Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Hi ladies,

It was great fun meeting up again as usual =)

Hi Ah kat & Rinoa,

Nice to finally meet u 2 ladies in person.

Hi Ruru,

Yes I feel great after my haircut, light as a feather coz chopped off a lot of hair =p now got a boyish haircut. But i like =p

Hi Bambi,

So how was the muffins?
DH couldn't find the correct rising agent so the mixture didn't turn up well, he threw it away. After that he prepared the pancake mixture & made a stack of fragrant & tasty pancakes for tmr's breakfast 8:) He washed & cleaned up after that, I've got no complaint 8;-)

Ju, Sam, Strawbearbi,
did you buy anything from Takashimaya ?

Hi Ruru, oh, coz i think i heard from the nurse that i will have to stop Metformin if test +ve, so check if i heard wrongly or not.

Hi Yve, you're welcome. Spread some baby dust to me.
Hi ladies,

Really nice to put a face to the name finally!!
Pity no photos "allow"!
Anyway, I came back and told hubby all about u all non-stop and we really think you all are such a fighter!

RuRu - remember to contact me for the TVS disc, I will be on course next week 18-20 shld be able to make it home early.

Bambi: Thanks for spotting me right away today outside the restaurant - else I will have trouble looking out for all of you.

Felixcat & Strawberi: Once again congrats and enjoy yr preg.

As for the rest of the ladies - Jia You Jia You.

Count me in for 3rd outing! April I will be back in Singapore with no travelling and will finally start on what Dr Nair will be setting out for me to do...I think most likely I will do another round of SO-IUI before moving to IVF....will update how long I need to wait after my Monday appointment!

Ya i bought a lot again... Stocking up the wet wipes, bought some toys, display tray for bottles, soother clips etc.....Tomorrow last day already ..

NO worries.. It will eventually go away, every stage will have different symptoms one...

Im feeling much better for my M/S and Migraine, but now have more heartburn and heavier and even more slower movement...
Forget to add.. if u're going, rem to bring 2 oranges. Cos if it's the same, they'll ask u to go buy that for prayers that day.

And tell u.. u'll hv to walk a LONG way to buy those if u dun hv any with u. We had to do jus that... somemore so hot that afternoon!

I'm not in town that wkend leh... can change date?
Hi Sam,

Sorry for the last min "fly pigeon act", it is becos my hairstylist went back to Malaysia to be with her HB, so she only comes out to Singapore to cut hair once a month on sat and sun only, so if I miss her this time round, will be mid-april then I can cut my hair, and that is assuming she is not preggie with her 2nd child by then. Her 1st son is already 6years old and she wants her 2nd child anxiously thus the decision to move to KL to be with her HB eventhough she is earning very high pay as a leading hairstylist in S'pore.

Paiseh! Will see u on our 4th gathering then!
Hi ladies,

I should know my result on the 31st March when I do my HPT, so 18th April is fine with me. I think Juliana will only do her ER/ET op at end-Mar, so her 2ww should be until mid-april latest, so I guess we can plan for 25th April (sat) instead?

Or how about a weekday gathering to accommodate Joanne this time round? She says she can only meet us on Wed/thur if I didnt remember wrongly. Maybe we meet in Orchard at 7pm? We meet from 7pm to 9.30pm then go home. Hmm...where should we meet? Cedele at Borders? TCC at Lido? I am thinking of less-crowded restaurant so that can accommodate such a big group of us.

Let's take a poll on this dinner idea:
Dinner on 23th April (wed) 7-9.30pm
Venue: Restaurant in Orchard or Raffles City Shopping centre (City Hall)

Ladies who are ok with the idea:
1. RuRu Cat

Let's take a poll on the evening dinner gathering 1st before deciding the venue. We can go to the My Humble House restaurant in June for our 5th outing as the offer is until 30Jun 2009 (Sam, please correct me if I am wrong).
Hi Sam,

Oh, yah. Forgot!! U are expecting to give birth to your 3 handsome darlings in June right?

Ok, then we better stick to 25th April and keep the weekday dinner for our 5th gathering then. Sorry Joanne, we see u in June ok? Or u try to ask ur HB to look after ds for 3hrs? Our lunch gathering is usually around 3hrs max, around 12-3pm.
Hi Ah-Kat,

Can I meet u to get the vcd on 18th March (wed)? U sms me when u reach home then I come over to your voideck to take from u?
Hey ladies

How soon should AF report if BFN? I stopped my hormone supplements on fri till now AF is still not reporting. Usually 2 days after i stop hormone inserts, AF sure come.

My last and only spotting was fri after i sneezed hard, then it cleared up on fri nite, nothing from sat till now, no cramps also, KKH ask me to go back for a 2nd BT but i am scared to go.
Morning Ladies!
Great.. 25 Apr is ok for me..

Yahlor.. maybe u ask for 'time off' from ur side for abt 3 hrs? hehe

Wot was the reading of ur 1st BT? If it's really low, like below 2, chances r u're not pregnant lor.

My AF come abt 3-4 days aft I stop my progesterone jabs the last x... spotting on n off. Diff ppl react diff, sometimes stress also adds to the delay.
Hi Try Again,

Same as u, my AF usually comes 2days after I stop the crinone inserts.

What was ur 1st BT reading? If between 5-25iu, got chance that you are pregnant but just that maybe late implantation. The fri spotting could be implantation bleeding. Perhaps u test again with HPT 1st? If got faint line, then can go back KKH for 2nd BT.

If if 1st BT is less than 2iu, then like what Haze says, then should be not pregnant.

Good Luck!
Hi ladies,

4th gathering at My Humble House (Esplanade) on 25 April 2009

Confirmed Attendance:
1.RuRu Cat
2. Haze

Hi Haze,

Forgot to ask u on Sat, so u are only going for your medicated FET in Jul after ur colleague comes back from her maternity leave? Or going ahead in April after seeing Dr Loh on 24th Mar?
I'll hv to wait til I c dr Loh then c wot he says...

Cos my AF is in a mess.. duno if he'll want me to go back n monitor, c if I really cannot O on my own or wot. Not going to do my FET so soon.

My colleague wil be back in end Jun. If my AF comes in end Jun, then I'll start then, else in Jul's AF.

I've been testing for LH ytday, jus test n c got anything or not. Cos my temp stil up n down.. very low at abt 36... nothing leh. I stil hv spotting.. siao rite?

I jus scare my endo is back.. then ask to do lapo again how??

Wot time u going for ur acu today? I might want to start again nex mth..
4th gathering at My Humble House (Esplanade) on 25 April 2009

Confirmed Attendance:
1.RuRu Cat
2. Haze
3. Bambi

Haze, I'll start acu after my next AF clear, cos' I only want to do acu for 3 months before ER/ET. More time for relax and save some $$$ 8:p I'll also try to save up more, cos' I'm contemplating to forego the govt subsidy & transfer 3 embbies, to give it my best shot this time round.
They nv tell u one.. hv to ask. I also ask for mine the last time.

I find that they nv tell u any reading unless u ask.

I'll start with once per wk for the 1st mth.. then 2x per mth for the nex 2 mths.

Good for u! Jiayou, ok? I'm sure God wil hear u this time!
Morning ladies,

4th gathering at My Humble House (Esplanade) on 25 April 2009

Confirmed Attendance:
1.RuRu Cat
2. Haze
3. Bambi
4. Strawbearbi

Wah I have to tell u gals this. Last nite went to my MIL place for dinner. She was talking to DH at the dinner table and I was talking to my SIL at the couch. Suddenly hear her very agitated, they were talking abt the confinement lady which we intend to hire. She like so resistant that we get a confinement lady who doesn't stay overnight. Keep shaking head n so on. So difficult to make her understand! So sian...
is she going to stay with u too n help u take care of ur bb?

else, jus ignore her lah. Cos it's ur choice mah.
Hi Strawbearbi,

At least she never confront u in the face right? Then u just pretend to clutch your stomach and distort your face like in pain and straightaway you can go home, don't have to answer her questions..har..har...har..

Sorry, hmm... I think she is just concerned that you maybe too tired from the night-feeding and wants u to rest well lah.
hey Ruru, Haze and ladies who have done BT at KKH before,

Is it the same everywhere how they measure BHCG level as in same "iu" and nothing else, no "miu" etc ... ?

KKH is making me confused. They told me not pregnant base on fri BT cos must min 250iu but i was at 23iu. They want me to do repeat BT. What this mean? I am so scared now.
25iu of beta HCG will be confirmed pregnant, and for healthy pregnancy, beta HCG will double every 2 days. On Friday, your BT was earlier than scheduled, right ? You are nearly there, do go down for blood test, cos' if you're pregnant you've gotta strengthen the pregnancy with more progestrone jab/tab. Please treat yourself as pregnant and take good care of yourself from now on 8:)
Thanks Bambi, i am so scared now.
Cos was already taking the blow last fri and now test again, if neg, its like leaving my hopes up for another blow. So so scared. But you are rite, if preggy, i ought to get supplements back soon, i actually stopped all inserts and TCM and even went shopping and ate sashimi over the weekend. Feel so sorry now. Sigh ..
Maybe lik Ruru said, u shd do HPT 1st then decide.

If there is, then u go down for BT.

U're at home or at work? Dun stress ok.. take it easy..

Good luck!
Hi Try Again,

If your reading is betw 5-25iu, u may be pregnant and friday spotting is implantation bleeding leh. Perhaps u want to go to a private gynae clinic to get a 2nd opinion? Sometimes when the HCG is weak, u need the supplements asap as it maybe that the pregnancy is weak also.

Perhaps u want to consider having a half-day off? Go for a blood test at KKH or private gynae clinic and then go home to rest?
understand your mixed feeling, but I believe your baby is growing steadily inside you now.

I'm just surprised that the nurse in charge didn't tell you that your beta hcg is close to the confirmed pregnancy level, that you should continue your insert...
Hi Try Again,

If really strike jackpot, just come in and tell us u don't have to use your nickname 'try again' forever liao, we will be so happy for u!!!!

Oh, don't worry about the sashimi and shopping lah, as long u never have diahorrea from the raw food, it is fine.
normally her assistant buy lunch box for Dr Zou, she lunch in. If there is no patient, she might go upstairs for a small nap, cos' sometimes she can't sleep so well at night. It is better that you call her assistant - Ms LiYing to confirm the appointment first. Tel : 6456 0833.
Gals, my mind is in a whirl now. I am so scared. Cant take the day off as i have an important meeting to go to later. I am going KKH for my BT now and hopefully by end of the day can know whether its doubling or declining. So careless me, should have known better to not shop, eat sashimi etc till AF flows. I even stopped folic acid. Sigh.

Ya hah, Bambi, now that you mentioned, they should have told my hubby when he called in to ask me continue my tabs hor? Sigh, its all in God's hands now, whatever damage i have done, its God to keep the miracle if there is.
There wil be no damage lah.. dun worry abt that, ok?

Normal ppl who duno they pregnant, also anyhow eat n do things they like, rite?

We wait for u good news, ok?
Morning ladies,

4th gathering at My Humble House (Esplanade) on 25 April 2009

Confirmed Attendance:
1.RuRu Cat
2. Haze
3. Bambi
4. Strawbearbi
5. Sam *Tentative*

I cannot confirm confirm cause need to see my situation k.. If everything is ok, i sure wanna go.. but movement quite jialat now also..
Rurucat n rest ..

Oh yes, for the promotion just use UOB card to pay to get the 1 for 1 and reservation also need to tell them for the promotion.
Hi everyone.

I just came back from my scan. It's a singleton. Dr says it might have started with 2 but with the scan, it's confirmed -- it's a single baby.

I'm very worried. I think so is my dh who is a few thousand miles away now. Baby is 1mm short of the ideal size of 4mm. However, dr says I am 2 days short of 6 weeks. Dr is very cautious. I need to go for scanning again next week. There is nothing I can do now but just sit, wait and see. I think now is the period I'm most worried. I wasn't even this worried when I had OHSS.
congrats! Did u manage to hear bb heartbeat today? Dr tell u ur beta today?

Dun worry, ok? I'm sure bb wil catch up... u've been really cautious so far n take good care of urself. Under ur gynae's care, I'm sure u'll hv a good 9 mths n a smooth delivery!

Dun stress ok? Stay happy so bb will be happy too n grow grow!
Hi Yve,

Congrats on the singleton.

When you say the bb is 1mm short, what is the implication? Did the doc say there's any cause for concern?

Can understand you are worried, but I think like what you say, there's not much u can do about it. Try to rest more and eat nutritiously for the bb. Also try to keep your spirits up. Will pray hard for you that the next 8 mths or so will be smooth for you.

Dr says we have to be careful that's all. He didn't say that there is any need for concern. It is too small so cannot hear bb heartbeat today. Makes me extremely worried. I'll just go sleep so I think less. Hope it helps.

I didn't do any bt today so no beta. I did 2 bt while admitted. The dr said the figures doubled nicely then so don't think he will make me go take another bt.

that's why I'm thinking of transferring 3. You & FelixCat transferred 3 good grade embbies and both are carrying singleton. If I put in 2 embbies, I dunno how many cycles I have to go through and my career will be badly affected by the repeated leave away from office.

Are you still taking chicken essence ? Try to have more nourishment and for your baby's sake, please eat more.
