Side track for thoSe of you who travel to and from work via public transport, do you experience people giving up seats to you? So fAr, the ones who surprisingly give up their seats to me are men and not women. The latter would rush for the priority seats instead. So frustrating
Speaking about that, yesterday when I took the bus with my boy to meet my hubby (my hubby was at a meeting), pp were staring at my tummy but probably unsure (even though my baby bump considered very obvious liao cos it is my second pregnancy , tummy fats very loose liao). Instead it was my boy who asked me ," mommy, U have a baby inside . I help u find a seat." Hahah.. Actually I very pai seh too, so if someone gives up a seat for me, I'll be grateful. If not, I ensure that I hold on to the railing very tightly.