(2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

Wah so good! U girls gained so little weight! I have gained 5kg so far boohoo...!! Dont know if i can go back to pre pregnancy weight a not...i hope so!! My mil was telling me the other day to watch my figure after delivery...roll eyes :(
@icyjol unbelievable...how did ur fren gain so little weight!

@Ice_Tea yea...i think dun take soya bean milk everyday...hee think will b a bit 'liang'

I take obimin n fish oil everyday..didnt take calcium everyday though...really dislike the big pills :x gynae said that as long as i drink milk twice a day, sufficient..hahaa...so i take calcium pill on n off :x

@chrisl i think i will get baby cot n stroller in the baby fair.... :D

Wah so good! U girls gained so little weight! I have gained 5kg so far boohoo...!! Dont know if i can go back to pre pregnancy weight a not...i hope so!! My mil was telling me the other day to watch my figure after delivery...roll eyes :(
@icyjol unbelievable...how did ur fren gain so little weight!

@Ice_Tea yea...i think dun take soya bean milk everyday...hee think will b a bit 'liang'

I take obimin n fish oil everyday..didnt take calcium everyday though...really dislike the big pills :x gynae said that as long as i drink milk twice a day, sufficient..hahaa...so i take calcium pill on n off :x

@chrisl i think i will get baby cot n stroller in the baby fair.... :D
Any brand to recommend for baby stroller? I'm not sure what to look out for too.. :(
Everything also can eat! Just moderately can alr! I have some friend Who are like, Eh you cannot eat this cannot eat that. Walao, I hear liao wanna Faint. Now I sweet prawns etc, I don't like t eat anymore …esp GARLIC I HATE THEMMMM
Everything also can eat! Just moderately can alr! I have some friend Who are like, Eh you cannot eat this cannot eat that. Walao, I hear liao wanna Faint. Now I sweet prawns etc, I don't like t eat anymore …esp GARLIC I HATE THEMMMM
yeah garlic i 1st trimester also cannot stand ..esp when my mum cook that in oil b4 frying veggies im sure to get very nauseous
Any brand to recommend for baby stroller? I'm not sure what to look out for too.. :(

must get something good for sg pavements..and also I think material must not be too warm..imagine bb cannot talk yet feel very uncomfy and sweaty inside
now im looking at bb clothes already online!

the bb fair is on 23-25 but my detail scan on 26..aiyah...thinking to cheat and go to pte gynae on a nearer date
Any brand to recommend for baby stroller? I'm not sure what to look out for too.. :(
I m not sure what brand yet...hee but they said if can, try n get those u can incline 180 degrees so bb can sleep in a comfy position when in stroller :) so i will narrow down to those that can incline 180degrees for now :) for car seat too...!
now im looking at bb clothes already online!

the bb fair is on 23-25 but my detail scan on 26..aiyah...thinking to cheat and go to pte gynae on a nearer date
Hahaa which website!! I oso wanna buy bb clothes...last xmas, i saw some frens posted their bb wearing Santa Claus, reindeer rompers so cute lah!
Hahaa which website!! I oso wanna buy bb clothes...last xmas, i saw some frens posted their bb wearing Santa Claus, reindeer rompers so cute lah!

I saw on Qoo and many many different ones and types there! Be care of your pocket ah! lol:D
for the baby stroller, there is one type that hv a set like bb car seat as well as a stroller in one.., can detach and place in the car. you ladies with cars can consider getting:)
By the way, can anyone share Mount A 2015 packages with me? Not done the hospital tour as yet... thanks guys

As of Jan 2014. They haven release 2015 or Maybe never increase : p

I am going there too : )


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From young till now, I don't really like garlic and ginger.. And my mum said during confinement she will definitely make me eat ginger xD haha wonder how am I gonna survive that lol..
I m not sure what brand yet...hee but they said if can, try n get those u can incline 180 degrees so bb can sleep in a comfy position when in stroller :) so i will narrow down to those that can incline 180degrees for now :) for car seat too...!
Yeah need for car seat too.. And my hubby said he wanna buy those able to let the bb face front and back one.. Coz he wan the bb to face him all the time -.- Ok! Thanks for the advice! Hehe.. Pardon me if I ask too many ques xD first time mum and I'm still quite blur on what to look out for.. I'm also worried that last min need to find this or that =X
now im looking at bb clothes already online!

the bb fair is on 23-25 but my detail scan on 26..aiyah...thinking to cheat and go to pte gynae on a nearer date
I already bought 4 onesies from uniqlo.. Hehe even though I don't know if they are too big but feel so happy to shop at the baby corner haha..
From young till now, I don't really like garlic and ginger.. And my mum said during confinement she will definitely make me eat ginger xD haha wonder how am I gonna survive that lol..
then I supposed you dun like chicken rice? cos it's also cooked with ginger and garlic :)
then I supposed you dun like chicken rice? cos it's also cooked with ginger and garlic :)
Actually I love chicken rice! xD and must put the chilli sauce! I'm ok with sesame chicken cook with ginger too but I just wun eat the ginger or garlic.. I'm quite weird I guess haha
So envy - u gals are talking about food. I thought I can finally slowly get my appetite back after the bad mornibg sickness from first trismester and now I am put on hormo pills cos got slight contractions. Side efect of the medicine is naseous - the puking nightmare is back again. Arrghh...dont understand why I start to have tummy tightening so early. Doc keep telling me to rest..sian. anyone facing the same problem?
So envy - u gals are talking about food. I thought I can finally slowly get my appetite back after the bad mornibg sickness from first trismester and now I am put on hormo pills cos got slight contractions. Side efect of the medicine is naseous - the puking nightmare is back again. Arrghh...dont understand why I start to have tummy tightening so early. Doc keep telling me to rest..sian. anyone facing the same problem?

Hi LovelyMoments,

I am currently 18 weeks and experiencing the same hard uterus contractions. It happens when I am tensed or have a lot of wind in my tummy.

My Dr put me on Progynova and Utrogestan to help relax the uterus. I'm also currently on Proluton jab.
Hi LovelyMoments,

I am currently 18 weeks and experiencing the same hard uterus contractions. It happens when I am tensed or have a lot of wind in my tummy.

My Dr put me on Progynova and Utrogestan to help relax the uterus. I'm also currently on Proluton jab.

Jiayou lovely moments and wabbit baby! Hang in there for our precious babies!
So envy - u gals are talking about food. I thought I can finally slowly get my appetite back after the bad mornibg sickness from first trismester and now I am put on hormo pills cos got slight contractions. Side efect of the medicine is naseous - the puking nightmare is back again. Arrghh...dont understand why I start to have tummy tightening so early. Doc keep telling me to rest..sian. anyone facing the same problem?
How much is the dosage? Sounds like kinda high for u...is it 3times a day thing? If it is then maybe ask doc to cut down to 2 times? Im also on it, 2 times a day..dunno if it is bcos of it, my appettite not too good too..
Having bb in sg really ex! So far yesterday i calculated my hubby and i used $4k+ for scans/consultations/blood tests/medicines just for duration of end october until now jan!! And still hv not get anything for bbs yet like clothes etc..sg50 i think also means $50k bb lol :p:p:p
Having bb in sg really ex! So far yesterday i calculated my hubby and i used $4k+ for scans/consultations/blood tests/medicines just for duration of end october until now jan!! And still hv not get anything for bbs yet like clothes etc..sg50 i think also means $50k bb lol :p:p:p
Wah chrisl! How come so much in a few months without shopping?? I havent tabulate my expenses yet but dont think got so much leh.
So envy - u gals are talking about food. I thought I can finally slowly get my appetite back after the bad mornibg sickness from first trismester and now I am put on hormo pills cos got slight contractions. Side efect of the medicine is naseous - the puking nightmare is back again. Arrghh...dont understand why I start to have tummy tightening so early. Doc keep telling me to rest..sian. anyone facing the same problem?

Yes when I was on duphaston. I felt more nausea than ever. That's why I really hate it but no choice for the sake of bb.

How to tell tummy tightening? My tummy is very hard and bloated too especially after meal and I keep burping gas.
Having bb in sg really ex! So far yesterday i calculated my hubby and i used $4k+ for scans/consultations/blood tests/medicines just for duration of end october until now jan!! And still hv not get anything for bbs yet like clothes etc..sg50 i think also means $50k bb lol :p:p:p

U went for harmony test? Tat will already be 1.3k.
I lost track because I went O&G quite often and a detailed scan to try to detect the sac in the early stage already cost $300+ ....
N i think during the confinement need to spend a minimum of 10k for all the food, herbs and bb stuff *sweat*
U went for harmony test? Tat will already be 1.3k.
I lost track because I went O&G quite often and a detailed scan to try to detect the sac in the early stage already cost $300+ ....
N i think during the confinement need to spend a minimum of 10k for all the food, herbs and bb stuff *sweat*
Yeah plus we still need to buy supplements even though the cost not as much as those scanning etc but still accumulating :( delivery is another big sum too >.<
Wah so good! U girls gained so little weight! I have gained 5kg so far boohoo...!! Dont know if i can go back to pre pregnancy weight a not...i hope so!! My mil was telling me the other day to watch my figure after delivery...roll eyes :(
@icyjol unbelievable...how did ur fren gain so little weight!

@Ice_Tea yea...i think dun take soya bean milk everyday...hee think will b a bit 'liang'

I take obimin n fish oil everyday..didnt take calcium everyday though...really dislike the big pills :x gynae said that as long as i drink milk twice a day, sufficient..hahaa...so i take calcium pill on n off :x

@chrisl i think i will get baby cot n stroller in the baby fair.... :D

Ya!! I dunno how she gain so little. But apparently she jus didnt pile on fats & excess calories and didnt have much water retention. Her baby is growing very well. Lucky lor.. For me so far i only gain 0.44kg.. i asked gynae he said it's ok.. coz i said alot ppl gain 5kg & abv liao he say dont compare and 19wks baby shd weigh few hundred grams only the remaining weight gained is water retention and fats. 0.44kg is more than enough weight gain at this point.. *shrugs*
Having bb in sg really ex! So far yesterday i calculated my hubby and i used $4k+ for scans/consultations/blood tests/medicines just for duration of end october until now jan!! And still hv not get anything for bbs yet like clothes etc..sg50 i think also means $50k bb lol :p:p:p
How you spent so much already?
My gynae has package, so far we only spent on the package (800+GST) & so far I only bought a baby carrier.
Yes when I was on duphaston. I felt more nausea than ever. That's why I really hate it but no choice for the sake of bb.

How to tell tummy tightening? My tummy is very hard and bloated too especially after meal and I keep burping gas.

Sane, you'll feel your abdominal muscles tensed up and rock-hard during contractions. It's also a good sign if you don't feel it ;).
chrisl, i'm more or less has spent the same as u and I din even do any test yet. I dun dare to calculate already. As for bbs stuff, I will recycle from my no1 as much as possible. Come to think of it, seems quite unfair. But no choice, with the coming of the bbs, we even have to upgrade car which is the biggest expenses of all. To think positively, double expenses but comes with double blessings as well :)
Same here, bought a new car even though is a second hand one but still cost a bomb and our new flat will be coming too that's even more stress.. Not sure how are we gonna survive haha.. But quite lucky that my mum can help us take care of the bb if not we gonna spend another amount on infant care.. :(

Ice tea, good that there's someone can help out taking care of bb. I have to put my bbs in infant care and no 1 in child care. There goes the salary :(
