Agape Little Uni @ Serangoon


Active Member

My son has just started CC at this place in Dec. Just thought can gather some reviews or share experiences with other mummies.


How it it so far, is your son enjoying go to skul everyday? What class is he in? How about the teacher?

Is your child there as well? He's in N1 now but promoting to N2 next year. So far he is still trying to adapt the new environment. He was previously from 3 hours school so perhaps not used to long hours.

As now is holidays, there aren't classes conducted in Dec so can't tell much about enrichment wise. So far, the teachers are quite open with discussions. At least they don't try to cover up or find excuses when I ask them questions.

Now is early stage so I still can't put a firm opinion on it.
Hi bbwow,
R's in PGA now, promoting to N1 in 2011.
But they have already shifted into their N1 class (classroom left side of door) in mid dec.

Did you attend the 23dec xmas party? I was there with the PG group, the 9am slot.
hi iggy,

Oh then your child should be 'hanging' around with my boy. Now they have shifted to upstairs to make room for N1 kids but after nap they will go down and play.

My hub attended the xmas party. he was one of the fat santa class for the 10am slot. hehe
hi bbwow,
were you the one i met at the stairs saying yr boy juz started, second week of dec?

mine's the crying kid, russell.
Hi Iggy,

Sorry. I can't remember. My child started on 1-Dec. Perhaps we have crossed path.

Btw, did you sign your kid to any of the enrichment classes?
hi bbwow,
signed up for the swimming (already started) & speech & drama. still considering for the kindermusik.
what about yr kid?

i find the deposit for enrichment classes abit redundant? what do they need the deposit for since our kids are already in their full-day programme? i can understand if they require it for those not attending the school lor.
Haven't signed him up on anything yet cause I wanted him to get adjusted to school first. He is a very shy boy who can refuse to participate. When they were having trial for kindermusik, he was the only boy who didn't take the scarf. so imagine if I sign him up and he never participate = money loss. hahah

I didn't know enrichment classes need deposit. it's quite true since they are already in full-day. my feel is that the school is taking up so many enrichment classes. not sure if other CC practices that too.
hi, want to check with mommies here if the centre is the one located opposite serangoon stadium? Thinking of sending my twins there when they are 18 months.
too early to tell about the center since my son only started for about 1 month.

for N1, they have for enrichments:
swimming (adove 21 months)
speech & drama
Hi iggy

did u receive latest newsletter from the sch? Apparently now they have appointed someone to promote communication with parents and school?
hi bbwow,
ya just got the email this morning.
i thik it's good, hopefully the liaison manager will do a better job than the p.
she's always not around, even when i make an appt. to see her (a few times!), very bad manners.
That's really bad. I did encounter a few hiccups before I enrolled my child. Never seem to get hold of her on the phone.

Perhaps this is one of the reason why they decided to allocate a liaison manager to deal with the parents.

what time do you usually send/pick up your boy? haven't seen you around.
try to send him in before 9am but he's juz not a morning person (very difficult to wake him in the mornings), then he takes a slow time drinking his milk & dressing....sigh

you hv same problem with your son?

usually pick him up around 4.30pm but will shift towards 5pm or 5.30pm.
he has kindermusik on thur 4-5pm & swimming on fri 3.15-4.30pm. so thiking better to pick him up after 5pm.
Hi mummies,
How far did u find this school? Tmw is day 10 of trial period, I m thinking whether to let my son continue with them. I think their communication is not proactive compared to 1st Skool at anchorvale, me n my hubby have to 1st raise questions abt my son's doing in sch instead of initiated the chat with parents

I wish my son can wake up late! hahah.

I usually pick my son around 6 cause after work. btw, is your son the one in stroller and a pacifier in mouth? just have a feeling it was you. hehe.

the school has a comm book that you can write to the teacher and ask for feedback. I agree that they are not so pro-active in this manner. perhaps you may want to raise to the teacher / principal to make them aware.
bbwow, son has nv used pacifier so dun thik that's him.

which grade is yr son in? which teacher?
agree with bbwow, you should raise the issue with them if this is important to you as most parents just pick up their kids & rush off.
His teacher may not be aware that you prefer an update.

my son's teachers are ok with that part, they will briefly talk about his daily progress (what he learnt, did he eat/runny nose, did he perform well/adly at certain subjects...etc) if happen to meet the teachers when picking up.

what I find lacking is the admin about payments, schedules & misc info. hopefully the new liaison person will imporve upon those.
Hi mummies, my son in N1 Lion class, piss off with the principal, can only see the teachers during office hours. I paid every single items Veron insisted on my 2nd visit early Nov, sch uniform was not passed to us until the 2nd week after I repeated myself with the teachers. Even so, the size given can not fit my son, either too small or too big, teacher only told me no more size 26 for my son, I bet the teacher can offer me any solution.

4 sets uniforms cost $104 yet the quality so poor, the agape label sew on the back of shirt is poorly done, irritated my son's skin when I let him try out. If not worry my son can not adjust to new env easily, I would hav quit him!

Opps. Got the wrong person. agree with you on the admin part. I subscribed to Yakult and on the 1st week I asked when is it given? Got one teacher still can tell me every Thurs, Fri and Sat. I was like why do you give Yakult on Sat when most of the kids don't even go to cc?

Btw, do you know they switch off the air-con during nap time? I was surprised when I went to school in mid-afternoon once and the entire place was so stuffy. I thought they were trying to save electricty. One of the mummys told me they only switch off during nap-time and also discourage kids to bring soft toys and blankets as these are the items prone for bacteria. until now, everyday I will ask my son if the school switched on the air-con or not. haha. I wouldn't mind if they swtich off if it's a ventilated area but it's not the case.

which class is you son in?

sorry to hear about your encounter. I paid for everything in advance in Sep when my boy only have to start in Dec. When I asked to do trial so as not to get the uniforms first, they encouraged me to get because they say don't want the kid to feel left out when everyone is wearing the same. turn out the kids will change into their home clothes after bath anyway.
Hi Mummies,
Did you gals received the parents survey? I just received it this morning via email.
Will be voicing out my concerns & unhappiness thru the survey.
Hope you will do the same so that they know there are so many parents out there having issues with the centre.
If they still dun improve, have to consider changing cc!
Agree with you switching off aircons in a good ventilation is fine but not the stuffy underground! I was once asked the teacher when would they switch off aircon but was told it'll b switch off when it is cold with fans on. I wonder how true is this n even cold weather, the underground is till stuffy as it is.
i didn't know they switch off the air-con @ nap time but i know they switch off after nap time sometimes, teacher told me. Last 2 weeks mamy kids having flu so the air-con is not ggod for them.
Our sons in diff. levels, dunno if it's the same?
not encourage to bring blankets meh? i tot it's in the list?
i totally agree with you about the principal! had very bad experience, was telling bbwow in earlier msg above.
they didn't hv the uniforms for my son too! had to keep chasing the P, only received 2 sets 2nd week of dec. also feedbacked to the P regarding the poor quality of the uniforms. I let my son wear a singlet before the agape shirt so it's not scratchy, also since it's air-con will not be cold.
have you washed the uniforms? cos i thik the new batch just came in around last week of dec, u can change them.

both our sons in same class juz diff. group, russell is in N1 tiger. which is your son?
i find both teacher cris & teacher xia ok.
but i find the class size too big, 12 kids to 1 teacher! before when i was enquring, principal said it will be 10:1.
anyway i will be voicing all these in the survey, hope you will do the same.
you mean the News Weekly? i also received that today.

maybe you got the survey from class teacher? if not, can ask later when you pick up yr son.
or you want me to forward thru email?

thanks. I will check out later in school. if not will ask you to forward.

my teachers are so-so only. I have a bad impression of teacher zhang. cause 2 times she bathe my son, 2 times she wore the underwear wrongly for him. the leg opening became his waist opening. end up his waist had a very deep stretchline because it was too tight. I feedbacked to the P and said if this kind if common sense also don't have, I cannot entrust my son for her to teach. So far, the mistake has been been repeated since.

about the blanket part, I only heard from one of the N2 mummies when I told her about the air-con. speaking of uniform, P wanted to give my boy one size smaller but I took the larger size 26 instead. and I do agree on the quality. My son refused to wear the uniform as he has sensitive skin and the logo at the back kept irritating his skin. sigh... but what's the point to feedback? if they change uniform, means we have to pay more again?
it's important to feedback, strength from quantity. we have enough feedback, they will do something.
accordingly to P, they hv 4 suppliers doing the uniforms. the new batch in dec is better in terms of cloth but the shirt workmanship of the logo is still bad.
Hi bbwow! Thanks for the info that u mummies are providing! My child has just enrolled in K1. But overall, I m quite happy with the environment and teachers! Not exactly as bad as u have mentioned. I think that the principal is teaching my girl's class now and she absolutely loves her. Initially she was crying badly but the P actually spends time to be with her. Everyday my girl will come back n tell me ms veron this ms veron tat. She's friendly too when i see her in sch, always updating me abt my girl's progress. I m not sure abt the air con part though. Will check with the P again. But overall, i will recommend this Cc to my colleagues!
Hi grace,
it's good to know that k1 teachers are good. So teachers do make alot of diff. Unfortunately my son is in n2 now.
I do admit that I like the facilities. That was one of the factor when I chose the sch.
What we r doing now is sharing our experieneces with the school and hopefully with joint efforts we will see improvement. Things should only get better right? ;)
Bbwow, girl. I typed wrongly in my first thread. My younger boy was jus enrolled in another infant n toddler centre not long ago cos it's nearer to my mum's plc. In case if anything happens, i dont have to rush like siao. But thinking of transferring him here when he is older so tt he can be with jiejie. My girl quite independent, so less worries abt her.
I do not bow to the poor quality they offered n I do not think parents should just compromise whatever was left on shelve "take it n live with it" sigh is not helping things. I wrote to P today ask her to offer solution, otherwise I shall demand refund from the CC since the quality can not match the price. The money sucking policy made every single parents paid all items right on enrollment, they shd hav enough count on the uniform when they order from factory, not for parents to help them clear the larger or smaller size leftover.

If they can not resolve, I shall find my way to claim my rights n eventually their name can be stink, they can try...

Agree with u the way of feedback but some Cc just tot that whatever unhappiness can be soften with other positive points like friendly teachers or not good for kids to switch env,etc. Afterall things will just get forgotten by parents when times passed. This may be the case few Yrs back when CC is not enough but more n more CC are open nowadays, market no longer at Supply side. Parents can always compare with market n make choice out of best option.
Hi iggy,

Happy new year to u!! Btw, can u forward me a copy of the survey form? Tried to request one thru the comm book but yet to get a reply!
Thanks Iggy. Have PM-ed you.

They say tomorrow there's a celebration. And I only got to know of it today! Btw, need to share something with you.

The teacher in N2 class has been calling on MC due to health reasons. Like one week can MC 2 times kind. I spoke to P last weekend that it's very disruptive to the kid's learning although I can emphatize the teacher's condition. But I have to be selfish in this case. Cause everyday I asked my boy what has he learnt. He told me NOTHING cause teacher is not around. They told me that they are in the midst of looking for a teacher now but since Dec there has been no relief teacher! I hope they resolve soon although the teacher is still very keen to continue teaching. So imagine if any of your kid's teachers are on MC, they do not have a relief teacher on standby!

It may affect next year's class if this problem persists.
I also asked P to send me a copy of the survey form since Sat. this morning she saw me and say will send shortly. it's almost 12 now and I've yet to see anything!

btw, I spoke to P on Sat and she mentioned that they are thinking of changing the arts and science class to open up more classes. I told P that one of the reason why I chose the school is because of this concept. If they change, then they will be no different from normal CC and worst of all, it'll become very cramp!

I really hope this will not happen.
you may wish to check on your end and feedback.
sigh....P really is bad at follow-up & admin!

i agree wz you regarding the replacement/relief teacher. it is the cc's responsibility to ensure that the lessons are not disrupted unnecessary.

in dec r's new n1 class got has a teacher on leave & the P stepped in to teach herself. but the 2nd time she's on leave, there's no replacement/relief.
will voice out my concerns if it happen again.
tomoro got celebration? as in wz parents or juz the kids?

changing of arts & science class to what? for which level? all or n2 & above?

it's just a small celebration for the kids with the teachers. the kids are supposed to wear cny costumes or bright party clothes and bring some cny goodies.

they are thinking of changing the arts & science area to cater for more classrooms. as to what grade, I dunno. that will only mean allowing to enrol more kids = place very cramp!

they always last min ask us to bring stuff or wear somehting! irritating...

ya man, one of the reasons why we chose agape was cos of the teacher ratio & spacious. seems like they r becoming more & more $$ minded.

btw did u receive the survey i email?
