i din haf for both my pregnancy.

No worries. Good luck to you. All will be fine. Adrian is a very nice gynae. You will be in good hand.
i'm with Dr Adrian during my first 4 months of preggy but had switched to another gynae cos the staffs of Adrian actually have attitude problems & Adrian seems to be too bo chap, his most concern is asking to pay money only.

fyi i'm from cck clinic.
Hi mummies who delivered recently,

Did any of u choose 4-bedded and got upgraded to 2-bedded?

Also, for the healing for natural delivery, Dr Adrian just gave antiseptic lotion? wah, like very miserable leh :-(
ahxue jiayou! U considered full term le, so dun worry....

twinky, thank u so much for the assurance, he very blur sometimes, he ask me if I m still working whenever I see him the past few weeks but I already told him I start leave le. Then when he told me its best for me to deliver earlier cos bb not growing, he ask me need hospital leave or nt to prepare to go induce on sat.....had to remind him I ald started my leave le...
Seems like there is alot of unhappy encounters with the cck nurse..

Lucky i'm with the sk clinic. The nurses are very friendly and good.


Usually if you opt for 4-bedded, you will be automatically upgrade to 2-bedded room as TMC 4-bedded is limited. And this happen for both my deliveries.
Twinky: me with CCK clinic..actually not only the nurses there got 'problem' ,I think Dr Adrain also have lor!

I asked him abt the delivery fees, isn't it supposed to be $1000 w/o the assisted, he just told me the extra $300 is the miscellanous fees, then I asked wat miscellanous? Is it u come & see me those fees, he said 'yah', tat's it!

Scanning baby also not detailed one, give me the photo don know show wat also?! Kind of wan2 fast fast finish consultation like tat!

Anyway, me gg to change gynae,pissed off by his attitude & so not professional.

I just delivered in Oct'09. Consider latest bill? What you wanna know? I can go home check my bill and update u.


For my case, as i can claim the delivery package charges from medisave, so i din ask him about the package price.
Actually his scanning machine only show EDD & bb size or weight only. I think to me, that is sufficient liao. As i can see that my bb is growing. The photo show sometimes obvious sometimes not. But if u not clear, you can ask him de. He is those u ask he answer u, u nv ask, he wun tok much to you.

I tot at 4mth preggy, will do a detailed scan at TMC. To c that the foetus is growing well with no defects.

I guess if you are at the sk clinic, perhaps your encounters will be different. Think cck patient too many liao. That's y he is like rushing rushing.
I ask abt delivery fees, he nvr say abt the misc fees lei. I ask the nurse for estimated bill, they got explain to us tat time. Anyway its too late for me le, tmr going to give birth.......I m with sk branch too!
Twinky: per sonally for me, of all the gynae I've seen before, he is the most bochap type lor..really regreted taking him as my gynae...

PigletBee: The 'miscellanous fees' is wat he said to me lor..where got gynae just mentioned 'miscellanous fees' n never bother to explain wat kind of 'miscellanous fees' was that?! In the 1st place, when I consultated him, he just told me ,Doc delivery fees is $1000, now, he say plus 'miscellanous & GST' total is $1391. Somemore, haven even booked the hospital bed for me! I now in my 31 weeks le..

These are only my personal opinion of him.

You mean when we deliver, muz book the bed one meh? I didnt noe abt this lei. U gg for C-sect?

Talking abt GST..last yr when i sign up the package, Adrian did nt charge GST one. But beginning of this yr, when i sign up the same package, gt charge GST one. In fact, now all his price include GST.

ya..when we deliver must book bed gg for natural

I'm not frustrated over the GST thing, its just that in the 1st place should tell me when I visited him for the 1st appt. Only now, then come up wat 'miscellanous + GST' these kind of things, somemore is not he tell me himself, is those 'attitude'recep tell me! somemore, wan to collect full payment for the Doc. delivery fees!

I asked around, but nobody ever mentioned he collected in advance, when I asked him again, he just told me all the mummies the same,will collect in advance! that means he is bluffing lor...scared I no money pay him like tat..
I m delivering tmr le, nvr collect in advance lei, tink cos ur bb is 5th baby rite, so its abit diff? I ever asked if we need to book rm, he said he will handle for me. My fren who is with another gynae oso havnt book rm yet, cos they are all doc at tmc.

Better change doc if u are nt comfortable with him, most impt is to go thru the whole process without any worries.

mine is oso 5th baby & not enough medisave to claim so gotta pay all hard cash, Adrian is afraid tt we have no money to pay i think -.-

after my first visit to the new gynae, within 1 week i received confirmation letter from Mt A stated room is booked, fyi i'm 6mths preggy now, beside paying package & detail scan, my gynae did not ask mi to pay anything in advance.
hi all

Dr Adrian just delivered my boy 2 weeks ago via c-sec and paid $1300 cash and medisave of $3500, 4 bedded auto upgrade to 2 bedder. Agreed about his style of working a bit 'quickie' but his stitching skill really veri good "pencil line" compare to my previous gynae.

Have asked him about his delivery charges of $2100 cos it was stated $1600 then he say addition misc charges of $300 plus gst... make up the $2100. Dunno is it the last min call back to tmc.
I have just delivered at TMC-natural. However this time round my bill was about $400 more than the previous stay. And the ironical thing is I was only charged one night stay at TMC.Previously I was charged 2 nights. Still trying to make some sense out of it and the cso at the billing department whom I spoke to wasn't exactly friendly nor helpful.

I nearly popped before Doc A came and the nurse told me to wait. She said not to push. Prior to that she asked me if i had wanted some form of pain relief. Contraction hit me then and I was unable to answer. When I did not have any response,she then said in a gruff voice," up to u. u decide then let me know. u are so tense how to relax the muscle." Its not that i did not want to answer but I was in so much pain. I had already signalled her to wait.She is so impatient. In the end, even before the thigh jab could take effect, I had given birth.

Despite having a list in his hand Doc A addressed me as another patient when he visited me at the ward..

My stay at TMC was not as pleasant as the previous one. The nurses were not as friendly and helpful. Dun think I will ever consider going back there anymore.

im also disappointed with Dr adrian. As a first time mum, scan visits with him not lasting more than 5 mins is a disappointment esp when i like to chat more with him abt the bb. Also i always bring a list of questions i want to ask him cos sometimes feel he is too impatient to listen to me or answer my qns. i regret gg to him.... esp when i am nervous abt labour...
