! A good Confinement lady to recommend?

Hi, I would like to recommend this CL called Mei Zheng. She is veri experience in confinement and can cook veri well. She is a easy going person and hand wash on bb clothes. Feel free to pm me if u r keen.

Hi mummies,

My mum is a confinement lady with around 19 to 20 years of working experience in this line. Anyone looking for confinement lady in or after August 2013 is welcome to email [email protected]. Thanks!

Best Regards,
Hi mummies,

Beware of Malaysia CL who is called "Ah Chun". She's 56 yrs old, not tall, dark skin, Chinese, speak very loud and not clean. She claimed to have experienced in doing confinement and take care baby. It's a lie! She doesn't even know how to carry the baby properly!

Another CL is an Indonesian lady named "Anna", born in Medan, stay in Batam. She's 52 years old, skinny, short hair. She claimed to have experience taking children in Australia & elderly in Taiwan, can do massage and also a part time cleaner.

On her first day, she mop the floor, clean the table in baby's room. Giving impression that she's good which her actual behaviour is careless & irresponsible!

Never zip the breastmilk storage properly, never keep it back into the fridge, bring out my baby without my permission. When we tell nicely to her that she should pay more attention to these things, she told me to just look for someone else after the 6th day! So, we gladly sacked her. Her cooking is only one type of vegetable and fried eggs, for both lunch and dinner.

Extra careful when choosing your CL. Good luck!
Hi mummies,

I'm doing currently doing my confinement (in my 4th week) and would like to recommend my CL, Lan Yee.

1. Cooks really delicious and nutritious meals and soup ( including papaya with fish, black beans, etc) to increase my milk supply. She seldom cook the same dishes. She prepares meals for my hubby too. On alternate day, she will also prepare herbal soup (black chicken with dang gui, etc).
2. Cooks red dates drink daily. She also boils herbal water for showering from week 3 onwards.
3. Very knowledgeable - know what to eat and what to avoid.
4. Most importantly, she is very patient with my baby. My baby is very difficult to take care coz he always wake up in the middle of the night n quite bad temper. But she has been very patient all this while. She is able to wake up whenever the baby cries or make funny noise, even at night.
5. Supportive of bf and encourages me to let baby latch on more often to create more breast milk.

I am grateful to have her to help me take care of bb and me. She was previously in London for a few months in 2013 and was only back in mar 2013 hence has not taken up any job from sept - nov 2013. For those who are interested, can contact her directly

She is currently in Singapore and will be back in Malaysia in mid May. Her contact no is +65 81496895 (Sg) or +60 16 9188648 (mal). You can also pm me if you would like to know more about her.
my friend was recommending malay confinement lady. she say her chinese friends mostly take malay CL cos they are more strict (44days) and will do malay massage for u too... i also looking for a CL but need to discuss with my pil first (cos they both retire liao)...

Hi Meistar, you have the contacts for the Malay Confinement Lady? Would appreciate it very much. Thanks.
Hi there - who's this amazing CL that you found as a replacement? I'm looking for one for Sep/Oct - can recommend pls?
Also, my est delivery is 1st Oct, should I ask the CL to come earlier or only after I arrive? How does that work? One CL that was referred by another CL (who was my friend's but is busy) is asking me to have her come 1 week before, just in case... But what does she do for that week then? If my delivery ends up being late - then I would end up paying her for a whole month to do nothing?
I'm not sure what the practice is, so some advice please? I don't want to jump to conclusions about her character, but did think it was weird. And I originally intend to just hire a CL for 1 mth, she's saying better to hire her for 2mths... Dunno... not getting a good feeling... so wanna look for some trustworthy ones please?

Hi , would like to reccomend my fantastic CL , was really lucky to have her as i initially hire one cl who was money grabber , ask for higher pay , air ticket to penang , minimum $200 ang pow and final straw was that she insist on "helping" me buy expensive things like abalone .. so i sacked her ..

Luckily i got this CL who initially retired to take care of grandson .. now she just decided to come back and i got her.. finishing my confinement next .. she is god send ..Her name is auntie Hui Feng ..

My baby is extremely fussy and cry for milk every hour . She is quite pro breast feeding thus dun mind staying up the night to take care . She wakes up ard 6 am just to start preparing my meal .. everyday breakfast , lunch , dinner is like restaurant style .. so far , into my 26 days of confinement i only have 2 repeated dish ... She make very good food even for my husband and my fussy mother and a separeate set for my dad. So daily , she cook 3 type , one set for me , one for mum and husband , and one set for dad who is vegetarian . SHe also is quite clean and can tell she love baby. Extrememly patient and kind , not wasteful at all ... imagine when i was in hospital , she brought my confinemnet food even when i ordered hospital meal , then she say dun waste and she can help me eat the not nice hospital food if nobody eat .. very nice and sweet lady ..
There was once my mum bought meat bao and she told me that better not eat as not sure what type of meat they use , might not good for me ..so the next day she immediatey hand made meat bao me ... how many CL would do that !
She also help to teach my new maid how to care for baby , how to do housechore , and maintain my maid cleanliness such as min 1 day bath 3 time cos taking care of baby .. she also talk sense into my maid when my maid got lazy ,.. so really is making my every penny wrth .. she make me feel that she is more of mother than a CL .. very motherly and yet not naggy .. she is modern and flexible and also respect our privacy alot.. she totally understand that having our first baby, we naturally will want to see baby more so even when hubby came bk late from work , she dun mind leaving the room when hubby come in to see so that we can have family time ... so very considerate ...
she is also not pushy in the confinement rules, she will tell u what to do but if you decide not to, she will respect too .. (etc like me i die die no give bottle till 3 weeks so for 3 weeks she patiently spoonfeed my baby thru the night ). The only thing she very admandant about is mummy have to drink enuff soup .. so she gave me 3 big bowl a day and insist i drink cos it will help produce milk ...
She is also frenly to all guest that comes and dun mind cooking extra for them .. i duno what bad point to say abt her as i have yet to find any ,, can only thank her by posting good review and reccomendation .. i will post all pics of food she cook .. but she mention that she is able to cook different thing and so much everyday cos we have alot of ingredients in the fridge .. so for those who hire her , if you want to eat something u have to have the ingredient ,,,

I extended my confinement with her and now really cant bear to let her leave .. i guess all who employ her is lucky .. i am not related to her and fund her by a forummer recommendation too .. so since i am so free doing my confinement now i can give very detail review ... haha .. For those who ineterested please email me at [email protected]











Hi , would like to reccomend my fantastic CL , was really lucky to have her as i initially hire one cl who was money grabber , ask for higher pay , air ticket to penang , minimum $200 ang pow and final straw was that she insist on "helping" me buy expensive things like abalone .. so i sacked her ..

Luckily i got this CL who initially retired to take care of grandson .. now she just decided to come back and i got her.. finishing my confinement next .. she is god send ..Her name is auntie Hui Feng ..

My baby is extremely fussy and cry for milk every hour . She is quite pro breast feeding thus dun mind staying up the night to take care . She wakes up ard 6 am just to start preparing my meal .. everyday breakfast , lunch , dinner is like restaurant style .. so far , into my 26 days of confinement i only have 2 repeated dish ... She make very good food even for my husband and my fussy mother and a separeate set for my dad. So daily , she cook 3 type , one set for me , one for mum and husband , and one set for dad who is vegetarian . SHe also is quite clean and can tell she love baby. Extrememly patient and kind , not wasteful at all ... imagine when i was in hospital , she brought my confinemnet food even when i ordered hospital meal , then she say dun waste and she can help me eat the not nice hospital food if nobody eat .. very nice and sweet lady ..
There was once my mum bought meat bao and she told me that better not eat as not sure what type of meat they use , might not good for me ..so the next day she immediatey hand made meat bao me ... how many CL would do that !
She also help to teach my new maid how to care for baby , how to do housechore , and maintain my maid cleanliness such as min 1 day bath 3 time cos taking care of baby .. she also talk sense into my maid when my maid got lazy ,.. so really is making my every penny wrth .. she make me feel that she is more of mother than a CL .. very motherly and yet not naggy .. she is modern and flexible and also respect our privacy alot.. she totally understand that having our first baby, we naturally will want to see baby more so even when hubby came bk late from work , she dun mind leaving the room when hubby come in to see so that we can have family time ... so very considerate ...
she is also not pushy in the confinement rules, she will tell u what to do but if you decide not to, she will respect too .. (etc like me i die die no give bottle till 3 weeks so for 3 weeks she patiently spoonfeed my baby thru the night ). The only thing she very admandant about is mummy have to drink enuff soup .. so she gave me 3 big bowl a day and insist i drink cos it will help produce milk ...
She is also frenly to all guest that comes and dun mind cooking extra for them .. i duno what bad point to say abt her as i have yet to find any ,, can only thank her by posting good review and reccomendation .. i will post all pics of food she cook .. but she mention that she is able to cook different thing and so much everyday cos we have alot of ingredients in the fridge .. so for those who hire her , if you want to eat something u have to have the ingredient ,,,

I extended my confinement with her and now really cant bear to let her leave .. i guess all who employ her is lucky .. i am not related to her and fund her by a forummer recommendation too .. so since i am so free doing my confinement now i can give very detail review ... haha .. For those who ineterested please email me at [email protected]











hi can you provide contact to me thank you
