A PLace to share our blog for out little one


Hi ,
recently i start my little blog for son. would like to share with other mummies and to learn more . maybe you would like to share your experience when you doing the blog....

anything interesting thing to include in our blog to look more lively and colourful... any one can help
hi linsaw, I did up a blog for my son, Ricco too! Mine is a simple blog. From template kind. For me, I am techno stupid. Thus, simple blog with good info and pictures will do the job
Hi Clarissa,

Actually mine blog also very simple. But when i happen to see some blog their picture layout are very nice. They even have change their template too.
care to share your blog?
hi linsaw, VERY NICE blog! how did you input in all those pics? There I told you! I am really techno stupid

Will forward you my son's blogsite tonite at home.. forgot the add
hi linsaw,
for my background, i got it from blinkyou.com
click on background & select from there. they will provide the html code for u to copy & paste into ur blog. cheers!
can i have the blinkyou website

so your slide is up .... congrats ...
do you mind i add your link to mind blog ?
I oso a techno stupid , i only manage to upload the slide and picture track ...try a few times then can manage to upload furthermore when to a few blog to get new ideas hehe


hmmm...hw to help u to change? u mean u wan me to log into ur blog n insert the background for u? tis means i got to hv ur id & password. u sure?

and wat background pict u wan?

linsaw & clarissa
c'mon...both of u r nt techno stupid. if u tink tis way, i would be a computer idiot already. haha..

btw, both of u hv msn? we can chat over msn.
linsaw - ok no prob. can add the link.

yvonne - aiyo, i gotta ask my cousins they all on how to add slides la, utube la..everything. than go home trial and error...and all my cousins only in their teens! youngsters these days really superbly techno saavy...

ok can add me in msn. do you need any info from me to add? U SEE! i told you...i dun even know what info to provide in order for you to add! hahahaha
Hi Yvonne and Clarissa,
A good news , i manage to add the background pictures to my blog ... hehe thank you

I am techno stuipid cos alot of thing i am not very sure. need to learn from all of you .

My msn is [email protected]

you need to provide your hotmail account or yahoo mail account to us so that we can add you in msn to chat online. I think it wil be faster
congrats! nice background.

yup! u hv to let us know ur hotmail acct or u can even add us when u logged into msn.
Hi mummies,

I have mine blog too at Multiply:
(do add me as your contact if you do have an acc. in Multiply. See u there :))

Not many articles stil but som are useful for mummies especially for working mothers. some written in mandarin, some in english.

Personal comment:
I used to have blog at Blogspot but find that Multiply does a better job in uploading photos, edit articles. Basically simple to use as well but more customisable.
Hi linsaw,

sure. pls go ahead.
do u know u can also publish your articles in blogspot at multiply simply register urself as a member? u don hv to migrate ur articles to multiply one-by-one butjust with one button click to share ur articles at 2 places.

do join me to your network if u hv an acc in multiply. cheers.
