Advise-anyone just pop by full GA at Mt A))

Hi! i had epidural C-sect, it costed me around 2.1k in cash (the rest was deductable by CPF). if excludes the CPF, it will be around 8k plus, inclusive of baby charges.

so if its full GA, expect around 9k plus.
inclusive of everything already.. one thing maybe you might want to take note.. i wasnt aware that they will give me a 2 weeks of painkillers etc, the medicine alone cost me about $300 plus! it was my hubby who went to submit my discharge form etc.. probably u can avoid the medicine charges, coz my wound dun really feel painful after one week or so already, and i nv really rely on the medicine given, so up to you
Hi i'm new to this forum. will be opting for c-section epidural at mt a. i need some info on the hospital charge if i were to choose the date and time for my operation? Can anyone advise me??
I did c-section with full GA. 2 bedded. Total bill incl baby expense abt $7k. Medisave can deduct $5k. Cash payment abt $2k
I delivered via GA csection on 1/1/2011 and 1/1/2012 at mountA, both times the bill was 9k+ (including baby & gynae expenses). 1jan is public holiday so tt could be one of the reason the bill is more ex. After medisave I still got to pay 5k+

1/1/2011- stayed at single deluxe room for 4 nites, tried induce labour (unsuccessful thus the csection), hubby stayed for 4 nites too (extra companion charge), bought abdominal binder from hospital

1/1/2012- stayed at single deluxe room for 3 nites only. Gynae's charge higher than 1st time (my Gynae say my csection date too near so more complicated), hubby stayed for 3 nites too.

By rite 2nd time stay should be cheaper by around 1k cos exclude inducing n stayed 1day less. But Gynae charge higher so still boils down to same amount
I delivered via GA c sect at MAH in 2003, 2006, 2007 and 2010. One bedder with hubby staying overnite each time. Total bill ranged from $6k - $9k.
