A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

I do have MS when having #1 but not jiatlak as this one. Think because of I didn rest or "bu" enough when do confinement last time that's why body is so weak this time round.
Yes, my hubby is very particulars over small small things.. can't tahan him
My son really doesnt like to play with same age/ younger kids. he went to beat his 15mos little cousin on CNY day 1.. alamak.
But he can get along with his older cousins...

Connie, My son is 2yrs and 5mos now..
ai yo, cherie hearts sound terrible le. My choice now is really limited le.. last choice is Ichiban montessori lo.. expensive ,what to do ???
must tell our PRIME MINISTER that a family with 2childs and above should get $300 CC subsidy even mother is not working...hahaha

they said everything is not confirmed yet so didn tell me the new centre location.

922 is where? You mean block 922?
MFS = ??

I went Carpe Diem and spoken to the incharge. she don't sound friendly lei. Don't really keen when I saw the environment there. I went to the one near telcom along ave 4.

How about brightsun, the one near Pioneer mall. Are they good? Their space look airy but the playground infront are meant for older kid.

Any playgroup for 2 hrs to recommend?
Where did u send ur son to now? Mine is 2 yrs 8 mths. If you start ur child late for CC, should be ok cos immune system better. My boy started at 20 mths. Cos he too naughty so I put him to CC. He can climb the bb cot n shake my gal else going round the cot . That time, my gal only 2 ,months old.
My boy now at THE ENRICHMENT CLASSROOM located in Jurong west sport complex level 2
They have 2 or 3 hrs playgroup
Mornig session is 9.30am-11.30/12.30pm
Afternnon session is 11.30-13.30/14.30pm
Price is $280 for 2hrs AND $350 for 3hrs
The school environment is clean and spacious, my boy is happy there.
post some school pics here later ???

The most important is they have about 5-6 teachers in the school
One good thing about having 2nd one is, I heard govt going to give $6k of baby bonus instead of $4k only. Should be announce after the budget is out in next week?

Carpe diem environment is so far the best leh. You went to cherie heart before and you know it is a heaven n hell difference, at the same price ($420 after subsidy).

Brightsun is just a stone throw away from my place (I stay near pioneer mall). Well, just a typical CC. If you are tight budget, think can choose this.
i heard they are asking ppl to do survey lst between apr- jun, wonder if like previous time, announce during national day rally? and i also heard paternity leave to 2 weeks wor...duno hw true...but then best is announce together with the budget thing
Mean brightsun is cheaper?

Which carpe diem did u go? I went to the one opp my place n it look small. Not much diff from CH.

Look nice, Who send ur son there? I need to walk 2 bus stop so distance a bit problem.
A bit tough
Yes, brightsun is cheaper compare to the rest we mention here. You can check out MCYS childcare link to double confirm.

Carpe Diem, the one near Telecom. It is very clean. The surroundings also very clean.

Yes, everyone hope so and best it is MFS or Sparkletots, new and affordable.
Hi Connie, welcome..

wah that CC sounds terrible... I feel health is really more impt. I also experience that my gal feeling sick very often at her first IFC.. and hospitalized x 2, really super exp, luckily got insurance

Batbat - hope your baby better now le..

MFS no hopes liao. I q the one at my area since Oct'09. Till now no news. they told me need to q 4 yrs. There is a open house for the one in Jurong Safra.

Is sparkletots good? My frien black list the one in Woodlands. His kids from recognising ABC to can't recongise. His friend kids kanna beat the head by the teacher, not sure in which branch.
I hope she will be well soon too.
After 1 week of fever up n down (less than 38 degrees) and all sort of "speculations and advise" from family/relatives/friends, like teething (buy this n that for her to soothe her), drink barley, or like too tired lah due to CNY visitings, etc etc.
Finally after see PD, then we realised it is stomach flu.

So I learn my lesson, mild fever does not mean just teething, it could be more than that.

Where you staying? Near the MFS at blk 671?
Queue for 4 yrs??!! OMG.
That time, I went over and ask for my "queue number". Guess what, my baby name is at the bottom of the file. The enrollment forms (under 2010) are about 2 to 3 inch thick. Hahahaha...

I think most ppl like MFS and sparkletots are due to "govt" related. So more or less, there is some trust over private CC.

Ok lah, those who bought toto for tonight.
Hope you are lucky one.
If win, can send to any CC you like, example those $2k in Orchard Road.
Huat! Huat!
hi all mummies,

aiyoyo, my boy fell down yday and strain his arm..luckily not fractured..

but he unable to move his arm yday, went to tui na..today better le..

last nite, peng san lor..every 2 hrs wake up..cos he cant flip..whahahahaz...opps, bad mummy...
My hubby went to Cherie hearts yesterday..
He said the place is small and abit rundown, so we might enrol him to ichiban montessori..
Price is $630+$130( school bus)
"Phok la" how to Have more child ??????

So exp ah??Tat cost is b4 or after childcare subsidy?

Ya lo, raising a child in Sg is defintely not cheap. Tats y our birthrate so low nw.
Batbat – at least now know its stomach flu, can take the appropriate medicine.. take care hor!! my gal suddenly down with fever yesterday.. i suspect its becos of jab.. though PD said that jab will not have fever.. haizz.. lucky my hb can take leave to take care of her today.. if tmr not well, then my turn liao..

Connie – how come need to q for years? A bit long leh... Jurong Safra is LSH? The sparkletots @ 922 is super good.. my gal was in their IFC previously.

Noel – Aiyo... is he better now le?
HAppy Valentine Day.
Guess not much mommies n daddies can go for candle light.

CC cost
Thought the normal rate is around 650 to 750/mth before subsidy. If you go for better one, will be more x. SO far, carpe diem & cherry heart are the same price. But wat I know is MFS is more than 600 after subsidy.
Morning all mummies.....Happy V Day....

ya, not easy to go for V dinner with kid at home wor...this morning my hb say any dinner for tonight, i say no lar...dun want to kena chop on this day...then you all noe what he reply...eat MacDonald only, wun get chop de....duhz....hahaha.....

I love having black pepper crab n hor fun at home during Valentine. No crowd. Now

Now due to the unpleasant scene with kids around, have to stop. Imagine, u having candle light dinner n the next table have kids make tons of noise.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Valentine's Day</font>
It'll be a normal day for me. Hb is too practical to plan anything. Been like tat after marriage. Boring hor... esp with kids now</font>
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Laughing Cow Cheese</font>
Btw.. anyone interested in getting Laughing Cow Cheese? My boy resume eating this cheese again. N he's left with last few cubes le.. so I intend to order again. Anyone wanna order?</font>
Love to have crab too, going to ask hubby toi ta bao back home.

I love maxmax,
yah..My hubby is also practical and bored type..super sianzzz with him
Valentine's Day
We going to spend at PD tonight. Hahaha!
My gal recovered from stomach flu but down with cough for past 2 days. Getting worse at night!!
hi all, i stay at blk 630 and have been searching high n low for a cc/playgroup for my girl.

went to cherie hearts, and well, almost registered my girl but saw some unpleasant stuff that made me deicde against it. Super sian cuz i already brought my docs, chequebook and stuff to register her.

Carpe diem i like! but wait list frm apr/may become "not too sure when will have vacancy". faint!

brightsun, i've nv visited. is it gd?

have to venture elsewhere like q-dees and ichiban liao. which means trasport has to be involved. anyone has had 21mths old babes take sch tpt b4?
Where did u buy the lauging cheese from? Wat is the cost?

Went for Hagen dazz ice-cream wif hb at Jurong point after work yesterday. then buy present for the kids n back home for dinner.

No present for me..,. haiz...

If you plan to put ur child at CC must be mental prepared that his health condition might not be stable for the next 6 months. No matter which CC you go, its still the same.

I only look from outside of brightsun, look spacious and airy as compared to cherrie heart &amp; Carpe diem. REad Q-dees are good. A few love to go sch after 1 week.
Connie: tink the cheese can be ordered frm a smh mummy. My neighbor who is also an smh mummy usually orders for me as well. Ayway, yes I hope to ease her stress as much as I can when my girl starts sch. Q-dees, I called ytd, the teacher sounded abit slang lei. Was trying to catch if the accent was forced. Lol! She's malay btw.

Bat bat, hmm, smacking of hands for a reason tt did nt require smacking. n the in charge n director tried to explain tt sometimes wat parents see may not be the full story. So watever la. Lol!

Oh, has anyone heard of Kanooka?
re: cc
My boy will be going to Cambridge Child Development Centre in August..im not sure if there are other branches in the west, can check it out ah...

re: Valentine's Day
Yesterday was my boy's birthday, hehe. Brought him to Ikea walk walk...weekend had chalet at Changi for him. He really played non-stop, this morning went back to centre, screamed like hell.

yun, i agree...those with 2 children and above should get more subsidies right? Else how to encourage couples to have more children? Very daunting, with all the high fees and expenses! This morning saw the papers and i was surprised that financial assistance was previously only available if household income is 1.8K and below. That's madness, meaning daddy &amp; mommy each must earn $900 and below then can receive financial help? Kaoz, if me and my hubby earn 1.8K per month we won't even get married, much less have kids.
my boy finished his 2nd day at MFS. Now he is back home napping.
1st day was very clingy, cranky and keep wanting to go home. When he was my hubby and MIL standing outside the window.. He cry so hard.
Made me tear too. We came back after 1/2 day

today he is better. Nvr cry much. and more happy. and not so clingy liao. Tday he even managed to finish lunch! But he still wont nap there, which I am not surprised. So we came back.
Tmr I think I am going to try to leave him there and come back for him after half day.

Teachers are good and quite patient. Wld say they are quite experienced. Bath and meal time was orderly and most other kids who are there 2 weeks ~ 6 weeks are quite ok and settled in.
Overall very happy with what I see.
Actually since both of us on leave ytd. We had planned to go someplace nice for dinner (just the 2 of us.
) But seeing how sad BB was ytd during CC, we decided to bring him along for dinner. Then my hubby said 1 lightblub and 2 no diff. So he asked his mum along too.
So much for Vday dinner liao. We went to Pasta de Waraku @ Iluma for dinner. Food was great, service was good but slowly due the crowd. We did enjoy the dinner, esp BB. Overall still ok I guess.
ashwen, good to hear that he's doing well
since the other toddlers are doing fine, your boy will settle in pretty soon too. This morning i saw a newbie at my boy's centre, a 14-month old boy. My boy was screaming his head off and i think this scared the newbie a little, lol. So how's the ratio for your boy's class? My boy's centre is 1:7. I really wonder how 1 teacher can handle 7 toddlers. The principal told me 1 class typically has 8 toddlers and for now, she has only 1 toddler class with 7 toddlers but she can take in 1 more.
Hi Butterwaffles,
the 1 more for toddlers class was probably meant for me, as I had reg can canceled last minute.

the current ratio is 2:8, there is a playgrp class sharing the same room. Also 2:8. During bath time there will be 1 more teacher from other class coming over to help. Bath time =
I heard there is 3 more kids joining my son's class in Mar. I forgot to ask if anymore additional teachers.

My son in Blk 648C. From wat I know the principal still is expanding the class size. So she is gg thru the waiting list to accept more kids in. But not sure how many more she can take. Understand the waiting list is abt 100+ now.

Tdy one of my colleague who join the waiting list abt 1 week after me was offered a place for playgrp. His DD is abt 28~30 mths. Not sure if he will take up the offer.

We registered for waiting list in Sep-10
Connie, when do u wan to place ur son in CC?

Mummypooh and Yun,
when did u reg ur kids for waiting list and when u want to let them to start?

ashwen, oh what i meant is the centre in Sengkang that my boy is joining is 1:7 i think...they have bilingual programmes by 2 teachers but i think main teacher is 1 only.

connie, i think actually whether a newbie will cry alot or not depends on both himself/herself and on the teachers. Some children are more adaptable, some take more time. But i feel that if the teachers are more experienced and we allow them to take over, the children will be able to adapt de

re: waiting list
What i've realised is, most parents put their names on the waiting list for all the centres they/ve shortlisted, to give themselves more choices. So don't be discouraged if your Q no. is very far, keke. Because there are bound to be parents who are before you, who will give up their slots for some reason. So i would say, just put your names in on the waiting list. I've put my name down for some PCF centres too but because they know my boy will only turn 18 months in August, they can't do much in the meantime either, except note that i'm keen for my boy to join their centres. But of cos, now that i've secured a place for my boy in another centre, my Q no. is so-called fake liao lor right...Suggest mummies to start early if childcare is the only option for your kids ah.
