(2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

had a contraction last evening and went to hospital for monitoring. this am went to see my gynae and luckily, bb is developing well.... but gynae will be putting me on 2 weeks hospitalisation leave to make sure i rest well at home.....
rest well and put feet up often..i also felt more and more tightening /hardening these days ...
had a contraction last evening and went to hospital for monitoring. this am went to see my gynae and luckily, bb is developing well.... but gynae will be putting me on 2 weeks hospitalisation leave to make sure i rest well at home.....
Rest well ok...
Nice to see everyone progressing well!

I feel quite scared, nowadays discharge seems like suddenly a lot. How do u tell if it is discharge or waterbag breaking? Sorry a noob here!
Hello! Hope everyone is doing great :) hang in there! Just went check up...weeks 34 bb is 2.4kg haa...gynae said all isgood...I hope baby is not too heavy or too small n can give birth vaginally...I attended Wong bio boi class n she said that after weeks 36 must walk like a dog....haa...shopping counted hor...haa

Anyway I have a $150 prenatal/postnatal voucher to give any interested mummies cuz I signed up cord blood. But the place is too far for me...I dun think I will travel there... Any interested mummies working staying near there can go try...I will mail the voucher to u.. Tras street...but off peak hours apply...


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Hi to all, i'm a first time mtb. Currently 31 wks, Edd ard 23 june.Dunnoe is it im unlucky or wat. Have been changing 3 gynaes @ tmc since my first trim, all couldnt delivery in june due to constraints. N was informed only after several visits:(. Would like to check if any gynae @ Tmc to recommend whom confirm can delivery in june? Thanks.
First was dr judy wong, 2nd was dr kc yeo due to the insurance he stop delivering, 3rd was dr sim. Was told dr yeap will be the replacement but she wouldnt be ard in june too. Jus made an appt wif dr beh hopefully, he's available during june.

Heard from dr sim clinic, ard 80 patients were affected too.
My gynae is Dr Adrian Tan Chek Jin from ACJ clinic. There're 2 other female gynaes in the same clinic too.
You can call 63532033.
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Hi missyjas,
May I know which period is dr sim not available?
I am a patient of dr sim too but Nvr heard that she is not available in June
Hi missyjas,
May I know which period is dr sim not available?
I am a patient of dr sim too but Nvr heard that she is not available in June
I jus received the call tis afternoon. The nurse told me from may to end of june wont be ard. N will refund the package fee. Nv say which date.
So long period?
N her replacement doc will not be ard ?
Omg, they didn't provide other alternatives for u n ask u to go find other gynae yrself?
Hi guys
just wanted to share, im at 29 weeks and my EDD is 28th June. 3rd baby and will be on elective C-Sect.
had my gynae appt just now...and baby's weight is at 90th percentile.. :( and now my gynae (Dr Adrian Tan , ACJ@thomson) very curious as to why...
and i still have at least 8 more weeks to go....
Now Im ordered to do a blood test to check for GD, result will most likely be out on Tuesday or Wed, clinic will call.
Funny thing is, of all my pregnancies... this is the one where I drink the most water, amidst all the food and whatever sweet things I eat...
so am a bit surprised.

The previous one done at 18 weeks (? - forgot already) showed everything ok..and baby back then was of average size..
now grew so big...

I dont even eat THAT much more than before...
Anyone ever experienced the same..

i went for my appointment yesterday, i am currently at 30wks.
my baby girl is at 88th percentile, she weighs 1888gm! my last appt at 27th wk, she seems fine.
the gynae didnt mention anything about any test, he just told me.. "baby cannot grow so fast".

i only ate 3 meals a day and i drank alot of water too, maybe cos i had rice for most lunches and dinners. Never eat rice like no 饱足感..

can i also request to be added into the FB gp: [email protected]
Hello to all mummies! I'm very new (and noob) here and am so excited to find out abt this group! Such a fantastic way to share our experiences ☺️

Am 32 wks in now and due on 7 Jun. At my last consultation, baby boy weighs 1.8kg. My gynae is Adrian Woodworth and consultations with him are always so short and curt! He didn't say much except tt everything was ok. My placenta was low when I went for the detailed on the 20th wk and i asked him if it's still the case now. He only said tt it's rising but didn't give much details. :[

Can't tell if the baby's head is down or not (forgot to ask on my previous consultation oops) and I can't seem to gauge baby's position as he seems to be moving all abt the place! Not even sure if there's anything I need to be worried abt now hmm...

Am having frequent backaches as well as aching at the sides too. Can't wait to count down the next 8 wks!
Hello aimerwinks... welcome welcome....
me also a first time mom and this platform and group is so helpful in providing me advise and comfort throughout my pregnancy so far.
I am in my W32 too, and due in 9 June ( so close )..kekeke... my last appointment , at wk 31 , my bb girl weighs about 1.6 kg.
So far my gynae didn't advise about head down or not.. but he did comment, looks like turning already.....
I had severe water retention (swollen feets ) starting week 20+.. and last week, had a first time pre natal massage and surprisingly, the problem go off... maybe due to poor blood circulation.. therefore the massage really helps. And I read that it helps a lot on backaches too.... maybe you can go for it ;)
I jus received the call tis afternoon. The nurse told me from may to end of june wont be ard. N will refund the package fee. Nv say which date.

I received the call from LN Sim clinic and this came unexpected, esp that we are counting down to the EDD.
Adding unnecessary stress, and worries.
I received the call from LN Sim clinic and this came unexpected, esp that we are counting down to the EDD.
Adding unnecessary stress, and worries.
When is ur edd? Did they offer to help u find other gynae? My edd is 3 jul n I haven't received any call from the clinic yet.
When is ur edd? Did they offer to help u find other gynae? My edd is 3 jul n I haven't received any call from the clinic yet.

My edd is 06 June. I ask for recommendations for gynae and they helped to call to check their availability. (which I think they should, because it will very tough for us to call each clinics and likely apptment will be rejected).

you will probably receive the call soon, if they are doing by batches.

My edd is 06 June. I ask for recommendations for gynae and they helped to call to check their availability. (which I think they should, because it will very tough for us to call each clinics and likely apptment will be rejected).

you will probably receive the call soon, if they are doing by batches.


So which gynae they helped u to find? Did they explain why Dr Sim will be away so suddenly? I should start to look for gynae :(
Hihi long time no log in.. ;)

Those request to be added in fb ltr I go hm try w my tablet ok ! if nt will be tml when I rch ofc ;)

I'm at my 32 wks now.. waiting for next thur to gynae visit. Hope dr won't say my baby is fat anymore... I hv been dieting or rather ctrl diet recently.. but tis coming is my bday seasons liao hw to diet !!! Haha

At work I always try eat ytf with carb .. diet until quite emo at times.

Ytd on leave went to have a mini feast unknowingly and nw ended up with sore throat. Also Juz recovered from a gastroenteritis saga last 2 wks..
Hihi long time no log in.. ;)

Those request to be added in fb ltr I go hm try w my tablet ok ! if nt will be tml when I rch ofc ;)

I'm at my 32 wks now.. waiting for next thur to gynae visit. Hope dr won't say my baby is fat anymore... I hv been dieting or rather ctrl diet recently.. but tis coming is my bday seasons liao hw to diet !!! Haha

At work I always try eat ytf with carb .. diet until quite emo at times.

Ytd on leave went to have a mini feast unknowingly and nw ended up with sore throat. Also Juz recovered from a gastroenteritis saga last 2 wks..
Guess we are too occupied with the watsapp chat so no time to log in here often :)
Hihi long time no log in.. ;)

Those request to be added in fb ltr I go hm try w my tablet ok ! if nt will be tml when I rch ofc ;)

I'm at my 32 wks now.. waiting for next thur to gynae visit. Hope dr won't say my baby is fat anymore... I hv been dieting or rather ctrl diet recently.. but tis coming is my bday seasons liao hw to diet !!! Haha

At work I always try eat ytf with carb .. diet until quite emo at times.

Ytd on leave went to have a mini feast unknowingly and nw ended up with sore throat. Also Juz recovered from a gastroenteritis saga last 2 wks..

Take care @bel_vodka
hit week 30 already and getting more and more heavy to even stand for a while .. not to mention turn in bed..

btw anyone can recommend brand of maternity pad and disposable panties?
interesting but never thought about it
Saw mums blogging about their experience. They said shorter labour, less pain, medication free. N waterbirth allows us to have movement freedom when in labour. We can kneel and squat to give nirth natural as we work with gravity. lying on our back to give birth is working against gravity. Tts why more painful. That was what struck me to research more into water birth.
I rmbr a friend she has difficulty lying down in the end she went in the pool of water and had water birth... i saw the pool when i gave birth in tmc...
I rmbr a friend she has difficulty lying down in the end she went in the pool of water and had water birth... i saw the pool when i gave birth in tmc...
I read that only NUH have full water birthing facility. Tmc, mt a has the inflatable tub on rental price. theres other costs too. Im tempted to try but should be more ex. Cos need to pay for tub rental, maybe also hypno birthing classes, accompanied by doula with a cost (birth support person), gynae also may need to change. gulp.
I read that only NUH have full water birthing facility. Tmc, mt a has the inflatable tub on rental price. theres other costs too. Im tempted to try but should be more ex. Cos need to pay for tub rental, maybe also hypno birthing classes, accompanied by doula with a cost (birth support person), gynae also may need to change. gulp.

i'm giving birth in parkway east but doubt they have this facility......
hi everyone. im due in on june 10 2015. but ive been having brown staining for the past 2 days. should i be seeing a dr or just observe? currently im coming to 34weeks. i don feel any pain or contractions. advice anyone?
hi everyone. im due in on june 10 2015. but ive been having brown staining for the past 2 days. should i be seeing a dr or just observe? currently im coming to 34weeks. i don feel any pain or contractions. advice anyone?
Hello, i read that there will be increased discharge at this stage and i have that sometimes too,without pain or much discomfort. I'm one week ahead of you and i just use a panty liner daily to 'catch' the discharge and observe it. You should be seeing your gynae once every 2-3 weeks at this stage so if it bothers you, raise it up? :)
hi everyone. im due in on june 10 2015. but ive been having brown staining for the past 2 days. should i be seeing a dr or just observe? currently im coming to 34weeks. i don feel any pain or contractions. advice anyone?
Why not you call your gynea office to ask or call Kkh hotline (chargeable at 80c per min) to ask for advice ?
June is coming!still so much things to prepare.. Yet to buy the herbal stuff for confinement nanny. Mummies where do u buy Chinese herbs from? Eg dang gui, dang Shen etc
Dear Mummies, just had my week 34 check at Gleneagles. My little babe gained 1kg in three weeks and doctor was surprised cos my tummy looked small still. Baby is at 2.6-2.7kg now and i have to control my diet, haha. Gained abt 7kg so far and most goes to baby. Doing Strep B test in two weeks' time. Time flies :) take care peeps!
Dear mummies, I have been a silent reader and currently I'm in my 32 weeks. My Edd is 22 June. Would like to know if any of you have signed up with cordlife or steamcord and what are their difference?
