(2014/08) August 2014

Last week at week 32, mine was very active but since I step into week 33 and her head down.. there is a drastic change which makes me super paranoid.. not kicking much but gentle move.. many hiccups. .

N recently my horsey is SOOOOOO active & strong that every moment he makes me uncomfoortable... no more gentle horse... its a wild horse now
Hi leanne, don't know if you believe in feng shui but according to fengshui master, horse born this year is wild horse. If born in the day, will have bad temper.
I think wild horse is correct bc my bb is oso doing all sorts of kicking in me. And he only starts his kicking at 11pm onwards! What a horsey bb.
You tried sleeping on left side? Not sure if this would help.
My best sleeping position is left side. Weirdest thing is I can walk to bedrm, lue dwn on my left and pant a little (harder breathing) I think probably my heart is trying to pump blood to every parts of my body.
I don't like the feeling of sleeping on my right. It feels weird inside.
Due to the constant left side sleeping, my tummy is slanted to the left. Gynae says bb back is leaning against my left side during scan.
Gynae asked me to buy some support pillow but I very frank type and told him I am not going to buy anything since its already last 2 mths. *waste $*
My bb loves to hiccups too.... can see hiccups movement on tumx2 sometimes.
Same here. .. And my baby has this consistent burping which is so disturbing when I'm trying to sleep. But my hubby say baby burping is good, he is practicing breathing.

yep. think I read somewhere that hiccups helps build the lungs.. last time my #1 can hiccup continuously for 20-30mins & his cries r super loud & powerful (even the nursery nurses also say)! #2 seem to be lesser comparatively, mabbe I'll get some peace this time. hahah.
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Last week at week 32, mine was very active but since I step into week 33 and her head down.. there is a drastic change which makes me super paranoid.. not kicking much but gentle move.. many hiccups. .

same same. lesser action this week. juz the occasional hard kicks & pushes. think not much space for bb to move liao. but as long got some movt, even juz hiccups, mean bb is doing fine. relax. :)
Hi leanne, don't know if you believe in feng shui but according to fengshui master, horse born this year is wild horse. If born in the day, will have bad temper.
I think wild horse is correct bc my bb is oso doing all sorts of kicking in me. And he only starts his kicking at 11pm onwards! What a horsey bb.

yeah I read abt the feng shui thing too. mine gonna be csect during noon time leh coz gynae only do planned op on sat afternoons. sigh........
I told gynae must be before sunrise or after sunset. Choose v early morning or evening. My gynae choose evening lo.

so good... my gynae muz follow her timing one leh.. usually she don't even do planned csect during wkends.. ur evening is what time ah? mabbe I'll try asking her again next visit. hahah.
I dun really care what time as long as sun sets. Gynae says prepare at 6pm slowly... so I dunno what time he planning to csect. He said sun sets at 7+pm though.
Same here. .. And my baby has this consistent burping which is so disturbing when I'm trying to sleep. But my hubby say baby burping is good, he is practicing breathing.
I also hate the regular burping haha... its more annoying than baby move for me.. lol...
Hi leanne, don't know if you believe in feng shui but according to fengshui master, horse born this year is wild horse. If born in the day, will have bad temper.
I think wild horse is correct bc my bb is oso doing all sorts of kicking in me. And he only starts his kicking at 11pm onwards! What a horsey bb.
Same! Movement is more at night.... i believe FS. I hope born at night then lol, be a obedient horse wahahaha...
Does anyone here experience pelvis pain now? How do you deal with it?
I am having such extreme pain at the front (where the pubic hair is growing) these two days that I having problem walking after sitting for too long......

Am going to see my gynae tomorrow but I scare he will just brush me off and say 'this is part of the pregnancy darling'. :(
Does anyone here experience pelvis pain now? How do you deal with it?
I am having such extreme pain at the front (where the pubic hair is growing) these two days that I having problem walking after sitting for too long......

Am going to see my gynae tomorrow but I scare he will just brush me off and say 'this is part of the pregnancy darling'. :(

I had this too occasionally. I just try to rest it off :). Think it's part of the package indeed.
@J.Lau - I'm used to it liao. Some exercises teach u to lie down, kiap a pillow between both knees and push towards each other. Otherwise, just keep feet as close as possible when walking, getting out of vehicle etc.
I'm not sure if it's my swimming or I'm used to the pain already, but its not bothered me that much now. Also can try a pelvic support belt.
Does anyone here experience pelvis pain now? How do you deal with it?
I am having such extreme pain at the front (where the pubic hair is growing) these two days that I having problem walking after sitting for too long......

Am going to see my gynae tomorrow but I scare he will just brush me off and say 'this is part of the pregnancy darling'. :(
I think this is part of the pacakage.. i hv been grumbling this to my gynae and she brush me aside too
Have u guys start pack ur bag n prepare bb stuffs. Seems like the days r drawing fast.
I wonder whose baby will come out on national day??
Does anyone here experience pelvis pain now? How do you deal with it?
I am having such extreme pain at the front (where the pubic hair is growing) these two days that I having problem walking after sitting for too long......

Am going to see my gynae tomorrow but I scare he will just brush me off and say 'this is part of the pregnancy darling'. :(

most likely that's what he's going to say. hahah. try wear a pregnancy support belt ba.

I'm waddling like a penguin/ duck too!
Does anyone here experience pelvis pain now? How do you deal with it?
I am having such extreme pain at the front (where the pubic hair is growing) these two days that I having problem walking after sitting for too long......

Am going to see my gynae tomorrow but I scare he will just brush me off and say 'this is part of the pregnancy darling'. :(
I'm having it since 4/5 months pregnant for both pregnancy. Asked gynae, he said normal.... zZZ
Btw, the pain will gone once we popped.
Me planning for national day too for elect c-sect. mine has been super active throughout the day but nighttime quite quiet . Hopefully after birth the same ahahaahaha
Hey mummies...

Was wondering if you're interested on placenta encapsulation? (Consume own placenta)
I read and realized consume own placenta will help on post natal blues n increase breast milk.. definitely improvement on complexion lah
Does anyone here experience pelvis pain now? How do you deal with it?
I am having such extreme pain at the front (where the pubic hair is growing) these two days that I having problem walking after sitting for too long......

Am going to see my gynae tomorrow but I scare he will just brush me off and say 'this is part of the pregnancy darling'. :(
Me too.... my ex csect scar is so itchy that I keep scratching. I thought bb is trying to break free.....my pain is only left lower ab.
Wow national day baby nice. Better still if u give birth nnthe fireworks jus nice starts. fire works will.prob start at 8pm onwards.
Thanks to all mummies who replied.
I guess there is nothing much we can do except to bear with it and walk like a penguin now :(

@your_attorney That is probably bcos of dryness tats why it gets itchy. U just need to apply more cream.
@queeensg I wish my hubby's is driving those SUV whereby I can just 'glide' in and out so I can keep both legs together when getting in or out but he have those sports seat whereby I can't do that :(
I went google and they say swimming will help but cannot swim breaststroke but that is the only stroke that I know... and as for the pelvis belt... left like 2 months leh... don't want to waste $ getting the belt liao then become white elephant :p
Hey mummies...

Was wondering if you're interested on placenta encapsulation? (Consume own placenta)
I read and realized consume own placenta will help on post natal blues n increase breast milk.. definitely improvement on complexion lah

Me! I think last Sunday, there was an article on The New Paper on this.
However I had this discussion with my gfs and they advised me not to because you wouldn't know exactly if the placenta is really yours or got mixed up with others...

Therefore after 2nd tots, I decided to give it a miss.
@joyctansg I think giving birth at the strike of 12mid-night is more meaningful. Too bad this year Singapore is 49 yrs old and not 50 yrs old. Otherwise it will be the jubilee baby and we will get the 'special' gold coin.
hmm... im oso quite concerned about the authenticity of the ones being sold in the spree?
Yeah I saw that post before also abit worried! Bt I thk the one at the SuperMom at aug should be an authorised dealer.. Let me go and ask them...
I did email the spreer, she only said some models have international warranty and she bot directly from Manduca and so far no complaints from her buyer though she said she do not want to vouch for authenticity:(

Did she say which models have international warranty? Cos' the ones sold in pupsik studio and kulily etc. have 3 yrs warranty if i remember correctly.
Ok once u gotten a reply from the one at Supermom, can share with us? Thanks! :p
Then at most ask hubby/family to go grab it if we've already delivered by then hehe.
Can ask frens to buy from US and ship over u ladies reckon?

Yeah i think that's possible, but since Manduca is a German brand and some models are made in Europe - probably will be even better if u ask frens to ship from Europe side?
I went Amazon US site to check - they only have ergobaby for free delivery to singapore, but not Manduca :(
But frens have been raving about Manduca, so would wanna get it to try
Yeah i think that's possible, but since Manduca is a German brand and some models are made in Europe - probably will be even better if u ask frens to ship from Europe side?
I went Amazon US site to check - they only have ergobaby for free delivery to singapore, but not Manduca :(
But frens have been raving about Manduca, so would wanna get it to try

Thanks girl, I realized I made a boo-boo as well. Thought everything come from US ha ha.
@J.Lau - I use a kick board and just kick away leh. Like floating like that.

I saw that agapebabies is having GSS promo now. Spend $200 and get $20 rebate voucher, or $10 off with UOB cards. What do you all think about buying the manduca from there?
Me! I think last Sunday, there was an article on The New Paper on this.
However I had this discussion with my gfs and they advised me not to because you wouldn't know exactly if the placenta is really yours or got mixed up with others...

Therefore after 2nd tots, I decided to give it a miss.

Yes my paper also advertise. Im still thinking...
Hey mummies...

Was wondering if you're interested on placenta encapsulation? (Consume own placenta)
I read and realized consume own placenta will help on post natal blues n increase breast milk.. definitely improvement on complexion lah
I will not be taking. Boost milk supply got other mtds. Post natal blues really depend on individual. I believe in not rejecting help when ppl offer. Lessen my wk load n make me feel more easy. If you want gd complexion etc, rest well during confinement. U want your pre preg body n shape back - exercise.
I will not be taking. Boost milk supply got other mtds. Post natal blues really depend on individual. I believe in not rejecting help when ppl offer. Lessen my wk load n make me feel more easy. If you want gd complexion etc, rest well during confinement. U want your pre preg body n shape back - exercise.

I oso won't be taking as I read somewhere that placenta is also an organ of exchange of toxins. I discussed w my gynae and he oso didn't recommend. I think up to individual lah :p.

I like the comment not to reject help when people offer :). Have always been an independent person but w pregnancy n childcare I realised any help oso good.
@J.Lau - haha!! So cute you. Less than $20 leh!! After giving birth also can use when swimming! Can pass to your baby next time haha

I wanted to get a maternity swimsuit like u oso but yesterday went arena they say they don't sell maternity ones. Aiyah ... I have a float really miss being in the water.
@Seaturtle actually my swimsuit is also not for maternity de. I just got myself a 2 pcs with a bigger size that's all.
I was so tempted to get a bikini but my hubby gave me the disapproving look
@Seaturtle actually my swimsuit is also not for maternity de. I just got myself a 2 pcs with a bigger size that's all.
I was so tempted to get a bikini but my hubby gave me the disapproving look

Ha ha I think my hubby will also give me disapproving look if too scanty. But if can buy two piece like urs and @queeensg then I think ok.

Float quite cheap really I think u shld just get n go ahead!
