(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

have you sound him out ... lolz ... he dare to handle baby ? mine dare not .. cos he said baby so small ..so fragile .. only when my #1 started walking then he start to help out

My sis hub bo bian, coz my sis bb is so small then she herself is scare of handling her. 2.4kg nia very dainty. haha So her hub gotta help carry and feed sometimes.

carbo = sugar leh ...did you eat alot of carbo stuff

have you sound him out ... lolz ... he dare to handle baby ? mine dare not .. cos he said baby so small ..so fragile .. only when my #1 started walking then he start to help out

Haha he says he dare wor... we shall see! Hehe. I don't care ah, even if he don't dare he better practice till he dare, cannot expect me to do it all by myself right! Plus 99% I c sect, might not be too mobile for a while.
My sis hub bo bian, coz my sis bb is so small then she herself is scare of handling her. 2.4kg nia very dainty. haha So her hub gotta help carry and feed sometimes.
Haha he says he dare wor... we shall see! Hehe. I don't care ah, even if he don't dare he better practice till he dare, cannot expect me to do it all by myself right! Plus 99% I c sect, might not be too mobile for a while.

mine only carry and feed milk and let #1 lay on his chest and sleep .. nothing else ..changing clothes or diaper or bath are out for him lolz

trust me you will be mobile on day 2 or 3 after c sect lolz ..no diff lolz
Rice also contain a lot of sugar, bread also. more like carbo la. Luckily my urine strip all normal, doc haven order glucose test yet.
I drink soya milk with 25% sugar only.

Wah carbo I sure jia lat. Yesterday I passed my urine test but they still scheduled me for the glucose test next visit. Think KK very by the book, I even have to attend a mandatory breast feeding counseling session. I cannot resist rice n fries!
Wah carbo I sure jia lat. Yesterday I passed my urine test but they still scheduled me for the glucose test next visit. Think KK very by the book, I even have to attend a mandatory breast feeding counseling session. I cannot resist rice n fries!
u mean now 100% go KKH no more to your private gynea ? or you attending to both now

i guess doing it also no harm :p
u mean now 100% go KKH no more to your private gynea ? or you attending to both now

i guess doing it also no harm :p

At the moment I'm attending both, my next Mt E visit is 18 Oct, n KK is scheduling me for a growth scan + glucose test end of the month, which I'm ok w since my gynae don't do separate detailed scans, just regular routine scans. We r going to play it by ear I guess, see how long I can stay preggy. If I can make it to around 35 wks, then I can deliver at Mt E. 18 Dec, I got it marked down big big in my calendar already, fingers crossed!
wah chim.. doc told me i have low placenta but said not to worry.

Don't worry mine is a very jia lat case. Grade 4 placenta previa major, that's why it's very tricky. If yours is only low laying n not complete previa, u have a v good chance of it moving up. A lot of my colleagues experienced the same n all can tahan to full term with vaginal delivery.
For me, depending on when beanie makes his grand entrance (pls pls pls at least till after Xmas), I plan to take 12-14 wks. Then balance maybe give hubby 1-2 weeks. Can share nowadays right?

I plan to take 12-14 weeks too. Then give hubby 1 week.

So, first 2 weeks (paternity leave + 1 week leave I gave him), he will be able to bond with the baby and we can help each other. Hope everything goes smoothly.
i went taka only buy pigeon breastpad, 2 for $25.
went to medala enquire abt swing. told the promoter the last time I used mine is 3yrs back and whether she can help me check if it's in working condition.
she told me usually ppl buy new one. I said so ex and u meant can only use 1 time. she said yes. aiyo, think she only a part time promoter there.
pigeon romper selling 4 for $10. nt very crowded. can't find any cute mittens and booties.

Wah..so fun! I cannot spend already. Spent so much at Baby fair last week. Hahahaha!

But, I settled most stuff. Left with breast pads, changing mat for changing station ( I wanna buy the thick type at Mothercare) and other misc items such as soaps, maternity pads and bras. Will continue my shopping next month.

My husband so cute. He bought a tigger blanket for the baby. Now, every night he sleeps with that blanket and hug my tummy. Hahahahaha! I think it helps him to feel closer to the baby. Dnt know if it is my hormones, but nowadays I get teary eyes looking at my husband's antics. Yesterday, the stroller arrived and he pushed that stroller around in our house! Hahahahaha!
Waaaah all i do is lose weight. i very stress sometimes. scared not giving enough food to baby!

1st trimester i lost 4kg. Then at 20 weeks, finally gained 3kg but i think it was all durian weight. cos i kept eating durian and durian mooncakes.
Then my checkup last week, i lost 3kg again. Ironically, i'm overweight and pre-pregnancy, wanna shift 1 kg also damn hard!
My gynae said baby is growing well, so not to worry.. Maybe baby greedy take all my food. That's why i'm losing weight.

NUH never call me about my glucose test so i'm guessing my glucose level is normal though.
My gynae also say the same thing yesterday! She say baby is fat! I gained 3.5kg since I last saw her which is abt 6.5-7 weeks ago. Told me to cut down sugar intake and take glucose test next visit... Meow...
I don't have habit of eating sweets and cookies, and hv cut down substantially on soft drinks (just occasional 100plus) , what other sugar. to cut down? No sugar in my life lei- confused...

Google for eat clean recipes! Basically avoid all processed food, white rice, white bread, food with artificial sugars.
A bit hard to eat brown rice so i eat wholemeal bread instead and skip rice. Eat more vege and lean meat instead to make u feel full
Wah..so fun! I cannot spend already. Spent so much at Baby fair last week. Hahahaha!

But, I settled most stuff. Left with breast pads, changing mat for changing station ( I wanna buy the thick type at Mothercare) and other misc items such as soaps, maternity pads and bras. Will continue my shopping next month.

My husband so cute. He bought a tigger blanket for the baby. Now, every night he sleeps with that blanket and hug my tummy. Hahahahaha! I think it helps him to feel closer to the baby. Dnt know if it is my hormones, but nowadays I get teary eyes looking at my husband's antics. Yesterday, the stroller arrived and he pushed that stroller around in our house! Hahahahaha!
for me.. my hb said that it seems my mood swings are back. i.e. get angry / irritated over seemingly trivial things. sigh.
Wah..so fun! I cannot spend already. Spent so much at Baby fair last week. Hahahaha!

But, I settled most stuff. Left with breast pads, changing mat for changing station ( I wanna buy the thick type at Mothercare) and other misc items such as soaps, maternity pads and bras. Will continue my shopping next month.

My husband so cute. He bought a tigger blanket for the baby. Now, every night he sleeps with that blanket and hug my tummy. Hahahahaha! I think it helps him to feel closer to the baby. Dnt know if it is my hormones, but nowadays I get teary eyes looking at my husband's antics. Yesterday, the stroller arrived and he pushed that stroller around in our house! Hahahahaha!

your hb so sweeeet!!
@Sugarlove87 , ur hub is very sweet, he is really looking forward to meeting ur lil one. my colleague hub also super gan keong, everything he buy, my colleague have to stop him from buying.
My hub let me choose a stroller with white polka dots on the inside. hahaha my sis hub look at him and say, u sure u wanna push this around? hahhaa
Google for eat clean recipes! Basically avoid all processed food, white rice, white bread, food with artificial sugars.
A bit hard to eat brown rice so i eat wholemeal bread instead and skip rice. Eat more vege and lean meat instead to make u feel full

I see, that y u are losing weight instead of gaining. You are eating really healthy too. must learn from you..
My gynae also say the same thing yesterday! She say baby is fat! I gained 3.5kg since I last saw her which is abt 6.5-7 weeks ago. Told me to cut down sugar intake and take glucose test next visit... Meow...
I don't have habit of eating sweets and cookies, and hv cut down substantially on soft drinks (just occasional 100plus) , what other sugar. to cut down? No sugar in my life lei- confused...

Cut down on carbohydrates as they break down to sugars.

Eat less starch - rice, noodles, potato, bread. If can, go for whole grain options, eg. Wholemeal bread instead of white bread.

Drinks - cut down on juices, milo, coffee, tea etc. Only milk or water.

Fruits - no avocado, grapes, mango, melon. Stick to apples and oranges.

I gained 2 kg in the last month, bb was 700+g which doc says is a bit fat, so he ask me to control my diet and to put me down for glucose test next month.... The above things are what he tell me cannot take.... Although I will still take some sweet stuff in moderation. Cannot resist!
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Oh noes I drinking alot of avocado. No avocado I constipated lehhh. But this month my weight gain seems slower than last month. Hope everything goes well for my appt on 15th
Oh noes I drinking alot of avocado. No avocado I constipated lehhh. But this month my weight gain seems slower than last month. Hope everything goes well for my appt on 15th
avocado with honey ..yum yum ..
think i also need to cut down on avocado lolz in case i breach teh 2kg quota lolz
i went taka only buy pigeon breastpad, 2 for $25.
went to medala enquire abt swing. told the promoter the last time I used mine is 3yrs back and whether she can help me check if it's in working condition.
she told me usually ppl buy new one. I said so ex and u meant can only use 1 time. she said yes. aiyo, think she only a part time promoter there.
pigeon romper selling 4 for $10. nt very crowded. can't find any cute mittens and booties.

so managed to check anot? bec i wanted to bring my freestyle down too kekeke
Wah carbo I sure jia lat. Yesterday I passed my urine test but they still scheduled me for the glucose test next visit. Think KK very by the book, I even have to attend a mandatory breast feeding counseling session. I cannot resist rice n fries!
Mandatory bf counselling ?? I nv kenna leh haha maybe my gynae knows i dun intend to bf
Waaaah all i do is lose weight. i very stress sometimes. scared not giving enough food to baby!

1st trimester i lost 4kg. Then at 20 weeks, finally gained 3kg but i think it was all durian weight. cos i kept eating durian and durian mooncakes.
Then my checkup last week, i lost 3kg again. Ironically, i'm overweight and pre-pregnancy, wanna shift 1 kg also damn hard!
My gynae said baby is growing well, so not to worry.. Maybe baby greedy take all my food. That's why i'm losing weight.

NUH never call me about my glucose test so i'm guessing my glucose level is normal though.
Dun worry lah..

My pre pregnancy weight 72kg.

End up i lost 6kg till now nv gain back to replace.

Now i am 69kg only. Need another 3 kg... gynae also says nvm
eat that and.. drink a lot of water immed after :D
my water intake not less one ( i am now on my 4th bottle of 600ml ) ... i think my gal is going thru growth spurt lah ...i notice got a few days a month sure super hungry ... after that few hungry it is normal or no appetite to balance off the extra food intake lolz ...
I had too much breadtalk breads! Cause it's just below my office one out of mrt I will buy. Think got to homemade bread to bring to office... Hope my Gynae doesn't scold me later.

every day breadtalk not shiong meh lolz and not tired of the variety there meh lolz
my water intake not less one ( i am now on my 4th bottle of 600ml ) ... i think my gal is going thru growth spurt lah ...i notice got a few days a month sure super hungry ... after that few hungry it is normal or no appetite to balance off the extra food intake lolz ...
no no what i meant is ah, immediately after u eat the bread, u drink a lot of water cos the bread will expand also mah. so u feel full lor.
I had too much breadtalk breads! Cause it's just below my office one out of mrt I will buy. Think got to homemade bread to bring to office... Hope my Gynae doesn't scold me later.
Yeah my gynae specifically say to me, no bakery buns, can only eat sliced bread from home. and must be wholemeal bread.... :(
every day breadtalk not shiong meh lolz and not tired of the variety there meh lolz

Baby like the cheese bread, everyday can eat that or else their packed sandwich (egg and ham). Sometimes I eat joe and dough croissant, it's very nice but exp. Even my tea break I also wanna eat bread... This time must stop Liao or else I will get 面包脸.
no no what i meant is ah, immediately after u eat the bread, u drink a lot of water cos the bread will expand also mah. so u feel full lor.
oh..i see ... my bread sure go with a big cup of milk leh...should be enuff to expand but still hungry these 2 days at 9.30am lolz
Just eat small portion with many meals. At least wont gain too much.
dun help leh ..cos not filling enuff ...will continue hungry

Baby like the cheese bread, everyday can eat that or else their packed sandwich (egg and ham). Sometimes I eat joe and dough croissant, it's very nice but exp. Even my tea break I also wanna eat bread... This time must stop Liao or else I will get 面包脸.
packed sandwich .. hmm

oh..i see ... my bread sure go with a big cup of milk leh...should be enuff to expand but still hungry these 2 days at 9.30am lolz

dun help leh ..cos not filling enuff ...will continue hungry

packed sandwich .. hmm

Ya cooked egg and ham, hot sandwich haha.. very yummy
