(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

i need some hugs mummies.....

Friday night I was rushed to hospital for acute back sprain (which I found out later). I was not able to walk at all, scare die me. All becoz I carried baby in wrong position and also he was too heavy :(
Just discharge this afternoon. Was doing half past six pump and dump in hospital coz of the pain meds and cant really sit straight.

I was able to almost tbf my boy before this episode. Now I pump out, supply almost half of what I previously pump out. Sibei sad. I hope my supply can go back up.

And seriously the pump and dump is SIBEI SIBEI SAD. Only you all can understand :(
Take care babe! Supplement with fm first and dont stress!
U wait finish den change? I heart pain c her cant poo well so change ytd even mamil gold opened a week ago...just afternoon she poo once whole diaper full...hopefully she can poo one more b4 night sleep... :)

Nan ha good? Cos recently my son neck have rashes bah. Is like red little dot arnd the neck. Wonder isit too heaty. I chg frm similac to enfamil, nw plannin to chg again. Sigh
Today try fm again, follow the tin instructions. My LO still vomit. Dun noe is it nt suitable to enfa or my process is wrong.

8+am - latch
11+am - latch
2+pm - 3oz of enfa
6+pm - latch
Vomit alot after 10--15mins

My mum say LO nt use to fm. She say everyday feed her once she will get used to it soon. She refuse to change other brand. Sigh

I think you should just buy a new tin and hide /throw the old tin away. Then your mum boh bian will have to use the new tin.
Think lo not used to formula also won't vomit one..
Not sure. Kkh took both me and bb blood to check. Will let me know by next week.

Anyway it's been there for 3 weeks. Went to pd 3 weeks back but still hasn't recover. So was referred to skin specialist

Oh no.. Hope he gets well soon. In the meantime rem not to eat seafood!
Brought bb to kkh today to see the skin specialist. Some fungal infection on his neck area since cny.

The nurse poke bb three times to get his blood test done. See liao super heat pain):

Oh my son also. red red patches also arnd neck. Went to see pd last wk apply lotion but seem to be even worse. Hw u determine is fungal?
Today try fm again, follow the tin instructions. My LO still vomit. Dun noe is it nt suitable to enfa or my process is wrong.

8+am - latch
11+am - latch
2+pm - 3oz of enfa
6+pm - latch
Vomit alot after 10--15mins

My mum say LO nt use to fm. She say everyday feed her once she will get used to it soon. She refuse to change other brand. Sigh
Based on the sequence she only vomit after latch not fm

And next question is she cry for milk then you latch or you just follow your timing and latch accordingly
After so many months of no menses, I'm so sad it's back today. Hello cramps and pads. Hubs said if I don't want my period he can help me and we can have another sg50 baby. Thanks but no thanks really..
I think you should just buy a new tin and hide /throw the old tin away. Then your mum boh bian will have to use the new tin.
Think lo not used to formula also won't vomit one..
Agree..I don't think ur bb vomited cos he's nt used to the formula..
Anyone having the feeling of not wanting to go back to work? Lol.
Me... I'm starting on 1 April on a 3-day work week. What r ur return to work arrangements like?

u all buy strollers le?
if yes, which brand n model?
Bought a Babyzen Yoyo...

Any of u continue seeing pd that is arranged for us during delivery? Aft discharge did anyone of u go to polyclinic for follow-up n jabs? Touch wood if bb need to c pd will u bring back to that pd or search for nearby pd or asking recommendation for experience pd?

I go polyclinic for follow up and jabs and chose a pd nearer to home.... Where do u live? You need a pd recommendation? Actually my initial pd at TMC is quite good... If not for the distance I would have stayed with him...
i need some hugs mummies.....

Friday night I was rushed to hospital for acute back sprain (which I found out later). I was not able to walk at all, scare die me. All becoz I carried baby in wrong position and also he was too heavy :(
Just discharge this afternoon. Was doing half past six pump and dump in hospital coz of the pain meds and cant really sit straight.

I was able to almost tbf my boy before this episode. Now I pump out, supply almost half of what I previously pump out. Sibei sad. I hope my supply can go back up.

And seriously the pump and dump is SIBEI SIBEI SAD. Only you all can understand :(

i need some hugs mummies.....

Friday night I was rushed to hospital for acute back sprain (which I found out later). I was not able to walk at all, scare die me. All becoz I carried baby in wrong position and also he was too heavy :(
Just discharge this afternoon. Was doing half past six pump and dump in hospital coz of the pain meds and cant really sit straight.

I was able to almost tbf my boy before this episode. Now I pump out, supply almost half of what I previously pump out. Sibei sad. I hope my supply can go back up.

And seriously the pump and dump is SIBEI SIBEI SAD. Only you all can understand :(

Cheer up babe! Dont stress yourself up.. most impt thing is to take care of your body now.. bb can always supplement with fm, but if your back didnt recover fully or 烙下病根 wouldnt do good for you and baby in the future ma.. Jiayou jiayou!
Icic. Hope it is nothing serious and this ordeal will pass! Hang in there k mummy!
thanks dear(;
Oh my son also. red red patches also arnd neck. Went to see pd last wk apply lotion but seem to be even worse. Hw u determine is fungal?
Actually i am not too sure. pd told me its fungal infection. But the skin specialist says they can't confirm so got to do blood test to check.
Me... I'm starting on 1 April on a 3-day work week. What r ur return to work arrangements like?

Bought a Babyzen Yoyo...

I go polyclinic for follow up and jabs and chose a pd nearer to home.... Where do u live? You need a pd recommendation? Actually my initial pd at TMC is quite good... If not for the distance I would have stayed with him...

hows ur babyzen yoyo?
My milk supply drop by nearly half these days. Only getting ard 60ml after 20min. V sad... Having been pumping more often but still e same.

Bb these past 4 days only poo once a day n he choose to do the massive one ard midnight. *Faint...* yesterday no poo at all. Hopefully he poo today. No constipation pls... I'm using similac for all night feed since birth. Nv have poo poo issue till nw.
I been pumping every 4 hours
Can I check how to know breast is full?
This two days my breast feel soft but I able to pump 60-70 ML for 20 mins.
Is that normal? I a new mom for 1week
Yes, I ate during confinement too... My mum said not considered as shellfish... I dunno how they define what can or cannot eat...
Wah u even had it during confinement. My confinement food v boring Although Cl already tried to do diff cooking method.

I finally had hotate sashimi yesterday. Yum! Yu sheng I still nv touch coz of the raw cucumber n radish.
@mcymcy hows ur back? Get more rest n try not to carry bb too much. Lie down more. U need to fully recover to take good care of bb. JIA YOU!
Can walk slowly ard. Hospital gave me 4 types of pain meds, of which 3 are breastfeeding safe. I only took the first 2 types, dun wan too much pain meds in breastmilk. Pain still bearable after the meds. Not carrying baby at all, which I very much want to. Haiz
I been pumping every 4 hours
Can I check how to know breast is full?
This two days my breast feel soft but I able to pump 60-70 ML for 20 mins.
Is that normal? I a new mom for 1week
This amt at 1 week post partum very good le. But you should try to aim pump every 3 hours. Jiayou
This amt at 1 week post partum very good le. But you should try to aim pump every 3 hours. Jiayou

Oh thanks
Was thinking not hard so inside empty?
To increase supply I think water/liquid is very important
I been drinking a lot of red date / soup/ even the sauce in the steam fish.
Just keep feeling thirsty
Me... I'm starting on 1 April on a 3-day work week. What r ur return to work arrangements like?

Bought a Babyzen Yoyo...

I go polyclinic for follow up and jabs and chose a pd nearer to home.... Where do u live? You need a pd recommendation? Actually my initial pd at TMC is quite good... If not for the distance I would have stayed with him...

Hey @gateway junkie long time no see!

I took 16 weeks straight. That's my organization culture ba, if not go back overwhelmed by work, 3 day workweek also become 7 day workweek lol.

For those breast feeding mummies whose period have came alr, I I found this in a Chinese TCM maternity book I borrowed, just sharing.
Disclaimer- I hv not tried myself so I dunno whether these work! Let us know if it helps. :)
Can walk slowly ard. Hospital gave me 4 types of pain meds, of which 3 are breastfeeding safe. I only took the first 2 types, dun wan too much pain meds in breastmilk. Pain still bearable after the meds. Not carrying baby at all, which I very much want to. Haiz
No need op right? On pain killer can solve e prob? Did doc say prob might come back again?

Really cannot carry bb when u hurt ur back! Don't take it lightly. I hurt my back during #1, although not as serious as ur case, I seek TCM treatment for nearly 1yr b4 feeling better.
Have anybody tried the fisher price infant to toddler bouncer? Is it good? Thot of getting it so that can use for longer time..
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For those breast feeding mummies whose period have came alr, I I found this in a Chinese TCM maternity book I borrowed, just sharing.
Disclaimer- I hv not tried myself so I dunno whether these work! Let us know if it helps. :)
I have been having spotting since delivery... Stop a couple of days in 2/3wk, follow by a few days of black blood then back to spotting again. Haven't stop using liner at all. U all stop as in totally clean?
No need op right? On pain killer can solve e prob? Did doc say prob might come back again?

Really cannot carry bb when u hurt ur back! Don't take it lightly. I hurt my back during #1, although not as serious as ur case, I seek TCM treatment for nearly 1yr b4 feeling better.
No need op. Took xray everything seems ok according to doc. Its just the muscle sprain. Can only wait for it to heal by itself. Hopefully no need to rely on pain meds too long.
Not sure if anyone shares the same sentiments as me but it seems taking care of a NB is more stressful than being in the office ! give me a taX computation to complete with a tight deadline is better than taking care of bb cos at least there is some element of control on my part !!
Haha same sentiments... Will get better once routine is established... Hang in there
thanks dear(;

Actually i am not too sure. pd told me its fungal infection. But the skin specialist says they can't confirm so got to do blood test to check.

Mine look like that. My mil say maybe is milk powder too heaty. Shall monitor now.


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Not sure if anyone shares the same sentiments as me but it seems taking care of a NB is more stressful than being in the office ! give me a taX computation to complete with a tight deadline is better than taking care of bb cos at least there is some element of control on my part !!

Ya agreed. I rather go work too. Me take care 2 ...more stressful too. Till nw still.not enough slp. Haizz
Not sure if anyone shares the same sentiments as me but it seems taking care of a NB is more stressful than being in the office ! give me a taX computation to complete with a tight deadline is better than taking care of bb cos at least there is some element of control on my part !!
I miss the adult interaction about sth else other than my Bb....
hows ur babyzen yoyo?

The ride/steering is very smooth and it's really easy to maneuver around. Setting up and folding it is also pretty easy but you need to bend down to fold it, compared with the one-hand operation in the Japanese strollers...
Another question.. When not pumping, there this slight pain at nipple area.. Dunno how to describe.. 隐隐作痛..is it infection?
Not sure if anyone shares the same sentiments as me but it seems taking care of a NB is more stressful than being in the office ! give me a taX computation to complete with a tight deadline is better than taking care of bb cos at least there is some element of control on my part !!
Haha same sentiments... Will get better once routine is established... Hang in there
Ya agreed. I rather go work too. Me take care 2 ...more stressful too. Till nw still.not enough slp. Haizz
I miss the adult interaction about sth else other than my Bb....

Lol looks like I am the only one thinking abt not gg back to work!
I have the bouncer in the link below... It's quite wide so def can last till toddler but it doesn't really bounce or rock, the recline/rocking motion is quite gentle, which is not a bad thing...


Is the fabric hot? Currently I let lo sleep in a little travel cot thing when in living room but the fabric of the mattress is a bit towel/ furry kind and he gets darn hot n sweaty when sleeping in it.
Anyone of your lo comfort latch? My lo always need to latch and nurse to sleep :( recently she has trouble falling asleep. she w fall asleep on my breast and after unlatching her, she will be wide awake.. after an hr she will want to nurse..

Anyone of your lo comfort latch? My lo always need to latch and nurse to sleep :( recently she has trouble falling asleep. she w fall asleep on my breast and after unlatching her, she will be wide awake.. after an hr she will want to nurse..
Mine comfort latch sometimes. I always let him unlatch himself. Sometimes I fall asleep too as he comfort latch. Sometimes I will just look at him, enjoying the moment. But since my mil is sometimes the care giver at night, she has manage to use her own way to make him slp.
