(2014) ivf mummies support group

I am admitted at glene now for my cerclage.

The last few days was hving stonger cramps and pressure on uterus. My doc says dun wanna take chance and admitted me for cerclage. Somemore my hubby not in town. Told him and he rush back. But not in time but maybe when i wake up he will be here.

Now lying on bed waiting for nurse to push me into theatre.. i just pray bb n myself will be fine.. feel so scared and nervous

I am admitted at glene now for my cerclage.

The last few days was hving stonger cramps and pressure on uterus. My doc says dun wanna take chance and admitted me for cerclage. Somemore my hubby not in town. Told him and he rush back. But not in time but maybe when i wake up he will be here.

Now lying on bed waiting for nurse to push me into theatre.. i just pray bb n myself will be fine.. feel so scared and nervous
Mschar, hope everything is ok with you!!!! hang in there! Jia you jia you!
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Ladies something to share with u :)

So did kitkats bought anything yesterday? Hehe. Theme blue theme blue stuffs.

Time should pass fast today since I reach office late. Now gg 11am already happy happy. Before my seat are warm I going for lunch again haha. Hope later half also fast fast pass by.

I think beanies usually will move around. My upper right twin b during cardiac scan seems to move down also cause I heard the doc say both twins are in low position. But no doc mention any problem to me on beanies position yet. Yesterday night dh put his palm on my tummy and he can feel beanies kick :) he keep saying so amazing cannot wait to see them.
So nice! My hubby was bored after 10mins during the detailed scan. After that, he just kept playing with his phone.

FYI - I asked my sonographer if can take photo or video. She says it is not allowed.

Anyway, today my tummy got the blue - black feeling that you all are talking about.. i didn't feel pain during the scan. But woke up today and the lower tummy feels blue black. Hahaha!
Hello everyone, I just reached office after travelling to site this morning. This afternoon got to go site again. iwantahealthybaby, I got leaflet from the baby fair that day, but see mainly are China lady, very scare don't know if the massage can make it a not leh.

Btw, kitkats which month your brother is getting marry? My brother is getting marry in Oct and I have bought this dress from asos see nice anot? http://www.asos.com//Asos-Maternity...t-And-V-Back/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=3416954

My mum is very funny, she talked to beanie that day saying please don't come out in Oct, you better be inside your mummy's stomach until your uncle's wedding is over. Otherwise nobody to take care of you as grandparents need to fly to oversea for my brother's wedding.

My dh has been calling beanie's name lol. Btw I touch my tummy can feel the kick yet. I can feel the kick inside but not outside the tummy when touch.

Today I packet Nasi Lemak to office and plan to lunch in. Very lazy to go out for lunch due to the weather. Tomorrow I will be sending my car for servicing, cannot imagine no car for one day with a beanie inside me hahaha..
I am admitted at glene now for my cerclage.

The last few days was hving stonger cramps and pressure on uterus. My doc says dun wanna take chance and admitted me for cerclage. Somemore my hubby not in town. Told him and he rush back. But not in time but maybe when i wake up he will be here.

Now lying on bed waiting for nurse to push me into theatre.. i just pray bb n myself will be fine.. feel so scared and nervous
Oh you take care, hope everything will be fine with you. Do update us sisters here...
Thanks all... will update u ladies here...stay strong everyone. Lying down and keep hearing newborns' cries as i am in maternity ward. I just pray my surgery will be safe n smooth and i will get to hear the cries and wails of my bb this dec too...
Kitkats bro also getting married this year? Mine too! But should be quite safe for me. Wedding also overseas in US in end sept. Then he will be back for holidays for 1 week in early Oct.

I can't see ur link leh. Says asos mobile down. Later then see again.

My mom very worried that beanie is girl cos of my mil. I totally don't care. If mil don't like girls then don't look after my baby lor. I not forcing her too. To me, beanie is safe, strong, stable, healthy and happy can liaoz. U got an issue with my beanie then u can just bo chup us one. Hahaha!

Think my parents are overly worried cos I totally bo chup about it. It is really not impt.

I also cannot feel kick from outside. Poss will take a more weeks. Kicks inside also depends. Not always can feel...
Circle so are you flying to US? Haha my brother also staying oversea but will have one wedding here and over there. Oversea one I sure cannot go as it is Oct can deliver anytime haha. That time I heard kitkats' brother also getting marry this year. The dress later you use computer see nice a not. Kitkats you bought your dress already for the wedding? Iwantahealthybaby got 2 dresses for wedding already? Very hard to find nice wedding maternity dress with nice color. That day I bought the dress at asos then they refund me money saying sold out. Yesterday I click saw the dress available again so faster buy, hopefully don't sold out again and refund me money. Our theme is pink so the mummy also want to wear pink haha.
I just wake up after my breakfast. Weather good so dose off again.

Circle, u look great too! Dr tan did told me that my placenta is low after the scan yesterday. I still waited half hr for him but is consider fast yesterday.

Iwantahealthybaby , I bought another 6 sleep suit for beanie at mothercare yesterday. Can't resist buying lah... Haha

Lyncandy, bro wed in sep. U got very nice dress. I haven't buy my dress yet, will have to start looking soon.

Mschar, pray smooth op for u. Take care!
Circle, as long as beanie is healthy girl also does not matter. Your mil slowly see the baby so cute sure will want to sayang one la. So don't worry.
Dolly, are you feeling better today?
Hi the rest of the sisters long time never hear from you.
I just wake up after my breakfast. Weather good so dose off again.

Circle, u look great too! Dr tan did told me that my placenta is low after the scan yesterday. I still waited half hr for him but is consider fast yesterday.

Iwantahealthybaby , I bought another 6 sleep suit for beanie at mothercare yesterday. Can't resist buying lah... Haha

Lyncandy, bro wed in sep. U got very nice dress. I haven't buy my dress yet, will have to start looking soon.

Mschar, pray smooth op for u. Take care!
Aiyah, mine is make up la. Cos morning at work mah.. so basic stuff like foundation, blusher and eyeliner must put. I try to avoid lipsticks tho so my make up is like incomplete look. Hahaha!

I not going to US for the wedding. Would be too long distance and a little dangerous for me. I asked my private gynae. He says can go, provided he sits in the same flight as me. Hahaha!

Me haven look for dress yet but mine only tea ceremony so shouldn't be a big prob.

Actually I heard the sonographer says placenta a little low but dr tan says ok.
This dress can wear to work and for wedding http://www.asos.com/ASOS-Maternity/...=1465&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=204&sort=3&clr=Black
Hmm.. If I happen to see anymore nice dresses let you all know. Btw what colour are you all looking for? no black?
The weather is making me sleepy. Iwantahealthybaby, out for lunch already is it?
Circle, yesterday where did you had your marche? I ever tried vivo outlet before not so nice leh. I think 313 one is nicer. I shall plan to go this weekend hahaha.
Hahaha! Our dinner was super fast at 313. We parked at 515pm and left the building by 555pm. Cos it was $2.14 for 1st hour and $4.815 after 6pm.

So we gave up desserts and decided to go home. Hahaha!
Me poss gonna let my parents buy the baby clothes. They going for wedding and will be making a trip to outlets. So gonna ask them to buy from oshgosh, gap, polo ralph etc. It is really cheaper at outlets. I rem buying clothes for 1-4usd at oshgosh. Hahaha!
whao so many messages. i havent go lunch still full and yes the weather is making me lazy. i also prefer 313 marche cause bigger. vivo one so small only.

mschar take care of yourself everything will be fine at least once you out of ot and dh beside you another worry gone. operation done and you probably wont need bed rest all the way till birth already right? the doc must be experienced enough so dont worry much. we keep u in our prayers too.

lynncandy my wedding dress is super casusal lol. i bought cotton material de. cause main is to wear weekend care free type. its really like a normal plain dress intend to accessories with necklace etc. haha i saw your this romper too from carter but didn order as i have a lot of rompers for bb already. in fact they got a twin romper very cute but one dont have the size i want so i forgo the purchase. i am waiting for my carters and osh clothes to reach me too wonder when. order last week. spent close to $80+ before freight. freight will know when cargo reach sg. hope all can be less than $100.

kitkats happy shopping dont stop. its the happiest time to spend money :) anyway detail scan over can start cheong already. just enjoy burning the pockets.

oh ya ladies i also cannot feel the movement outside tummy. i can only feel inside so when dh yesterday say can feel i say dont bluff hahaha then he say yes really and he guide my hand and press on my tummy and indeed i feel a kick hahaha. dh tell me u cannot only rest your palm on tummy you think what cause bb is cover in a layer of protection you must put some slight pressure press down then can feel. sound experience huh hahaha. but really can feel when you press some pressure. i did it when i was lying down on bed so you girls can try tonight.

dolly feeling better today?

ok after i sent this msg i shall head for lunch...dont know what to eat thou...
Circle so good. I miss USA... Haha.. For me, I must get ready all the clothing in Sep. Carter's got so many nice clothing, so tempted to buy everything haha.
Ya man, we should meet and go marche. Book one table for all the mummies-to-be. Furthermore very easy for us to meet as see big tummy sure is one of us hahaah..

iwantahealthybaby, really press press the tummy can feel meh?
Btw your baby normally what time starts kicking. I notice mine really USA timing, only starts the power at 4pm till the timing before I sleep..
Iwantahealthybaby, our honeymoon period is going to be over in a month time. Faster enjoy this period as 3rd trimester will be super tried.
Wah. . Actually early Sep is mooncake festive. I just remember I ate mooncake like a few months ago The feeling.
i didn keep track what time they start kicking. i also dont know is only 1 kicking or both cause i cannot really feel very far apart distance so dont know coming from same baby or diff. yesterday i can feel more of beanies movement starting from 7pm to 10pm while i sit and eat and chat with friend over dinner. then back home when lying on bed dh talk to them and press tummy can feel movement too that was around 12am. hahaha but movement not as much. probably 1 sleeping already. this morning since i reach office while sitting on chair on off on off i felt some movement inside. i guess they are turning themselves so can feel. yes must exert some strength on tummy with your hands then can feel the movement like how when they scan your tummy during scan. if you just soso touch touch u cannot feel from outside. have fun. its amazing hahaha. only bad is i cannot out own ears on tummy and hear them..dh say he can hear sounds inside probably when they move dont know how true. not to much mooncake please very sweet huh....but i like the one with egg yolk....i prefer traditional one rather than the snow sking type. those crispy yam type also shiok!

i think as you approach weeks further you feel more and more movements...i also heard 3rd trim will be super tired for me especially the weight for two babies inside sure to make me walk like duck slow and bulky.....i cannot imagine how big my stomach can go....anyway any of u all here going to take pregnancy photoshot? i am interested but i think i probably save the money to take after babies come out..with them like better but then dont know if they can cooperate during the shot.
im so tempted to get more clothes tempted to log in asos/qo10 for maternity and see where got nice bb clothes but i think really enough bb clothes for time being but just cannot control...my budget for asos is try to get per piece below 40bucks, anything above i will not see. unless really see one i super like....actually i saw one i like in qo10 but not really maternity just that in come in size xxl to 5xxxl type so i thought can get big big size for maternity but not sure cutting at tummy how lol.
Hi Ladies, any of u ordered diapers from supe*mom baza*r? I just ordered 4 packs of NB.. Price increased as compared to yesterday.
Hi Ladies, any of u ordered diapers from supe*mom baza*r? I just ordered 4 packs of NB.. Price increased as compared to yesterday.
Me possibly buy 1 pack first closer to delivery date. Some say don't store diapers for too long. Will lose their absorbancy cos it is sucking moisture daily. Dunno how true la.

anyway I scared beanie fussy over diaper so buy 1 pack to try first. Can accept then buy more.
Me possibly buy 1 pack first closer to delivery date. Some say don't store diapers for too long. Will lose their absorbancy cos it is sucking moisture daily. Dunno how true la.

anyway I scared beanie fussy over diaper so buy 1 pack to try first. Can accept then buy more.
Oic not gg to open the pack mb place a dehumidifier next to the storage just in case :D
So far so good for merries as nephew been using since born. Quality quite good so got offer just grab Haha.
Oic not gg to open the pack mb place a dehumidifier next to the storage just in case :D
So far so good for merries as nephew been using since born. Quality quite good so got offer just grab Haha.
Yah, that is possible. Got to keep it as dry as possible. Poss start beanie on mid range type and see how.
Nope haven't start ordering diapers but I do have a packet of huggies for newborn and just born so will try those see bb like anot before buying.

Qo10 sometimes got very cheap offer for pampers brand as well free can go c c.
Iwantahealthybaby, I am thinking of taking nice studio photo for my bb just like those photo in the I'm expecting apps. As I find they are so cute. So sleepy today don't know why. Cannot imagine reach 3rd trimester will be worst.
My mil going thailand soon so will ask her get baby clothing from there cheaper.
Diapers I plan to buy the pet pet brand to try. I heard huggies like not bad.
Btw I know I am a bit fast but I am looking at baby shower where can order mini cake box and venue for baby shower. Hmm.. I always see ppl give bengawan voucher or sweet moments. Any other nice one?
I can't find the link to order the merries... cherry, can u send or post here?
I received an email earlier that the deal is closed. Not sure if they will reopen for new orders. The price I bought were $1 higher compared to yesterday but still much cheaper than ntuc. Went in to sup*rmom website n the deal was removed. Merries were selling like hotcakes
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Cheerywalnuts, I am thinking of pine garden for 1st month. 9 slices of cake for 14.80. Their cakes are nice nice!

Our baby 1st month gonna clash with Xmas. Pocket burn big big man. Hahaha!
Cheerywalnuts, I am thinking of pine garden for 1st month. 9 slices of cake for 14.80. Their cakes are nice nice!

Our baby 1st month gonna clash with Xmas. Pocket burn big big man. Hahaha!
Pine garden are very nice too! Now a new outlet of nakhon just opened next to them ;)
I probably just stick to bengawan solo for the cake vouchers easier. Cos may have full month celebration at a cafe
The whole of last nite I wasn't able to log in until 5am but still can't find then I gave up...
I managed to login this morning but nv order... :( then price increased in afternn so just wack cos mum told me at least 2-3pks for each baby. Why merries cos bb skin very delicate when born so better to use a better brand to prevent rashes n leaks..
Circle I love pine garden cake. If not pregnant sure go for their lychee martini cake and other liquor cake yum yum.
Mine is neither side first grandchild but our first precious after so many years. I leave it to dh decide. We have too many frds n relatives to invite too. Headache
Lynncandy, u giving all ur guests the cakes or only close frens n relatives? Wah very shiong if give all. Mb those who attend the baby shower no need to give? Only those who unable to go baby shower then give vouchers?
Wow thanks cheery for sharing so I can get discount from ordering at sweet moments that will be great as I know their cakes are nice. The rest of the brands don't know nice a not.
Dolly, maybe at hotel too? Not expensive like maybe $40 per pax x 100 guests will be like 4k. I am saving my single bedded money for the shower. Lol. Oops..
Cheery think maybe all my guests will go. . Will check with hotel if they got give red eggs then see can save a not loh. It is my dh side first great grandchild. So really bo bian.
Oic then mb close frens n relatives then have to give? From what I know usually is given to relatives n frens who can't attend but cos they have given gifts so as a token of appreciation

Btw dun think hotel give red eggs free unless it's a package :D
Whao u girls are talking so far ahead. I only pray my Twinnies won't premmie too early if not cannot do full month. But I think I just order bengawan solo voucher too easy and relatives can chose what to redeem. Red eggs I will confirm order as I need to return Zhu sheng niang niang too for blessings me with twins. as got full mth if Twinnies are well we will hold a small scale thou dh Has a lot friends too. Maybe at chalet or our house pavilion or my parents place order catering. Shall see when nearer.

Mschar how are you out from ot? Rest well ya.

I had Prata for dinner two kosong one egg, bought back a big pkt of calbee hot spicy and seaweed to munch later while watching tv. Going stay home rest. I think I also getting sore throat soon but whack only.
Haha tonight got world cup maybe I might watch. Shall see how. Wow I very long time never eat prata. Shall go for it one day too.
Talk far then got goal ma. Don't want to think too much.
