(2014) ivf mummies support group

My engorgement is killing me... :(

I think my supply is ok. But i cos i latch on so i dunno how much to give.

I check with u gals arh. If i pump out breastmilk into the storage bag. I can store normal fridge compartment for how long?

I was using avent natural bottles but the tip is too wide so I change to nuk which is good. However I don't like the bottle reading. Very hard to read how much is the amount. I still like avent just that natural the tip too wide so thinking of trying avent classic.
Omg.. all along I am using avent pump no power that's why my milk seems low. But now too late for me to buy another pump as I think my supply no more already. Maybe next pregnancy then I learn from experience know what to do. Lynn is no. 1 to give up bm. Somemore now busy settling up my another room for baby to come back. Bought sofa bed this and that new bedsheet.
I was using avent natural bottles but the tip is too wide so I change to nuk which is good. However I don't like the bottle reading. Very hard to read how much is the amount. I still like avent just that natural the tip too wide so thinking of trying avent classic.
Omg.. all along I am using avent pump no power that's why my milk seems low. But now too late for me to buy another pump as I think my supply no more already. Maybe next pregnancy then I learn from experience know what to do. Lynn is no. 1 to give up bm. Somemore now busy settling up my another room for baby to come back. Bought sofa bed this and that new bedsheet.

U still can stimulate milk as long as u give ur bb latch on or try power pump u using nuk Classic or wide neck bottle if classic is difficult to read frm the bottle if wide neck is easier to read I'm using wide neck so far so good I dun like classic very difficult to read I bought 4 bottles end up use awhile then I go trade in for medela bottle
joy-hopefully end of dec.. still strugglin with settin up passed on cots... n buyin mattresses....

doc say anytim labour starts he will not stop it n will brg the baby out coz est 2.9kg already.. now almost 36wks...

i read u ladies journey on confinm n brf-ing.. jia you.. i jus feel if we can survive é heart wrenchin 2ww stimulatñ er... we can conquer anythg!!

circles-hope ur bb girl doin well!!
Hi joy_meme, she is ok. Mine is a different set of challenge. I totally cannot entertain the thought of giving up breast milk cos it is the only thing she can take now. so no matter how difficult or tired or painful, still got to make sure that milk continues to flow.

and I kanna abrasion at top of v area plus stitches plus piles. The whole area below have been in pain, biting and stinging me. I can't sit or stand or walk or lie down. really made me cry man.

And my girl can only drink 30 ml every 2 hrs. recently she gets so hungry that she keeps crying all night. Heng my mom helps me a lot. Else I would have gone crazy.

Today saw doc and happy to hear that everything is on track. can increase her milk input and we finally getting some peace in the house :)
circles-what happened 2ur skin?? is it a continuatñ from é pregnancy? tak good care..
I also dunno. but I guess it is usual. I used to get cuts from my pads previously. This time... got to wear pads for so long... just a matter of time that I will get cut. I already tried to apply diaper rash cream but still happened. and this time, still got to continue wearing cos lochia haven end.

piles is continuation from pregnancy. eating the multivitamins and calcium also makes it worse. even with stool softener, I still bleed.
Circles u got very sensitive skin to begin with I guess. Plus the daily wearing of pads will make it worse. Try to change as often as possible let the area "breathe" more might help abit. Glad to hear your girl is progressing well now. Pump more cause your girl appetite will grow even larger soon. Keep positive!

Bud I using avent natural range cause really like the whole package. I keep changing milk bottles but in end I personally like avent the best. Bottle small easy to handle. The milk reading also easy to see especially for the older folks when they need prepare fm. I think all pump got a certain standard it won't b that bad just that got to keep pumping to generate more milk.

I am pumping now as I type, I realise my milk has drop. Don't know it's something I eat that affect or what. Ever since I try s1 yesterday I realise my supply never cross 100ml each side unless i pump pass 4 hours mark. Previously my yield was 100ml for left side and right side 80-100ml using m1 then since yesterday every pump each side only 70-80ml :( pathetic. I thought might be s1 problem so I use back m1 same thing happen :(
Yah... seems like my skin there super delicate. last time irregular menses so never realise.

Iwantahealthybaby, my yield also drop. I am hoping it is becos I am tired. If we are relaxed and happy then milk will flow better.

my ml is an advocate of happy bf. so she rather I do 4hrly pump cos more humane. 3hrly super siong and tired.
my 45 hrs birth story: go in to induce with first pill 2am. Dilate 1cm. n sec pill (12hr apart)but only dilate 2cm after 24 hr. Req for Csect but dr said to give another try. Put in 3rd pill(12 hr later) break waterbag but only dilate 5cm for 1 whole day. I req for Csect as I can't tolerate the pain any more even though I m on epi (4 tubes used for1 day).
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Wah Kitkat! your baby drinking alot! doc was only allowing 30ml every 2hrly. yesterday then increase to 50ml but 3hrly.

Hmmm recently like more inducing cases ending with csect. initially I was scared of inducing also... but my colleagues told me that got alot of natural births too..

Kitkats, how is your wound recovering? good? mine all at sensitive area so sometimes wanna cry. I even wondered if i was better off with csect then piles won't be so bad. It got worse during the pushing :(
my 45 hrs birth story: go in to induce with first pill 2am. Dilate 1cm. n sec pill (12hr apart)but only dilate 2cm after 24 hr. Req for Csect but dr said to give another try. Put in 3rd pill(12 hr later) break waterbag but only dilate 5cm for 1 whole day. I req for Csect as I can't tolerate the pain any more even though I m on epi (4 tubes used for1 day).

Wow hw come doc tan can ask you to give another try but never ask mi to wait
Iwahb, which seller did you order from Qoo10? How long is the delivery? Does yours have warranty? I found one online seller from Malaysia on Facebook: Kangalove. They have available stock now and I can collect at Choa Chu Kang tonight if I confirm my order. They are selling Spectra S1 at $300 and M1 at $200.
Haha my next baby then I buy pump. Now totally zero already. Btw I have change to avent classic which seems alright. Shall monitor again and see how. I still like avent bottles.
Sigh my work place ask me to check emails every now and then. I really no time.. taking care of baby the time is fully there very hard to have better time management.
Buddy, are we supposed to book appointment with polyclinic for 2nd hep B dose ? Understand from my friend 2nd dose is in 1 month.
Faithfullyours I got my s1 from my summer baby. $290 double pump. as for m1 I got my from Gracia shepherd (can check out her fb) but I got my m1 quite ex cause my flange was not the original and in end I got extra original one from her. Initial I order size 19 but I didn know it's not a original m1 set as in the size 19 flanges are not spectra accessories. They modify the set. So in end I wanted original so order a size 28 flange again from her asking for original. So all in all my m1 is almost same price as s1 :( anyway for me I think size 28 is the correct size for me.

U can check out my summer love got her mobile on site. u can sms her for details.

Kitkats yr boy is drinking a lot :) good chubby chubby also good.

I am trying to make fm a dessert for them not bm but I doubt able to do so now that my yield is decreasing.

Circle don't know why hor we religiously pump yet instead of increasing it's decreasing :( so demoralising.
what is the milk killer I have eaten! as for adequate rest I doubt I really have it since the day I discharge from hospital.

bud so have your change your bottles today? I am trying to give my girls 120 ml soon. now trying to store 120ml bm per bottle. but given my reduced yield I think got to combine few pumps in order to make a fill 2 cups of 120ml for each of them.
Yeah I change my bottle today. Seems ok but still trying. My mum prefer avent but the initial natural I used baby find it hard to eat. The classic one seems better but just monitor to try.
So the injection is it just book already?
Cheery and the rest waiting game? Cheery I postpone my massage with sue and she told me to contact her after week 6 to see if she is free so sad. I manage to book emma for week 6 and will try sue after that. Heard there is this aunty rose also good.
what is the milk killer I have eaten! as for adequate rest I doubt I really have it since the day I discharge from hospital.

bud so have your change your bottles today? I am trying to give my girls 120 ml soon. now trying to store 120ml bm per bottle. but given my reduced yield I think got to combine few pumps in order to make a fill 2 cups of 120ml for each of them.

Depends on what u have taken lor... Certain food ppl take Liao their milk intake drop otherwise u try taking oats cookie will increase ur milk or durian helps thicken milk n boost milk according to some mummy
Lynn, mine will be elective csect schedule next wk. Went for last review today did ctg n dr say so far so good unless emergency then go str to delivery suite. that's good pls lemme know how's ur session after tt ;)
Will contact her after delivery.. mb after 8 wks or longer than do the massage depends on the wound recovery
Depends on what u have taken lor... Certain food ppl take Liao their milk intake drop otherwise u try taking oats cookie will increase ur milk or durian helps thicken milk n boost milk according to some mummy
Snow does instant oats helps with milk supply? I have been taking it daily for my brekkie since wk 28. Add in walnuts to go along with.
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Wah Kitkat! your baby drinking alot! doc was only allowing 30ml every 2hrly. yesterday then increase to 50ml but 3hrly.

Hmmm recently like more inducing cases ending with csect. initially I was scared of inducing also... but my colleagues told me that got alot of natural births too..

Kitkats, how is your wound recovering? good? mine all at sensitive area so sometimes wanna cry. I even wondered if i was better off with csect then piles won't be so bad. It got worse during the pushing :(
So far my csect wound still ok.
See dr if it become unbearable, ok.. Don't endure...

Btw ladies who bought binder. Where u buy, how much n how to measure ur size?
@ iwantahealthybaby huh! Seriously so what the website posted on sizes are not original? I just bought from gracia Shepherd n expecting to collect on 28/11. I bought size 25. I hope the m1 set I got is correct :/
ete size 25 is original don't worry, m1 flanges is 25 and 28. for me initially gracia shepherd told me measure the flange is nipple size +6mm so I got 19mm and I think 19 spectra don't have so she give me another modify set one so my connection of m1 is not like the original.

cheery week 38 is good. u are in good hands, mine also csec on 38 weeks..share with us what weight your babies is. so exciting another twin mummy joining soon.
Maybe coz during induce u have some complication?

Anyway I rather don't wait. Waste $ n gain more pain only..

Dun have leh I dun have any complications leh or maybe they worried abt the bb heartbeat ba
My binder bought frm kkh the nurse over there nv ask u to take sample frm the pharmacy n try out meh if the size ok than buy
kitkats, The nurse gave me the binder during my stay and help me to bind of course charge to the bill also. Initially they gave me size m first few days. Then after like 1 week when stomach reduce size change to size s. You can get from pharmacy.
I am feeling super depressed and sad now. Just now my girl was crying. I carried her and she continued to cry but the moment my CL carried her, she stopped crying immediately. Then my CL said she knows how to recognise people already and I thought she was only making me feel worse. What should I do? How can I correct this now? I don't like this feeling and frankly speaking, I don't like my girl to be too attached to my CL because the moment she leaves, I'll be in deep trouble if she is too attached to her. I still latch my girl but only latch during certain time during the day because I realise the cons of having a CL is that they don't usually like babies to cry. So they will tend to feed them to their fullest in order to keep babies quiet for a few hours. I notice my CL will always try to "snatch" my girl away from me the moment she cries, especially when I'm latching and she will always ask if my girl is suckling. I feel like telling her that I will just hire her for 1 month. Honestly, right from the start, I did not want a CL because I know this will kind of happen.
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Faithfully, I agreed cL will tend to feed bb to fullest to keep them quiet. And my cl doesn't allow me to carry him often. I know she want to have easier time when looking after him as carry him often mean she more bz after it become habit.
Saw this on fb.. hope it helps.. ;)


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Iwantahealthybaby, yesterday scan weight were 2.4kg n 2.2 kg. Hope their actual weight will be heavier next wk when out cos scan only estimation. Btw i was given weekly review from wk 35 n did ctg wkly from wk 36.. 30mins per session.

Snow, lol very funny cos chicken essence made from chicken..
Ete, thanks! I think i better play safe too take later :D
Faithfullyyours, i think bb are very smart n recognise pp to do certain tasks with them very fast. Mb when u latch inform ur cl tt u prefer to have bonding time with ur girl n let her latch n not bottle feed during tt period even if she cries. My 10mth old nephew recognise specific task for each of the ppl in the family.. he always clings on my dh to play with him.. he knows i cant carry him but also consider his playmate.. only my mum, sil n bro can feed him the rest he dun want... he will listen to his dad(my bro) when he teaching him cos he exercise the authority n very firm.. When we tell him something cannot do cos he knows we r his playmates, he will just return a innocent cheeky smile n knows we will let him have his way.. so babies r very smart! They know how to tackle adults at very young n how to test 'water'. So someone in the family must be the bad guy in teaching
I am feeling super depressed and sad now. Just now my girl was crying. I carried her and she continued to cry but the moment my CL carried her, she stopped crying immediately. Then my CL said she knows how to recognise people already and I thought she was only making me feel worse. What should I do? How can I correct this now? I don't like this feeling and frankly speaking, I don't like my girl to be too attached to my CL because the moment she leaves, I'll be in deep trouble if she is too attached to her. I still latch my girl but only latch during certain time during the day because I realise the cons of having a CL is that they don't usually like babies to cry. So they will tend to feed them to their fullest in order to keep babies quiet for a few hours. I notice my CL will always try to "snatch" my girl away from me the moment she cries, especially when I'm latching and she will always ask if my girl is suckling. I feel like telling her that I will just hire her for 1 month. Honestly, right from the start, I did not want a CL because I know this will kind of happen.
At least ur cl leaves after ur confinement.. my in laws is at my hse day n night until I quite pissed. Feel like been monitor thruout the day. I feel I have not much bonding w my bb as they are constantly ard her, sitting besides her cot looking at her sleeping n etc. I really can't take it that I request my dh tell them my gf is visiting me today afternoon, can u ask ur parents dun come. Makes my frd dare not go near my bb cos she feels the eagle eyes on her black when she near my bb.
My own hse yet I cannot latch or pump freely at any place in the hse cos they are always ard. Dun make me pissed n bring bb into my room whenever they are here, it's will b quite nasty by then.
Cheerywalnuts almost same as mine for last visit before opening my stomach. For my case bb weight didn change since last visit maybe just a 3-4days different. Mine was very accurate from last scan. I wasn't given any weekly review nor any ctg scan lol. Guess gynae got super high confidence in me won't deliver earlier than our scheduled date.

Kitkats I bought my binder also from kkh pharmacy, I ask my dh to go down then they ask him bring samples up to my ward to let me try before purchase. In fact no one ask me buy it's myself go ask nurse say I want go pharmacy try binder then they say can bring the sizes up to try instead.

Faithfullyours I am in the same shoes as u, me worst I don't latch so become no bonding with my girls. All my time I just busy pumping. Every 3hrs I need pump so alot of times my mil or her helper take care of my girls and guess what when I carry the girls she cry non stop and when the helper carry she stop crying! This is terrible. I cannot imagine she is used to helper body smell rather than mine! I also feel so down. I didn expect I will feel the jealousy but I did. But there is nothing I can do cause I am really tied up pumping and I am very tired too so trying to get enough rest whenever I can. So when mil and helper around I let them take care. I thought cause I no latch so no bonding. I try skin to skin but my girls don't like naked so naked already cry also. Felt so lost don't know how to create bonding. As for cl trying to feed bb full or snatch bb from u I guess it's their duty. Maybe they feel they are hired to ease your burden during this period so they will try their best to take care everything for u. I guess cl age all almost the same so they got the our mum thinking. Once bb cry don't latch already very hungry already faster give milk bottles type.

Cheery I start eating chicken 12 days later too. Chicken essence I also wait 12 days later but not a big fan of it.
Dolly I totally understand your situation. Previously my case also like that the fil and mil come and keep disturbing my girls especially when they sleeping I so pissed. Then the fil so extra when he around I cannot pump walking around. Need to be stucked in own room. Hate it! Have u finish ur confinement? If yes u can start to bring bb out so try to ask ur in laws don't need come since u not around.

Faithfullyours when U trying to latch bb why don't do it in ur room and lock it to prevent cl access :)
Faithfully, maybe u tell ur cl u will bf alone. Then u lock the door when bf.

My cl trys to come in but i told her no need then i think she caught the hint.

Actually i let my girl slps with cl at night so i can rest well. I put the baby monitor in their room. So i can hear whether she wakes up at night to feed. Actually makes alot of diff. So day time i feel really fresh the whole day...
I am feeling super depressed and sad now. Just now my girl was crying. I carried her and she continued to cry but the moment my CL carried her, she stopped crying immediately. Then my CL said she knows how to recognise people already and I thought she was only making me feel worse. What should I do? How can I correct this now? I don't like this feeling and frankly speaking, I don't like my girl to be too attached to my CL because the moment she leaves, I'll be in deep trouble if she is too attached to her. I still latch my girl but only latch during certain time during the day because I realise the cons of having a CL is that they don't usually like babies to cry. So they will tend to feed them to their fullest in order to keep babies quiet for a few hours. I notice my CL will always try to "snatch" my girl away from me the moment she cries, especially when I'm latching and she will always ask if my girl is suckling. I feel like telling her that I will just hire her for 1 month. Honestly, right from the start, I did not want a CL because I know this will kind of happen.

Is this your first child? Don't listen to your nonsense CL. Babies cry. Period. And they stop crying. Period. Your baby is too young to recognize people. When you feed your baby, don't allow CL to take baby away. Tell CL FIRMLY that you will call her to take baby when u r done. Also, tell CL not to carry baby all the time. Put baby down if bb not crying. If you have helper or any other help at home, get them to take turns carrying bb so that bb is used to being carried by different pple. Bottom line - tell CL FIRMLY!

It's ok to not carry your bb too much initially. If u had csect u need to be careful about carrying weights and for too long coz of the womb. Can carry but sit down, don't carry too long, etc. Even if u had natural, u also should be mindful. Reason being our insides are still 'wet' and recovering. Carrying weights (tho bb is light) may cause the womb to descend. Both Gynae and Malay massage lady advised me. Massage lady would even push up my womb during her massage sessions.

Also, be firm and fierce need be, else your cfmt lady may be stubborn. I learnt the hard way with my own CL miki lee.

Lastly, take heart. Your CL is insensitive for the words she use but don't worry your bb will grow up with you alongside him /her and there will be many more wonderful (and frustrating) memories to cherish. Trust me, there will come a time your bb will be so attached to you, you will wish you could get some breathers!
I am feeling super depressed and sad now. Just now my girl was crying. I carried her and she continued to cry but the moment my CL carried her, she stopped crying immediately. Then my CL said she knows how to recognise people already and I thought she was only making me feel worse. What should I do? How can I correct this now? I don't like this feeling and frankly speaking, I don't like my girl to be too attached to my CL because the moment she leaves, I'll be in deep trouble if she is too attached to her. I still latch my girl but only latch during certain time during the day because I realise the cons of having a CL is that they don't usually like babies to cry. So they will tend to feed them to their fullest in order to keep babies quiet for a few hours. I notice my CL will always try to "snatch" my girl away from me the moment she cries, especially when I'm latching and she will always ask if my girl is suckling. I feel like telling her that I will just hire her for 1 month. Honestly, right from the start, I did not want a CL because I know this will kind of happen.

I was same situation with u when I was latching my boy then after awhile he keep crying then the cl was at my doorway waiting to carry the boy out for feeding thus makes mi feel so stress that I can't calm the bb down to latch on ever since than my boy is on half half.
For recognise ppl wise towards the last 2 weeks of confinement I try to hands on by feeding bb n change diaper during the night so everything still ok if not when my boy cry I also can't calm him down haha u can try to hands on first by feeding the bb. I latch my boy first if he still cry than I make FM for him to drink. As long as u still latch ur bb he or she will still recognise u.

One more thing, babies drink and cry more (well mine did!) during growth spurts so you need to roughly know when to expect that and not be too distraught about it. I know coz I was highly distraught when my first one cried but 2nd round I learnt to chill. Much better for my own mental health!
