Chole, Thanks, been hearing a lot on checking the maid bag before she go, will do so...Oh dear, she took your favourite toys? *sigh* guessed many are right, treat them nice but yet they still do these.
Eve, Thanks, nice to hear your myanmar maid is good, I think I will try myanmar maid this time.
Vone, I called the agent and they say employer should be paying for the airtickets but my maid just with me for 1 year and it was her choice to go home not that I don't want her...quite unfair to employer right, spent so much to get her in and wasted the agency fee, insurance fee and still have to pay for the air tickts.
Disneytokyo, wow, school holiday in PH so long? hm..she received the call end Mar then started all the homesick symptom. Like a lot of happening at home, hse reno, father and hb quarrel, mum working as maid in the other cty didn't call home etc that made her have to keep calling home to check the status. I told her it is beyond what she can control remotely here. She gets a lot of smses from all her few aunties regularly too, like she is running a big biz here..haa..I a bit regret to give her the freedom to call, all started because of the phone calls. I wonder why her family don't give her the support and keep telling her bad news to make her worry and sad. Wow, you can understand fil? next time maybe you can help me interpret the smsess, I hope she is not hiding anything from me...She hasn't decide whether she wants to quit, I still have to get another new one before letting her go, guess will wait for mid may and hope airfare will be cheaper then.
lostinthots, what you encounter reminds me of my earlier maid, she was a trf maid and reason given was the employer mum didn't like her. Thinking the trf was only personal opinion and she look pleasant to me, I employed her than suddenly after 5months, she keep singing, run and suddenly jump and shout to scare my baby, she often cry too due to homesick. I see her like emotional unstable so ask what happen, seeing me nice to her, she told me frankly that she has been wanting to go home since her 1st employmt but agency say she has to be trf. so she do those to upset us so once we send her back, she can go home. I send her back to the agency immediately since still within the free trf and told the agency to let her go since she wish to go home. Oh dear, it must be terrible for your sis colg, luckily I let my previous maid go as her wish, no point forcing them if heart not here cos' can cause other work related hazard to us.