(2015/11) Nov 2015 Mummies

oh oh...must be cold? cannot be drinks that r not cold but still sweet drinks? and don't drink or eat too much sweet stuff/drinks, rice or fries. :)

Recently I cut down 1 cup of coffee a week :p Because I haven't broadcast my pregnancy news to anyone yet.
So when my mom made coffee for me I cannot rejected.
I heard from my fren Oscar scanning will be on 10 - 12 weeks of pregnancy? So we need to go for early checkup 1st in order to get slot for Oscar scan?
Sorry I forget all those procedure after 4yrs. :D
I have stopped drinking coffee, ever since i tested positive. I worried it will cause miscarriage. I have cut down on cold drinks too. Now only drink plain water and ginger tea brew by my mum.
I have stopped drinking coffee, ever since i tested positive. I worried it will cause miscarriage. I have cut down on cold drinks too. Now only drink plain water and ginger tea brew by my mum.

Caffeine will cause miscarriage. Cannot consume more than 200mg caffeine per day.
The best is not to consume it and drink warm water daily. ;)
Recently I cut down 1 cup of coffee a week :p Because I haven't broadcast my pregnancy news to anyone yet.
So when my mom made coffee for me I cannot rejected.
I heard from my fren Oscar scanning will be on 10 - 12 weeks of pregnancy? So we need to go for early checkup 1st in order to get slot for Oscar scan?
Sorry I forget all those procedure after 4yrs. :D

your gynae will guide you along, don't worry. :)
oh oh...must be cold? cannot be drinks that r not cold but still sweet drinks? and don't drink or eat too much sweet stuff/drinks, rice or fries. :)
sweet drinks which are not cold still ok haha! I hope i can cut down on cold n sweet drinks soon!
Is he good? haha. I choose him because his clinic very near to my place.
But research about him, he is pro in c sect and chop chop type.
Haha. I didn't went back to my previous gynae, due to inconvenience.
He was my gynae for my #1 too.. Yes he is chop chop but will still answer any questions u have. Im ok with him. Maybe chop chop oso gd coz he has a lot of patients so will shorten the waiting time haha! I had a natural delivery and my stitches healed very fast. I think he is gd in both natural delivery n csect. His fees are quite affordable too! ;)
yes normal. walk slowly, take ur time to do things.

I also feel so even while lying down. Ytd night I even felt slight cramp/pain at my right rib cage. Read online that it maybe due to expansion.

My heart beat faster now due to the short breath...
Hi frostylady and joannemissy i am also in my 5 weeks. My EDD is 15 Nov, one day before. But my #1 birthday is also 16 Nov :)

Hello surelylook09 !!! Congrats to u !!!! Wow ur No.1 bday is 16 nov ? Can have double celebration then ! haha altho i thk tt perhaps 2nd one will be earlier ?? For my No.1 I delivered at 38+2 which is ard 2 weeks earlier than my original EDD ... anyway when is your first gynae appt and where ? :)
I also feel so even while lying down. Ytd night I even felt slight cramp/pain at my right rib cage. Read online that it maybe due to expansion.

My heart beat faster now due to the short breath...

Don't overexert yourself ok chewiee ... try to take deep calm breaths. I experienced shortness of breath too when walking too fast or taking the stairs at my workplace. I just take my time and walk slower. Take care !
Don't overexert yourself ok chewiee ... try to take deep calm breaths. I experienced shortness of breath too when walking too fast or taking the stairs at my workplace. I just take my time and walk slower. Take care !

Thanks dear :)

Actually I walk v slow and don't rush things but don't know why will feel very short breath & stuff. Will rest as much as I can!
How to not drink cold drink when my HL milk need to be chilled T.T I also don't know how but also heard cannot drink too much cold drink if not next time baby air pipe not good!!! :(
How to not drink cold drink when my HL milk need to be chilled T.T I also don't know how but also heard cannot drink too much cold drink if not next time baby air pipe not good!!! :(
Ya im drinking fresh milk too and will not taste nice if it's warm haha! Thinking of buying those milk for pregnancy like EnfaMama then can drink warm..
Think too much cold water is not good for the baby. Fresh milk can be heated warm too. Those powder mama milk taste very sweet n load with sugar. I drink milk this morning n vomited. Now drinking almond milk.
Think too much cold water is not good for the baby. Fresh milk can be heated warm too. Those powder mama milk taste very sweet n load with sugar. I drink milk this morning n vomited. Now drinking almond milk.
Read somewhere its best to stay away from cold stuff, TCM has this thing about keeping your womb "warm". So mummies be good, heat up ur milk!
:'( every morning I will drink cold milk. How to make those packet milk warm. Will the taste turn funny?? o_O? Then I better buy Mr bean de warm soya bean le! ^^
:'( every morning I will drink cold milk. How to make those packet milk warm. Will the taste turn funny?? o_O? Then I better buy Mr bean de warm soya bean le! ^^
Packet milk like HL /marigold milk kind? I heat up in the microwave. Tastes the same to me, just warm!
Hi to All,

I m a 1st time mtb... according to the pregnancy app my edd will b on the 6 Nov...

Kindly share with me on the things to take note n prepare please...!!

Hi all, I've been avoiding this forum the past few days after my scan cos I'm a little bit anxious and worried...and didn't really want to add to it I guess.

I'm supposed to be 6 weeks but gynae only did ultrasound (no transvaginal scan) and only spotted the sac. Gynae mentioned that it looks like I'm only about 5 weeks, perhaps cos I ovulated late. I'm on
Duphaston now and will only go for a scan 2 weeks later on 28 Mar to confirm that everything is going well.

I know I should stay positive, but it's so nerve-wrecking just waiting out these 2 weeks. Really really hope to be able to spot baby and hear the heartbeat by then!!
sweet drinks which are not cold still ok haha! I hope i can cut down on cold n sweet drinks soon!

He was my gynae for my #1 too.. Yes he is chop chop but will still answer any questions u have. Im ok with him. Maybe chop chop oso gd coz he has a lot of patients so will shorten the waiting time haha! I had a natural delivery and my stitches healed very fast. I think he is gd in both natural delivery n csect. His fees are quite affordable too! ;)
Cool~ That sound great. Thanks Mrsmorgan. =) I want chop chop gynae and answer my question firmly. Haha. I have doubt because he is pro in c sect so I afraid. I will like to opt for natural delivery.
Hello! I'm a first time mum, EDD is 5 Nov. I have so many questions!! Do any mummies have any workouts you're doing for 1st trimester? I don't want to risk any strenuous exercises that will harm my bb. :)
Hi to All,

I m a 1st time mtb... according to the pregnancy app my edd will b on the 6 Nov...

Kindly share with me on the things to take note n prepare please...!!

You have the same EDD as me... Don't worry.. You will learn along the way :)

You may have heard lots of dos and donts in terms of food intake...Just remember ... Moderation is key
Hello surelylook09 !!! Congrats to u !!!! Wow ur No.1 bday is 16 nov ? Can have double celebration then ! haha altho i thk tt perhaps 2nd one will be earlier ?? For my No.1 I delivered at 38+2 which is ard 2 weeks earlier than my original EDD ... anyway when is your first gynae appt and where ? :)

Hi frostylady,
Congrats to you too. Ya, me and hubby also Nov baby ,something i have been hoping for whole family all in Nov hehe.... My no.1 is full terms baby 40weeks also no sign of delivery yet even though i was dilated 2cm for 2 weeks. so on the due date gynae ask me to go induce.
I'm planning to go on the 28 Mar,My gynae is at MT E Dr KK Ho.
Hi all, I've been avoiding this forum the past few days after my scan cos I'm a little bit anxious and worried...and didn't really want to add to it I guess.

I'm supposed to be 6 weeks but gynae only did ultrasound (no transvaginal scan) and only spotted the sac. Gynae mentioned that it looks like I'm only about 5 weeks, perhaps cos I ovulated late. I'm on
Duphaston now and will only go for a scan 2 weeks later on 28 Mar to confirm that everything is going well.

I know I should stay positive, but it's so nerve-wrecking just waiting out these 2 weeks. Really really hope to be able to spot baby and hear the heartbeat by then!!
Hugs! The feeling of waiting is horrid i know...
At 5 weeks ultrasound might not be able to see much i think!
Yes try to stay positive and pray!
once in awhile, put your hands over your womb and tell baby mama love you. be strong and stay in there for mama baby. :) as your baby feel your hands over them, they will feel your love and will be strong. I pray your babies stay with you mummies.
Having flu and sorethroat for more than a week. Feel so uncomfortable yet I do not dare to take any medicine. Plus, need to take care of #1, so couldn't have much rest. Can't wait for next week to meet gynae. For #1, I had horrible morning sickness that I lost 5kg in first trim. Now, it is totally opposite. I feel so hungry and need to eat sth every 2-3hrs.
once in awhile, put your hands over your womb and tell baby mama love you. be strong and stay in there for mama baby. :) as your baby feel your hands over them, they will feel your love and will be strong. I pray your babies stay with you mummies.
That's what I have been doing at night. I will tell the bb that be strong and mummy love u. :) it does give me some reassurance.
That's what I have been doing at night. I will tell the bb that be strong and mummy love u. :) it does give me some reassurance.

do it in the day when u go toilet if u dun wan your colleagues to know yet. :) take care!
Hi everyone, 2nd time mom here. Have a 4yr old boy, it's been so long that I have forgotten what it's like to be pregnant. Due 1st week of November *fingers crossed*

Feels like I'm having worse morning sickness now as compared to my first pregnancy, but I heard bad morning sickness = strong baby?? Not sure how true but I keep telling myself that because I love to eat and now all my fav foods make me want to throw up :(
I read somewhere online say cannot, best wait til first trimester over but since eat already, leave it. my fav is peanut butter crunchy, am having it every breakfast. :p

for mommies who drink cold drinks, not to scare you, but my aunt also drink cold drinks for her first pregnancy and her baby had a hole in the heart too big to heal and died after few days of birth. from then on, we swear off cold drinks during pregnancy. even when we have menses we also cannot drink cold drinks coz will have terrible cramps. so keep your babies warm mommies.
Peanuts will cause baby to have allergy? Am I right? I do not have ms at all and thus worried cos my fren said the more severe is the ms the stronger the baby is wor. T.T
I forget mee rebus got peanut inside. First trimster eat should be ok right????
Huh? Cannot eat peanuts?

I personally feel it is ok to take peanuts during pregnancy. Moderation is the key. Some avoid as they are afraid that baby may be allergic to peanuts. But I read online that there are no studies to prove that.

Don't worry Wxr_bb. The peanuts in Mee rebus is too insignificant.
Peanuts will cause baby to have allergy? Am I right? I do not have ms at all and thus worried cos my fren said the more severe is the ms the stronger the baby is wor. T.T

The more severe your MS, the higher the HCG (hormones level) i think. hence baby is in a more stable environment. But the reverse might not be true. I have several friends who do not have MS at all and their pregnancies are all smooth.
actually if you eat anything and everything during pregnancy (in moderation of food and avoid fish with high mecuries), and after birth while breastfeeding (if you breastfeed), your baby generally will not have any allergy to any food coz already take the food since foetus stage.

and yes there is no base that baby is not stable if you don't have MS! I don't have MS for my no. 1 and I carry him til full term 40weeks. :) so no MS is a blessing!
I personally feel it is ok to take peanuts during pregnancy. Moderation is the key. Some avoid as they are afraid that baby may be allergic to peanuts. But I read online that there are no studies to prove that.

Don't worry Wxr_bb. The peanuts in Mee rebus is too insignificant.
Thank you so much dear!!!!! I will try to cut down on cold drink as well
The more severe your MS, the higher the HCG (hormones level) i think. hence baby is in a more stable environment. But the reverse might not be true. I have several friends who do not have MS at all and their pregnancies are all smooth.
Thanks for the assurance. Was so worried as I do not have ms at all. Just bloated bloated and bloated. Will only get the first scan on 23mar. So now I don't feel like I am pregnant ... was so worried that it's just a dream.
Thanks for the assurance. Was so worried as I do not have ms at all. Just bloated bloated and bloated. Will only get the first scan on 23mar. So now I don't feel like I am pregnant ... was so worried that it's just a dream.
Don't worry.. I did not have MS for my #1 and he came out big and strong...

I don't have any preggy symptoms too.. Just occasional cramps and bloated. And not as fatigue too. Can't wait for my scan this sat
Me 3. not much symptoms but feel very bloated. My tummy is sooo obvious in the evening. I cant fit in most of my clothes now (as I am not prepared to let ppl see the bloated tummy). Light cramps on and off.
Thanks for the assurance. Was so worried as I do not have ms at all. Just bloated bloated and bloated. Will only get the first scan on 23mar. So now I don't feel like I am pregnant ... was so worried that it's just a dream.
Hi Wxr_bb, you are exactly the same as me! I have no MS symptoms too. Last Thu was feeling a little nausea then after that nothing at all. I was quite worried as there's no pregnancy symptom at all and worse still my sore boobs seems to get better too! aiyo... very worrying... And my first scan is also on 23Mar!
Hi Wxr_bb, you are exactly the same as me! I have no MS symptoms too. Last Thu was feeling a little nausea then after that nothing at all. I was quite worried as there's no pregnancy symptom at all and worse still my sore boobs seems to get better too! aiyo... very worrying... And my first scan is also on 23Mar!
My sore boob it's on off de. Sometimes feel sore sometimes not. That's why feeling down and don't feel pregnant. My tummy also feeling obvious and colleagues it's asking me if I am expecting and I just replied nope! Lol. It's too early to say anything till week 12 or after Oscar scan. Can't wait for 23mar to come!!!!!

I have no MS too for this current one and for my no. 1, and a MC one. So i'm not sure what are the chances. I can't help being worry though after knowing about this, as i have one MC before. However i have all other symptoms other then MS.
