(2014) ivf mummies support group

Hi Fellow Mums!

Inspired by my own newborn, I recently set up new company and would like to gather some feedback. Our company is offering a monthly membership service for parents to send their babies and toddlers (aged 0 to 6 years old) to different playgroups and enrichment classes across areas such as sports, music, art, and languages . Our partners are established playgroups and enrichment class providers in Singapore.

For a membership fee of about $150 to $200, parents can send their toddlers to 4 to 5 classes at our partners' centers for free.

What do you think of such a concept ? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks ! :)

Yeah i am also excited to go to the fair with buddy to shop till drop.
Cheery any good lobang for the fair this time round?
Lynncandy i din preorder anything this time round. stock up the wipes in apr fair.. looking forward to supermom fair for pigeon products

Faithfullyyours, i using merries during the day & drypers nights for my twins. yap agree tt drypers the poo wun leak n can hold quite well

stated solids on my twins applying the 4 day rule.. so far given them avocado, apples, avocado banana, heinz baby rice w milk, butternut squash w baby rice.. 2 oz per feed.. once or twice a day

they poo at least once a day since introduction of solids.. so i wash their butt using showerhead instead of using wipes now.. Easier faster n cleaner.. ;)
Cheery, I haven't started using Drypers. My Drypers is to replace Petpet. So Drypers for day use. I use Merries for night use.

So you use shower head to wash their butt. Cold water?
Today I saw this Pigeon feeding spoons set and bought it to try. It's so easy to feed with these spoons, seriously. I was using Oxo Tot feeding spoon all along but I find it hard to scoop the right amount of food on the spoon for my girl to eat. Sometimes too much, then the food will come out of her mouth. With this spoons, there are stoppers so the amount will be just right. Plus the spoons are thinner so it fits my girl's mouth perfectly.

Anyone using the same spoons?
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That's my first set of utensil. But my mum finds it too swallow and can't feed much. So use the set from lucky baby
Faithfullyyours, oic i used drypers when they are newborn.. then start using my stock up merries as they grow.. Tried onwards during their promotion but find it not as good will leak easily n the tape not durable..

night i use drypers nights cos no need to change till the next morning after i shower them before bed.. i use lukewarm temp water abt 37deg based on my hand sensor from the shower head to wash their butt. sit on a small stool from daiso then just straighten both my legs n support them on my thighs to wash front n back..

i using momtastic website for guidelines n recipes in introducing food for them.. butternut squash also known as butternut pumpkin is highly nutritional. i bought it from ntuc extra.. Usually those bigger supermarkets will have..

as i started introducing rice so add veggie puree to go with the rice.. not giving them brown rice yet as their digestive system not ready yet.. stay with baby rice or millet porridge first.. those easier to digest food... mb 7-8 mths then introduce the moon rabbit brown rice
i m using munchkin spoons

Glad tt i have the avent steam n blend.. it's so convenient.. just turn over to blend after steaming.. then store up those extras portion in oxo cubes in the freezer for subsequent day use..
Faith that's my 1st set too then I got a lot diff spoon like oxo the one using and tommee tippee. But seldom use tommee. I alternate btw oxo and pigeon one.

By the way ladies what time u your babies sleep for the night?
Iwantahealthybaby, i bought them at nex ntuc extra yesterday.. u can ask the staff at veggie department.. it is usually being cut n packed by weight
Yes I agree the Avent steamer and blender is very useful!

I follow the guidelines on which foods are less likely to cause allergy to give first.

I have also started baby led weaning. Let her try a bit of what we are eating during mealtime.

So far I bought organic foods for her.

I also have the Oxo Tot freezer tray but I don't really use it because I don't really like to freeze food and I prefer to prepare fresh food for her. Or the most I put in the Avent storage cup for overnight in the fridge and let her eat it the next day. The Avent storage cup is also very useful because I just need to put the whole cup in the warmer to heat it up.

Cheery, if you freeze the food, how do you thaw it and heat it up before giving it to your twins? My friend who use the tray too said can microwave. But I'm against microwaving my and her food.
Ic. Okok will try if I'm near there. And they sleep through Till next day? Actually good latch easy to sleep. My girls sleep very late and I'm getting abit worried. They turn in 9-10plus. Last time back infant care my elder will nap around 8plus but she confirm wake at 9plus and then don't want sleep after that. Now they back infant they don't nap already all the way till 9plus.
Yeah I started threadfin for her already because fish is less likely to cause any allergy. She's taking it fine. I also let her try salmon too but she doesn't seem to like it. Maybe because salmon has a very distinctive smell.

My friend has even started giving egg yolk. But I know egg yolk belongs to the sometimes can cause allergy category.
Talking about sleep. My girl is still waking up every hour!!! I used to make her bedtime at 10 pm. Now I bring forward. 8.30 pm or 9 pm.

My girl is super active and energetic! Nowadays she's fighting against sleep. Like today, she woke up at 11 plus in the morning, then I brought her out. We reached home around 3 plus in the afternoon then I tried to make her nap. She refused even when I latched her. Then I let her play. She showed no sign of tiredness. Then finally I cradle carried her and walked around in the house and she fell asleep at 6 plus. About 20 minutes later, she woke up!
not all food can freeze..those tt mixwith breastmilk usually i dun freeze.. avocado, banana etc.. i serve them fresh on the day of preparation... apples, butternut i froze up cos they are perishable better to preserve the nutrients n lock it up in freezer then it degrades in the fridge.. i read up actually the nutrients will be retained when freeze up..

i only buy organic if necessary.. as recommended by the momtastic website eg apples, one of the dirtiest food.. avocado, banana n butternut not required to be organic

i will use room temp water in a bowl to thaw it first.. then use hot water to warm it up before serving them.. i dun like to microwave my food so nv buy microwave machine for my home

iwantahealthybaby, they dun sttn.. wake up once or twice in the middle of night to latch

faith mb ur girl overstimulated tts y fighting against sleep?
how old is your friend bb? Cos usually certain food introduce at later stage.. there are so many food for them to try.. with the 4 day wait rule n food chart recommendation.. i just slowly introduce.. no hurry hehe
But it's good to sleep early I guess. Faith my younger also like your girl super active. Can kick and play doesn't want to sleep. My girls doesn't like salmon too but I will continue trying.
wow so fast introduce egg.. she started solids on 4th mth?
lol me too if they cannot finish i eat since the nutrients will pass back to them from my bm hehe
Side chat. Anyone using yaolan? Is it stable? What type and particular brand are you using? Thinking of getting since weather is getting hotter
My baby quit yaolan after 3 months haha i think yaolan is better for newborn onwards for those difficult baby like mine so that they can sleep more. Similar like when they are in our stomach. If now so late already your baby can sleep without it will be good. Now is the time to quit haha.
Ok talking about egg, yes my pd ask me to give my baby egg yolk.she had been taking 3 times a week so far so good. After that next month i will start with egg white.
Cheery don't introduce meat to your babies too late. You can use that to cook soup and then use the soup to make porridge.
Btw anyone hear of moony diaper?anyone try before?
Here is the 4 to 9 month chart given by my pd. It is printed by mamil dumex. So don't miss the chance of giving them for this period. After 9 month got another chart.


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lynn i just started them with solids.. no hurry to introduce meat.. planning to do so in their 8th mth.. too early now.. fruits, veggie puree, rice in their 6th mth then brown rice, kale, mango etc in 7th mth..
For me I introduce but didn follow the 4day rule. Actually if got allergy after one meal should know right? I haven't intro eggs. I heard moony but no try before. I'm just using mamy poko for them. Previously using drypers but I think my younger abit allergy to drypers so I stop. Huggies fitting doesn't fit them well after they upgrade to size s only when JB and nb they wear suitable. Merries I find also a bit big when size s but now I haven't try. Merries very ex I also budget lol.
can try lynn. my girl use drypers got rashes but I don't know is due to drypers or what cause I remember they used before few months ago nothing happen. thought u using mamy poko why don't stick to it. I using mamy poko now.
Those gave birth in KKH, did you all happen to receive this Tommee Tippee Twin Taste Feeding Bowl with Heat Sensor Feeding Spoon? It's a free gift.

I used this bowl to feed my girl when we were outside yesterday. I find it very convenient! What amazed me was the heat sensor feeding spoon! When I poured hot water to sterilise the spoon, it changed colour from red to yellow. Initially I thought the spoon was spoiled due to the hot water but when I ran it under tap water, the yellow colour changed back to red.
I wanna ask how many oz or ml of solids are your babies eating now?

Yesterday, I gave my girl 5 oz of potato & broccoli purée and she could finish it. I wonder is it too much at 7 months?
Faith! I got the twin bowl but it's not a free gift! I bought it myself. How come foc??? Why I don't have?? You got it from Kkh? Who give? I feel cheated!

My younger can eat and drink a lot compare to elder. Now she is 180ml average 3-3.5hrly. Solid she can finish almost half of a 250ml thermal flask lol.
My girl coming 8 months is eating 1 bowl is porridge with puree mixed in. Milk only 150ml. She is drinking water every now and then also. These few days intake drop due to after injection. My girl every month is taking injection until 12 months. Giving her optional jabs.
Mine only take 1 or 2 oz only.. started solids for 2 wks now but still prefer to drink bm after solids...

i also dun have the twin bowl lei...

lynn why do many optional jabs? i tot after 6in1 n pneumococcal have to wait till 1 yr old onwards then can take jabs like MMR chickenpox or booster for rotavirus n others??
Mine is influenza jab for 2 months. My girl kenna influenza A when she was 2.5 months. So i want to give her the jab.
This is the schedule by my pd. My girl is coming to 8 months but she is 2 months behind schedule as she was sick that time. So by the time i finish the influenza will be her 10th month. Rest at 11th month then 12th month another jab.
For private only go for 1 jab at 1 time that's why need longer time for the jab.


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Everyone is so quiet? Btw is your car seat can sit until baby very big? Mine is infant car seat only so need to change to a bigger one. Any recommendations?
There is baby expo fair this weekend.

Baby is sick since Tuesday. Fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat and UTI. Brought her to see PD on Thursday. She is recovering. Praise the Lord!

She somehow loses her appetite. Don't know if it's due to her sickness. Refuse to eat much solids. I hope it's temporary.
faith-hope she is recoverin well! mayb try 2give milk instead.... btw how did é doc diagnose UTI?

i manage 2feed cereal on my own.. messy.. mummy learning too.. organic bottle carrot puree baby dun like...

Mr girl lost appetite also. Slim down a lot after her injection. Now she is no longer the blurr blurr baby give me feed. Don't want to eat can use hand and push the bowl or milk away.
