Any 2009 mummies living in Punggol


my girl's well & more clingy than ever.

i prefer my girl's PD than KKH. the doc in KKH is so young, seems inexperienced. besides KKH, maybe we can go to those 24 hrs clinic but I'm not sure where is the nearest one & which one is gd?

hi ladies,

I am new in this forum, wish to join this thread.
I am a first time mom with a 8mths old gal and have a full time job, totally understand the difficulty in juggling work and family as experienced from other mummy.

Miffy/Bluzcorner - I also went to Babyu for photo shoot and yet I also SPENT $400, haha... wat a coincidence, but seem that your package have more item than mine, we only have a mini albrum, 2 wooden block, all the pic and a 11R print of a family pic... maybe is due to their price increased recently... look forward to collect the pic
Have you collect the pic yet? happy with the pic?
Hi ladies! I'm back. MIA for a few days....

last sat bz wif my gal's 1st bday at downtown east. Damn tired but had fun too.....

Hi Ebi,

welcome! who is taking care of ur gal now? I hv not take d pic from BabyU yet, but they told me takes abt 3wks so tis wk i'm expecting them to call me. When did u hv ur pic taken?
My gal went to infant care while I work and she just recovered from HFMD. We went to Babyu abt 2 wks ago where so expect to get it in a wk or 2
hi ebi welcome :D
did ur gal got hfmd fm the ifc?

wow! Seem like many ppl went 4 the photo shoot, actually i also have the intention of getting 1 for my gal as her 1st bday present. But 2 lazy 2 start doing it :p think may need to wait till #2 arrv dan maybe can take 2gethr :p hee..
hi Ophelia, i didn't engage a confinement lady when i had my girl. my mum did my confinement for me. but my friend recommended me her confinement lady if i have #2. you can try contacting the lady at 96411350 (Ah Kuin Auntie). She's a malaysian.
Hi ladies,

today me n my hubby went Universal studio! Deposit for gal at my MIL's place. Had real gd fun!

Hi Ebi,

i'm gg to collect my gal's photos tomolo. So looking forward to it.....
Hi Ladies,

Sorry that I MIA recently.....busy with my kids and BP!
Hope all are well!

By the way, I have decided to continue stay home for the time being since so difficult to find CC in Punggol.
Hope all of you will be able to get a place for your kids in your desired CC soon!

Hi Miffy,

I just went down to visit Wunderkind on Fri! Like the place but they do not have enough 2009 kids to start class in Jan yet.
Thanks for the recommendation!

Hi Ebi,

hi bluzcorner,

feel like gg to universal studio too. maybe i can plan to go on hb's bday. are the rides scary? i'm afraid of heights

hi ling,

glad that you like wunderkind. i myself haven't been in there but heard good feedback about it. i intend to enroll my girl there in jan but now that i'm starting work in nov, i'm unable to do so. guess i have to let her continue with her wkend class and then either send her to dayspring or childcare when she's 3.

for dayspring, is it difficult to get a place there? do they start enrollment only in july?
Hi ladies, offline for few days... very busy, tired and stress in juggling work n baby. my gal recently very cranky and ask to carry all the time... so tired... and i think she is feeling uncomfortable for teething, anyone have applied the teething gel to your little one? I just bought one last night haven't use, not sure whether is it safe to use for baby...

Bluzcorner - how is the photo? satisfied? mine still waiting... hope get it this wkend
Ophelia - yes i guess my gal got HFMD from her centre since there is another baby infected before she fell ill... actually i almost heard the centre got HFMD every other mth or every other 2 mths.

It is heart pain to see your little one in pain and discomfort and what we could do are limited beside comforting her. As a working mother, sometime i would doubt whether the few thousands earned monthly is worth to putting my baby aside to be taking care by other... it is tough to be a mother...
Hi Ladies!!!

miffy, i personally think dat is not worth paying for the tixs to Universal Studio, lucky for me is company is paying so still ok. I went in at 10am and finished all the rides at 1pm. Really really small area... not shiok at all compared to Osaka.... only 2 rides r scary, "the mummy" and "Jurassic park", d rest are mild for me.

M3dp, welcome!!!

Ebi, oh yes, the photos turn out to be very nice.... i like it so much, i felt money well spent. I did put d teething gel which i got from Guardian when my gal is teething, safe la... i tried it myself, it taste slightly sweet n has a numbing effect, not bad...
M3dp, welcome!! so exciting more and more mummy joining us hee hee. How old are your 2 kids? What do you normally do at home as a SAHM? I'm also a SAHM but am currently staying in jurong, will be moving to punggol next yr

Ebi, i also give my boy teething gel when he is teething. Normally at night as it sort of hurt and make him scream. Once apply "wahlah" it works wonders, back to zzz again!!!

bluzcorner, so envy u..i also want to go universal studio hee hee...
Hi Smile, my gal is 8yo n my boy is 16mths. practically rushing up n down for them lor.. haha kind of bored..

Hi Ebi, i gave my boy teething gel "Bonjela".. it helps him to feel more comfy n he will ask for more.. it feels cool n numb.

Hi buzcorner, your gal is so cute...
Ahhhhhh bluzcorner, your gal is sooooo cute and sweet. I want to have girl girl for #2

m3dp, wah u are so powerful, both of them age gap so close. Bored meh, u have 2 some more should be quite fun. I have been a SAHM since my boy was born. Now he is 18mth going to cc and am looking for a job too. I quite enjoy being a SAHM and hving loads of fun playing and teaching my boy. It's really so amazing how much and how fast he can learn. Now that he is going to cc, i think is not just him will cry and miss mummy, i'm gonna miss him a lot too wahhhh
Smile.. I not powerful la.. My gal is 8yrs old.. Haha my 2kids r 7 yrs gap.. Things get real bored when u need to nag n nag.. Feel so old nagging at them.. I also tot of going bk to work but it's so hard to find a gd cc in punggol.. Plus my gal refuse to go after school care.. Haiz
So no choice.. I've to continue to b SAHM n my hubby has to work harder..
Hi Miffy, Wunderkind now only has 4 children born in 2009 (including my boy) keen to enroll so most likely they are unable to start class in Jan 2011.
If they only start class in June 2011, I might not enroll my boy with Wunderkind since most likely will put him with Dayspring in Jan 2012.
Think for all schools, priority will be given to siblings first. That is why I very KS and went down on 1st July - the first day they opened for registration!
Hi M3dp,
I am a SAHM with 2 kids too!
By the way, which school your gal goes to?

Hi Ebi, besides teething gel, can give your gal a cooling teether. Yes, agreed that it is really not easy being a mummy!

Hi Bluzcorner, your gal so cute and chubby!!!
I want go Universal Studio too but no where to deposit my kids leh!

Hi Smile, your boy starting CC next Mon right? Time really flies! How's your job searching?
Hi M3dp, welcome to the thread!

Hi Ling, thanks for the info. Guess I've to be KS too if I want to enrol my girl in Dayspring, hee...

Bluzcorner, u have a cute girl! i feel like pinching her chubby cheeks :p
Hi Ling, how old r ur kids?? My gal is at greendale pri.. I also intend to put my son in playgroup next yr.. Care to share the fees n duration at wunderkind?? I plan to put him in talent plus..
Hi Miffy, think we have no choice but to be KS when it comes to finding schools and CC in Punggol since all in great demand!
By the way, we attending Dayspring's Pre-Nursery Orientation today!

Hi M3dp, my gal 2.5 yo and my boy 18 mths! Hee...Greendale Pri is in front of my blk and Talent Plus is just down my blk!

Wunderkind charges $360 per term (10 weeks) and per session is 1.5 hrs.
Hi Ladies!

Ebi, my gal juz turned 1yr old this wk. Hehe.... she is a bit chubby cos she has been eating none stop everyday. I once tot she is a goldfish...haha.... Do remember to post ur gal photo when u got it ya...

Hi Ling, where is Wunderkind? is a CC?

Smile, hehe.... having a gal means spending alot of money cos everything for gal is sooooo cute...
hi bluzcorner, HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY to Ebi MUACK MUACK HUG HUG!!!

hahaha i really do have to agree with u. Everytime when i go shopping for my boy clothing, i can't stop looking at those little girls clothing too. They are all so sweet and lovely, until my hubby keep reminding me ours is a boy, don't divert attention. Then my hubby will say die, if next one gal, pocket BIG hole
liao. hahaha

hi Ling, yesss my boy is starting cc on Monday. In fact, he went for 2 hour orientation last Wednesday to Friday and because he took his booster jab on Tuesday, he is now down with flu and cough. Guess just too many things at a time. He was very very clingy to me and overwhelmed by the children there. Monday will be another half day then follow by full day on Tuesday onwards. I can still be with him till then. Will see how it goes, am sure there will be a lot of crying and screaming hahaha
Yes totally agreed that gal thing are sooooo cute... they really know how to win a mummy heart

Bluzcorner - collected the pics.... hm... some of the pics are nice but some are not so.... hm.... and one of the wooden block got scratch marks on it... might call them up later...

Smile - I think must be hard for you to leave your boy 1st time in cc... I remember when I 1st leave my gal in the infant care... i almost have my tear dropped... feeling so guilty to leave her
Hi Bluzcorner, Wunderkind is a playgroup for 2 to 4 years old located at Punggol Gardens RC, Blk 163A!

Same like Miffy, feel like pinching your gal's cheek too!

Hi Smile, must be hard on you and your boy! Think first 2 weeks will be tough but am sure he will adapt soon!
Hope he has recovered from his flu and cough?

WOW.. nice pic, so tempted to take my gal 4 the photo shoot 2 :p
She had chickenpox last wkend still recovering at home now..

Still worrying a getting a cc for my gal, so far all no news yet.
wondering can my MIL handle both kids next yr if I still cldnt get a cc for her

thanks mummies. My boy has not recover from his flu and cough yet. He can't really drink or eat well as his nose is block, so heart pain. Yes, really feel so guilty and sad to see him go CC, cry and got sick. Most likely will let him rest at home this week and start CC again next week.
hi smile, hope your boy gets well soon. maybe you can apply some vapour ointment on his chest to make him feel & sleep better. i bought snuffle babe vapour rub which is suitable for young kids. my girl likes me applying it on her when she has blocked nose.

hi ling, wow, pre-sch has orientation day? how was it?

hi ophelia, u can consider getting a temp babysitter to come to assist your mil if u couldn't get a CC place for ur girl. alternatively, u may want to look for childcare in SK or near ur workplace.
Hi Ling/Miffy, haha.... my gal has power cheeks. She has been eating non stop ever since she started solids. So scare of over feeding her.

Hi smile, my gal last nite started to cough. Duno if it's b cos i changed her milk powder from Nan to Gain IQ or not. Monitoring her, if not maybe change milk powder again.

Hi Ebi, oh u collected d photos. Yalor, pay so much money for it, if the wooden block got scratches ,muz tell them.
Bluz ya i called them and tell them abt the scratch on Monday and they are kind of reluctant in replacing another one for me... they said you should have check and the staff would have shown all the item when collected, but it was my hubby who went to collect as quite inconvenient to travel that far with our gal, my hubby didn't check, and yet as you know the fame was cover by a transparent plastic hard to see the scratch marks on the spot with the cover on...

Actually my experience with Babyu is not that pleasant, my gal was unwell on the pic shooting day and I tried to postpone but they said the booking was full til Nov/Dec and bcos I had a discount coupon which expired in Sep, so no choice.... and when we reached the place for the shot, we were told that they have sms me the day before to confirm the booking and since i didn't reply my booking was given to another one but I didn't received any sms at all... so I was quite piss off but he said since we already arrived he would take for us as well... I was quite upset as we are begging it and feel unwellcome... our appointment was 1pm but they shot the other family 1st so we was there waited for an hour til 2pm...til then our gal was tired as that was her nap time and she was unwell... so she is not so happy and cooperative... and our shot was done in rush as they have another appointment at 3pm...

Afterall, I would say I do not have a pleasant experience with them, and yet for the price we paid, I think we would try another studio for future shot.
Hi Ophelia, your gal not vaccinated for chickenpox yet? Hope she gets well soon!
Like what Miffy has suggested, maybe you can look around for CC in SK or Hougang and your workplace first.

Hi Smile, your boy so poor thing...guess too many things happened at the same time liao. Hope he gets well soon!

Hi Miffy, the Orientation was more like orientation for the parents, pay deposit, buy school uniforms and school bus arrangement! far so good, all staff and teachers nice nice lor!

Hi Bluzcorner, hee...think your gal good to cuddle also!

Hi Ebi, so did you managed to get a replacement for the frame?
Hi Ebi, hope you manage to get replacement. Muz be very frustrated to spend so much and get such treatments.

Hi Ophelia and Smile, hope your kids get well soon..

has any mummies bring their kids to Fidgets or Polliwogs to play b4? Tot of bring my kids there.
hi smile, has your boy recover from flu yet?

hi bluzcorner, my girl also eats non-stop, esp at my mum's place. she will keep going to the kitchen, ask us to open the cabinet's door for her and look for food. if she sees us eating, she will pesters us to give her some.

hi ling, gd to hear that the staff and teachers at dayspring are nice. i'm keen to go there and have a look, keke.

hi ebi, sorry to hear that you've an unpleasant exp with babyu. hope you have get a replacement for the frame.
hi m3dp, i had brought my girl to polliwogs to play. i went there on a weekday, so it's not crowded & we don't have to wait for turns on the slides. my girl's rather timid and doesn't dare to venture to play on her own, keep dragging me with her. overall, think its a fun exp for her. but tiring for me, haha. btw, do remb to bring socks for ur kids and urself (if u are joining them).

i'm planning to bring her to Go-Go Bambini at Demspey this or next wkend.
Hi miffy, thanks for sharing ur exp there. haha I also plan to bring them there during wkday so it wont be that crowded to prevent unwanted accidents.
Hi mummies, thanks
my boy is much better now and today brought him to half day session at his childcare again. He enjoyed himself very much, i'm still around with him so he was okay.

m3dp, i've brought my boy to both Fidgets & Polliwogs. It's a differnt feel which depends which one u prefer. Fidgets is a bit old while Polliwogs may look newer and brighter but is more expensive too.

miffy, i have been to go-go bambini but to be honest i was a bit disappointed as compare to Fidgets and Polliwogs. The kids there are more rowdy and the place is a bit small especially after visted Fidgets and Polliwogs, can't help but make a comparison. We didn't stay long there. hee hee there is another one at kallange call peek-a-poo, i want to bring my boy there and have a try. Any one been there before?
bluzcorner, don't think your gal cough is due to changing of milk powder lah. You may want to monitor again lor
Hi Smile, thanks!! most likely i'll bring my kids to Polliwogs to play then mayb to Fidgets bah.. one of my frd just brought her girl to Fidgets and her girl got scratched by one of the rowdy kids there and also she saw some parents walking ard barefooted... so unhygienic.

I brought my kids to Peek-a-boo b4... I think it might not be as fun as the other 2 cos my girl played for like 30 mins and she is bored. I find it small and quite hard for us to follow them as the playground goes "upwards".
Hi M3DP, oh no "upwards" which means i have to go through all the tunnels!! I don't mind that actually but hor i think am too fat to squeeze through those holes and tunnels hahahaha...i will be stuck!!!
Hi Smile, haha think the tunnels should be big enough to fit us bah but very tiring for us to "last" long enough to really entertain the kids with all the climbing plus taking care of them!! But also a good way to work out.
I din squeeze in with my girl that time, I let her climb up herself haha
Hi Ebi, sorry to hear abt ur unpleasant experience wif Babyu. But i do agree wif u, if pay dat kind of money but dun hv d standard sure will b very piss. So in d end did they do a replacement for u?

Hi Smile, gd to noe ur boy is better liao! Strange i change my gal's milk powder to Enfa now she stops coughing liao.

Hi Miffy, my gal can eat non stop d whole day. Keep pointing to her biscuit n say mum mum mum.....very funny.
Hi m3dp, my boy is just 18 month so i need to go with him. Going to check it out later, see if i will be stuck hahaha.

Hi bluzcorner, umm maybe gain is not suitable for your gal bah, so far my boy been drinking gain, he is ok.

oh ya so in the end the Kids Kingdom didn't get back to you already? Am so looking foward to next year, my new house and also my boy to join Kids Kingdom.

Hi Smile, think should be no prob to squeeze in for u. Enjoy!!
When will u be moving in to ur new hse??
