Agape Little Uni - Childcare


New Member
I am considering placing my 22 months boy into Agape Little Uni and wondering if any mummies here have any comments regarding Agape?

Thanks in advance!

me too, anyone can help?

Interested w the new branch at Tampines that take over Learning Vision.

Hi all,

I have register my son into Sengkang br, joining only Jan 10.

But having 2nd thought as i not use to seeing all the kids sitting in the class waiting for further instruction in morning time around 8 plus. all not running around one.

My elder one with carpe diem, i see children are actively running around the moment they reach sch.

Can anyone that have kid with AGAPE share your experience?
why did u choose agape for ur 2nd one now?
i am interested to enroll my son in the branch at cashews, any feedbacks?
Hi all,

I have some items for sale:
1) 4 sets of BOY, size 26 school uniform (only worn for a mth)
2) 1 agape school bag (only use for 5 days, as change to new school bag when old one spoilt)
3) 1 mattress & 2 mattress cover (mattress cover 1 set is brand new)

Pls email to [email protected] if you are interested!
Dear Parents,

My kid has been with Agape One North since 2008. he is currently in N2. So far I am quite happy with the centre. At the very minimum, my kid is happy to go to school everyday.

In terms of literacy, he knows his alphabets & phonic sounds well. All thanks to the school. He could do some simple blending and spell a few words like PULL, PUSH, IN, OUT , FULL n ZOO.

For math, he knows his numbers and can do simple addition. As for his chinese, I dare say I relied on the school totally. He could converse well in both mandarin and english. Could recognise some simple chinese words too.

Personally, I tink for his age he is doing fine. I believe the school curriculum follow MCYS reccomendations closely.

In today's society, there is a tendency for us to make attempts to fast track our kids...I fall for this too ...but i constantly remind myself to my expectations contained.

Personally, I felt if a school has a curriculum that is far beyond a child's age. It may be too difficult and turn the kid off. The last thing we want is for our kid to switch off and hate learning rite?

I am oso a kiasuparent, all the concerns that were mentioned all cross my mind before...keke...

I panicked when my boy din noe his alphabets when he was in N1. Now i realised my worries were unfounded. My boy probably was not able to output to me what he learnt then...but this yr...he showed me all that he could do ;)

This yr, I found anotehr positive point abt agape. They also instil in kids a sense of awareness to the things around us. Example: Youth Olympic Games.

Kids were introduced to everything abt YOG..songs, themes, logo...etc etc. They even had a 3 day holiday sports camp for the kids. I was impressed when my boy shouted "mummy, YOG! YOG!" when he saw the logo on a bus advert =)

And with the world cup are acquainted to the world cup song and the song used it as a workout song for goes..shamila eh eh, waka waka eh eh...i love it when my boy dance to the tune...keke

The above are my personal experiences, Agape don't pay me to advertise hor...haa
Hi Vivace,

how's the school fees like for Agape and did you survey ard for other school before settling yours ?

I'm considering The Little Skool international. Went for take a look when the kids are taking their nap. The school curriculum looks good, well equipped.The school even prepare their own lunch for the kids, besides for bread which they ordered from somewhere else.
Hi Mummy!

I intended to enroll my girl to the PG in Agape sengkang branch next year. And I visited the center this morning, actually I feel that it is quite good since the baby can have GYM program. But of course I have no opportunity to know whether the teacher is patient and nice or whether big children are naughty or not. After read your comments especially the one in hyperlink, I am a bit worry...

So may I know that is it still worth to enroll my girl when having these issues?
Hi AZ, have u enrolled ur child in PG ? I want to ask if the Sengkang branch is good ? Previously i called they said it's full.
Just want to share with you a childcare centre I found that is so sincere and true in inculcating moral values in our children. Do check out Xiyao Childcare at kaki bt ave 1, even parents in Woodlands send their kid there! The teachers are very dedicated and I am very touched by the education there, they even teach parents, a very wholesome education!
my son is in agape at central located at sin ming lane. love it so much! my child is a happy boy everyday. teachers update his progress to me everyday.
Hi elee,

Can elaborate a bit more of Agape at Central? What aspects do you feel it is good? Teacher ratio? Learning materials wise?
I am selling boy's uniform size 22 * 3 & size 24 * 2. $10 for all. one set of size 24 is good condition, the rest worn (more yellow than green in color)... the pants are all good condition. Please PM if interested. Also have the bed to sell. Thanks.
my kids are at the one north branch. Older one been there since 2008. I feel that they used to be really good but have gone down hill a lot. Many good teachers have left. Both kids have changed teachers so many times this year i've lost count, probably 3rd or 4th teacher for both by April. And I don't like it that often they only inform the parents after the teachers left (or dont inform at all) and i have to hear it from my kids that they have a new teacher (again!). Kids are happy there, no complaints, mostly the teachers are quite nice. Overall I find them relatively disorganized and I don't feel like my kids are learning much. Looking for a new school currently.

If the school wants to charge a premium price then there should be value added. For basic cc, it should not cost this much? The last i saw their fees for new students are around the $1500-1600 range before MCYS subsidies.
Hi! I have a preloved blue stacking cot from Agape Little Uni, selling at $70. Bought from a mommy last month but did not use. Pick up from Hougang. Pls pm me for arrangement. Thanks
I am not sure of other centres but I had very bad experiences with Agape Little Uni (one north). It used to be a very nice pre-school but things have changed so much since the change of management (Principal and Vice Principal). Teacher turnover rate is very high and most of the teachers who left the school/centre are good and very caring teachers. The services and academic quality has dropped a lot. I find that the school is focusing too much on "money making/revenue" - which is very sad.

I would advice parents to avoid registering your child with this pre-school at one north. With the fee that the school is charging... do more research as there are better schools out there.

BTW, I found this forum not long ago and what I found out about one of the centres is horrible! ... 4&start=10
