(2014) ivf mummies support group

Tom yum sounds so nice! My beanie confirm likes sour stuff. Hahaha! Today lunch is fillet o fish. Could finish 3/4 of the burger. Amazing!

LynnCandy, glad to hear that your beanie is ok! It is so amazing to hear your beanie stories. Me going private gynae next Mon. Hopefully can see clearer image of beanie! And maybe he can give me a wave. Hahaha!

hahaha. circle good to hear you almost done with 1 burger yourself. try the thai clear tom yum. personally i find it sourish more to spicy. nice. remmeber to tell the doc about your beanie cause i think they really can hear us. see the moment lynncandy ask whether if beanie can somersault her beanie started looking at screen...

yoursfaithfully, the mini steamboat can chose seafood, chicken or beef and the choice of soup. think got normal soup to chose from too.

lynn dont think we can eat chendol now so must forgo that. for phat thai can...hehehe fix a date to thai express soon ladies.

hang on hang on....its almost weekend....
Tom yum sounds so nice! My beanie confirm likes sour stuff. Hahaha! Today lunch is fillet o fish. Could finish 3/4 of the burger. Amazing!

LynnCandy, glad to hear that your beanie is ok! It is so amazing to hear your beanie stories. Me going private gynae next Mon. Hopefully can see clearer image of beanie! And maybe he can give me a wave. Hahaha!

Jiayou and eat more !
Yue maybe u vomit due to sick. I also vomited weeks back terribly i thought it's the start of the morning sickness but lucky it's just mild food poisoning I concluded. Lucky nothing serious. And I am ms free ever since. In fact non to begin with.

LynnCandy hope you get to see gynae and have an ease of mind. Keep us updated.

Faithfullyyours guess where m I now. Thai express having mini steamboat lol. Walk pass and remember what you say the other day so here I am coming in to try. I chose the clear tom yum soup.

Kitkats and circle I feel sharing the preg news is really a happy thing. But maybe I fear somehow and so since come so far wait another 2 weeks before I announced.

Yue, my MS only started like last week. But I don't vomit out anything. Mine usually happens in the night when I want to sleep.

Will monitor to see whether is ms or one of thing. Whatever, endure. Most important safe & smooth pregnancy for all of us.

@LynnCandy, did u ask doc abt the use of skincare products?
I'm now at Chinatown, accompanying DH to his office. Didn't get to go to Bukit Panjang to eat my mini steamboat. Ate economic rice instead at one of the food court near my place. Ordered long beans, steamed egg and diced chicken and finished 1/4 of all these.
Tom yum sounds so nice! My beanie confirm likes sour stuff. Hahaha! Today lunch is fillet o fish. Could finish 3/4 of the burger. Amazing!

LynnCandy, glad to hear that your beanie is ok! It is so amazing to hear your beanie stories. Me going private gynae next Mon. Hopefully can see clearer image of beanie! And maybe he can give me a wave. Hahaha!
Circle, private like Thomson so far we went the machine and service is so good. Doc talk to you while screening and explain to which is Leg, hand & etc. Then slowly you can see beanie if sleeping or moving. Unlike amc, scan they click click the computer then never tell you what then chop chop measure then done and sometimes very rough. Really Sian one pay and don't really know what you are scanning at amc. Beanie might give a wave like mine is taking selfie at any position. Turn and turn to make sure it's being selfie even doc change side to scan.
yue, I am too into looking at Beanie and ask on my condition until forgot to ask on the product. Is ok tomorrow I am seeing Dr S and shall ask her. I forgot I still got a blood count test which Dr S needs to review tomorrow.
Circle, private like Thomson so far we went the machine and service is so good. Doc talk to you while screening and explain to which is Leg, hand & etc. Then slowly you can see beanie if sleeping or moving. Unlike amc, scan they click click the computer then never tell you what then chop chop measure then done and sometimes very rough. Really Sian one pay and don't really know what you are scanning at amc. Beanie might give a wave like mine is taking selfie at any position. Turn and turn to make sure it's being selfie even doc change side to scan.
yue, I am too into looking at Beanie and ask on my condition until forgot to ask on the product. Is ok tomorrow I am seeing Dr S and shall ask her. I forgot I still got a blood count test which Dr S needs to review tomorrow.
Yah i also feel kkh service super lack lustre. I always feel so lost inside. Dunno what I am looking at. As if it is mainly for them to see. Don't feel involved in process.
Chinatown got the nice desserts. Walnut or peanut or almond or black sesame cream yum yum.

I always go to 甜品屋 for dessert at People's Park Complex. It's opened by DH's friend.

Ah I don't eat all sorts of nuts so walnut, peanut, almond all no no. Especially almond. Can't stand the taste and smell. I also don't eat pork or any cooked meat that is in grey colour.
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I always go to 甜品屋 for dessert at People's Park Complex. It's opened by DH's friend.

Ah I don't eat all sorts of nuts so walnut, peanut, almond all no no. Especially almond. Can't stand the taste and smell. I also don't eat pork or any cooked meat that is in grey colour.
Haha I also don't take pork and mutton even before preggy. Is it only preggy you don't take pork or even before preggy?
Wooh.. You don't take nuts. Hehe ok that's is my fav desserts.
Haha I also don't take pork and mutton even before preggy. Is it only preggy you don't take pork or even before preggy?
Wooh.. You don't take nuts. Hehe ok that's is my fav desserts.

Oops It's 甜品屋 at People's Park Centre, opposite Chinatown Point. Not People's Park Complex. Always get mixed up by these 2.

Yup I don't eat pork and mutton before pregnant. When I was younger, I did eat pork then when I was in my twenties, one fine day, I just suddenly stopped eating pork but I do eat pig liver, which many find it puzzling. As for mutton, no mutton at all unless in the form of satay.

Yah lor I don't take nuts even green beans and red beans. So can you imagine when Dr Zou said must drink red bean soup during stimulation to improve lining, I was forcing myself to drink it everyday? But all are worth it! :)
So what is for dinner everyone? Today I feel like eating porridge and has asked dh to buy porridge with egg. Dh said the shop won't sell us just porridge cook with one egg must add meat like chicken or fish. Oops so later I hope I can swallow the porridge. Desserts I ask him buy peanut cream.
Circle, think your beanie loves fillet that's why can eat.
Had half pack of instant noodles this morning 10+ then some wholemeal bread in afternoon. Wanted wait for dh to tapao dinner, he said he dun know wat time home, my stomach growl until I want faint n no choice I can only made instant kuay chap for time being. I dun want walk to market buy food, try bedrest as much as possible lor.
When comes to work, dh can forget abt food n my in laws knew I discharge but didn't volunteer to buy food for me leh... I no St thick skin ask them to buy for me...
Plus raining now can't order mac too
Oh I didn know raining mac don't do delivery. Endure dolly gal. Hope yr dh finish work soon.

After 3 days of dragon fruit I am shitting finally after 5 days. So shiok!

I dabao mix rice back for dinner. Extra add curry chicken cause I want to drown my rice with curry. Washing my clothes tonight too the laundry basket is full.

I don't eat mutton as well only in form satay I eat cause no smell. Any sorts of mutton preparation I cannot take it. I super love pork. Esp pork belly and pork lard. I'm super unhealthy I know lol. Chicken wise can only take thighs no breast. Fish I ok ok only can eat can don't eat.

This two days been craving for steak actually. The other day just ate medium well rib eye but still got a bit bloody but I just eat.
Haha my laundry basket also full. Just wash some clothing with hand and put into the machine. Mix rice with curry also not bad.
Dolly at least you eat some food first while waiting for your dh. Maybe stock up some food tomorrow for standby.
I just had porridge and almond cream.
Oh ya talking about desserts I like the seasme cream, peanut cream or walnut also ok but no almond for me. I also cannot stand almond smell for desserts but I love almond nuts. I finish my packet of rice super full now.
I have got to eat nuts cream or red bean, milk, cheese, soya milk to get nutrition as I am in vegetarian diet. Haha don't know when then beanie will allow me to eat meat back.
Haha after your dinner can start laundry and watch tv then relax. I think this year I will fully use finish my mc for work. Faint.
Anyone crave to eat Korean BBQ pork? Kuey teow? Satay? Omg.. I very crave after bfp !

Iwantahealthbaby, u really crave curry & Tom yum!!! I not to touch yet, worry tummy cannot take it....
Btw, my fren said if crave for meat , bb is boy...
My sil crave for nasi lemak & bb is girl... :) don't know true or not.....
Anyone crave to eat Korean BBQ pork? Kuey teow? Satay? Omg.. I very crave after bfp !

Iwantahealthbaby, u really crave curry & Tom yum!!! I not to touch yet, worry tummy cannot take it....
Btw, my fren said if crave for meat , bb is boy...
My sil crave for nasi lemak & bb is girl... :) don't know true or not.....
I become a vegetarian so does it mean a girl too?
I had a major dinner this week with roast pig, roast duck, scallops with asparagus.. The roast pig was sooo good!
Snoopy I am a meat lover before I bfp. I also love veg. No special craving in fact I just eat what I usually eat. For me I am 重口味 and a spice lover so I always love curry and tomyum. Anything spicy and sour and gravy. Muahaha.

I hope I got boy girl twin then perfect story le. But don't dare ask so much so only pray for beanies healthy growth in tummy.
Angry leh ask him tapao dinner, not only he didn't call wat I want to eat, he came home empty handed n still ask u still want to eat... wth.. if really wait for him, really starve to death.
Super mei you xin n mil just call how got food.. wait until end of the day then ask got food to eat or not..
Best part dh sat down look at me n say ooo ur face round liao..
Angry leh ask him tapao dinner, not only he didn't call wat I want to eat, he came home empty handed n still ask u still want to eat... wth.. if really wait for him, really starve to death.
Super mei you xin n mil just call how got food.. wait until end of the day then ask got food to eat or not..
Best part dh sat down look at me n say ooo ur face round liao..
Oh man! Men and their work. Haiz.... Breathe breathe, don't angry don't angry!
Just now one of my primary school classmates announced in our primary school class whatsapp group chat that his wife is expecting #2 and she is only 5 weeks. Really not pantang about it. Then 2 classmates announced at the same time that they are going to be due in Aug. At that instant, I had the urge to announce too but I refrained from doing it because i pantang. After that, I commented on the jubilee gift for next year, then all the arrows came to me. Haha!
So dolly in the end no dinner? You should hit his backside man.
Faithfullyyours, haha endure endure if patang. Your week 12 over will be mid may? Mine is next next week will be my week 13. So enduring. I will only feel a bit peace of mind after the oscar review in week 14. Endure endure..
Morning everyone, I cook egg with melted cheese with bbq sauce in a wholemeal bread burger bun for Breakfast. Cook for dh for his lunch to bring for work.
Gd morning ladies. Dolly gal I hate ironing too. Super super hate. My clothes has been hanging there waiting to iron for 3 weeks lol and still not done. So in end did you manage to eat something yesterday? Totally understand your fustration it's like double combo - dh didn buy and the mil also extra call late at night ask how got eat anot. Haiz. I am the one dabao food yesterday back for dh instead as I went kopi after my dinner with friend.

LynnCandy melted cheese on eggs sounds shiok. I used to prepare that too I make thick luncheon meat then egg and cheese but I now staying out bread as I got phobia already. Think tww eat too much white bread now cannot take it anymore. So are you on yr way to kkh now? Let's see how diff amc clinic is from yesterday your Thomson clinic. See today able see beanie selfie or somersault anot.

Yoursfaithfully ever since I eat the thai express yesterday i keep craving for it. So tempted to go again today but hahaha. ...... ooooo should I should I not.

It's Friday :) weekend is here folks.
Tomorrow I have full day outside. Going orchard with dh eat and shop and buy stuff then night going dinner with family. Sunday activities are full as well. Planning lunch with gfs. Gosh I seriously don't feel preg with all the meetings and outings except for rounder tummy. Hope beanies only become stronger with active mummy hehe.
This egg sandwich is making me hungry man.


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So dolly in the end no dinner? You should hit his backside man.
Faithfullyyours, haha endure endure if patang. Your week 12 over will be mid may? Mine is next next week will be my week 13. So enduring. I will only feel a bit peace of mind after the oscar review in week 14. Endure endure..
Morning everyone, I cook egg with melted cheese with bbq sauce in a wholemeal bread burger bun for Breakfast. Cook for dh for his lunch to bring for work.

Yes I will endure. Week 12 is in mid May. I think I will only announce after the Oscar scan on 14 May.

Gd morning ladies. Dolly gal I hate ironing too. Super super hate. My clothes has been hanging there waiting to iron for 3 weeks lol and still not done. So in end did you manage to eat something yesterday? Totally understand your fustration it's like double combo - dh didn buy and the mil also extra call late at night ask how got eat anot. Haiz. I am the one dabao food yesterday back for dh instead as I went kopi after my dinner with friend.

LynnCandy melted cheese on eggs sounds shiok. I used to prepare that too I make thick luncheon meat then egg and cheese but I now staying out bread as I got phobia already. Think tww eat too much white bread now cannot take it anymore. So are you on yr way to kkh now? Let's see how diff amc clinic is from yesterday your Thomson clinic. See today able see beanie selfie or somersault anot.

Yoursfaithfully ever since I eat the thai express yesterday i keep craving for it. So tempted to go again today but hahaha. ...... ooooo should I should I not.

It's Friday :) weekend is here folks.
Tomorrow I have full day outside. Going orchard with dh eat and shop and buy stuff then night going dinner with family. Sunday activities are full as well. Planning lunch with gfs. Gosh I seriously don't feel preg with all the meetings and outings except for rounder tummy. Hope beanies only become stronger with active mummy hehe.

Hehe! The soup is very nice right? :)
Yup no extra eating after my instant kuay chap.. gg back for gynae review at 11 n told myself I must have a good lunch later... finally friday.. still got a week more to go n back to work
Yup no extra eating after my instant kuay chap.. gg back for gynae review at 11 n told myself I must have a good lunch later... finally friday.. still got a week more to go n back to work
Enjoy the time off girl! Go indulge in Japanese yakitori. There are always options for grilled veggies and meats
today is a happy day for dolly and lynncandy cause can see beanie.....keep us updated on the progress ya. yes and please have a great lunch after all its friday.

yes the sourish taste is still lingering in my taste buds faithfullyours...got a feeling i really might scumble to the crave later again....oooooooo......

this morning i ate a red bean paste pau and soya milk. bought curry puff to office as snacks later if i hungry. no mood no mood no mood to work...
Iwantahealthybaby, the picture you had is quite similar to the breakfast I cook just that the egg is fully cooked and no veg with melted cheese + bbq/mayo sauce.
Haha guess what ladies, I overslept just wake up and eating my breakfast which I cooked in the morning. Think Beanie wants me to sleep more haha.
I think today I will be late to go kkh.
i think cause you given up on the amc machine and since yesterday already selfie with beanie today checkup is extra only. what time is your aptm anyway.
My appointment is 12pm.. Don't know why I am so tired and lazy today. Don't feel like getting up and now laying on the sofa after breakfast. Jialat.. I am thinking of lunch now. . Maybe Eat delifrance or any suggestion. Maybe packet mr bean good tea haha.
At clinic still waiting for my turn. Just took weight measurement, drop from 58.5 to 56. N y my dh said I face round... weird...
At clinic still waiting for my turn. Just took weight measurement, drop from 58.5 to 56. N y my dh said I face round... weird...
Maybe At night can't see clearly so anyhow say. .
I just reach kkh, thanks God manage to find a parking lot. Don't know why my head is very pain is like sleep too much the pain. Feel like want to puke the feeling. Don't tell my my ms starts now at week 11.
Just finished review. Beanie doing well..it has grown from 2.15cm to 2.52cm within 2 days..will b back again next Friday to review just to make sure clots no more
Haha my scan in doctor's room so only doc can see beanie. She said beanie is fine that's all. I got my blood count result everything was healthy. Graduated from kkh today.
nice to hear both doing well. lynncandy your aptm at 12 and u finish seeing dr s already? congrats no more kkh for u. hahaha no need go amc anymore.

dolly gal how many weeks are you at now? beanie growing every day...hahaha sometimes different place weighing machine gives different weight.

my last scan at week 11, 0 day, beanies are 4.53cm and 4.11cm. wonder during oscar scan how much they grow...i am waiting for lunch too...

Alamak I forgot to ask about the product again. Anyway I am going vivo with my mum later and will go and ask. I can't think of what to eat. Ya loh I reach then my turn to see Dr S already and chop chop scan, review then done. Now collection multi vit at pharmacy.
Any senior sisters know if ms will start approaching 2nd trimester. I am feeling sick like want to puke.
