(2014/01) January 2014

Thanks GBOB. I'm going to give up on my progestrone. Play dr. Since cannot see sac maybe start natural miscarriage better.

On mc right so I stay at home try to sleep, stop crying already. I just made home made pasta dough. Cook pasta for myself to eat. Don't feel like talking to anyone including my family.

Then hubby not around I just need to be strong loh

"Kan Kai"

Ill hang around here hope that all of u deliver a healthy baby. Don't want anyone to go through this kind of pain. My heart already very shattered already.

But well I'm enjoying my dinner
Oreo, bfp=big fat positive=pregnant=congrats! Lolx

Hopeful mum, I m not too good at consoling ppl. But u really think u wanna stop progesterone? Y dnt wan give yourself 1 more week time leh? But whatever your decision is, my heart is with u. N I m v v sure no one will dnt wan u around this thread ok. Just stay on ya. I'll stay on too. At most we two talk among ourselves lor! (No offence to other sisters here, I'm just kidding, I'm lame de) WAHAHAHAHAHA
Lol GBOB u are so cute.
Don't know leh if its meant to be no progestrone will still be okay. But not meant to be i dont want to hold back the miscarriagw. Ill still take folic that one to build up for next pregnancy. My birthday is June near Father's Day don't want to be bleeding then.
Ya lor hopeful mum. I'm with juju. I think la, u shd give your bud some faith n just continue the support. Don't want to force u la... It's entirely up to you to decide though I still strongly feel that u shdnt stop the progesterone
Juju u miscalculated for 3 weeks! Wow. But I very sure when I ovulated. And we only did it last time on 3rd may. Lol after that hubby away again. So unless my ovulation super late and still managed to catch it else really diff leh. I slowly begin to bleed Liao. So see how loh.
My LMP was 31 Mar, i shld be 8 wks now. But GS size is only 5wks. Gynae said i ovulated late.
Pls do bedrest and dun move unnecessarily
Okay. Lol I very noti. Cox I have been restraining myself for everything. Happy for u juju! At least now ur sac growing well. Sigh at 6w still see nothing not positive already. Plus we didn't do the deed so even ovulate late diff to catch eggy. Lol

Ill see how probably take one or two more times.
Pls continue ur progesterone till ur next visit. Do continue to talk to bb. I talk to it everyday, think it helps?
i do talk to baby.. but very discouraging talking to no sac. i just took my progesterone and other stuff dr say i can continue.
Jia yo hopeful mum. Pray hard hard n just continue to do whatever we can for the bud ya.... Me too trying to hold my chin up.
Shan, ya.. actually for Guys to ask about pai seh~
Think coz our tummy stretched before so will show earlier than previously...

Jia you~ let's all be strong... I can't wait to see my gynae next weekend, will be 6 weeks then, hope to hear heartbeat by then..
Hopeful mum & gbob, definitely we all will be glad that u ladies are still here. Do have a positive mind. Hope things will turn out well.

Hopeful mum, I also agree, don't stop.. Continue eating and hope for the best. Wish u and ur little one good luck!

Oreo, better not go for ur sundown.. U may strain urself without knowing. Better play safe. Waste that $ nvm la.. The little one is much more worth than that!
Hi juju and Gbob

my spotting is brown colour . Since I knew I'm pregnant . But during the first visit doc just advise me to eat dydrogesterone and folic acid . Next Wednesday then see him . I did blood test to check beta hcg too , but result I don't know yet .

I just relax and think positive ba . Maybe next week go gp take mc till I see my Gynea .

Thanks all of you ..
I'm trying to have positive tots too. My spotting also light brown n rather minimal... Only worry is I dnt have much symptoms anymore... Oh well, que sera sera
thx! i jus ordered 2 ctns for home delivery. simply love EYS during fairs, realli cheap!

Shirley and GBOB,
pls stay happy and rest well.
easy to say ya. i seem ok yet i still worry every day.
i rem someone is going to see a dr today. wishing u positive results with a healthy baby

im still not bleeding, must be the progesterone and the pregynl shot. not even spotting my brown..

sigh so fan... thinking of baking today. anyone wanna give me idea what to bake? thinking of chiffon cake, but very ma fan, hubby not at home to help me wash.
I feel very hurt when my close friend tells me to slp earlier from now on etc to be healthy. I am an night owl and have tried to be slping early. But because of my working hours sometimes just no choice got to slp late since I only reach home near midnight. It's like she seem to think its my habit that has caused my 3 mc. It's not. That's the reason why I didn't want to tell her. But the 3rd time I got no choice as I didn't make it to a friends baby shower last week since I was bleeding and not in the mood. I don't need her to understand how I feel but the last thing I need is ppl telling me what I should have done or do to make things work better for the next time. I already quit my job to make things work better. And I feel I have already done as much as I could. But when it doesn't work there is nothing I can make it work. Certain things are beyond my ctrl. I don't feel that it's me not doing enough. Those ppl who takes drugs etc also can have a healthy baby. After hearing what she says I feel very sad. Maybe I m just very emotional now since 90percent firm it's a gone case as no sac seen. But I'm not even spotting which gives me some hope. I think that's the last thing I need from a close friend.
Ya hopeful mum, hang in there ya! No spotting is good leh. Bake cup cakes? Banana cake? Walnut cake? Sponge cake? Lolx.... Me still spotting abit.... N I think the utrogestan is making me really really tired
Hopeful mum, sometimes even our best friends or closest next of kin wnt b able to understand our feelings. They r not us and they won't know what we went thru and yes, the last thing we need from them is to tell us wat we shd or shd not do cos that isn't gonna help in anyway but just think of it this way, ultimately they just meant well. So we just one ear in one ear out lor. I oso couldn't relate much to my bestie cos she can pop babies like nobody biz so she wnt apprehend how I feel. Big bear hugs to u ya.
Yea... Dun think abt wat she said. No one except us noe wat we go thru. Hug hug...

Try to rest more. I feel tired v easily too. Every nite muz slp alot more also still feel tired
Thanks GBOB. I know she meant well. She is like a sister to me. I guess it's also the hormones that got me worked up. U also rest more. But I do hear that utrogestan can make ppl spot also. Lol ya loh later I see what cakes to bake.
thanks juju. ya its a good sign to feel tired! lol meaning baby growing well

u all take care ah! i damm lazy but i need to find something to do to things off my mind.
Hi juju, thanks deary. I think I'm more tired than usual due to utrogestan n not cos of pregnancy. Can't really rest much cos I gotta go hospital visit my dad everyday. He had a fall n is now in hospital till he recovers. He's abit delirious now so cannot b discharged yet. But I will try to rest as much as possible.

Yo hopeful, mmmm.... Really meh? Utro can make ppl spot? I tot it is supposed to stop spotting? *confused
ya i read up a lot, they say could be due to some progesterone withdrawal symptoms. BUt i no dr so not sure also.. but it could also be after u insert, it irritates ur skin, so might cause spotting?

think this way, can calm your nerves a bit.

hope that ur dad is getting better daily.
then can discharge soon.
oh normally day i insert so wont feel sleepy. hmm but now i only take at night. hmm okay u hang in there, 4 more days to see dr
I may not c dr this wed cos I will only just nice b 6 weeks on wed. Dnt wan end up go there can't c anything like so waste money leh. Was thinking of gg to Prof mahesh on 13 June instead which I will b 7weeks plus....
GBOB, good also if u can wait. sometimes maybe longer the better. i too impatient already.
let me know the charges can after u see him?
i baked a chocolate chiffon cake today, success! and it yummy, too bad no want to share with me. hoping that hubby gets to come back by tues to eat it.

thanks gbob.

hope the rest of the ladies are enjoying a great weekend
Lol thanks GBOB. This time really quite yummy. Very happy with my baking yest.

I decided to go back to work tmr. My spotting really stops so I don't know what's going on. Stay at home also anyhow think might as well make myself useful.

How are u feeling today?
Me ah... Not too good leh. Woke up feeling moody n down cos neh neh totally no pain Liao. Symptoms gone for a week so feeling kinda upset. N when went pee wipe got mucus light brown discharge (sorry for tmi) in my heart I alrdy kinda know what is gg on n what will b the outcome but then I managed to psychoed myself to leave it to God's will n just accept whatever may b the outcome. Ultimately life still goes on right
GBOB, dont worry first. wait till next week when u see the prof at NUH. maybe everything turn out fine

i understand how u feel, coz im damm sian also. lol nothing is TMI here, since all mummies to be

im upset that my body is doing this to me. want to mc, then dont mc properly, let me wait and guess... torture me for 2 weeks liao then i very scared to go for D&C or even ectopic leh. dont want to lose a tube.

that time after D&C i puke and was just worn out.

anywan lets think happy thoughts

how are the rest of the ladies doing? Did you all go to the fair at Expo?
Hopeful mum, m feeling exactly the same way as u do. Hate that kind of feeling... Hate our bodies, wanna mc just come lah.... Y must torture us lidat! I think our bodies are kinda "retarded" lolx... Anyway ya, we shd think more happy tots. Take a step at a time. Dnt wan our negativity to affect other mtbs here. All other sisters here must b enjoying their beautiful Sunday... Those who went to the fair, alot of goodies to grab??
GBOB ya loh lol "retarded body"! lol

ya does the fair sell prams etc? that time i was checking what pram is good, i like the BUgaboo bee ! but very expensive. coz we drive a very small car and im very petite. So i think that one suitable for me.

lol if i found a sac and heartbeat on fri, i would have gone down straight to expo! lol

im a shopaholic, probably buy a lot of baby stuff! cant wait to have a baby and buy things for him/her.

if this dont work out, maybe go for ivf try and have twins. one boy one gal then im done!

Deary, I think la, if dnt work out u shd c prof mahesh first to find out cause of recurrent losses then proceed to IVF n have twins!! 龙凤胎!! Awesome! The bee pram, how much does it cost ah? Cos I saw one of my friend bought that for her son. She's known to splurge on luxuries de. She bought a baby cot for her son brand is dnt know simi "Leander". The cot so nice but sure super ex de!
i guess so, i must find out the reason if not keep recurring also very mentally tiring. nice hor twins, i always wanted twins lol! my maternal side got twins. they say skip generation, so its my generation loh. but too bad dont have it naturally leh.

okay that bee cost i tink in sg abt 1200 to 1300. but if can buy and ship back from usa abt 1K? then i saw some sprees on this board they selling abt abt that price - 1k. so ex hor, i still thinking. that day my hubby ask me " do u rem u sat on a pram when u were a kid?" i dnt leh! so he says whats the pt of getting something so ex. ur kid wont even rem whether it is comfy or not etc.

lol! so true hor, but try so hard liao sure overly sayang this kid one.. buy one good one can last till 2nd child also good mah.

can use up to abt 4years old, 15kg i tink.

very cool let can turn and face u very pretty. compatible with maxcosi and some other car seats also.
Deary, dnt worry. Ours will come! I'm sure. We don't give up n sure will succeed one day. Twins or not. Lolx. Fwah that pram so freaking ex man! My this friend rich la, teacher n hubby engineer. Can afford to splurge. Me cannot. Lolx. Your DH is right leh, abit waste money leh. Baby also wnt n cnt rem how comfy he or she is in the pram wor. I think most impt must b lightweighted lah

I just drop an email to enquire if I can go polyclinic get referral letter to pay subsidised fees if go see the prof mahesh. If can get subsidy then good. Can save some money. I saw the delivery package in nuh not cheap also. Lol.

I think very positive thinking this one haven't end already thinking of the next pregnancy Liao. Lol.
