Hi new here! Expecting my #3
Sweetmadness: I pm u for the Fb invite
Congrats! Can share more on dr benjamin tham..?yeah..... the $19.90 gadget bought from Guardian Pharmacy works well.
( I think its having promotion now... the clearblue digital test kit)
Pregnant : +3
so should be 5 weeks plus liao....
going Dr Benjamin Tham soon.
Can I join the secret fb group? [email protected]. Is preggie with #2 and likely due September. Actually conceived when i'm still breastfeeding my #1 who just turned 11mos. But oredi start to bfg only at night since 2 months back. Now stopped bfg for 4 days liao since I know I'm preggie. Went back to my gynae gleneagles Dr. LC Foong & done blood test. Progesterone level indicate Ard 4.5weeks preggie. Going back to scan btw 7 - 8 weeks for heartbeat scan.after going thru #1,there is so many growth milestones for the foetus. So hope all goes well!
he's like a kind hearted old man... (not that old actually..)Congrats! Can share more on dr benjamin tham..?
could the founder of the secret group, kindly explain?
whats this secret group about?
Can someone add me into the Facebook group too? Thanks! What would u need email?
Hi sweetmadness, can u add me too? [email protected]
edd 22 sep
Can add me on the fb group? [email protected]
Can add me on Facebook group ? My address is [email protected].
Oh.. Can add me too?? [email protected]
Hello all mummies to be! Or alr mummies!
I am only at week 7 and I am feeling horrible. From tiredness (sleep right after I come back from work) or poor appetite. I don't feel like puking but my stomach feels horrible after every meal.
It's so tiring I don't even have the energy to talk to my husband at night.
Anyone feeling the same way?
Sweet madness: can u add me? [email protected]
I am only seeing Gynae 2 weeks later end feb, could not get earlier slot. Abit worried cos it's based on hpt and bodily symptoms so far... Wanna see the heartbeat to be very sure.
Hello all.
Can I just find out how u all solve nausea problem. It's kinda killing me. I can't eat too much. But every time I am too hungry I finish up my food then regret.
Can we drink ginger tea to soothe the nausea?