A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

Good for u

I'm so tired.
Just came back from Go Go Bambini .
Had so much fun...

Plan to celebrate my girl 2nd birthday there.
Will come anot if invite u all ?
morning mummies

bb chelsi,
if u invite us then we hv to give u face mah..
ya, where's the place? sounds familiar but cant remember.

btw, share something with u all. i cried in ofc yestd.
hi mummies... Go-Go Bambini is at Dempsey Hill.

baby chelsi, have you checked out Fidgets at Turf City? The old race course? It's bigger than Go-Go Bambini leh
CNY is on 14 Feb. usually our payroll processing is fm 11th to 22nd of the month.
the process is like tis :-
i will print timesheets on 11th, supervisors will check & return to us ard 13th or 14th, Bitch will check betwn 12nd to 16th, then i double chck after that and also do my part
so yestd my boss asked her when she taking her AL for CNY. She said 11th!
so u all tell me ur opinions
hi serene,
wow that bitch is doing it on purpose.... but then..... can print 1 day earlier???? or wat???? so bad of her.... don get angry for someone like that okie....
hi samatha...
welcome... wow... u kids are close age lah... good for the children... tired for the mummy.... haha.... my kids are 3 year apart... already killing me....
Morning mummies,

Sorry for late reply im not online during wkends..

Im working as recept cum admin damn bored.. change a new supervisor and she's bad.. haiz..
hi samatha,
me too... only post during office hour... haha....

oh dear... u also have bad collegue ..... urs is worst... it ur boss... how come all is girls... no man bad collegue????
trip is tiring..he is ok with plane ride..as soon as he get on the plane,i am bombarded w qns..y plane no take off? when plane going to land? y no computer games on plane?
Hi Poshies,

she's pampered by her old company cum here oso wan us to pamper her..

All my previous company i work wif men bosses and dey are reali excellent.. haha
ya poshies..he get tired after 1 day of walking..
2nd day onwards,my hb carry him..damm siong for hb..

I am joking w hb that 4 yrs ago,i carry a "bump" to HK..4 yrs later,u carry a boi back to HK..
hi venus,
haha..... so funnie..

hi samantha,
yup we had a gathering early last month....

hi mummies...
think we can plan for a xmas gathering...
my boy also likes to ask why why why. sometimes i also dun know how to ans him lor.
e.g. he saw a boy cycling v fast, so he asked me "mummy, why the gor gor cycle so fast?"
i said "maybe he is in a hurry?"
then he asked "why is he in a hurry?"
*faint lor*

saw ur photos in fb. nice leh.
xmas gathering...afraid cannot join in as i have 2 weddings in dec..my own sis and SIL wedding..busy mth plus an exam on 12 dec..

serene..sometimes u wish tat they would just shut up and let us have some peace and quiet hor..
yes, i agree! but sometimes i wonder if im a bad mummy when i tell him not to talk so mux or ask me so many 'whys'.. *thinking*
my 2nd child is due on christmas.. hopefuli he will cum out on that day.. haha..

Can ani1 teach mi how to make my elder son hold his own milk btle?
opps, kena caught spreeing....

Samantha, Im staying at 987, u lei? how old is ur lst boy...my gal 10.5mths also dont want to hold her own bottle...i give up le....haaa
mi stayin at 988.. my boy is turning 18mths.. mi long ago gif up le but was tinkin my 2nd 1 cumin le wait will affect us big time.. If both wan milk i will die man.. haha
wow u two just staying next to each other... can meet up...

haha... for holding of the milk bottle... what i do is from start they can hold, i will let go my hand... then the bottle will drop... then it is reflux... especially when they are hungry... they will hold... i will insist they hold their own bottle... if not there will be no milk.... i don care whether they cry...... i will tell them nicely.... to hold if not no milk... hope it help.... do it patient.... they will do...


Samantha...wow...we are so near to each other....but hor i seldom walk around at our area becos i find it not very safe....alot of weird weird people....i got an ex collg staying 988 too and tell me got 1 psycho there.....haaa.....no offence arh....

Poshies...for my gal hor, she dont like to drink milk since beginning....so when i ask her to hold, she dun want and she rather dun drink....damn angry lor...so i give up lar....if i got #2 hor, then will ask hb to feed her...haaaa
