A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

Hmm, i juz called Yu guo,they open tmr wor. I told them tmr polling day, its also pH. D lady replied d clinic will be open in d morning & afternoon. My boy also started coughing, duno isit due to d weather. But everytime we went there, they always ask us to go come regularly like a few days after d session. Bt v far le.. By d time my hb ko & reach there v late liao. So far my boy being massage by different tuina aunty le, can we choose d aunty? Kaka.

mummypooh, first time I went Yu Guo, I brought my boy there on sat, sun and then monday. After that, just once a week on saturdays....then tomorrow I will go in the afternoon. As my husband working and won't return home until tomorrow late morning. Need to go vote before we go Yu Guo. First 2 times we managed to get the same aunty by request :p have to see if the aunty you prefer is doing tui na for anyone at that point of time also...see if you want to wait or another aunty will do. I've also switched my boy to goat's milk as advised by the Chinese physician. Now my boy drinking Karihome and I think he likes it! If your boy is always phlegmy, you can consider....
pst, oh in her time? Her time is when? When police wear shorts? In her time of cos can afford lar, how can she compare her time and our time? No wonder birth rate so low, it's because these people earn so much, they don't understand what it's like for us mere mortals. They've lost touch long time ago. Singapore will soon see the day where singaporeans belong to the minority group, the rest all foreigners. Want us to give birth, want mothers to continue contributing to the economy, want the elderly to work for as long as possible then where are the childcare centers, who will protect us mothers from losing our jobs, who can help us with our kids if the grandparents are encouraged to continue working when mere mortals like us need dual income? Really boh logic lor. And housing where got affordable...if really affordable why now say raise income ceiling to 10k? All use backside to think. My son next time how to survive? I worry for his future.....
thanks for info on yu guo.

yeah! exactly! Then, I was also telling her that for mothers like me who give birth to twins (or other multiple births) that we should have a longer maternity leave, but no need double from 4 to 8 months, but perhaps 5 months? or 6 months? You know what she say? She say her time only 1 month. faint faint faint.
They not only invited PRC to Spore study even Vietnamese too. Today I spoken to my gal schoolmate mother, she told me she rent a room to a Vietnamese who is invited here to study. His school fees and books are fully paid and every mth he get 3-4k allowance.
Our children must really work hard otherwise next time don't where they can stand!!
JOB AD: The most difficult job in the world



OTHER JOB TITLES (Depending on Employer's choice):

Mummy, Mama, Mum, Mom, Okaa-san, Hey-you!, Boo-Boo


A challenging and exciting permanent position in a chaotic, unpredictable environment. Only those who are prepared for a long-term (i.e Lifetime) commitment need apply. Candidates must prepare to work as part of a team (1% of the time) or work independently (99% of the time).


Nothing fixed or set in stone. However, as a basic guideline:

- Hours are irregular, but usually 18-20 hours a day, 7 days a week

- Assume total accountability for quality of end product (Assessment usually takes place after 21 years)

- Must be able to multi-task in the following roles (although extreme competency is not required)

Driver of large vehicles (SUVs or family sedans)
Cook/ Chef of meals that can be whipped up in a matter of minutes
Entertainer, catering to all ages ranging from 0 - 14
Sports woman who can catch employers before they fall - this skill is required 18 hours a day
Domestic Cleaner for emergency poop or pee incidents
Teacher of basic and simple language, mathematical skills, fundamental life skills (including toilet training)
Dictionary of choice ( to answer all "Why?" questions)
All other roles that will pop up from time to time

- Must be on standby 24 hours a day (Shift duty allowance not provided)

- Must be able to have some basic technical skills (required for fixing jammed batteries in wound-up toys or dismantled mobile phones)

- Ideally have some first-aid skills (to tend to bee stings, black eye from other children or bites from disturbed cats)

- Should possess excellent communication skills (and able to shout across a busy shopping mall if needed)

- Preferably should be oblivious to stares and glares from strangers when your employer chooses to scream or throw a tantrum in public

- Strongly preferred: Candidates who have eyes growing at the back of their heads, so as to be on the lookout for mischievous outbursts.

- Must have stamina to go without sleep for 2 days straight

- Able to sing the same nursery rhyme again and again and again and again is a plus.

- Able to read the same story book again and again and again and again and again.....(and look happy doing it!)

- Must be prepared to be disliked from time to time

- Ideal candidate should be able to identify the employer's good points even in the most depressing of all conditions.

bat bat - ha that right i have a cat at hm.....

apple- tks for the welcome ////
Good morning mummies...anyone stayed up to watch the news on GE? I did lor. Until 2.30am wah lao.

mummypooh, thanks to you, i still went ahead to Yu Guo last Sat after voting. No people! Not crowded at all. Last Sat my boy finally managed to get the tui na done properly

pst, her time her time...then what is the point of talking? Sounds like those MPs who have had talks with Serangoon residents who opposed to the building of the dormitory for foreign workers. Say meet and discuss but more like meet for the sake of it. Im surprised. She is a woman, should understand that actually child bearing is not easy. We are risking our lives. Would have been better if she had replied by saying will consider, rather than slam you in the face.

pinky, now im tempted to ask my tenants if gahmen dangled any carrots in front of them to entice them to come sg to work, lol!

apple, good one! Had a good laugh over the post, hahahahah! Really not easy man...Will be even tougher when our kids become teenagers. I'm not sure how i'm going to handle that stage.

becky, i've not heard of Fuhua Pri school. Try surfing kiasuparents forum. It has much more information on primary schools in singapore

batbat, you going for the parent-teacher conference?
me. Stay up till almost 3am to watch. But internet result is faster. SAw facebook they already know the answer 1hr before the TV live boardcast.

Some commented that with the PAP winning, 200k or 20k (can't remember) FT will flow in for the next 5 yrs.
connie, that is scary...i think flooding of FT is unavoidable. Because birth rate is decreasing and they just simply do not want to improve the birth rate at the expense of the economic returns. It's very sad....
back to work station le.. my mum face nw blue black lo.. but m reali glad noting serious.. she is in her 60s le..

Hi becky_cat, welcome! actually im also from marsiling move to jurong de..
Hi Connie, coz she face down 1st wen she fall.. i oso dun noe y her blue black so jialat like very bad dark rings like dis.. see le abit heart pain..

Hmm, hw come yr boy do tuina properly?? Tot he went a couple of times liao?? Me too brought my boy to Yuguo right after my voting in d morning. Guess a lot of pple tot they r closed on voting day. Keke. But my boy"cough become full bloom, cough until his voice become hoarse & vomitted too. So in d end brought him to KKH last nite after he vomitted again when hes sleeping. So crowded last nite, even no chairs for us to sit at d waiting area to c d doc.

I too stayed uP til 1 am, buai tahan then doze off. My excited hb then woke me up at 2 plus am when they annouced d results for Aljunied. Faintz. I was sooo tired but managed to watched d last bit b4 i doze off again.
haha.... all so excited for the GE... i watch through not because of wanting to know the result but feeding my boy... haha
Me too! Feeding and watching...

Get to know that the potong pasir residents are gathering signature for petition! They really very supportive and united....
Don't think they really can have the re-vote but they still give it a try!!
What is pap going to do for our side?

Anyone still Breastfeeding? I need to advice how to change to bottlefeed...
Yes, going for it.

Yesterday supper hot.
Not working yesterday due to GE on sat.
But, running around singapore for errands.
Cannot tahan the heat!
<font color="ff6000">Good Morning Everyone.

Batbat, the weather was hot past few days and suddenly it rained just now when we want to bring baby to infant care.
Same same..
Horrible weather, why can't rain last night instead.

How is your infant care at Jur Pt?
Decide to stay there instead of nanny?
<font color="ff6000">batbat, yar no matter wat, at least infant care more structure.

My Girl still will cry, hopefully she gets better ba. Everyday is like zombified lor. Luckily May got alot of holiday but June and July dunno how.
Hi mummies,
Maid request for a day off this Sunday and she want to go JB with aunty. Is it safe to let her go? She will be gg back indo on 28 May for 2 weeks.

I'm breastfeeding my 40 day boy haha no problem on bottles or breast cause he is a high demand for milk haha

Maid going to malaysia
personally view only think she is going back better don allow cause u might know what will happen unless u trust her completely
Things will improve eventually.
Look at littlesunny boy, at first also very cranky. The last time she updated her boy seen to getting used to it.

My gal also cry like hell and struggle to get out of the place for first few weeks. See also heart pain but need to "persist".
But now has improve a lot, a lot. Like today she actually walk towards a teacher and lean towards to her!! I was so surprised.

Few days ago, she saw the same chinese teacher and does not "fuss" so much and while we talking, my gal hestitate a few moments, look around n charge to the ifc inside, trying to open a sliding door her own to go into the playing area. The teacher has to go after her as she still wearing her shoes. Both my husband n myself were shocked to see this.

Hence, I believe they will eventually get used to it and also like what butterwaffles mentioned, if our baby has a few "fav" teachers, they will get settle more easily.
<font color="ff6000">batbat, I also have a few favourite teachers....haha....

I want to ask, for My Family Clinic, Dr Hau is better or Dr Gwee is better huh for infant.
So far I only bring my gal to GP once, we visited Dr Gwee.
The rest I always go to PD.

Is the medicine same for PD &amp; GP?
I bring my baby for all the jabs at my family clinic whereas if my baby really sick will bring her to pd which is located at jurong east.
My family clinic: if their in house doctor not in, pls don't see them. They are not good esp see children!
<font face="segoe ui"> i agree with u, last month i brought my ger to my family clinic to see her running nose then not the in house doctor, its a malay female doctor, not good at all....she is like just listen to us telling her the problem and not really checking much on my ger, me dun hv good impression on her</font>
butterwaffles yeah exactly! She keep talking about "her time" which is probably more than 20 years ago! Felt like it was a waste of our time and energy talking to her, since she obviously doesn't think we have a point and would definitely not waste any time in 'representing' our cause! Was quite disappointed in her reaction. Like you said, I thought since she is a mother as well, that she would at least understand.

pinky you just have to slowly phase in... meaning, you can try replacing one feed with the bottle first. then when baby adjust, then substitute another feed with bottle... etc...
pinky is your pd Alpha Baby as well?

poshies do you need glass bottles? I have lots, which I dun use anymore, am thinking of giving it away rather than throwing...
<font color="ff6000">Thanks alot Pinky, batbat and Cutie.

batbat, for me, my rule of thumb is like flu, and such common illness see GP, for vaccination I already half way see PD, so see PD. PD more specialise but I think the GP at My Family Clinic, Dr Hau and Dr Gwee deals with a lot of children, so shld be okie. I have yet see Dr Hau la.

PD more ex. and for us who stay in Jurong, GP nearer than PD.
If your baby has fever or serious blocked nose is better to bring her/him to see PD cos they have the machine to suck everything out.

Yes! I went to Alpha baby
The clinic is big and no waiting time! You also breastfeed your baby! How old is your baby now?

My bad encounter was a male doctor! My baby had a fever on a public holiday which the PD clinic closed so no choice I had to bring her to my family clinic but on that day only 1 relief doctor was available so no choice to see him. I told him that my baby having high fever and the temperature was up and down. He said to insert pill into the butt to bring down the temperature at that moment I was very worried and agreed...2 days later I went to my PD as my baby had a bad flu, I told her about the incident! She said baby still young, not suggested to insert any pill for them
And It only can be done for 1yr and above!!
FAmily clinic
SO Dr Hau and Dr Gwee is their main doc?
I went once but not their main doc and I have to send my boy to see PD after a few days. Now whenever he has cough, GP is out. The no of trips to GP is more x than 1X to PD.
<font color="ff6000">Pinky, okie noted. In the end my baby is all well. Where is Alpha baby located in Jurong East? The doc good?

Pinky, my PD inserted something into her butt because she was not pooing for almost a month. I think for fever maybe not suitable but for if got constipate shld be okie to insert.

For vaccination, I changed from poly clinic to PD to Pioneer Mall new clinic.
Think his name is Dr Chua something.
Much much shorter queue but the clinic is small.
He is a very friendly doc.

For sickness, I still prefer go to PD.
Maybe next round (touch wood) for normal flu or cold, I will try GP.
I personally think that PD is baby specialist, she is able to answer you correctly for everything concern about the baby. And also the correct medication and it will not overdose your baby too

Alpha baby is located above the NTUC.
Blk 135 Jurong East St 13, #02-321
Tel: 67958660

Insert Tablet might be too strong for baby! And their relief doctor don't really answer much when you throw in question...
Last round when my gal did not poo, the pd also insert the tablets. That time she was less than 5 mths, and total BF. I guess this is the normal practise.

I usually go to Anne bb clinic at Blk 214 JE.

Recently, I tried the one at JW Ave 1, the pd advise me to buy the breathing equipment if my kid frequent having cough or bronchitic. Suppose to go back for review but the nurse told me have to wait for 2 hrs so I took a cab to Anne clinic. Her advise is not to buy as the medicine are x n m/c more for bronchitis kids. although she had the machine but only used for serious case.

Although his medicine do miracle but I felt that the dosage was too high for kid. Imagine the serious cough subside 2nd day. For Anne's medicine, cough will only subside 3rd to 4th day.

For PD, we also need to be careful.
<font color="ff6000">Thanks Pinky. How many doctors are in Alpha baby and which doc is recommended?

COnnie, the JW av 1 is which clinic? Kids link or?
pinky Yeah! I am a breastfeeding advocate hahahhaa... I have a pair of twins whom I am bf-ing currently. They are now 16 months old... hehehe...

Apple Alpha Baby only has 1 doctor. Dr Agnes (Tay? can't recall). We always call her Dr Agnes hahaha... but she is chinese singaporean. Good thing about this clinic is that always no queue one. Think it's coz the Dr very fast, chop chop. But then again, most doctors are like that... It's on the same level as the Boon Lay Raja Restaurant, at JE Central.
hi pst,
does your glass bottle come with cap? i might need some of them as i only store my supply in glass bottle, but as i have not start really collecting them... haha since i'm at home.... i don mind collect from you....

thanks alot...
hi connie,
yes, pd is baby specialist, therefore it is better if you think the normal GP can't help... actually i have a nebulistor (don know the spelling correct anot) at home... it is the same machine that normally you need to rent from the clinic if your child need to put on to breath to help to open the airway.... therefore if any of you need to rent one from the clinic... which normally charge for $10 per day.... u can rent from me instead... haha at least i charge half price to cover back my cost.... haha i bot it about a couple year back as my boy was having airway sentitive therefore prone for cough and bronchitic.

hi pinky,
in future is the baby having fever, to bring down the fever best is to bath them... in normally warm or drinking water temperature... just a quick rinse, make sure all the window is close and dry them quick once you take them out from the water... (to avoid catching the cold) this is the same as sponge them but it is easier and more effective as the whole body is sponge ... i do it for young children, and they fet much better... once my boy was hospital for high fever... he was them for the 1st day... been take med but fever don go down... in the middle of the night at 3 am still refuse to sleep... been caught him to the nurse counter to watch the nurse at work... then one of the nurse tell me to get him to sleep but he refuse to sleep and the fever is still high despite of the med taken... so she suggest i bring to bath him.... immediately after the bath and dry... less than half an hour he is sleeping peacefully.... the nurse told him as sponge and bath, will bring their temperature down .
kidslink is located at je near e swimming pool if I'm not wrong. Not sure y, I don hAve good impression. E jw ave 1 is neAr e ocbc bank beside e bakery at blk 503.

yes, tt e mc e pd ask me to buy but dr Anne flip my boy's record n say no need cos he only Kanna once which need tt mc.

Thanks for the info

Reg: Babies classes

Just for sharing! I happened to enquiry with the enrichment classroom which located at stadium and found out that they are opening a new school in Bukit Gombak and they will be having programme for babies too
They are opening and having open house next mth! Whoever interested we can bring our babies together
