A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

Hi all!! Rc member jus msg me!she is of cuz, pro pap! Wahah!!! Hi Jamie, there will be a rally tonight at jurong west stadium. I am arranging transport leaving 645pm at blk 625. Join us if you are interested.

Butterwaffles: u try copy n paste the full link can? If nt add me on fb ba: [email protected]! Oh my side is west coast grc. Only saw pap poster no opposition poster. Sad case. Anyway, our opposition is RP. Suicide squad. Lol! So nvm la. Nt interested. Lawrence wong will rtake over cedric foo aft tis. Tt's wat e rc girl told me.

Why you say RP suicide squad leh?
I saw them on TV yesterday on english n chinese.
Not so impressive as compare to some other opp. Maybe they don't have the "local" touch when speaking.
Batbat: hahaa! Find that they very cmi. Did u manage to go to the pioneer rally? They had 1 today for pap..

I jus went to WP rally and omg, the energy is so power packed! Everyone v onzzz n supportive. I hope they win! Hahaa! We bot a flag too for fun. N took pix tog w our frens. Quite fun.
and very eye opening!

Butterwaffles: WP sylvia lim also mentioned that voting is absolute secret. And explained the process as well. I hv an fb link on tis too. Wait ah, let me find!
Steve chia rally: Confirm NSP rally Sunday night at Jurong west stadium 7-10pm.
We need lots of Helpers to send out Rally invites to 109 blks of Pioneer residents. Pls meet 11.45am at Pioneer MRT coffeeshop.
Pls help to spread the news and request for help.
Thank you.

btw RC doesnot belong to PAP... haha...

Yup i just happen to know the whole jurong west till Nanyang estate was spilt like cake to 4 different group....

finally i had finish my confinement.... yay...
<font face="segoe ui"> anyone went to the PAP rally on friday?</font>

<font face="segoe ui"> congrats...so fast 1 mth liao...hehe....

RC dun belong to PAP? then belong to?</font>
hi cutiebb,
RC does not belong to the PAP, it setup for the pple, but as currently the ruling party is PAP, so they sort of co-ordinating the activites and fund mah
<font color="ff6000">I went to attend SPP and NSP rally. Yet to attend any PAP rally...dunno got chance or got time or not.

Not sure if RP good engh?

Jamie, still loading...dunno can see or not.
Hi all,

Today is the second day my boy in MFS.. dunno if still want him to continue...
I just think that My boy is not suitable to go to Childcare, he is different with other children. other childrens really can sit down quietly and following rules but not my son.
the morning walk is horrible.. My boy totally exhausted and out of control, never want to be queuee and run away (I really afraid he will go missing or run to the main road)
My hubby went with me today and he also think we should "withdraw" my son.
how ?
What is MFS?

I think sitting down, following rules etc, is a matter of conditioning. These are important skills that he should learn. Perhaps you should persevere. Usually kids take awhile to adjust, now only 2nd day, too soon to draw conclusions.
pinky, i also don't know why they so fast divorce...they dated quite long before they got married afterall. I guess it's true that love is blind but marriage makes one regain its sight

pst, welcome! Which part are you residing at?? MFS is My First Skool

samantha, is your boy ok now? I hope so...speedy recovery! 1 parent VS 2 kids with no help is like this...very tough on, hope you take good care of yourself too!

jamie, my laptop finally died and my boy is the murderer. Aiyah, forgot to add you on FB...later i add you using iphone. Can right? I quite regret buying iphone, hate the touchscreen. Suicide squad! Wuhahahahaha! Damn funny lar you! :p But the impression of RP is really not good right...like, out of the blue form one group ^^ Thanks for the link! I'm a civil servant
I know how it works...voting is technically not a secret but because of the processes put in place, it WILl eventually be a secret, heh.

poshies, wow! Full month where? At your own place or? How you care for the other 2 at night with your little one?

cutiebb, i never go for PAP rally. Abit boring...i went for Steve Chia's rally instead. happening lar!

yun, it takes time for a child to adjust to new environment. Your boy all along at home with you, most likely not much of a routine and he is quite free to do what he wants, eat when he wants, sleep when he wants. If he goes cc, its different already. My boy is not easy either but somehow after a few months at ifc, i can see he behaves quite well there. But at home he is a terror. Give your boy a few months and see how?
Hi butterwaffles, my son are ok le jus tat he still slight cough.. Dun noe y out of a sudden my throat so itchy since yest.. Haiz.. Hope my younger son wont kana from mi as dis wk i need to take care of him myself as my mum had a fall on mon mornin.. Luckily not very serious jus nose &amp; forehead blue black &amp; swollen.. Dun noe how cum her face hit the floor 1st.. Haiz..
butterwaffles, erm shld be him. He alone, and say good morning. The pap guys gone, now is him.......

Sam, jia you jia you.
"I was wrong" by Rena Tan
Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 3:16pm

For the most part of my life, I see myself as a conformist. A traditionalist. A conservative. I believe strongly in the concept of loyalty - to my friends, families and loved ones, my job and undoubtedly my country too.

...I grew up feeling a strong sense of pride in the nation that has been transformed by the likes of Lee Kuan Yew and other forefathers - from a small fishing village to the multicultural first world city state that it is right now. I swell with pride too when people from other countries complimented Singapore of being a safe, clean, green and stable country, something many of us tend to take for granted, especially for the younger generations of Singapore who never had to go through the devastation of war/terrorism.

Never mind that people are laughing at us for our chewing gum policies, our tough stance on vandalism and the fact that we have campaigns to remind ourselves to be courteous, kind and gracious. At least we don't have kids running around in schools gunning down other kids, or citizens trying to blow themselves up in front of our embassies. I was steadfast in my loyalty to the country I grew up in, and I accepted the fact that although we were not perfect, our leaders have tried their best.

I believed in that for a long time. When I first became eligible to vote, I have no qualms expressing my allegiance to the ruling party. I couldn't understand why my parents and the older generation I speak to think differently. Couldn't they see how far we have come, the progress we have made, the strides we have taken and the brand we have established for ourselves on the global platform - despite being such a tiny island state? I never knew why they were so embittered, why they were always full of angst, and why they were always frustrated and emotional, especially during the election period.

I have always brushed them off as a bunch of grumpy old people who probably have nothing better to do than whine and gripe, an aging population who was always finding fault and perpetually impossible to please.

I stepped into my mid-20s and was once again eligible to vote. By then I had a job, but was struggling to make ends meet as I was laden with education debts and the need to support my family, having lost my dad at age 12. Being the traditionalist that I am, I thought it was normal for a young professional like myself to go through such struggles - as everyone around me seemed to be in the same boat. It wasn't a big deal - you just have to work hard.

I never thought to rely on the government because I believed its money and time would be much better spent on people who needed them most - the poor and destitute, the aged and lonely, and the handicapped and terminally ill. My struggles were nothing compared to these people, hence I made absolutely no demands on the government to help ease my financial burdens. I scoffed at those who complained incessantly, and assumed that they were merely a bunch of spolit brats and ingrates who had unrealistic expectations of a government who had already done so much.

My vote once again went to the people I felt then would be the best team to sustain Singapore's growth, the team who could best take care of Singapore and its people's interests.

I stepped into my early 30s and for the third time I was given the opportunity to vote. For the first time in 10 years, my belief, trust and blind loyalty to the system - started to waver. People who know me would know I worked extremely hard, depended largely on myself and am a hopeless optimist. My glass is always half full, unless you emptied it.

But at age 30, I was still struggling to make ends meet. I had no savings and I saw no way out of this low-middle class life except to work, pay my bills, pay my taxes and leave whatever morsel of income I have left for basic necessities. I started to understand why life was getting tougher, why our belts were getting tighter and why my money was always getting smaller - no matter how hard I worked or how much I earned.

In the last 10 years, the cost of living would have doubled in some areas, tripled in others. My salary only increased by a single digit percentage - supposedly to curb inflation or to offset the pain of GST. It was no longer enough to work hard. I couldn't see my money at all because they all went into the necessary living costs that I must incur just living and breathing as an ordinary citizen. Food costs, utility bills, transport costs, income tax, healthcare costs - all of which increased year on year, subtly draining me of the very little resources I have left. I started to wonder if my votes have created a money-sucking monster, and the warnings of my parents and the old people I have scoffed at previously for their lamentations and gripes, started to haunt me.

For the first time in my life I wondered - what if what they have been complaining about all this time were actually true?

Despite the nagging feeling that something was not quite right with the system, I fed the monster for the third time. Why? Because at that time, I chose to be logical and rational. The Opposition was unfortunately not united and were, I thought, an irrational bunch. Some went on a hunger strike, some lashed out at the PM in public, others were merely stirring up emotions of the people by focusing on petty issues. All I could see was the Opposition fighting among themselves and falling out with people who they were supposed to ally with to build a stronger case for themselves as to why we needed an Opposition party.

My vote of confidence hence once again went to the party I thought would let me down - less. It was probably a decision I'd live to regret for the next five years to come. The speed of growth - although good for the Singapore economy, has left me gasping for air. The bills kept piling, the taxes kept increasing, and the costs kept escalating.

I started to wonder: Why couldn't the leaders I have voted for slow down a little and see that our salaries have not grown at the same accelerated rate as the economy? I couldn't keep up. I needed a break - a significant and long-term one. Not one in the form of a $400-$500 share package for the entire year, which adds up to meagre sum of less than $2 a day. Hell no. I couldn't even take a train AND the feeder bus back to my home with that amount.

Five years have passed and once I again I find myself standing at this same crossroad - with the power to exercise my vote. This year however, I started to view politics in a very different light. I started to take it more seriously and read voraciously to help me understand the systems I have helped created with my votes. I started to attend rallys, read their manifestos, devour all the online and media reports from various alternative sources, and critically scrutinised each and every speaker on the Opposition parties - just so I can understand what they have to offer.

This time, they have not failed me. The Opposition have reconciled their differences and got their act together. I witnessed a strong sense of unison and a deliberate effort to orchestrate their campaign strategy - so that they could contest in almost every constituency. I can see the silent respect each party attributes to one another, and the consistent message all the parties try to bring across to everyone - in terms of the challenges we have been facing, the pain we are currently going through, the feelings and emotions that are raging in all of us in response to a government who seems to have stopped listening to and caring about its people.

For the first time, all the Opposition parties have put in place people I can look up to, people who have the amazing passion to make a difference, people who genuinely wants a positive change and people who wants to do it the right way. I salute each and every one of them for their selfless sacrifice - as every Singaporean knows, the path of an Opposition is one that is often fraught with difficulties, obstacles and persecution. Just like the Christian way of life.

In its pursuit of growth and profits, the system has stopped listening, stopped caring and stopped consulting. As I read stories after stories of how the financially strapped citizens were kicked around various government organisations in their quest for financial assistance; how brutal some officials were in oppressing those who couldn't afford to have a proper meal much less pay their utility bills; how families were coerced to sleep in tents on the beaches or void decks as their homes have been seized by the government for defaulting on loan payments; how some have resorted to throwing themselves in front of an oncoming train because they have no one else to turn to - my heart broke and I realised how wrong I was. I was wrong to trust that the people whom I've put in place with my votes would take care of them.

I was slapped with an even harsher reality as I read with utter disbelief, the breakdown of salaries these leaders get to earn as ministers. No wonder they were blind to the plight of the people. No wonder they were ignorant of the struggles we go through. No wonder they could not emphatise with our pain. No wonder they have lost touch with the people and were deaf to their cries. No wonder. The amount of money and power they are reveling in - have completely de-sensitized them to the reality of the lives of the ordinary Singaporean. They are no longer obligated to serve the people wholeheartedly and fight for their causes. They simply have too much to lose.

It is with a heavy heart that I write this note - to apologise for my oversight, and for feeding a monster time and again and allowing it to balloon to such catastrophic proportions. It is my folly, and I am sure the folly of many young people to come - because I was once that young, impressionable, nationalistic, idealistic, loyal and passionate voter who believed that our leaders could do no great wrong, and who could bring us to greater heights better than any other parties could.

I now know why I had a thought once, that if I ever have a kid, I will send him/her overseas - as Singapore has become too costly, too rigid, too stifling for any kid to grow up with their own voice and freedom to be creative and expressive. I never knew what sparked that thought - but I guessed like so many people, although I have felt the effects of an uncaring system, we were still in denial - choosing to believe in the best of the people we have voted for.

I have no wish to influence anyone with this note, as it was written more for myself, as a piece for my own self-reflection. But if you happen to be reading this, just know I have come one full cycle, and I have been on both sides of the fence. Know that I have read, heard and seen enough to form my perception of the system I have once trusted, and I am committed to make a change.

As a Chinese saying goes:"When a student fails, the teacher is at fault. When a kid misbehaves, the parents have failed their duty." Hence similarly, when the system turns its back on the very people it is obligated to serve, the voters who put these leaders in place are responsible.

Come 7 May 2011, I urge all of you - please vote responsibly.

Originally from facebook.com/notes/rena-tan/i-was-wrong/214231201937867See More
go see this link. I am shock/disappointed.


though i am very against the influx of FTs, i still treat them like a fellow being and have never look at them with a different perspective.

i was having lunch with a PRC colleague. shes a 24yr old gal who just graduated from NTU and now working in a MNC while waiting for PR approval.

just started a casual topic like, wad do u like about this country and how are u coping

so we get the standard reply. wad stuns me, was the answer to my next question.

me: " so wad makes u decide to come here"

PRC: " i didnt"

me: " wa, ur parents force u here or ur bf is here"

PRC: "neither, ur SG gahment invited us here"

me: " huh, wad do u mean"

PRC: " ur MOE went to our school in our village and told us they URGENTLY need students here, infact they were hardselling the whole scheme and many of us signed up"

me: " huh, wad did they offer"

PRC: " they offer us, ALL Expenses paid for our fees in NTU, including lodging and we even get pocket money"

me: *mouth open

PRC: "on top of that, they have send me the INVITATION letter to apply for PR after we grad"

i seriously begin to wonder the magitude of the FT problem has many more sides that many of us do not know,

i lose my pride as a sgporean after hearing this and i really wonder do they really care ?

if u give a PR who starts a business here and bring jobs to sgporeans, by all means.

BUT if u choose to so-call groom a FT and seemingly used up tax payers money to fund it, i totally do not understand the reason why.

my guess is, they bring in more FTs, give them the candy and they bring in more FTs, which i belive is working because she told her friends about this scheme and many of her friends are here now, at the expenses of home-grown sgporeans.

i myself was deprived the chance of studying in a local U.

but yet a villager from a faraway land with no visible society contributions gets the chance of studying here, all expenses PAID.

are we really worth this much to the gahment ?

is it really we got not enough pple here to study in NTU ? then why are they rejecting sgporeans who meet the pre-requisites ?

This post has been edited by Ah_tee: May 3 2011, 08:59 PM
<font color="0000ff">Hey mummies,

I'm running low on my multi-vits for my kids, so thinking of ordering again. Would anyone be keen? Same thing, will be ordering from Vitacost, shipment by Vpost.</font>
butterwaffles, I was really dissapointed with the teacher there. I heard them talking n shaking head behind my back. he talked about how naughty my son is.. and seems doesnt welcome him. Iam really afraid how will they treat him later when Iam not around. Iam more dilemma.
First, I want him to learn manner and routine in CC
Second, I want him be a happy kid
But I know he wont be happy if I leave him in CC, he will have tough time.

Apple, yes.. I have a friend from china who came here for studies 10yrs ago, and she was invited by our govm and all expenses paid.ans was asking her to apply PR soon after she graduate. I also wondering why our gov should do that ? why dont they just sponsor who are willing to study but no money singaporean or PR ?
samantha, your mum poor thing ah...how old is she now? My throat also, i've began coughing again. Hopefully won't spread to my boy. Maybe it's the weather...my boy has gone for 4 times of tui na at yu guo already. I find it not bad....this weekend need to go again. I heard that the tui na at yu guo is good for kids who always have cold and cough.

apple, 7am plus my eyes still havent really open, aiyah never see properly lor! So shocking...all along, i thought foreign students who come to singapore is because they are the top in their own country. So NOW i know its because we actually invite them here! This is really strange...Is it really because our birth rate is sooo low, need to beef up the working force? I cannot understand the rationale behind this!

batbat, me too...after watching steve chia's rally, i actually think he has alot of heart. But i'm not looking for an opposition who oppose for the sake of opposing either. Such a sad article...read liao sure pissed at PAP, lol.
yun, no wonder...you don't see the teachers making an effort right? That's why you are not happy. Have you spoken to the principal? I know, heartpain right...I believe you are doing the trial now? I suggest you speak to the principal and give it a few more days. Meanwhile, do you have any other cc in mind?

This remind me during my times in NUS, majority of d HONs undergrads r all from China. &amp; a v minority of sporean studs made it to Hons. R they FT so clever tat our govt must invite them &amp; groom them??? They shld have subsidy for us local sporean stds, esle we parents dun need worry abt d increasing education cost for our kids when they grow up.

Tui na is gd for kids, tat time my boy cant sleep well i also brought him dwn to yu guo. After d session, he immediately doze off in d car. Keke. However, i had a hard time feeding him w d chinese med.

NSP rally

Juz heard d annoucement from d NSP vehicle tat tonite there will be another Nsp rally but duno where.
hi butterwaffles!
I stay at 686B.

Oh I didn't know about this "FT invited to Sgp with all expenses paid for NTU" thingy.

This reminds me of that time when our current MP Ho Geok Choo came for a meet the residents session. My hubby and I decided to go down and look see during the session since it was just downstairs our place. Not many people actually bothered to turn up. So when they asked if we have anything we want the MP to bring up in parliament, I took the mike.

I said that if the Govt really want to increase the rate of birth, they should not think of relying on Baby Bonus, I said that it was insignificant. I said they should consider giving Singaporeans free education to University. I said that it was very important to parents, and especially to me, as I have 3 kids, including a pair of twins, so, the year they go uni, we will very very stretched, financially.

Then you know what did Ho Geok Choo say? She started saying things like "in her time" people support their own kids and don't expect the Govt to support kids they give birth to.

!!!!!!!! wah liaoz, I tell you, I was soooo pissed! I am not saying I want you to support my kids what?! I am just saying that giving free uni education to Singaporeans would be a greater incentive to have kids than giving just a few thousand dollars once in the kids lifetime! I was sooo pissed and I didn't want her to have the wrong impression. So I asked for the mike again.

I told her that I would like to clarify myself, I said that we have no intention of asking the government to pay for the upkeep of my kids. That I have every intention of supporting my own kids, and that I have kids because I want to, and not because the govt says we should have more kids. So she quickly say some bull about "Oh, that's good, I am glad you think that way. Thank you for clarifying yourself."

I am asking for free uni education - that is provided the child can qualify even, right?! It's not as though we're asking for a direct "free" placement in uni. And now I hear all this about FT getting free uni education with all expenses paid?! urrghhhh!!!
Mummypooh, Yu Guo is the one at Kembangan? I heard about it, but it's so far! Is there any TCM in the west that is good also?

Hey the NSP rally is on tonight at the "Open field beside Chinese Garden Lake, 1 Chinese Garden Road" Says TODAY newspaper.
Butterwaffles, I heartpain till almost cry arrrr... I know my boy is not calm n obedient type. But they are teachers should be more caring and shouldn't react like that.
Yes.. Today is his third day n I hav to leave him Alone start tomorrow.
If really withdraw him .. I won't be send him to any other cc le, I will let him be a happy toddler going to 3hrs playgroup.

Yup, Yu Guo is at kembangan mrt. Indeed v far, i have to wait for my hb to send my boy there. Take cab v siong. Hmm, nt tat i heard of esp tui na for kids. Must go to those reliable ones.


Hw abt Daystars near our block le? Also under waiting list? Sometimes teachers reali play a MAjor role in caring &amp; educating kids. If jayden reali cant adapt, he still can go bk to his playgroup at d stadium.
Mummypooh, Iam sure Jayden will adapt one day but he will not be as happy as he is now..

I asked hubby : you want jayden become a truly manners boy but not happy or you want him to be a happy boy but a terror. Hubby said "of course a happy boy" manners/potty trained can be slowly trained. and I agreed

His previous school's teachers are great and my boy missed them badly.

No la, I wont consider CC le.. I rather suffer myself to take care of him and my newborn in Aug.
hi all, bz bz bz! hahaa! finally can log in with laptop and read properly!

butterwaffles: RP lousy lei, seem like a bunch of regular ppl complaining abt PAP that's all. at least WP gt more substance in the things they aim PAP abt! =p i missed NSP rallies and altho i went to Steve chia's one, my girl was getting slpy so i had to leave at abt 9pm. no chance to hear him speak. wasted! did u add me in fb ah?

yun: which MFS is ur boy in? maybe he's not used to the environment yet. and the tchrs not used to him. maybe both side nd some time to understand and get ti knw each other that's all. =)

pst: its very disappointing when local govt do not support locals but leave them to fend for themselves, then pretend that they care abt singaporeans. wah i very bth when they are like that. and now after we read the article that apple posted, one cant help but ask "how come u can gif those cheena ah tiong ALL expenses paid studies in ur top Uni yet sgporeans with rejected and if accepted, we are paying a fair bit?!

apple thx for the link, i'll be sharing it in fb. =)
btw where is good for 5-6yr old learinng swimming? i saw swim fast in bb swiming pool and jurong east, anyone has comemt?
Kekeke.. nice to see you again but finally at 922.
Yesterday is the rare few time fetching early. Usually 630 to 7pm. Either my baby gal or baby "e" is the last to go home...

hi beck-cat
You got a cat huh that why nick is this?

So far I have not
<font face="segoe ui"> Good Morning...jialat...tml voting day liao...i still havent decide who to vote...haha....so headache lei</font>
<font color="ff6000">Good Morning.

Hello Becky, welcome.

Cutie, I also haven't really decide who to work leh....sigh.
N my opposition is RP.
becky, welcome! Where you staying?? So you still need to vote or not? LOL. I've seen kids learning swimming at the sheltered adult's pool at the stadium next to Pioneer mrt...Sat mornings :p

batbat, these days the boy J goes home quite early wor...heh. These few weeks had to work abit longer else usually im even earlier! Heh. My poor boy's left eyelid kenna a long scratch, bled a little. Teacher say he cried, so heartpain. Think when kids play together, hard to avoid injuries. This morning brought him to the centre, Fidah still ask me why his eye like this...means the scratching incident happened after 3.30pm or so i think.

cutiebb, i most likely vote for Cedric lar because thou i can tell that Steve Chia's quite hardworking too but i find that some of his party's policies abit weird lor. I'm no expert but some of their ideas are really plain strange and not truly feasible...looks nice on paper thou. His party's idea about selling HDB flats at cost price to first time home owners, i think can be considered ah. But only to first time home owners within a specific income range. But the idea about shortening the NS to 15 months is just...zzzz. Maybe they need to spend more time on finding out what really goes on during the NS. And i'm not sure why they suggest reduce spendings on land defence but beef up on air and navy. I cannot say i'm completely happy with Cedric Foo either but i don't want to void my vote lor.

My bestie just emailed me an article she saw online about Cedric Foo VS Steve Chia:

<font color="0000ff">Foreign worker woes versus joy of amenities

Voters laud incumbent's efforts but unhappiness remains over dormitories

By Jessica Lim

STANDING slightly apart from the supporters at a People's Action Party (PAP) rally at a stadium in Jurong West last weekend, Mr Sazus Manap points to the track and the manicured soccer pitch.

'Do you know what used to be here? A huge rock, nothing else,' says the ground operator at FedEx, a leading express transportation company.
When he moved into the area a decade ago, his block was hardly occupied. It felt like the boondocks.

'Now I have schools, a shopping centre and an MRT station right in front of my block. I still can't believe it,' says the 50-year-old father of two who takes home about $2,500 a month.

At this point in the rally, Pioneer incumbent Cedric Foo, deputy group president of shipping company Neptune Orient Lines, steps onto the stage amid cheers.

Smiling, Mr Sazus claps and says: 'That's my MP. I am 100 per cent voting for him.'

Voters like him are who Mr Foo, 50, is banking on to stake the single-seat ward of Pioneer as PAP turf, but Mr Steve Chia of the National Solidarity Party (NSP) also wants voters to pick him.

Mr Foo has the incumbent's advantage, and based on wide-ranging interviews in the ward, is likely to win what will be a close race. He has worked the ground since 2001, when Pioneer was in West Coast GRC; now, the wedge-shaped ward, hemmed on nearly all sides by West Coast GRC, has been carved out as a stand-alone one, so he is flying solo.

Conversations with voters there unearth two sticking points among voters: One is that some say they have not seen enough of Mr Foo; the other concerns uneasiness with the many foreign workers in the vicinity.

They stream out of dormitories on the fringes of the public housing estates, and have been known to loiter, litter and urinate in the void decks.
Mr Ismail Rosalan, 26, who is single and lives in a five-room flat with his family, says the presence of these foreigners makes him feel insecure; he worries for his sister's safety. The assistant engineer, who has met Mr Foo but not Mr Chia, says he is still undecided about his vote.

Then there are voters like Madam Song Yi Hua, 55, who say they are certain to give their vote to Mr Chia. She had stomped up to reporters at a rally, asking to speak to The Straits Times. She complained that, after having lived in Pioneer for four years, she met Mr Foo only late last year, and when he did show up at her two-room flat, he stayed all of 21/2 minutes.

Mr Chia, 41, hopes to capitalise on these two bugbears, along with national issues such as rising living costs.

But the odds are against him. Aside from not having the incumbent's advantage, he also does not have the heft of Mr Foo's machinery - his 500 supporters - behind him. Mr Chia has only 20 helpers, mostly relatives and friends.

Call this former Non-Constituency MP dogged, but as far as he is concerned, the fight is head-to-head, as Pioneer is a new ward. After all, he is no green horn in the business of campaigning, having contested in the elections of 1997, 2001 and 2006.

He says that on his fourth round of house visits, residents told him they did not know who Mr Foo was. He also believes the foreign worker issue will tip the votes in his favour.
Residents milling about outside Jurong Point mall seem to recognise him as he hands out fliers.

Mr Foo, asked about how he covers the ground, says he is greeted warmly when he goes on house visits, but believes he can meet far more people at a go by attending constituency events, so that is where he focuses his energy. A typical week thus has him flitting from youth performances to durian parties.

On the foreign worker situation, he says it has improved in the last five years: He has worked with operators of the 4,500-capacity dormitory in Soon Lee Road to mount skits to educate workers on the dos and don'ts of living here. He has set up a neighbourhood watch team, and been instrumental in the building of a $5 million recreation centre. Complete with beer garden and ethnic supermarket, it is now a hangout for many foreign workers.

Closed-circuit television cameras are now being installed in the HDB blocks.

'I think the problem still exists. It's not new, but most residents recognise that a lot has been done,' he says, asking what else Mr Chia can offer. 'I've heard nothing from him.'

The father of four looks back on the work he has done, and is satisfied. The area had started out with few amenities to speak of. He is proud of the recreation centre, which now squats in an area which had little more than an open-air bus interchange and Boon Lay MRT station.

Now, Pioneer has a four-storey community club with a library, medical centre and eateries; residents can take classes there in cooking or finger-painting.

At Jurong Point, residents have a 24-hour supermarket and more than 450 shops, and Safra Jurong is nearby. The PAP Community Foundation runs four kindergartens, and a mosque and primary school are coming up.

Among those The Straits Times spoke to were voters, who, when pressed, also think Mr Foo has the upper hand for having been there 10 years - even if the foreign worker issue is proving intractable.

There are also those like Mr Sazus, who will give their vote to him because they have seen improvements in their neighbourhood.

Personal trainer Kenneth Lai, 24, who says he will vote for the PAP despite a lingering unhappiness over the foreign worker issue, adds: 'As much as people trash it, I feel the basis of the country was built by the PAP. Sure, people make mistakes, but the party has to make mistakes to learn. I think a lot of Singaporeans will lean towards the PAP. At the end of the day, the opposition candidate just isn't ready.'

Fast facts


• People's Action Party: Incumbent Cedric Foo, 50, chief financial officer and group deputy president at Neptune Orient Lines.
Mr Foo took nine days off work so that he could concentrate on campaigning.

• National Solidarity Party: Mr Steve Chia, 41, former NCMP and equity and futures index trader who works from home.
He closed his trading desk since the Electoral Boundaries Report was released in February.


This is a largely working and middle-class ward comprising 109 HDB flats.

The only private housing in the Single Member Constituency consists of a 610-unit condominium complex The Centris, located in the heart of Jurong.

The ward covers the southern area of Pioneer and is connected to the MRT system through Boon Lay and Pioneer stations.

The racial profile of minorities is slightly above the national average, and there is a large proportion of young families who moved into the new town over the past decade.

It was formerly a ward of West Coast GRC from 2001 to 2011, when it was carved out as a Single Member Constituency. As part of West Coast GRC, it saw walkovers in both 2006 and 2001.</font>
My gal also got 1 bruise on her cheek when we fetch her.
You got ask the teachers what happen yesterday?
batbat, the teacher says my boy was playing with another child (they won't say who) and that child had his/her hand on my boy's face and accidentally scratched my boy. But she didn't call me, unlike teacher Fidah or Xie or Flora, who will always call or sms me immediately when something happen. Fauziah will inform me beforehand as well. But Faridah wont...usually wait until i pick my boy up then tell me what happen. Maybe because she is a part-timer. Only comes in after 3pm or so. Did you ask them what happen? A couple weeks back my boy got bitten by another child, can see the teeth marks and all. Xie called me immediately....it depends on who is the teacher.
Mummypooh, sighz yeah but we think of going all the way to Kembangan we sianz. Is the queue long? Must wait very long or not? Or can we set appointment?

yun you preggie and due in August? congrats! You sure dun wanna consider cc? when the baby is born, will be very shiong leh... At first when I was pregnant with my twins, I thought send my oldest boy to 3 hour kindergarten enough. But when the babies were born, wah, really cannot cope with oldest away only half a day, so in the end sent him to full day cc. And it was much better! He gets to play with friends and learn during lessons. Better than being at home all day doing nothing or whole day watch tv (which I think is what my in laws let him do!).

jamie yeah I totally agree with you! It is so irritating that they are not supporting locals but throwing money at foreigners than act as though they can't help it that FT wants to come to Sgp. Then they still have the cheek to tell people who go overseas to study not to migrate overseas but come back to Sgp. sighz!!!

becky_cat hi hi! welcome! I also just joined this thread
pst, i bring my boy to Yu Guo as well. This weekend will be his 5th tui na session already. Cannot make appointment, must go early and take queue number. Even after you've taken your queue number, they don't really go by queue number as well. Once counter opens, have to cheong there with your queue number and the small registration card given and they will send the child's details to the physician. So don't just take queue number and wait. The system is quite chaotic but no choice...Twice i took cab with my boy, brought my boy there on my own as my husband was not free. I think they are not opened tomorrow so i'm going on Sunday morning instead
Jamie, new mfs campus at blk 648. I like the center coz it's clean, spacious and bright just the teachers there made me turn off.
This morning my hubby sent my boy to school and suprisingly he didn cry and my Hubby peep him there for almost an hour saying he is very boring.. Can't play toys n running around . Can just sit down n do nothing.

Dunno if Jayden still want to go the cc next week.
Anyway, trial period is 2weeks.. Shall see how next week, if my boy really dun want.. I won't force him

pst, Thanks. This is my #2 and a bunny girl.. Looking forward to see her soon.
Sure la.. Won't consider cc anymore . I really heartpain.,,
Never ask leh cos a small "hei ching".
Last week, her back (spine area) also got a bit "hei ching". I also didn't ask.

Oh... I hope is not my gal whom bite or scratch your son. If yes, sorry about it.

She more of like to "throw" things around or bang table using her toy.
She becoming more "violent" when hungry!!
However, I have not seen much of her interact/play with her classmates, so I not sure whether she does any thing bad to her classmates.

Maybe one day I will ask teachers whether she naughty there or not?
yun, what you mean he is very boring? You mean your boy feels bored sitting there is it? If i'm not wrong, there is always a schedule de. Ashwen's boy is there too right? There will always be times for breakfast, activities, snack, lunch, baths, milk, nap, then activities i believe. Sometimes will have outdoor activities too, other than art &amp; craft or music. My boy's centre has something like this but i know for my boy, his side no longer has any outdoor as now there are more babies and the teachers can't handle the larger group outside, later the older ones run away, heh. You see how lar...follow your gut instinct
You can always revisit the issue when you feel your boy is ready to try again. I agree with pst that sending him to full day is better. But if your #2 is an easy child, who knows, you might be able to handle 2

batbat, no lar, its ok, im prepared for injuries because the teachers cannot be focusing on him only, and when playing with other kids, bound to have accidents. My boy bitten the boy J before ok! On the shoulder. Just because he blocked my boy's view when the 2 of them are in the playpen *faint* Woah, a hungry girl is an angry girl! LOL. Usually when i pick my boy up, your gal is in the cot standing or at the playmat with a teacher
You should ask ah, like how was she today etc. But depends on the teacher, a couple of them don't really have much to say, haha. I usually only ask when my boy has slight cold or cough, whether he has been sneezing or coughing. Yesterday he started coughing (i think its my fault, im coughing now) and i quickly gave him ventolin and he has stopped. Now i really paranoid, life is hell everytime he falls sick.

By the way...so long never hear from cheesecake liao. Anyone knows where she MIA to? lol.
Yu Guo,

Butterwaffles, so gd ah they help u send yr boy details to d sinseh? Everytime when we r there, need to self service. Get d quene no &amp; place my boy card at d tray outside d sinseh rm. Then wait outside for our no. Actually if u go down consective 2 days say Sat &amp; sun, u can tell d counter pple tat u will be going down tmr &amp; juz leave yr patient card w them. Nxt day when u r there, juz inform them &amp; they will give u d Q no. I tried tat once &amp; its seems to be faster le.

Though theres many d massage aunties, sometimes can be quite slow. Its better to go on Sat coz Sun onli till 12.30pm, so v crowded. Esle u have to be there once d clinic open.

mummypooh, is it??? So far it's always the uncle who serves us and he just give me queue number and ask me to wait downstairs. Is Yu Guo opened tomorrow? Polling day? I usually go on Saturdays afternoon as my boy is not a morning person. Once I went on Monday evening, I reached there at 5.15pm to take queue number for the 6.30pm session lor. I'm always there 1 hour before they start. My
poor boy wait with us lor....you going this weekend?? Got 1 tui na aunty very nice, she can handle my boy but she's only there on sats. So I try to go on sats as well....
